Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 63 If ​​you don’t listen to Ran Ran’s words, you will suffer the consequences.

Chapter 63 If ​​you don’t listen to Ran Ran’s words, you will suffer the consequences.
"Everyone, I'm really sorry for my young master's willfulness." The guard said apologetically while supporting Min Shenxing, who had fainted.

"You take him back first!" Lu Qing said.


The guard responded and hurried down the mountain with Min Shenxing on his back.

The little girl shook her little head helplessly and curled her lips and said: "Obviously he is a coward, but he likes to challenge himself like this."

Xu Yan curled his lips and said, "I never expected that the Min family would produce such a coward."

Hearing this, Qing Lu glanced at Xu Yan faintly, as if to say, "Aren't you scared?"

Xu Yan understood immediately, cocked his neck and said arrogantly, "This young master is just cowardly in front of grandpa, and that's because he is my grandpa!"

Lu Qing shrugged and grinned at him, "Mr. Xu misunderstood. I was saying that there is a snake behind you, sticking out its tongue at you."

Xu Yan suddenly became excited and raised the dagger in his hand and swung it above his head.


This sword actually allowed him to directly kill a poisonous snake.

After killing it, he immediately took out the gallbladder of the poisonous snake cleanly and put it away in a small purse.

Seeing this, Lu Qing changed his view on Xu Yan.

I don't know if it was because he killed a snake. Gradually, more and more snakes came towards them. Listening to the "wispy" sound, they felt their scalp numb and their whole body felt cold.

"Why...why so many!" Xu Yan swallowed and said.

"More later!" Xiao Naituanzi said calmly.

"Ah?" Xu Yan said with a numb scalp, "Then when we finish killing this snake, it will be dark."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Xiao Naituanzi take out a few talisman papers, give one to each of Xu Yan and Lu Qing, "Put it on their foreheads."

Lu Qing reached out to take it, wiped some saliva on it without saying anything, and put the talisman on his forehead.

But in an instant, he disappeared from sight.

Xu Yan was startled, pointed in the direction of Lu Qing, and said in horror: "He, he, he..."

"Invisibility charm, if we put these snakes on it, we won't be able to see us." Xiao Nai Tuanzi explained.

Xu Yan was shocked. Without saying a word, the two of them followed Lu Qing's example before, smearing some saliva on one end of the talisman and then sticking it on their foreheads.

The little breasted dumpling was silently disgusted.

No need to wipe your saliva!

Dirty or not!

After the three of them put on the invisibility charm, Xiao Naituanzi said: "We have to find bamboo leaves, bungar snakes, heads and abdomen, and some poisonous insects and scorpions."

The two of them were shocked and said, "These are all poisons from the Poison King. Why are you looking for these?"

"Treat my fourth uncle's leg!" Ran Ran said.

"Treating legs with poison? What disease does your fourth uncle have?"

When Xu Yan heard that it was for treating illnesses, he immediately became interested.

Lu Qing explained: "My fourth master grew up in a military camp. Because of his good hearing, he became a small scout. Ten years ago, he and his third master went to Northern Xinjiang. You also know the weather in Northern Xinjiang. , which is frozen all year round.”

"My fourth grandfather was often unable to move for several hours under those conditions, and he developed serious leg problems."

"Then he didn't care about it, until six years ago, after the war, his legs were completely abandoned."

When Lu Qing talked about Xiao Jingzhe, his tone was full of deep admiration and regret.

Xu Yan was confused, "Isn't the fourth master of the Xiao family a military advisor? I heard that the battle with Northern Xinjiang six years ago was due to his improper command, and the third master Xiao had colluded with foreign enemies, so..."


Lu Qing glared at Xu Yan fiercely.Xu Yan pursed his lips slightly and apologized quietly.

In that battle, Mr. Xiao disappeared from the battlefield, and the Xiao family army suffered heavy losses.I heard that in the end, Fourth Master Xiao seemed to have gone crazy and took the remaining soldiers of the Xiao family to capture the prince of Northern Xinjiang. Only then did Northern Xinjiang and Da Zhou sign a century-old alliance.

After that, when he returned to the capital, Mr. Xiao was accused of collaborating with the enemy and treason, and the Duke of Zhenguo was imprisoned. If the fourth master of the Xiao family had not captured the prince of Northern Xinjiang alive and took the blame, everyone in the Xiao family would have been wiped out. .

But these are just rumors.

The real situation is unknown.

But Xu Yan would occasionally hear his grandfather sigh and regret the fate of the Zhenguo Palace.

"Ahem, I heard that my grandfather also looked at Fourth Master Xiao's legs before, but neither acupuncture nor medicinal stones could cure it. Sister Ranran, do you want to fight poison with poison by catching so many poisons?"

Xu Yan stood beside Xiao Naituanzi eagerly and asked.

Xiao Naituanzi glanced at Xu Yan and shook his little head, "Brother Yan, grandpa is right, you should learn the knowledge you have learned as soon as possible."

Xu Yan: "."

"If you don't tell me, don't tell me, you cheapskate!"

Lu Qing glanced at him, "My fourth master is not poisoned, so how can he fight fire with poison?"

Hearing this, Xiaonuituanzi gave Lu Qing a thumbs up.

Xu Yan: "."

He was actually humiliated by a layman. It seemed that he should learn it again after returning.

The three of them searched in the mountains and forests for two hours, and finally found all the poisons Ran Ran mentioned.

The three of them grabbed two sacks before stopping.

Seeing the sunset starting to appear in the sky, Xu Yan was a little reluctant. He had followed Xiao Naituanzi to pick purple soul grass.

As a result, not a single purple soul grass was seen.

Xiao Naituanzi glanced at Xu Yan and saw her drawing a few talismans in the air. The golden talismans flashed and a door visible to the naked eye appeared in front of them.

The little breasted dumpling said coolly: "Let's go, I will take you to the mountain."

With that said, Xiaonuituanzi pushed the stunned Xu Yan directly into the door.

Lu Qing followed closely behind.

When I opened my eyes again, it seemed like there was another world in front of me.

The surroundings are filled with clouds and smoke, and the ground is full of exotic flowers and plants, just like a fairyland.

Seeing everything in front of them, Xu Yan and Lu Qing almost dropped their jaws in shock.

The little breasted dumpling smiled, as if he had returned to his own home, running around happily.

"Brother Yan, there is a large piece of purple soul grass you want here, come and pick it!"

Xu Yan walked towards Xiao Naituanzi in a daze, as if he were a piece of carved wood.

When he saw the purple soul grass that looked like a weed in front of him, he pinched his thighs hard in excitement.


Xu Yan suddenly grimaced as the pain hit him.

"There are not enough here, there are more on the back of the mountain over there!" Xiao Nai Tuanzi said.

"Enough, enough, enough!" Xu Yan said while picking purple soul grass.

As for the piece in front of him, it would be great if he could finish it.

It’s all because the medicine basket and sack he held weren’t big enough!
Hey. That’s sloppy!
If you don't believe Ran Ranyan, you will suffer a loss in front of you.

(End of this chapter)

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