Xiao Jingyao and Li Qingqiu were talking to each other outside, while Xiao Naituanzi and Mo Heng went to Xiao Ning's place under the leadership of Xiao Xiaoyatou.

Seeing Xiao Ning lying completely on the bed, both father and daughter couldn't help but get excited.

It doesn't take long for their family of three to live happily together.

Xiao Naituanzi took out the compass and gathered Xiao Ning's soul together.

Mo Heng took out the soul-soothing jade from Xiao Ning's body.

The father and daughter divide the work and cooperate with each other very well.

After taking out the soul left in Xiao Ning's body, Mo Heng handed it into the hands of Xiao Nai Tuanzi.

Xiao Naituanzi used magic to fuse all of Xiao Ning's souls together.

Then it was injected into her body.

During the whole process, Xiaonuituanzi was extremely serious, and her little face was full of seriousness.

One after another, the talismans flew into Xiao Ning's body. It was not until two hours later that she breathed a sigh of relief and slowly put down her hand.


Xiaonuituanzi stepped forward, felt Xiao Ning's pulse, and grinned at Mo Heng.

"Daddy, it's done!"

Hearing this, Mo Heng hurried forward and felt Xiao Ning's pulse. His eyes were red with excitement, "That's great, that's great~"


The little breasted dumpling nodded his little head and smiled with his eyebrows crescent.

Although Xiao Ning had not yet woken up at this time, her pulse and consciousness were close to those of a normal person.

But it's not time to wake up yet.

Her three souls and six souls are really too weak, and they need to be nurtured properly.

After the three souls and six souls are nourished, you have to take pills to slowly get better.

The father and daughter had lunch with the old emperor in the palace, and then they left with Xiao Jingyao, Li Qingqiu and Xiao Ning back to Prince Qin's Mansion.

In the next few days, Xiao Nai Tuanzi concentrated on refining the elixir.

And Mo Heng stayed by Xiao Ning's side every day.

The rest of the Xiao family and Xuan Yin started to play in Kyoto, northern Xinjiang.

The weather was getting hotter and hotter, until in mid-June, when Mo Heng fed the last pill into Xiao Ning's mouth, Xiao Ning slowly opened her eyes.

At that time, everyone in the Xiao family was there.

"Wake up, wake up!"

Everyone was delighted.

Xiao Ning twisted her eyebrows and looked around at the person in front of her, her eyes full of confusion.


Mo Heng held her hand, looked at her affectionately, and his voice became choked when he spoke.


The little girl also called out loudly, her big clear eyes staring at Xiao Ning for a moment.

Xiao Ning looked at the little breast dumplings with a strange look.

But looking at Mo Heng, I felt a little familiar. I stared at his face for a long time, and then said: "You...are you Heng Lang?"

Xu hadn't spoken for a long time, her voice was hoarse and a little uncertain.

"Yes, it's me!" Mo Heng grabbed her hand, nodded vigorously, and then took Xiaotuanzi's hand and said, "This is our daughter, do you remember? Her name is Ran Ran!"

"Ran... Ran Ran...?"

Xiao Ning's eyes slowly looked at Xiaotuanzi, smiled lightly at her, and slowly stretched out her other hand towards her.

Seeing this, Xiaotiao Tuanzi grabbed her hand, then put it on her little face and rubbed it, saying softly: "Mother, I am Ran Ran ~ I am your daughter! My biological daughter Woolen cloth!"

Hearing this, Xiao Ning smiled.

Seeing Xiao Ning smile, Xiao Naituanzi also started laughing too.

Mother smiled at me, mother smiled at me...

"Sister, there's me, there's me, do you still know Fifth Brother?" Seeing this, Xiao Jingyao couldn't help but come in and look at Xiao Ning intently.

Xiao Ning was stunned.

He glanced at Xiao Jingyao steadily, then looked at the little breast dumplings, and finally touched his face, his eyes were very confused...

Seeing this, Xiao Jingyao was a little disappointed.

But he soon comforted himself that his sister had just woken up. She left the Xiao family at such a young age and had lost her memory before. It was normal for her to forget about them.

In fact, it’s better to forget it.

So as not to think of those bad things that happened at Ye's house.

From now on, the Xiao family will pay her back bit by bit what they owe her.

"Fifth uncle, my aunt has just woken up and is still very tired. Why don't we go out first!" Xiao Jingyan said.

The other brothers hurriedly said hello to Xiao Ning and then left.

Li Qingqiu stepped forward and gave Xiao Jingyao a hand, saying: "Leave time to them first, take your time and don't rush."

Hearing this, Xiao Jingyao nodded, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

Soon, Xiao Nai Tuanzi and his family of three were the only ones left in the house.

The three of them talked for a while, and Mo Heng and Xiao Naituanzi knew that Xiao Ning only remembered the period after leaving Ye's house, and nothing else.

Just as Xiao Jingyao thought, Mo Heng also thought it was a good thing that Xiao Ning had forgotten all the bad things that happened in the Ye family.

After explaining the Xiao family's situation to her in detail, Xiao Ning didn't dwell on anything.

For her, it was the happiest thing for her to wake up and their family of three to be reunited.

She had forgotten everything before and just pretended that she had no family.

But now that she knows she has so many relatives who love her, she is also happy.

It's like the icing on the cake.

She doesn't care, but it makes me happier.

Xiao Ning stayed in bed for a few days, and slowly she was able to get out of bed and walk around.

With the little breast dumpling around, she recovered quickly.

By early July, she was back to normal.

With a husband who loves him, a lovely daughter and a group of kind family members, Xiao Ning feels very happy.

On the tenth day of the seventh month, everyone bid farewell to Northern Xinjiang and prepared to return to Dazhou.

At that time, the old emperor of Northern Xinjiang also resigned from his position and handed over everything in Northern Xinjiang to the second prince, the new emperor. While he was still able to move, he took the queen to go sightseeing together. .On the way back to Da Zhou, Xiao Nai Tuanzi did not use magic anymore, but slowly enjoyed the scenery of Northern Xinjiang and the sophistication of people.

They kept walking and stopping for three full months before they arrived at Yonglin Xiao's house.

Mrs. Xiao was so happy when everyone came back!
Especially when her daughter was found, she really wanted to send all the good things to Xiao Ning.

The brothers of the Xiao family also wanted to pour out their hearts to be kind to Xiao Ning.

After returning to the Xiao family, Xiao Jingyao and Li Qingqiu's marriage was also put on the agenda.

The Li family had made preparations early, and the Xiao family quickly set a date for the marriage.

At the beginning of December, Li Qingqiu was welcomed through the door.

years later.

Mo Heng left the Xiao family with Xiao Ning and Xiao Nai Tuanzi, and went to Langya Mountain with Xuan Yin.

"Master, Second Master, Third Master...Ran Ran is back~"

As soon as they entered the realm of Langya Mountain, Xiao Naituanzi shouted loudly.

That childish voice echoed throughout the valley.

When the six old men who were bickering on the mountain heard this voice, they immediately became excited and subconsciously protected the treasure in their arms.

When Xiaonuituanzi went up the mountain, several people were sitting in their seats seriously, as if they were concentrating on practicing!

"Okay, okay, don't pretend~"

The little girl stepped forward and pulled their beards and eyebrows.

Several people pretended to be in trance and ignored her.

"Wow... you don't love me anymore... Ranran finally came back once and brought you good things, but you actually ignored me... Wuwuwu... I don't love you anymore!"

The little naughty dumpling cried whenever he wanted, and said "wow", startling both Xiao Ning and Mo Heng behind him.

Xuan Yin took out his ears, walked forward with something in his hands and said angrily: "Old men, that's about it. The little one has brought you delicious food!"

"Good boy, I haven't been back for so long, I'm no longer young or old!"

Several masters lined up and patted Xuan Yin's bald head one by one.

Xuan Yin covered his head: "..."

Just know to bully him!

Go ahead and bully the little girl if you can!

"Where is the delicious food? I'm hungry!"

The master took the lead and stroked his sleeves, looking like he was about to have a big meal.

The second master and the third master were not to be outdone, and they all gathered around.

Mo Heng and Xiao Ning, who were carrying the good things, were both stunned. They didn't expect that the master and apprentice would get along with each other in such a way.

Seeing Mo Heng's confused look, the masters started to complain one by one.

"Fortunately, this little girl grew up in Langya Mountain, otherwise such a good talent would have been buried with such a dull father."

"That's right! You said this man looks like a human, but why does he look so stupid... Tsk tsk... Third child, why don't you use the new elixir you recently developed to replenish it?"

"Go, go, go. Smart people get smarter the more they take my pill. This empty-headed person can't take it!"


Henry Mo: "..."

Xiao Ning: "..."


Xuan Yin couldn't help but laughed, patted Mo Heng's shoulder, took the thing in his hand, and whispered in his ear: "Don't mind, little girl, they can handle it." They grew up after pooping and peeing, and they feel uncomfortable after finding their biological father!"

Mo Heng shook his head, "Don't worry, I know everything."

This is the same as the cabbage that I have worked hard to raise for many years was eaten by a pig.

Without them, the little milk dumpling might have been snatched away by the wolf on the mountain.

Where would their family of three be reunited today?

He felt nothing but gratitude.

At the first meal of the evening, Mo Heng was once again beaten to the point of being left speechless by a few old men.

I was not criticized or embarrassed when I got a wife at my wife's parents' house, but I was criticized when I brought my daughter back to visit the master.

I really deserve it, and I can’t escape at all.

After the meal, Xuan Yin took out an iron box and handed it to the Sixth Master, and then took out a piece of paper and handed it over.

"Master Six, it is said that this thing can have extremely strong power when opened, and can even reverse time and space. Didn't you say that you were not from this time and space, and you have been thinking of ways to go back? Why not give it a try?"

The iron box that Ye Zhaozhao got was the fake one. As for the real one, Xiao Jingxuan reported it and got it back from the emperor.

It is better to hand it over to Ran Ran's master than to stay in the palace.

This will avoid the emergence of some unscrupulous people in the future, causing unnecessary trouble.

Master Six looked at the iron box in front of him: "..."

The eyes were a little red for no reason.

"Who said this is the power to reverse time and space? Let me kill him if I don't!"

Everyone: "..."

Xiaotai Tuanzi looked at him innocently, "It was Ye Zhaozhao who said it, and the world was in chaos because of it!"

When Master Six heard this, the white beard at the corner of his mouth turned up.

He opened the box with a "click" sound.

Then he took out a black pistol from there!

"This is……"

Everyone looked at him in unison.

"This iron box is mine. It's just an ordinary iron box. This thing followed me into this world, and was lost inexplicably in the end. I searched for it for a long time and couldn't find it. I didn't expect..."

Unexpectedly, it would attract everyone’s fight!
I don’t know how many people lost their lives because of this.

What a sin.

When everyone heard the words of the Sixth Master, they couldn't help but have black lines in their heads.

Xuan Yin's face was twitching non-stop. If Ye Zhaozhao was standing in front of the Sixth Master at this moment, and the Sixth Master opened this thing in front of him, I don't know what kind of expression Ye Zhaozhao would have. !

It’s really God’s will that plays a trick on people, and fate plays a trick on people!

ps: Finished with flowers~~~
This concludes the article~ Thank you to those who have been following the article~
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