Chapter 68 Draw a circle and curse them!

After learning that the Min family was sending Min Shenxing to be Ran Ran's bodyguard, Xiao Jingxuan frowned tightly, "Is this old man still plotting against Ran Ran?"

Thinking about it, Xiao Jingxuan shouted out the door, "Lu Qing, from now on, our yamen will also let people keep a few more dogs!"

If you dare to let his pigs eat your own cabbage, no way!
"Yes, sir!" Lu Qing responded outside the door.

Xiao Jingzhe looked at Xiao Jingxuan in confusion, "Raising a dog?"

"Yes." Xiao Jingxuan looked down at the case file in his hand casually and said, "Ran Ran said that the old man of the Min family is afraid of dogs!"

Xiao Jingzhe twitched the corner of his mouth and laughed, "This old man Min is indeed an old fox who has lived for decades. He has many calculations!"

"Did you see it?" Xiao Jingxuan said in a deep voice.

Xiao Jingzhe raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "I asked my grandson to come to the Yamen in the name of repaying his gratitude. He neither explicitly stated that he would help us nor explicitly refused the invitation of the Ye Party! Neither party will be offended!"

"What he has done, even if we want to ask for his help as a favor, he will probably avoid us."

"However, even though he doesn't know it clearly, he still helps us after all! Some things are just for others to see!"

Xiao Jingxuan nodded, "As I thought, this time he is just doing a test to see if my Xiao family is worth the support of his Min family! After all, Boss Min is still in the capital."

"But thanks to the fourth brother's reminder yesterday, otherwise I might not have been able to think of this level."

Xiao Jingzhe said: "You have to thank this little girl Ran Ran for keeping Min Shenxing here."

"Hmph! Even a little weakling wants to feed my baby cabbage, what a dream!" Xiao Jingxuan thought and hummed again.

After lunch, Jin Ling took Ran Ran and Hong Xing out.

Ran Ran was very happy when she went shopping with Jin Ling for the first time. She held her hand and couldn't bear to let go.

"Mother, mother, let's go take a look at that!" Suddenly, Xiaonuituanzi's eyes lit up and he pointed to the vendor making a little clay figurine beside him.

"Okay!" Jin Ling looked at her with a doting look on her face and led her over.

"Hey, what kind of clay figurines would you like to make, Madam and Miss?" the vendor greeted enthusiastically.

"I want to make a father, a mother, and a Ran Ran! Well... there is also a general's fourth uncle!" Ran Ran said with a smile, and after speaking, she did not forget to look up at Jin Ling and ask, "Mom, is it okay?"

"Of course." Jin Ling touched her little head and looked at her clear eyes with warmth in her heart. "Boss, just do what my daughter said and pinch four little people."

"Okay, madam and young lady, please wait a moment."

The vendor responded with a smile, then took the mud and started kneading it.

"My father is a very, very important official!" Ranran stood on tiptoes, watched the vendor squeeze it, and then said proudly.

"Okay, I'll give you the image of an official."

The hawker was very quick with his hands and feet. Even though he only listened to the descriptions of Xiao Naituanzi and Jin Ling, the people he pinched out were very similar.

Soon the prototypes of four little people took shape in his hands.

Ran Ran watched eagerly, and when the vendor handed the four little figures in front of her, she was so happy!

"Mom, look at this, does it look like Ran Ran? Does it look like it?

Ran Ran put her little clay figure next to her cheek, her chubby little body swayed, and she smiled so hard that she couldn't even see her teeth.

Jin Ling compared her carefully, pinched her little cheek and said, "Don't tell me, they are exactly the same as Ran Ran, cute, soft and waxy."


Being praised like this by Jin Ling, Xiaonuituanzi squeezed the nipple on his face with his fists. His face turned red, like a small apple.

"Mom, this one looks very similar too! So beautiful~"

Jin Ling smiled, looked at Xiao Jingzhe's little man, and said, "Go back and give this to your fourth uncle. He will be very happy when he sees it."

The fourth child must have forgotten what his legs looked like before they were intact!

I hope this little clay figurine will remind him of how heroic he was on the battlefield.

Ran Ran nodded, carefully took a few small clay figurines in her hands, and protected them carefully.

Hongxing paid the vendor and reminded, "Madam, don't forget that we still have business to do!"

"It doesn't matter, it's still early, and I just want to meet people today." Jin Ling replied with a smile, and then took Xiaonuituanzi's hand.

The main thing I wanted to do today was to go out and find the Yamen and ask if there is a suitable yard near the Yamen.

This morning she and Xiao Jingxuan had a discussion to recruit back all the sons of the Xiao family.After this move, when there are more people, they can no longer live in the county government office, so they can only buy another house, preferably one that can be moved away from the government office.

The three of them went to Yaxing together, and soon they saw the Yaman from Yaxing.

Hongxing told Yaren about their needs, and Yaren rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "Madam, it is better to come early than to come by chance. I happen to have three houses in hand. If you have the drawings, I will give them to you." Do you want to take a look?"

"Okay, let's take a look at them all!" Jin Ling said.

"Ma'am, please wait a moment. I'll go get it from you."

After a while, Yaren brought three drawings of the house.

After Jin Ling looked at them one by one, his eyes fell on the third drawing.

"My lady, this one looks pretty good, but" Jin Ling paused and pondered for a while before saying, "It just looks a little weird, but I can't tell where it is right now!"

Yaren was stunned.

"Madam, these three houses are all excellent. This first house used to be lived by a scholar, but he moved to another place after high school."

"The second apartment is a little worse, but this third apartment was lived in by the former governor!"

Jin Ling raised her eyebrows and asked doubtfully, "Former governor? Which governor?"

"Uh." Yaren didn't expect Jin Ling to ask so carefully, and looked a little hesitant.

"What? Is it inconvenient to say?"

Yaren pursed his lips and said, "It's Governor Zhou Zhongren!"

After saying that, he was afraid that they might misunderstand something, so he added hastily, "But madam, although the governor has passed away for many years, this house is excellent! There will definitely be no problems. , it was also occupied by other people in the meantime.”

Hearing this, Jin Ling narrowed her eyes slightly.

Zhou Zhongren?
There was quite a big fuss over Governor Zhou's case back then, and the case was hastily closed in the end.

But it’s an unsolved case!

"Okay, you have to see this house to know whether it is good or not. You should make an appointment with the owner of this house as soon as possible. After seeing it, if you think it is suitable, make a decision." Jin Ling said.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Yaren was so happy that he couldn't see his teeth when he heard this.

After teething, Jin Ling still wanted to take the little breast dumplings around.

But not long after he left, a group of people suddenly came behind him and pushed all the pedestrians on the street away.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, get out of the way!"

"Didn't you see my lady coming? Stay away from me!"

In a panic, the little clay figurine that Ran Ran had been protecting in her arms was suddenly knocked to the ground and crushed by these people's kicks.

"My little clay figurine!"

Seeing the little clay figurine being trampled, Xiaonuituanzi's eyes immediately turned red, and he reached out to pick it up.

"Ran Ran!" Seeing the little breast dumpling squatting on the ground to pick up the clay figurine, Jin Ling hurriedly protected her and asked, "How is it? Did it hurt you?"

"Mom, the little clay figurine is broken! Woohoo."

The little girl threw herself into Jin Ling's arms and cried so sadly.

To her, it was more than just a little clay figurine, it was a symbol of her family coming together.

But now this little clay figurine has been trampled on like this!
"Okay, okay, don't cry!" Jin Ling was heartbroken, patting the little breast dumpling's back gently with her hand, comforting her softly, but her eyes were looking at the people who just passed by who were walking in the steps of not recognizing their relatives.

How dare you be so arrogant in broad daylight!

Look how she Jin Ling takes care of them!

Hongxing also squatted down and helped comfort her: "Miss Ranran, this little clay figurine is broken. Let's go find the vendor and make another one!"

Ran Ran sniffed and stopped crying, but her face was still full of displeasure.

Jin Ling took a handkerchief and wiped her face, then said warmly: "When my brothers come back, can I ask the master who made the clay figurines to make one for each of our family?"

The little breasted dumpling puffed up her little face and looked at the leaving group of people and hummed!
She wants to draw a circle and curse them!

Jin Ling bent down and held her in his arms. Just as he was about to leave, he saw what seemed to be a conflict at a shop not far ahead.

And the people causing trouble seemed to be the group of people who had just trampled Ran Ran’s little clay figurine!
(End of this chapter)

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