Brothers, stop spoiling me, sister Xuanxue is really good at fighting!

Chapter 7: Be majestic on the outside, but fearful on the inside!

Chapter 7: Be majestic on the outside, but fearful on the inside!
Mrs. Xiao cooked two fragrant large chicken drumsticks for Ranran and also prepared some snacks.

As soon as Ran Ran saw the food, her eyes lit up and she started eating.

After eating three large bowls of rice, he burped and put the bowl down, holding his belly and slumping on the stool, "The food cooked by Grandma Xiao is so delicious! Ranran is so full!"

"Ran Ran likes to eat, and my mother-in-law will cook it for you tomorrow." Mother-in-law Xiao said with a smile while clearing away the dishes.

At the same time, she was a little worried about whether she would feel uncomfortable if she ate too much.

Just as he was thinking about it, he saw the little breasted dumpling yawning, and his eyes started to fight while sitting on the stool.

Seeing this, Mrs. Feng hurriedly picked her up and took her to the prepared room.

As soon as she came out, Mrs. Xiao pulled Mrs. Feng and said doubtfully: "Is this little girl really your master's daughter? Didn't you say that your master and your wife only gave birth to three sons? You are still deeply in love with your wife, so why did you give birth to an extra daughter for no reason?" "


Mrs. Feng looked around and when she saw no one, she whispered: "It's not our turn to discuss the adults' matters. Let's just do our part!"

Mrs. Xiao pursed her lower lip slightly, "I am also concerned about you, right?"

Mrs. Feng glared, "The most taboo thing for us servants is to inquire about the master's family. Be careful of talking about the misfortune! Okay, I will stay to take care of this little baby tonight. You can go to bed first."


Mrs. Xiao nodded and left.

Xu time.

Xiao Jingxuan put down the case file in his hand, looked out the window, and called, "Lu Qing!"

"Sir." Lu Qing opened the door and walked in with a respectful attitude.

"How is the little breast dumpling doing now?"

Lu Qing replied respectfully: "Ms. Feng just said that someone has gone to bed. It's in the room next to your Excellency. Do you want to go take a look?"

Xiao Jingxuan stood up after hearing this.

After taking two steps, he stopped and asked in a deep voice, "Did you get any news about her parents from her?"

"Sir, Mrs. Feng said that the little girl lived with her master in the mountains since she was a child, but she didn't say anything else."

Xiao Jingxuan pinched his eyebrows and said, "Master?"

"Find an opportunity to ask her who her master is!"

"Yes." Lu Qing responded, hesitated for a moment and then said: "Sir, this little breast dumpling looks pretty small for a small person. This skill is quite good! If you really can't find her parents or master, it's better to leave her behind Be a little guard by your side?"

After Lu Qing finished speaking, he received a cold look from Xiao Jingxuan.

"Hire a four-year-old baby as a guard? Lu Qing, how dare you say that!"

Lu Qing lowered his head, "Sir, Madam, Old Madam, and the Third Madam have been talking about having a daughter all day long, and Xiaotai Tuanzi only recognizes you as his father. How about you accept a daughter-in-law?"

"The little dumpling with breasts is pretty and pretty, and the little mouth is sweet. The most important thing is that he looks like you! They will definitely like it!"

Xiao Jingxuan immediately darkened his face, "You think my life is not long enough, don't you!?"

Lu Qing: "."

I almost forgot, Madam is jealous and a tigress.

The adults in his family are majestic on the outside, but fearful on the inside!

"Sir, this subordinate never said this." Lu Qing hurriedly lowered his head and apologized.

Xiao Jingxuan waved to him, "Let Mrs. Feng continue to trick her tomorrow and send her away as soon as possible."


After Lu Qing withdrew, Xiao Jingxuan recalled in his mind the scene when he first met Ran Ran today and the face and eyes that looked so much like Ning'er.

Lu Qing said that Xiao Naituanzi looked like him, but he didn't know that Xiaonuituanzi looked even more like his sister Xiao Ning!
It's a pity that his sister has been dead for almost six years.Otherwise, he would suspect that the cute, soft and glutinous little dumpling with breasts was his sister's biological daughter.

Thinking of Xiao Ning and the current situation of the Xiao family, Xiao Jingxuan's dark eyes suddenly flashed with cruelty, and his hands clenched tightly together unconsciously.

One day, Xiao Jingxuan will definitely take revenge that deserves revenge!

After calming down, Xiao Jingxuan left the study. When he walked to the door of his room, his footsteps stopped and his eyes stopped on the door of the next room.

After a while, he opened the door and returned to the room.

early morning.

The cock crowed three times.

Xiao Jingxuan noticed something was wrong as soon as he opened his eyes. There was a long breathing sound beside his ears, and there was a faint milk fragrance lingering in his nose.

Xiao Jingxuan suddenly sat up, and when he glanced over, he saw a breast dumpling lying sprawled beside him.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Jingxuan's heart skipped a beat.

Immediately afterwards, there was a sudden pain in my temple.

When did this little breasted dumpling come into his room and climb onto his bed?

He has always been a light sleeper, but he was not conscious at all!


Suddenly, the little breast dumpling smacked her lips, and the word "good" came out of her mouth.

Xiao Jingxuan pinched the center of his brows and took a serious look at Xiaonuituanzi. Seeing the drool dripping from the corner of her mouth, her complexion turned even darker!

Just as she was about to reach out and pick up the little breast dumpling, unexpectedly, the little breast dumpling suddenly opened her eyes. When she saw him holding out his hand, he smiled and got up.

"Daddy, do you want to touch my face?"

The little girl smiled, held Xiao Jingxuan's big hand with her chubby hands and put them on her breasts. She asked in a sweet voice, "Daddy, are Ranran's cheeks very soft?"

Xiao Jingxuan: "."

Xiao Jingxuan withdrew his hand, glanced at her with a straight face, then stood up and put on his clothes, and asked coldly: "How did you get in!"

Ran Ran opened her big innocent eyes and said confusedly: "I walked in~"

After saying that, Ran Ran said with a smile: "Dad, did you sleep soundly last night?"

Xiao Jingxuan's mouth twitched slightly!
Fortunately, it’s a small glutinous rice dumpling!

"Do you understand that men and women cannot sit together at the same age when they are three years old?" Xiao Jingxuan lectured with a straight face, "From now on, you can only sleep by yourself! You can't climb into other people's beds! Especially men's beds!"

The little girl nodded her head in understanding, "Well, Ran Ran knows!"

After saying that, Xiao Naituanzi added, "Then I will only crawl into daddy's bed from now on!"


"Why?" Ranran's big eyes were filled with confusion, "But you are not someone else, you are my daddy, and I am your little cotton-padded jacket!"

"That's not OK!"

Xiao Jingxuan said something solemnly, then walked around the screen and walked towards the door.

As soon as she opened the door, she saw Mrs. Xiao walking over with washing water.

"My lord, you are awake!"


Xiao Jingxuan responded lightly, then turned sideways to let Mrs. Xiao in.

(End of this chapter)

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