Chapter 70 The mother is mighty!

Yu Qingyi's expression remained unchanged, "Everything that comes out of my shop, the hairpin or the hairpin itself, has three special wavy scratches!"

"This kind of scratch represents water and cannot be easily imitated by others!"

Hearing this, Jin Ling bent down and picked up the hairpin from the ground, then checked it carefully, held it in her hand, and said loudly: "This hairpin does not have the scratches that Miss Yu said."

After saying that, Jin Ling went into the house again, took out all the hairpins and hairpins in the shop, then checked them in front of everyone, and then said: "Miss Yu is right, all the hairpins in the shop of the Yu family are Everything has its own special identity.”

"So, Miss Wu, she framed her up and tried to buy and sell other people's shops. There are all the witnesses and physical evidence. Come to the Yamen with me!" Jin Ling said coldly.

"Yamen? Who are you? You dare to let me go to the Yamen! So what if I rob this shop today?" Wu Luxuan forced herself to stay calm.

"Bold! My wife is the county magistrate's wife!" Hongxing said coldly.


When the common people heard this, they were all shocked and hurriedly saluted the golden bell.

Wu Luxuan couldn't help being shocked, but after she came to her senses, she immediately raised her neck and said, "What about the county magistrate's wife? Even the county magistrate has to bow down to my Wu family and be an obedient dog!"

"Madam of the County Magistrate, you must have sex!"

Before Wu Luxuan could finish speaking, Jin Ling slapped her away.

"You dare to hit me?" Wu Luxuan covered her face and looked at Jin Ling in disbelief.

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

After Wu Luxuan finished speaking, Jin Ling threw three big mouths at her.

"Bow down and proclaim yourself? Haha! How brave are your Wu family?" Jin Ling sneered: "My master is a subject of the emperor, and he only bows his head to the emperor of Zhou Dynasty! Do you, the Wu family, want to rebel?"

"I am. I."

Wu Luxuan was slapped several times by Jin Ling, and her ears were buzzing, and she was trembling and couldn't say a word.

Jin Ling flicked his sleeves, turned around and told Hongxing, "Hongxing, go to the Yamen quickly and have these people and Miss Wu escorted back to the Yamen!"

"Yes!" Hongxing responded and hurried towards the county government office.

As soon as Hongxing left, Jinling stood in front of everyone and said loudly and forcefully:
"Everyone, what my family hates the most is someone bullying the weak and using power to suppress others! If this happens again in the future, you can go to the Yamen. If the truth is found out, we will definitely get justice for you."

"In addition, any victim of such forced buying and selling can report it to the Yamen!"

"If someone has been oppressed in the past and has had his shop taken over, he can also go to the Yamen with personal and material evidence to file a complaint! My Lord will definitely uphold justice for you!"

As soon as she finished speaking, someone immediately shouted, "Okay!"

Immediately afterwards, people cheered and applauded one after another!
"Okay, mother is mighty! Mother is so awesome!"

Ran Ran stood on the edge and applauded Jin Ling happily.

Although she didn't quite understand what her mother meant when she said these words, she thought her mother was so handsome!

Yes, Master Six said, so handsome!At this moment, my mother's body seemed to be coated with layers of golden light, which was more powerful than the golden light on my ancestor's body!
Hearing this, Jin Ling smiled at Xiao Naituanzi.

After a while, Hongxing came over with people from the Yamen and escorted away Wu Luxuan and his party who came to make trouble in the shop.

"Madam, thank you!" Yu Qingyi bowed politely to Jin Ling, expressing her sincere gratitude.

"Miss Yu, you don't have to be polite!" Jin Lingxu gave her a hand, and then said: "You are a citizen of Yonglin, and my master is the parent of Yonglin. How can I stand by and watch when such a thing happens?"

"But the power of the Wu family is extraordinary." Yu Qingyi said worriedly.

Yu Qingyi also knew more or less about the affairs of the Chamber of Commerce.

I know that Mr. Xiao now wants to use the Chamber of Commerce to resettle the victims outside the city, and Wu Luxuan's father is the vice president of the Chamber of Commerce, which has considerable power.

If something big happened because of her, she would definitely be blamed for her death.

"Don't worry, if my master can't even protect his own people, how can he serve as an official for Yonglin's parents?" Jin Ling patted Yu Qingyi's hand to reassure her, "Hurry up and take stock of the damage in your shop, and then Give me the report, and I will help you get the debt back."

Hearing what Jin Ling said, Yu Qingyi felt relieved. She thanked him again and returned to the shop.

The commotion in this shop was quite noisy, and the people of the Wu family were quickly notified.

When the Wu family found out about this, they were very angry.

Especially Mrs. Wu, she smashed a few cups!
"It seems that Xiao Jingxuan is tired of living. People from the Wu family dare to bully me like this!" Mrs. Wu gritted her teeth, her chest heaving with anger, "Master, you must say this for us Lulu. ah!"


The second master of the Wu family, Wu Gongli, banged his fist on the table, "Look at the good daughter you raised. If the remarks she made on the street today were spread, how many heads in our Wu family would be chopped off by the Holy Spirit! ?”

Mrs. Wu was stunned, "Master, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean?" The second master of the Wu family looked dark and ugly.

"You don't care about your daughter anymore?"

When Master Wu Er heard this, he didn't say anything, but his eyes were full of evil.

"Oh my God~" Mrs. Wu stuck her butt out and sat on the ground, holding a handkerchief and wailing, "My poor daughter, my mother is useless! My mother can't save you."

"shut up!"

Mr. Wu Er slapped his palm on the table hard, "It's only because of a mother like you that Lulu becomes like this! It's a total embarrassment to my Wu family!"

"I bother!"

Mrs. Wu stood up, pointed at Mr. Wu Er, and yelled, "Wu Gongli, don't forget, if it weren't for my mother and my mother's family, would Wu Gongli be where he is today!? How could your Wu family be where you are today?"

"I'm telling you, if you don't go to the county government office to get our daughter back, and then let Xiao Jingxuan and his wife come to our door in person to apologize to us, Lulu, this matter will never end!"

"Tsk!" Mr. Wu Er snorted coldly, "I think you have been living in Ansheng for a long time, and your face has become bigger and thicker, right!?"

(End of this chapter)

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