Chapter 75 Burning the Heavenly Prison
Xiao Jingzhe nodded and stretched out his hand calmly.

Mr. Xu squatted down next to him, and then gently put two fingers on his wrist.

After about a stick of incense, Mr. Xu changed his hand and continued to feel the pulse.

As time went on, Mr. Xu's brows knitted together fiercely.

When he put down his hand, Mr. Xu glared at Xiao Jingzhe fiercely, "I think you did this to yourself!"

"You really screwed yourself up, why don't you go and see your unfilial father?"

Mr. Xu was unforgiving, but he knelt down and reached out to beat his legs.

After a while, he shook his head helplessly and sighed deeply.

"You have spondylitis, which is already very serious. If you had started treatment as soon as you discovered it, you would still be able to walk like a normal person, but it's difficult now!"

"Old man, why do you want to worry so much?" Xu Yan said rudely, "Ran Ran is here. We went up the mountain yesterday. Those poisonous insects and snakes are here to treat Fourth Uncle's illness, right?"

"Yeah!" Xiaonuituanzi nodded.

"Grandpa, brother Yan, I'm just here to get medicine for my fourth uncle. I want to prepare a medicinal bath for him! So I need a lot of medicinal materials!"

Mr. Xu pinched her little cheek and said with a smile: "Okay, I have as many medicinal materials as you want, but we have to have a good discussion on how to treat your fourth uncle's leg!"

The little girl looked at Xiao Jingzhe's legs, her eyes rolled around a few times, and then she nodded heavily.

"Okay! Ran Ran just happens to want Grandpa Xu to help!"

Xiao Naituanzi directed Xu Yan to bring paper and pen, and then discussed the treatment plan with Mr. Xu in detail.

Although Xiao Nai Tuanzi's medical skills were learned from Master Kong, his experience is not as good as that of Master Xu. Although Xu Lao has experience, he pays attention to "seeking victory in stability" when it comes to treatment plans.

The two of them insisted on their own opinions, and it took a full hour before the final plan was finalized.

Xu Yan then recorded all the discussion details, processes, and predictions of possible situations.

Xiao Jingzhe and Qin Shi watched silently from the side.

Although Jianxiaotuanzi is young, she speaks every word very clearly. Each and every professional medical terminology spills out of her mouth, but there is no sense of violation in it.

Sometimes she would show a lively and triumphant expression, and sometimes she would argue with Mr. Xu and her face would be red.

Xu Yan would chime in from time to time, but mostly he would listen silently and record!

It’s like this is a visual and auditory feast!

Even Qin Shi, a layman who knew nothing, felt excitement and surge in his heart unconsciously!

After everything was settled, Xu Yan quietly said to Xiao Naituanzi: "There will be a large-scale auction in Yongzhou next door in three days. I sent your pills there. Do you want to go and take a look?"

When the little girl heard this, her eyes lit up, "Are you excited?"

"Of course!" Xu Yan said: "The people who go to the auction house are all rich people, and the ticket to the venue costs 1 taels of silver!"

When Xiao Naituanzi heard that there was so much money, he immediately stopped eating and said depressedly: "I have no money!"

"Don't worry, I have it!"

Xu Yan patted his chest, looking proud.


"Of course, the pot of rejuvenation pills you helped us refine a few days ago is worth no less than 2 taels of silver."

Hearing so much money, Xiao Naituanzi secretly squeezed the little nipples on his face, and generously threw a few talisman papers to Xu Yan, "Throwing them in when practicing elixirs can improve the results." Danshu~”

Xu Yan chuckled and hurriedly hid a few talismans like treasures. "Let me tell you secretly, your high-grade elixir starts at least 20 taels."

Ran Ran's heart and eyes were filled with the sound of silver coins, and she said happily: "I will practice elixirs when I go back later! Send another one over!"


When we returned to the county government office, it was completely dark.

After dinner, Xiao Naituanzi locked himself in the room and began to refine the elixir.

Late at night, Xiao Naituanzi packed bottles of the newly made beauty pills one by one, and when he was about to go to Xiao Jingzhe's place to sleep, there was a sudden movement in the cell.

"The water is running away, the water is running away~"

The officers guarding the cell all screamed in panic.

Xiao Naituanzi felt a chill in her heart and rushed over immediately.

After just a short while, the cell was ignited with raging fire. His chubby little face immediately wrinkled, and he jumped onto the roof not far away without saying a word.

Her little face was serious, and she drew a few talisman seals in the air.

The little mouth muttered a few words to the talisman, the little hand drew a hand gesture, and a clear shout spilled from the air, "Go!"

As the little voice sounded, the pattern that looked like seal script but not seal script suddenly enlarged, sending out streaks of golden light that shot into the sky.


"Kacha, kacha!"

The sounds of thunder and lightning rang out one after another.


The heavy rain falls at will, just like the old Dragon King marrying his daughter, crying non-stop!

"It's raining, it's raining"

However, within a short time, the fire in the cell was extinguished by the heavy rain.

The little breasted dumpling stood on the roof with her little hands behind her back, looking at the joyful appearance of the government officials on the other side of the cell. A big smile bloomed on her plump little face, just like the blooming flowers, gorgeous and eye-catching.

When Xiao Jingzhe heard the commotion, he was about to go out to take a look, when he saw the little breast dumpling swaying his little body and walking towards him as if he was extremely sleepy.

"Fourth uncle, Ranran is so sleepy!" Xiao Naituanzi yawned loudly and fell sleepily into Xiao Jingzhe's arms.

Xiao Jingzhe was shocked, "Ran Ran, Ran Ran?"

"No, Ranran, you need to sleep. If you make any noise, I'll beat you up!" Xiaotuanzi muttered in a milky voice, and then fell into a deep sleep.

Xiao Jingzhe: "."

Qin Shi: "."

"Master, Miss Ranran is asleep, she's fine!" Qin Shi said.

Xiao Jingzhe glanced in the direction of the dungeon and saw Qin Shi's deep and hoarse voice booming, "Qin Shi, go over and see what's going on! This fire is too strange! In addition, what's the idea? Miss Wu family, please be guarded by others."

"Yes!" Qin Shi nodded.

After pushing Xiao Jingzhe into the house, Qin Shi went to the dungeon.

Over there in the dungeon, the government officials guarding Xiao Jingxuan and his wife's cell were all there. They were all dirty, and someone was reporting something in front of them.

(End of this chapter)

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