Chapter 80: Frightened and fainted again?
The temperature of the water in the barrel was extremely high, which was obviously beyond what a normal person could bear.

But Xiao Jingzhe gritted his teeth and refused to make a sound.

Seeing this scene, both Xiao Jingxuan and Jin Ling couldn't help but blush, and they admired him even more deeply in their hearts.

Even Min Shenxing couldn't help but feel awe in his heart.

In the past, he had admired his uncles and uncles who hung out in the military camp, and felt that they were well-deserved heroes.But now when he looked at Xiao Jingzhe, he truly understood what a hero should look like.

Xiao Jingzhe, a well-deserved hero!
"No rush, no rush~"

Among those present, Xiao Naituanzi was the calmest. From time to time, he would take out a few pastries from his pocket and stuff them into his mouth, leaving crumbs in his mouth.

After another quarter of an hour, the little breasted dumpling climbed up the herringbone ladder, looked at Xiao Jingzhe's face carefully, turned around and smiled at everyone.

"Brother Yan, it's time for the main event!"

When Xu Yan heard this, he quickly responded, "Okay!"

When Xiao Jingzhe in the barrel heard this, he subconsciously opened his eyes.

At this time, he was already in a semi-conscious state, so confused that he couldn't tell where he was.

At this time, everyone saw Xu Yan handing the three big bags of "treasures" to Xiao Naituanzi.

Little Nipples reached out to take it, and then opened the small lid on the wooden pouring boy. Three big bags of "baby" were poured in from the small hole, and then they were tightly covered again!



At the same time, Xiao Jingzhe let out screams one after another.

The sound was shrill and tragic, comparable to the howling of ghosts and wolves.


Qin Shi stared at the barrel anxiously.

The hearts of others also rose to their throats.

How painful it must be to make him scream so miserably!

The screams lasted for nearly half a stick of incense before stopping.

At this moment, Ran Ran took out a pill pill from her pocket and stuffed it into Xiao Jingzhe's mouth.

"Brother Min, brother Yan, turn Xiaohuo!"

"Yes!" The two of them responded, gradually reducing the intensity of the fire.

"Ran Ran, how is your fourth uncle?" Jin Ling grabbed Ran Ran's hand and asked anxiously.

"Don't worry, mother~, in half an hour, we can fish out the fourth uncle!"

When everyone heard this, not only did they not relax, but they stared at the barrel closely.

Another half hour passed, the fire was extinguished, the white mist on the barrel gradually dissipated, and Xiao Jingzhe's clear and handsome face appeared in front of everyone.

"Uncle Qin, you can fish out the fourth uncle~"

At this time, Xiao Jingzhe had already passed out and had no consciousness at all.

After Qin Shi fished him out, Xiao Naituanzi and Mr. Xu came over immediately to check his pulse.

After Mr. Xu finished, he looked at the little breast dumpling with a solemn expression.

"I have been poisoned! If the poison is not detoxified in time, my life may be in danger!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Xiao Naitanzi.

Ran Ran smiled and said: "Don't worry, Ran Ran has Baidu Dan, just take two pills and you'll be fine~"

With that said, Xiao Naituanzi held up the silver needle and injected Xiao Jingzhe once more, and then ordered Qin Shi to settle him in his room.


At this moment, a scream suddenly came from behind.Everyone turned around and saw Min Shenxing, the young master of the Min family, suddenly falling to the ground and fainted.

"What's going on?" Jin Ling walked over, her face full of worry. She was fine just now, why...
Xu Yan stepped forward and checked his pulse, then grinned at everyone and said, "Don't worry, I guess I saw the poisonous snake in the barrel. The poisonous insect was frightened and fainted."

Everyone: "."

"Lu Qing, please send someone to send the young master of the Min family back!" Xiao Jingxuan ordered.


Ran Ran puffed up her little face, curled her little mouth and said, "Coward!"

Jin Ling glanced at the dead poisonous snakes and insects in the barrel, and couldn't help but turn pale, and tightly grabbed Xiao Jingxuan's arm.

Xiao Jingxuan held her hand and patted it gently, then whispered in her ear: "Be careful that Ranran laughs at you!"

Hearing this, Jin Ling glared at him fiercely and hurriedly shook off his hand.

"Mr. Xu, Mr. Xu, you two have worked hard today. I have prepared a meal, please!"

"Mom, are there any big chicken drumsticks? I want to eat big chicken drumsticks!" When it comes to food, Xiaonuituanzi's belly starts to growl in response.

Jin Ling tapped the tip of her nose and responded with a smile: "Of course! There is nothing missing, and our daughter's big chicken legs cannot be missing!"

"Hehe~" Xiao Naituanzi grinned, "Ranran knows that mother likes Ranran the most, and Ranran also loves mother very much~"

After saying that, Xiaonuituanzi hugged Jin Ling's neck and kissed her several times on the face.

Jin Ling bent down and picked her up into his arms, then carried her to the living room.


"Wei Lu, are you being too bullying? We send our good people to your county government. What's going on?"

When he saw people from the yamen carrying Min Shenxing back, Mr. Min immediately became angry.

Is this Xiao Jingxuan too ungrateful?
Don’t they, the Min family, know what it means to send people to them?

If he doesn't treat his children well, do he really treat them as guards?

After the third master Min finished speaking, the fourth master and the fifth master hurried forward to check if there were any wounds on Min Shenxing's body.


Lu Qing coughed lightly, touched the back of his head, and said respectfully: "Master Min, Third Master, Fourth Master, Fifth Master! No one in our yamen bullies Young Master Min!"

"If you didn't bully him, how could he faint!?" Min Wuye said coldly.

"When I return to Mr. Min Wu, the young master will be frightened and faint!"

"Did you faint from fright?" The three masters of the Min family looked at each other, "Did you faint from fright?"

"Poisonous snakes and poisonous insects!" Lu Qing replied.

"Then the little girl went to the mountain again?"

At this time, Mr. Min walked out on crutches. A pair of cloudy old eyes glanced around the unconscious Min Shenxing, and nodded, "Not bad, good boy, you have made progress! He was so scared that he fainted so late!"

Everyone: "."

"Mr. Min, the young master followed Miss Ranran in the Yamen today and did not go out!"

After saying that, Lu Qing raised his head and glanced at Mr. Min's eyes, and then continued: "Ran Ran and Mr. Xu treated my fourth master's leg disease again. They used some poisonous snakes and poisonous insects. The young master was frightened by their corpses and fainted." Past!"

Mr. Min: "."

"Young brat! Even the corpses of venomous insects and poisonous snakes can scare him unconscious. It's really useless!" Old Min stomped the crutch in his hand, complained with a serious face, and then glared at Mr. Min again, "Look You taught me a good son!"

"It's so shameful that I didn't carry it back quickly!"

Mr. Min: "."

(End of this chapter)

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