Chapter 96 Violent Little Ball

After Xiaotiaotuanzi finished speaking, he took out a thick golden needle from his purse and pierced Min Shenxing's philtrum point neatly!

That rude look is painful to look at!


Not surprisingly, Min Shenxing woke up with a scream.

"Brother Min, are you awake?"

The little breasted dumpling smiled brightly and innocently at him, harmless to humans and animals!It made Min Shenxing temporarily forget what he saw before he fell into coma!
"Uncle, come here! Let Brother Min take a good look at you!" Xiaonuituanzi waved to the black shadow, still smiling as brightly as the flower!

Min Shenxing turned his head, glanced at the black shadow, and fainted again without warning.

Without saying anything, the little breasted dumpling stabbed him with the golden needle again!
Min Shenxing opened his eyes, subconsciously looked at the black shadow again, and fainted again!
After going back and forth like this, finally after fainting five times, Min Shenxing didn't faint again when he saw the black shadow.

Because... his vagina has been pricked with a big hole by the small breast balls, and he can't faint even if he wants to.

" really a ghost?"

Min Shenxing shivered and hid behind Xiao Naituanzi. His face was pale, as if he wished he could find a turtle shell to shrink his head.


The little girl nodded and patted Min Shenxing's shoulder with her little hand, "Brother Min, don't be afraid, uncle is just a ghost!"

Min Shenxing swallowed, stretched out his head to take a look at the black shadow, and then retracted.

Shadow: "..."

"Young Master Min, if it comes down to it, I should be more afraid of you! You have to hide under this oil paper umbrella to survive in the clear sky, otherwise your soul will fly away!"

"Really?" Min Shenxing looked up doubtfully.

Seeing that the black shadow was floating in the air insubstantially, but it didn't look so scary, he finally let go of it.

"You...why did you show up here? You were the one who scared me when I sneaked in before?" Min Shenxing asked.


The shadow shook his head, "I was brought out by the little girl in that cemetery that night, and I have been practicing hidden in her sword these days! When I came here today, I just felt a sense of familiarity, so I asked the little girl to let me go. from!"

"Is that so?" Min Shenxing looked at Ran Ran with a look of verification and caution.


The little breasted dumpling nodded.

After hearing the words, Min Shenxing stood up slowly, staring at the black figure intently.

After a few seconds, he seemed to be sure that the black shadow would not cause any harm to him, and then he asked doubtfully: "You said you are familiar with this place?"

"Yeah." Black Shadow said softly.

Min Shenxing watched the black shadow moving around with his eyes. Suddenly, his mouth grew into an "oh" shape, and he exclaimed: "You...could you be the dead Governor Zhou?"

The figure of the black shadow suddenly trembled.

Governor Zhou?
This title sounds very strange, but also inexplicably familiar.

Min Shenxing continued: "Although I can't see you clearly, you are indeed wearing clothes that can only be worn by officials of third rank or above. You don't look very old, and you are familiar with this place. A person with these characteristics is definitely Governor Zhou!"

The little girl squatted on the ground, holding her little face, looking at Min Shenxing and then at the black shadow, and asked in confusion: "How did the uncle die?"

Hearing this, the black shadow was also full of doubts.

"How do I know this?" Min Shenxing said: "I'm just guessing! Didn't I guess it was Governor Zhou just after hearing what the Ya man said about Governor Zhou!"

Hearing this, Heiying was slightly disappointed.

The little breasted dumpling stood up and said softly and warmly, "Uncle, don't worry. If you don't want to be reincarnated, Ran Ran will always support you!"


The shadow nodded. "Brother Min, isn't this ghost scary?" Xiao Naituanzi looked at Min Shenxing in a funny way.

Min Shenxing nodded, pursed his thin lips, and said arrogantly: "I'm not afraid of ghosts!"

Ran Ran: "..."

The person who just fainted five times is a ghost, right?
"Here!" Xiao Naituanzi stuffed the umbrella in Min Shenxing's hand, "Hold the umbrella for uncle!"


Can he take back what he just said?

Although Min Shenxing was afraid, he still had the courage to walk to the black shadow's side.

Seeing that the black shadow's face was peaceful, he gradually relaxed and asked some strange questions from time to time.

Unexpectedly, this black shadow was extremely patient and answered all Min Shenxing's questions.

The three of them walked until they arrived at the abandoned courtyard gate in the backyard.

This courtyard looked very dilapidated, and seemed a bit out of place compared to other courtyards, giving off a strange aura.

"What are we doing here?"

Min Shenxing asked puzzledly.

After getting used to the ghosts around him, Min Shenxing was no longer so afraid!His tone was much tougher when he spoke.

"Looking for ghosts!" Xiao Naituanzi said with a smile.

Min Shenxing's heart trembled, "Are there still ghosts?"

"Yeah!" Xiao Naituanzi nodded, "They are the ghosts who are scaring you!"

When Min Shenxing heard this, he couldn't help but shuddered. He glanced at the black shadow beside him and stammered: "Old...Old should be good at fighting, right?"

Shadow: "..."

What the hell is Lao Hei?

"The people inside are people!" After the black shadow said something, he quickly got into Ran Ran's Qiankun bag. Before entering, he also said, "The evil spirit and masculinity of these people are very strong. I will hide first." hide!"

When Min Shenxing saw this, countless black lines suddenly fell on his forehead.

what the hell!

You haven't even met yet, and you're already a coward?
Ran Ran rubbed her little hands, walked to the dilapidated door, raised her short legs and kicked it up.


The door was kicked open by Xiao Naituanzi, and it fell to the ground and broke into several pieces.


Dust fell from the door, smearing Min Shenxing's face and making him cough.

The little breasted dumpling was on guard, not even a trace of dust on her body.

"Ahem... little girl, you are so violent, be careful you won't get married when you grow up!" Min Shenxing muttered and complained.

The little girl puffed up her cheeks, made a face at Min Shenxing, and said in a sweet voice, "As long as Ran Ran has money!"

Min Shenxing: "..."

Violent little balls!
"Come out, everyone! Ranran has seen you!"

The little girl with small breasts stood at the door, her hands folded in front of her chest, her little head held high and she spoke loudly.

There was no doubt in her tone, but determination!

Min Shenxing leaned closer to Xiao Naituanzi and looked around. Except for the sound of the wind, there was no sound from other people.

(End of this chapter)

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