Chapter 98 Accepted as a guard

"Wow, Ranran, help me!"

Seeing that the man was really murderous, Min Shenxing immediately held his head, squatted down and shouted loudly.


I thought he had some backbone, but he is just a coward who can only shout empty words!

Ran Ran: "..."

Brother Min is so embarrassed!

"Uncle, if you really have no place to go, just stay here temporarily!" At this time, Xiao Naituanzi suddenly said.

"Besides, Ranran can also treat your illnesses!"

Hearing this, a strange look suddenly flashed in the man's expression, "Can you heal my injury?"

After asking, another hint of bitterness flashed across the corner of the man's mouth.

What is he thinking!

At that moment, he pinned his hopes on this little glutinous rice dumpling.

It was not easy to see that he was seriously injured, but he also had medical skills?

When the little girl saw his expression, she couldn't help but puff up her little breasts and hummed: "Uncle, don't believe me?"

The man pursed his lips and said nothing.

"Little girl, you don't even know whether he is good or bad. Not only do you want to keep him, but you also want to save him?" Min Shenxing pulled the little breast dumpling and whispered in her ear: "It's better to do less than to do more." For one thing, just drive people away!"

"Uncle is not a bad person!"

The little girl raised her head, stared at the man's eyebrows with a pair of big black and white eyes, and said in a crisp voice: "This uncle has an upright face, with sharp edges and corners. Although there are dark clouds floating between his eyebrows, his eyebrows are broad, and his face is... He won’t be a bad person!”

"Really?" Min Shenxing glanced at the man quietly, "Why didn't I see it?"

When Ran Ran heard this, she immediately rolled her eyes, "If you could see it, would you still be deceived?"


Min Shenxing frowned, looked away with a guilty conscience, and whispered, "When did I get deceived?"

Ran Ran sighed softly, feeling quite sympathetic, "Brother Min, you also suffer the disadvantage of being uneducated!"

Min Shenxing: "..."

What the hell?

The man opposite listened to Xiaotai Dumpling's words and looked at her deeply unconsciously.

nice guy?

She is indeed a young girl!

Can you tell the difference between good and bad?

But if they could stay, it would save them a lot of trouble.

"Little girl, are you really willing to let our brothers stay?"

"Yeah!" Xiaonuituanzi nodded.

"Then can you pretend that you haven't seen us? Just let us stay here. It's just an abandoned yard. We will never affect you!" The man's tone was a little heavy and a little humble, "Half a year, just Just stay for the first half of the year!”

"No!" Xiao Naituanzi said firmly: "I still need to treat your injuries! If uncle's injuries are not cured, it will be difficult for him to survive another half year!"

As he said that, Xiaotai Tuanzi glanced at the room again and continued: "The injury on uncle's back not only distorted your meridians, but the person who hit you was a master of the inner family, and his palm skills were biased towards coldness. Uncle There is already cold poison in your body."

"If Ran Ran is right, the cold poison in uncle's body has already returned~"

"When it relapses, the pain is unbearable. Not to mention taking care of the uncles inside, I can't even save my own life~"

The small breast dumpling's words immediately shocked the man's body.

Just as Xiao Naituanzi said, the cold poison in his body has recurred once.If he can't save his life, then his brother...

The man's gaze turned toward the room, his heart ached, and his eyes turned red.The little girl's eyes rolled around a few times and she said, "My mother wants to buy guards for this house. I'll save you. Can you be my guards?"


The man stared blankly at the small breast dumpling, not knowing how to answer.

If they stay as guards, they don't have to live in hiding.It is also possible to cure the disease and ensure that they have enough food and clothing.

This is a great thing for their brothers.


Their identity will eventually be a hidden danger. If someone finds out, it may affect the little girl's family.

"Just stay!"

Just when the man was struggling, the sound of a golden bell suddenly appeared at the door behind him.

The man suddenly looked up, and his heart trembled when he saw Jin Ling!This face... looks so familiar!
"My daughter's medical skills are extraordinary. If she says she can cure you, she can cure you. You can rest assured!" Jin Ling walked in slowly with Hong Xing and said as they walked: "Look at the extraordinary aura on your body. But he doesn’t look like a vicious person.”

"Being a guard for my family will indeed wrong you! But I think nothing is more important than life!"

"How about we decide on five years? You will be my family's guard for five years. After five years, you can go wherever you want!"

"In the past five years, if you stay here and have a place to live, we will also give you the monthly allowance you deserve."

"I..." The man looked at Jin Ling, and after a long time he uttered two words with difficulty, "Thank you!"

He said "thank you" with a firm voice. It was the first time in his life that he said "thank you" to someone. His eyes were red, as if all his pride had been shattered.

After thinking for a while, he added: "But if we stay, I'm afraid it will hurt you!"

"Are you the key criminals wanted by the court?" Jin Ling asked with raised eyebrows.

"No!" The man shook his head.

"Then what capital crime did you commit?" Jin Ling asked again.

"No!" The man shook his head again.

"In that case, you don't have to worry so much! My surname is Jin... My husband's surname is Xiao. He used to be a member of the Zhenguo Duke's Mansion, but now he is just a small county magistrate. Our Xiao family is not much better now. Go, we are suppressed everywhere, it is difficult to gain a foothold here, a few more of you won’t be too much trouble!”

Surname Jin?

Husband’s surname is Xiao?

Hearing this, the man felt shocked again.

No wonder~
"Do you really believe me, madam?" the man asked in a deep voice.

Jin Ling walked to Xiaonuituanzi's side, rubbed her messy hair, and smiled heartily, "I don't believe in you, but I believe in my daughter!"

"Since she believes in you, I believe in you!"

Hearing this, Xiaonuituanzi's little head rubbed against Jin Ling's hand like a cute kitten, and then smiled sweetly at her, "Mother, you are so kind!"

Jin Ling pinched her little face lovingly, nodded and looked at the man, "Can you agree to my wife's request?"

The man didn't speak for a while. After thinking about it for a while, he walked into the house.

After a while, he walked out with heavy steps.

"My subordinate Zhang Biao has met Madam, Miss!"

Zhang Biao knelt down on one knee with a "dong" sound, his voice was hoarse but loud.

Jin Ling and Xiao Naituanzi looked at each other, smiled brightly, bent down and gave them a hand, "Get up!"

"Thank you, madam!" Zhang Biao stood up. Although he was carrying a load on his back, his body was very straight.

When Jin Ling saw this, his eyes darkened slightly, and a strange color flashed in his heart.

"As the bodyguard of my Xiao family, I won't ask you any more about your past! But don't do any betrayal in the future! Otherwise, we have plenty of ways to beat you back to your original form!"

"Yes!" Zhang Biao responded, with gratitude in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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