Uncle Emperor, I am really not Wolong Zhuge!

Chapter 125 The good old man Lu Su enters Xiangyang

Chapter 125 The good old man Lu Su enters Xiangyang

Chaisang Wu Hou Palace.

In the spring of March, the branches in Jiangdong are already full of flowers, and the fragrance is wafting into thousands of homes.

In Wu Hou Palace, hundreds of flowers bloomed, competing for beauty.

Normally, when the sun approaches midday in the morning, Bu Lianshi would accompany Sun Quan for a swim in the back garden, admiring the exotic trees and flowers in the courtyard and the various insects and fish in the lake.

The advantage is to have a shallow cup of wine on the boat in the lake and talk about the tranquility. Sometimes a long table is set up among the flowers and trees, with Sun Quan drinking tea on it, and the step trainer waving his skirt and dancing gracefully in front of the flowers.

With the long rhythm of the piano and the graceful dancing posture, no matter how many troubles and sorrows Sun Quan had, they would all disappear in an instant and be forgotten.

But today, it was already past noon, and the entire garden was still lifeless. No one was seen coming or going. Even the palace maids who often picked lotuses in the lake did not know where they had gone, leaving behind a few brocade boats, lifeless. floating in a corner of the water.

In the main hall, the atmosphere was depressing at the moment.

Last night, Sun Quan received a letter written by Liu Bei from the Jingzhou envoy.

In the main hall, there were mostly civil servants, including Zhang Zhao, Zhang Hong, Gu Yong, Kan Ze, Bu Zhi and Lu Su.

Almost all the generals followed Zhou Yu to train at Poyang Lake. At the moment, only Taishi Ci, Jia Hua, Song Qian and others were in court.

"Liu Bei invited me to Jingzhou to discuss the important matter of hunting the Central Plains. What do you think about this matter?"

After being silent for a long time, Sun Quan distributed the letters on the desk to the civil and military officials below and said in a deep voice.

"Liu Bei is arrogant and arrogant. He even made arrogant remarks and invited his lord to hunt the Central Plains. I think he was afraid that he would not be able to resist Cao Cao, so he reluctantly wanted to drag his lord in to spread the risk and drag millions of people in Jiangdong into a pit of fire! "

"My lord, don't pay attention. I don't believe he dares to do anything, lord!"

Before Taishi Ci had finished reading the letter, he threw the letter aside angrily and said with angry eyes and bared teeth.


As soon as Taishi Ci finished speaking, someone in the civil service formation stopped him and said.

"My lord, Liu Bei's power should not be underestimated. If he is provoked, we, Jiangdong, may not be able to protect ourselves!"

What everyone sees is Bu Zhi, the clan brother of Sun Quan's beloved concubine Bu Lianshi.

Taishi Ci was furious, turned to look at Bu Stallion, and said loudly: "Liu Bei only has 10,000+ soldiers and horses in Jingzhou. We have a large governor in the east of the Yangtze River to guard the choke point with 20 naval troops in Poyang Lake. If he wants to go east, he will also It's not easy. You are so cowardly, why do you still want me to bow down to Liu Bei?"

Jia Hua and Song Qian around them were of low status and far inferior to Taishi Ci in terms of ability. They wanted to follow Taishi Ci and argue hard, but when they saw the strong lineup of civil servants and all the elites, they couldn't help but tremble in their hearts. As long as they He said in a low voice: "Tai Shi Ci's words are reasonable. We have the Governor, so you don't have to worry. I think it's not too late to make a decision after listening to the Governor's opinion at this time..."

Before the two of them could speak, among the civilian lineup, the chief military advisor Zhang Zhao glared, and Song Qian and Jia Hua stopped abruptly, bowing their heads and not daring to say another word.

Just because although they are also civil servants, they are completely different from Taishi Ci and the generals at Poyang Lake!

Taishi Ci directly obeyed the orders of his lord Sun Quan, so he could completely ignore these civil servants and there was no need to buy into their faults.

The generals in Poyang Lake all looked to Zhou Lang as their leader, and Zhou Yu had a hot temper and was trusted and relied upon by Sun Quan. Especially at this time of disputes and chaos among many countries, the weight of military attaches was obviously more important than that of civilian officials.Therefore, with the help of all the ministers, Zhou Yu could boss him around in front of Zhang Zhao, and even directly drew his sword and killed Zhang Zhao's colleague and close friend Lu Ji!

Therefore, Zhou Yu's generals were not afraid of these civilian officials.

Song Qian and Jia Hua were the most embarrassed. They could neither get the love of their lord Sun Quan nor the protection of Zhou Yu, the governor of Poyang Lake. With no backers behind them, it was naturally difficult to speak forcefully.

Zhang Zhao coughed lightly twice, stepped forward slowly, bowed and said, "My lord, please don't listen to Tai Shi Ci's words and miss the important event."

Sun Quan raised his eyelids, stared at Zhang Zhao, frowned slightly, and whispered: "Oh? Does Zibu also think that Jingzhou has the strength to destroy me, Jiangdong?"

Two months ago, after Cao Chong died of poisoning, Cao Cao sent a letter to Sun Quan, cursing Sun Quan, and threatened to send troops to conquer Jiangdong, completely taking Sun Quan into his pocket.

At this time, Liu Bei wrote again, nominally inviting him to discuss matters, but his words were not respectful at all. Instead, they gave him a feeling of being condescending and giving orders.

The majestic Jiangdong has a legacy that has lasted for three generations, but has been repeatedly despised. At this moment, Sun Quan was feeling depressed and unable to make a decision.

Zhang Zhao shook his head and said calmly: 'No!I would never dare to belittle myself and elevate others like this! '

"Although Jingzhou will not destroy me Jiangdong, it can enable Cao Cao to move eastward safely and swallow up Jiangdong. This matter cannot be more clear. 20 days ago, if Liu Bei's Fancheng had not fought against Cao Cao, millions of Cao Cao's troops would have returned without success. Turn back to Wancheng? My lord, please don’t forget that the traitor Cao once personally issued a letter to destroy me Jiangdong on the grounds that I, Jiangdong, poisoned his youngest son! Liu Bei’s battle in Fancheng can be said to be a plea for the common people and subjects of Jiangdong, me!”

Gu Yong also left work and came to Zhang Zhao's side, bowed and saluted: "My lord, I have one more matter. I just received a secret report and there is no time to report it. Now I might as well announce it in front of all the ministers."

Sun Quan originally had a sad look on his face, but when he heard that Gu Yong's voice was unusual and extremely serious, he couldn't help but feel moved in his heart. He hurriedly straightened his posture, gathered himself, and listened carefully.

Gu Yong took out a piece of paper from his sleeve and said: "According to the secret report from my Jiangdong scout in the north, Cao Cao's original intention of retreating to Wancheng was just to defend against Ma Chao's attack in Xiliang. I never thought that Ma Chao was brave and reckless. He only focused on gathering the elite under the tent, but neglected the protection of the grain road. The Cao thieves led the cavalry with his confidant "Qianliju" Cao Xiu to sneak attack the grain road, burned the storage warehouse, and almost killed Han Sui. Ma Chao panicked. , and all the generals under his command had their own agendas, so they hastily retreated and returned without success."

"Now the Cao thieves are using another trick to secretly move Wancheng's soldiers and horses to Hefei County. It is said that even Zhang Liao, the general under his command, has followed. He may not be far from Hefei now."

Sun Quan was shocked. He suddenly stood up, widened his eyes, and asked in surprise: "The Cao thieves were defeated in Jingzhou and did not want revenge. Why did they move their troops to Hefei on the eastern front?" Zhang Hong said with a frown as he left the mission. : "What's so hard to guess about this matter? Cao Cao's thieves wanted to annex Jingzhou with millions of troops, but they didn't expect that they wasted half a month and couldn't even conquer Fancheng. In the end, they were charged and killed by the Nanman King's troops and suffered heavy losses. , and retreated in embarrassment. At this moment, he transferred his camp to the eastern front. It is obvious that he wanted to bypass the Western Front camp of the Grand Governor and sneak attack Chai Sang! "

All civil and military officials in the dynasty were shocked.Even Tai Shici, who had just felt confident, didn't know the truth of the matter at this moment, and was stunned without saying a word.

Lu Su, who had been silent all this time, suddenly stood up at this moment.

"Didn't the scout report a few days before the war say that Cao Cao had gathered troops in Wancheng and planned to attack Jingzhou again? Why did it change to a secret transfer to the eastern front again? Whether this matter is true or not needs to be carefully considered and confirmed. ah!"

What he was thinking at the moment was different from everyone else.If it is true as stated in the letter that Cao Cao intends to attack Chaisang secretly, then this news should have reached Poyang Lake. Why has there been no news from Governor Zhou Yu?

Is it that he doesn't know yet, or that although he knows, he doesn't believe it and ignores it?
Or maybe he knowingly committed the crime and had no intention of rescuing Chiyuan Chai Sang...

Zhang Zhao saw Lu Su's question and smiled softly and said: "Zijing is a thoughtful and flexible mind, but he can't figure out such a simple thing? If Cao Cao transferred Wancheng's troops to Hefei with great fanfare, wouldn't it be possible? Didn't he violate the taboo of military strategists? Soldiers are deceitful! By doing this, Cao Cao could not only show Jingzhou and the governor the illusion of gathering troops and horses to fight Jingzhou again, but also let Jiangdong troops and horses focus on the defense of the western front. , to realize that the west is more important than the east. The plank road was built openly and secretly to Chencang, and we sneaked into the rear of Jiangdong. If we really attack Chaisang, will my lord also become the puppet emperor Han Xiandi who is imprisoned in the palace? "

Lu Su's expression changed slightly, he lowered his head and said nothing, occasionally shaking his head and sighing.

Sun Quan couldn't sit still in the big chair, so he stood up and paced, clasping his hands behind his back and frowning in thought.

After a long time, he opened his mouth and said: "No matter whether this matter is true or false. Jingzhou cannot be offended, Liu Bei is still my ally in Jiangdong!"

"You should be self-aware! I don't dare to hunt in the Central Plains. I don't have the military strength in Jiangdong. I'm afraid that Jingzhou doesn't have the strength to fight against Cao Cao. But if I offend Jingzhou, there is a high possibility that I will die among Cao Cao's thieves. hand!"

"As Zhang Hong and Gu Yong said, Jingzhou does not have the strength to destroy me in Jiangdong. But if Cao Cao attacks Hefei, Liu Bei attacks from Jiangxia. If we cannot take care of each other, we will really die without a burial place!"

Taishi Ci heard everyone's analysis and felt that there was no refutation. At this moment, he only said: "My lord's worries are indeed justified. But my lord is very important in Jiangdong, how can he go deep into this important place? If Liu Bei has a bad intention, With the lord trapped in Jingzhou, who will I rely on in Jiangdong? In my opinion, if the lord has the intention to befriend Liu Bei, it is better to send an envoy there. We must not allow the Lord of All Saints to pagoda the tiny land of Jingzhou!"

Sun Quan nodded and glanced at the faces of many civil servants, wondering who should be sent there.

"My lord, I have a person who I can recommend to your lord. I guarantee it will be foolproof."

As Gu Yong spoke, he turned to look at Zhuge Jin, who was standing next to Lu Su.

"Zhuge Ziyu is resourceful and careful in his actions. In addition, his younger brother Zhuge Wolong has clearly worked in Liu Bei's military advisor's house and has deep Liu Bei's trust. And Liu Bei's military advisor Zhuge Wende is also his clan brother. If Zhuge Ziyu is sent there, it will definitely be beneficial."

Sun Qian thought for a moment and couldn't help but shook his head again.

Although Zhuge Jin is extremely intelligent, his actions are too rigid and not smooth enough.The last time I went to Xuchang to present gifts to Cao Cao, not only did it fail to disgrace Cao Cao, he also valued Jiangdong.Instead, Jiang Dong was impressed by a 12-year-old boy named Cao Chong.

Not only that, Cao Chong died of poisoning caused by the elephant weighing, and Jiangdong was dragged into dire straits.Although Sun Quan also believed that Jiangdong was deliberately framed, the common man was innocent of the crime. Zhuge Jin, who handled the matter, still left an unforgettable shadow of bad reviews in Sun Quan's heart.

"My lord, I would like to go to Jingzhou on behalf of your lord to pay homage to Liu Bei and see how he behaves!"

Lu Su suddenly stood up and introduced himself.

"Zi Jing!"

"Things in Jiangdong are complicated, and you are busy with official duties, so I'm afraid you won't be able to get away. It's most reasonable and reasonable for Zhuge Ziyu to go there, not to mention Zhuge Ziyu's personal connections in Jingzhou, but you don't have any."

Zhang Zhao glanced at Lu Su coldly and said with a sneer.

Ever since the eve of Cao Cao's march south, Lu Su had resolutely stood on Zhou Yu's side during the battle for peace in Jiangdong, insisting on continuing the bloody battle and never seeking peace.Zhang Zhao and other Jiangdong clan seemed to regard him as Zhou Yu's party, so they did not like him.

But Lu Su ignored Zhang Zhao, but bowed and saluted again, raised his head and looked at Sun Quan, and said slowly: "A few days ago, I was sent by my lord to visit Liu Bei in Jingzhou to congratulate him on his victory." Cao Cao, and asked for the next step of the Sun-Liu alliance. Because the lord has something to do, he has called me back, but it has not happened yet. If you don't take this opportunity, I will go to Jingzhou again to represent the lord and find out."

"If Lu Su is still alive, he will never let the Sun-Liu alliance exist in name only, let alone let Cao Cao be so arrogant and attack our eastern front with great fanfare, putting the lord in danger!"

Sun Quan still didn't speak, and was silent for a long time. Then he raised his head and looked at Lu Su, and suddenly asked: "Zijing, do you think Jiangdong or Jingzhou is stronger or weaker?"

Lu Su was startled for a moment, and then replied calmly: "Jingzhou has been roughly settled, and the people's hearts have not yet followed. Moreover, after Liu Jingsheng became seriously ill in the past, Cai Mao and Zhang Yun took power, which had already exhausted Jingzhou's luck. How can it be done in a month or two now?" Recover within [-] seconds? In terms of military and horse strength, Jiangdong is no weaker than Jingzhou. In terms of money and food reserves, not to mention Liu Bei of Jingzhou, even Cao Cao of Xuchang would not dare to compare with Jiangdong!"

Sun Quan's originally depressed and dull eyes suddenly emitted a dazzling light. He looked at Lu Su and laughed loudly and said, "That's right! What Zijing said is true every word!"

"The three armies have not moved, but the food and grass go first! Food and grass are the life of the army and horses! Ma Chao returned to the army because of chatting, and the food and grass were out of stock. In the past, Fancheng, if the soldiers and horses of the Southern Barbarians had not arrived unexpectedly and unexpectedly attacked Cao's army, they would have run out of food and grass. die."

"But my Jiangdong's food reserves are beyond their imagination! Even if my Jiangdong people are empty, the food and grass will be inexhaustible!"

"I made a good alliance with Jingzhou not because I am afraid of Jingzhou. It is for the alliance between Sun and Liu to fight against Cao's thieves!"

All the civil and military officials in the hall praised and said: "We, Jiangdong, are what we are today, all because of the good management of our lord, the Third Generation!"

Sun Quan suddenly strode down the steps, stepped forward, held Lu Su's hand, and said loudly: "Zijing, you will set off tomorrow. Be like Jingzhou for me!"


Lu Su bowed and accepted the order.

(End of this chapter)

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