Chapter 142

Zhuge Liang took a step forward, reached out and held Zhuge Ming's arm, and led him into the lobby.Liu Bei and Ma Liang also followed.

"Military advisor, we can't delay it any longer!"

Liu Bei reached out and picked up the letter from Zhao Yun of Fancheng: "In seven more days, food and grass in Fancheng will be completely cut off. The 25 soldiers and horses will be starved of food, and the 20 Nanman soldiers of the Nanman King may..."

Liu Bei's face was pale, and the hand he stretched out to deliver the letter to Zhuge Ming was trembling slightly.

With the combat power of the three armies of the Southern Barbarian King, they could defeat Cao Cao's 20 soldiers and horses in an instant, killing and wounding more than [-] people.

If his food and grass were cut off, the southern barbarians would become more aggressive, switch sides, and counterattack Jingzhou.I'm afraid that Jingzhou, which he worked so hard for, may not be able to hold it.

What's more important is that there are millions of Cao Cao's men watching over Wancheng.Zhou Yu of Poyang Lake, although currently in an alliance, is still determined to destroy Jingzhou.If the Nanman King's troops return to attack Xiangyang, the four counties of Changsha and Guiyang, which are close to Poyang Lake, may not be able to protect themselves. How could Zhou Yu not take advantage of the chaos and get a piece of the pie?

Zhuge Liang took a step forward and took the envelope from Liu Bei's hand. After opening it, he unfolded the letter and handed it to Zhuge Ming.

Zhuge Ming reached out and took it, only glanced at it casually and threw it to Kong Ming.

"Brother, Zilong is sitting on pins and needles in Fancheng now. If we fight, we will not be able to sustain food and grass, so we have to sit back and wait for death. If we want to retreat, we are afraid that the military commander will make other arrangements and delay the military aircraft."

"Ma Liang and my lord have been discussing for half a day, but there is no good solution. The food and grass from Jiangdong will take seven or eight days at the earliest. I am afraid that by that time, Fancheng will have been without food for many days, and the consequences will be disastrous..."

Kong Ming reached out to take the letter, folded it and put it back in, and said worriedly.

Ma Liang also said: "There is no surplus inventory of food and grass in Xiangyang, and even if it is sent, it will only be a drop in the bucket and cannot solve the problem. The cost of a 25-strong army is too great..."

Zhuge Ming looked at Liu Bei, then at Zhuge Liang and Ma Liang, and smiled softly: "Don't worry!"

"Food and grass will not be cut off, and the armed forces will not be in chaos."

Zhuge Ming waved his arm, and the folding fan Qiushui Renjia suddenly unfolded, reflecting the sunlight coming in from outside the hall, emitting infinite brilliance.

"Not only that, I also have a good plan to hand over to Zilong to discipline Cao Cao, who once again lost his troops and lost his generals. He dare not look at me, Jingzhou!"

Liu Bei was shocked and looked at Kong Ming and Ma Liang.

Zhuge Wolong, even Zhuge Wolong, looked confused at this moment. He didn't know what brilliant plan the military advisor was planning to carry out!

In the Yamen of Fancheng Mansion.

Zhao Yun was worried and restless, anxiously waiting for news from the Xiangyang messenger.

He was never afraid of charging to kill the enemy or fighting bloody battles.But the three armies were out of food and the disaster caused Xiao Qiang, which made him tremble every time he thought about it.

Fancheng was the place he saved through hard work, and it was the northern gateway for his lord Liu Bei. Since the lord handed this city into his hands, no matter what the reason was, if Fancheng fell in the future, he would have an unshirkable responsibility. responsibility.

Zhao Yun slowly stood up and came to the courtyard. Under the morning sun, he took a few deep breaths.


Zhao Yun pulled out the sword from his waist. The peak of the sword was like a pool of clear water, shining dazzlingly under the morning glow.

"If there comes a day when Fan City cannot be defended, I will sacrifice my life for the city and fight to the bitter end!"


Zhao Yun frowned, feeling an inexplicable sense of desolation and loss in his heart.

If you die in a bloody battle with Cao Cao, you will die with no regrets.

However, if the three armies mutiny due to lack of food in the city, Meng Huo's southern barbarian soldiers turn against each other, and comrades in the same trench become enemies and fight each other...

Although Zhao Yun is a tough guy, he also has tenderness.Thinking of this and recalling Meng Huo's boldness and straightforwardness, he felt even more sad.


At this moment, Kuai Yue hurriedly opened the door and came to Zhao Yun.

"Brother Kuai Liang has raised a batch of military rations from Zhang Ling, which is enough to support Fancheng for several days!"

Zhao Yun looked happy. At this critical moment, every drop is worth cherishing.

"The food and grass set out two days ago. I think it will be delivered today and tomorrow. However, the journey is rugged and dangerous. I am afraid that Cao Cao will interfere with it..."

Kuai Yue said with a bit of worry.

Zhao Yun put the sword into the scabbard, nodded and said: "I have also been thinking in the past few days that the news of Fancheng's food shortage must not be hidden from Cao Cao. According to his sinister character, I am afraid that he will send troops to attack Fancheng in the next few days. The food is ready."

Kuai Yue deeply agreed: "Cao Cao fought against Yuan Shao and retreated from Ma Chao because he burned the opponent's rations and cut off the opponent's food routes. Since he has succeeded repeatedly, I am afraid that Fancheng will not be an exception."

Zhao Yun turned back to the lobby, leaned over the table and splashed ink, wrote a military order and handed it to Kuai Yue, saying: "Go to the military camp and order Wei Yan and Wenpin to lead the troops to collect the food and grass to protect Zhang Ling. Along the way, inquire about Wancheng. information!"

Kuai Yue agreed, put away Zhao Yun's general order, and approached in a low voice and asked: "Zilong, how confident are you about Fancheng?"

Zhao Yun's expression was extremely peaceful, he slowly raised his head and looked outside the lobby door.

"I have no good plan for the Fancheng matter, and I don't even see any hope."

His eyes suddenly became as determined as iron!
"But the moment the military advisor dispatched the Nanman King's army to enter Jingzhou, everything must have been planned by him. I firmly believe that today's situation is also under the control of the military advisor. There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain, and the water will naturally flow straight to the bridge. I firmly believe that the military advisor will not leave my 20 brothers and [-] Nanman elites in Fancheng alone!"

Kuai Yue sighed softly, his morale seemed a little low: "I also believe that Mr. Zhuge, the military advisor, has plans like a god, and the world is unpredictable. But as far as Fancheng is today, I can't see any other way to rescue Xiangyang. There is not much food and grass. The 20 soldiers and horses of the Southern Barbarian King were originally an extra burden. What's more, Jingzhou has just been unified and is full of waste. If agriculture recovers in another three or two years, it will naturally not be a problem, but now …”

Zhao Yun waved his hand, interrupted Kuai Yue's words, and said in a low voice: "You should retreat first. Let's stop this matter. Do not discuss it privately outside and disturb the morale of the army."

Kuai Yue agreed, bid farewell to Zhao Yun, and went to the military camp to deliver orders.


Wei Yan and Wenpin received the general orders from Kuai Yue and heard that new grain and grass were about to arrive, and they were overjoyed.

The two men each selected two thousand elite cavalry, joined forces, and headed south to receive Zhang Ling's supplies of food and grass.After leaving the camp, Wei Yan and Wenpin walked side by side, talking as they walked.

"I didn't expect that the Jingzhou clan, which was originally colluding with Cai Mao and Zhang Yunhang, has changed its mind so completely now. Several batches of grain and grass in Fancheng are all thanks to their support."

Wei Yan said to Wenpin.They are all former members of Jingzhou and are very familiar with the past events in Jingzhou.He also knew clearly the wrong things done by Cai Mao, a vassal of the Jingzhou clan in the past.

Wenpin lightly hit the horse and said with a smile: "With Zhuge's military advisor's iron fist and gentle policy, they can't help but do this. The foundation of the Jingzhou clan is all in Jingzhou. If they can't gain a foothold in Jingzhou, whether they go to Jiangdong or Yizhou, Or if they surrender to Cao Cao, they will be ostracized by the local clans and have no place to live. Surrendering to the lord and benefiting Jingzhou is their only way out."

Wei Yan laughed loudly and said: "Wen Zhongye is right! I didn't expect the military advisor and the lord to be so magnanimous. It's not an exaggeration to even scrape the bones and heart of the clan for the things they did before! The lord first came to Jingzhou. How much bullying and insult did I suffer from them when I was here!"

Wenpin sighed and said: "Those who achieve great things do not stick to trivial matters. This shows how wise it is for me to follow the lord. With the lord's mind and the wisdom of the military advisor, sooner or later, great things will happen!"

"But now Fancheng is in trouble and the situation is precarious. We and General Zhao Yun are worried day and night, and we are anxious. We don't know what the lord and the military advisor are planning... The delay in receiving news makes us feel uneasy."

Wei Yan looks like a rough man on the surface, but in fact he is very careful. He sees the situation in Fancheng more thoroughly than anyone else.

"The military advisor has all the plans, so how can we leave Fancheng alone? You and I are generals, and we only have to train the clans and lead the troops to fight. As for the supply of food and grass, I think the military advisor must have already planned it, so there is no need to worry."

Wenpin firmly believed in Zhuge Ming, and even though he was on the verge of despair and would be cut off from food and grass in a few days, he still remained calm.

While the two were discussing, they suddenly heard the sound of cows neighing in the distance, coming in waves, rising and falling.

"They seem to be the elephants and buffaloes of the Southern Barbarians. What are they doing?"

Wei Yan listened intently and frowned.

He originally had no bad impression of the Nanman soldiers. However, after the food shortage in Fancheng, the Jingzhou soldiers were scrimping on food and clothing. However, the Nanman soldiers did not seem to take it to heart at all and were still extremely extravagant. In the past ten days, they even had no regard for food. The demand is greater!

This made Wei Yan feel disgusted and frowned when he mentioned the Southern Barbarian soldiers.

"It seems like they are practicing, but this is not the military camp of the Southern Barbarian King...and they are all surrounded by fences. Could it be that they are rehearsing some mysterious battle formation here?"

Wen Renjin pointed the riding crop forward and said curiously.

A hundred feet ahead, a huge field was indeed surrounded by a wooden fence as high as a person.Wei Yan and Wenpin galloped their horses and arrived outside the fence in a moment.

The neighing sounds of elephants and buffaloes became louder, mixed with shouts and orders, but the language of the Nanman soldiers was completely different from the Jingzhou dialect.I guess it must be some kind of order to drive livestock!

"There is a shortage of food in the city, so the southern barbarian soldiers need to be careful. I wonder what they are doing here?"

"Let's go in and take a look, and then we'll do our part!"

The two of them hit horses and galloped around the fence, looking for the entrance.

This wilderness is hundreds of acres in size!
Fancheng is close to Wancheng, and Cao Cao has wanted to invade Jingzhou for many years.In order to avoid the war, more people in Fancheng migrate out every year, but fewer people move into Fancheng.So year after year, Fancheng became a small town with a vast area and sparsely populated areas.

It wasn't until Zhao Yun's 20 troops moved in, and later Meng Huo's [-] troops arrived, that the small town of Fancheng instantly became very popular.

The two ran around the fence for more than ten miles and finally found the entrance. The gate of the fence was open and there was no guard. Wei Yan was in front and Wenpin was behind. They entered directly on horseback.

As soon as I entered the enclosure, I suddenly became enlightened!
I saw that the originally barren and scrawled wilderness was now being cultivated and renovated.On hundreds of acres of open land, elephants and buffaloes came and went like a weave. The buffaloes dragged a rake and plow behind them, and one cow plowed two ridges.The rake dragged behind the elephant is so huge that it can plow five or six ridges of land in one go!
Not far from the fence gate, a bonfire was burning.On the wooden racks on the bonfire, hundreds of wild boars, rabbits and other game were roasted, exuding a refreshing fragrance.The water in the iron hanging pot was rolling and boiling.

A woman in foreign clothing, with skin as white as snow and a kind face, was directing several female attendants below to distribute boiling water and turn the barbecue.

"Isn't that Mrs. Zhu Rong?"

Wei Yan and Wenpin were surprised. They each got off their horses and walked forward.

Wei Yan pointed his riding whip at the beautiful woman at the head and said strangely.

Mrs. Zhu Rong is the wife of the Southern Barbarian King Meng Huo. She is equivalent to the Queen of Middle-earth. What a distinguished status!But she was smiling and busy at the moment, but she didn't have any airs. Instead, she looked like a simple and hard-working peasant woman, approachable, kind and honest.

At this time, Mrs. Zhu Rong also saw Wenpin and Wei Yan.He smiled and called the two of them over, picked up two bowls from the stone table, wiped them clean with his sleeves, filled two bowls of boiling water, and handed them to them.

"Mrs. Zhu Rong, this... what is going on!"

Wei Yanchang pointed at the grand farming scene in front of him and asked with confusion on his face.

Mrs. Zhu Rong apologized and said with a smile: "The general doesn't know something. After we entered Jingzhou, we got the order from the military advisor. If there is no time for the war, we can open up wasteland and farmland in Fancheng to raise troops and benefit the people."

Wenpin was shocked and said "Oh" softly: "It turned out to be the military advisor's idea!"

Mrs. Zhu Rong continued: "The elephants and buffaloes in our army are the best at clearing wasteland. Now is the time for spring planting, so we led our troops here to open up hundreds of acres of wasteland. Most of the food sent by General Zhao Yun was also planted underground. .”

"If these lands are turned into cultivated fields, we, Fancheng, can easily cope with the food supply of the army and be self-sufficient. When the Southern Barbarian King succeeds and retires, these lands can be distributed to the people of Fancheng. The people of Fancheng will have more than enough food to fill their homes. concern!"

Wei Yan and Wenpin looked at each other, shocked!

It turned out that silently, the military advisor had ordered the Nanman King to carry out this project in Fancheng that would benefit the people's livelihood at that time and benefit all generations!
As the soldiers and horses of the Southern Barbarians had such a huge demand for food and grass, they did not pocket it privately, but took it from Jingzhou and used it as seeds and fodder for the cattle and elephants!
Wei Yan blushed. He complained the most about the Nanman soldiers in the past. Now he saw the scene of the Nanman soldiers working hard and felt ashamed.

"Two generals, please excuse me. It's almost lunch time, and I have to ask the attendants to prepare food for the children."

"These game meats were obtained during the land reclamation. They are extremely delicious. If you two generals like them, you can eat them."

Mrs. Zhu Rong said goodbye to Wei Yan and Wenpin with a smile, and continued to work.

Cao Cao's troops are stationed in Wancheng, and the war is about to begin!
However, under the instructions of the military advisor, the southern barbarian soldiers did not panic at all, but instead planted crops here?

It seems that the military advisor has already secured victory!
Wei Yan and Wenpin jumped on their horses, patted them and left.

It seems that at this moment, the world is wider and the air is fresher. Even the haze that condensed over Fancheng is swept away in an instant!

But both of them knew that the haze was not in the city, but in everyone's heart.At this moment, they had no doubts.

With military advisor Mr. Zhuge, Fancheng is as stable as iron and stone!

(End of this chapter)

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