Uncle Emperor, I am really not Wolong Zhuge!

Chapter 148 Xuchang Distinguished Guest

Chapter 148 Xuchang Distinguished Guest
In Xuchang, Xun Lingjun's mansion was decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations today and was full of joy. The attendants inside and outside the mansion were all very busy, and it seemed that there was a great happy event.

But in fact, today is not the day when Xun Lingjun takes a concubine and marries a wife, nor is it the marriage of his children, nor is it the elder's birthday, or the birth of a new heir.

The reason for being so busy is because a new distinguished guest arrived at Xun Lingjun's house today!
Elegant single room, exquisite dishes, two maids waiting around, serving tea, pouring water, adding wine and serving dishes.

"Xun Lingjun, I haven't seen you for several months. I am in Jizhou and I miss you all the time!"

Liu Ye filled a glass of wine, held it in his palm, raised it high, and said with great emotion.

Xun Yu smiled faintly, held the cup in his hand, and drank a cup with Liu Ye. He also said with emotion: "A few months ago, the Prime Minister made his first expedition south to Jingzhou. He asked you to go to Jizhou to raise food. I made arrangements in Xuchang. You and I We cooperate with each other and complement each other. I also want to thank you. Otherwise, the prime minister wants food and grass, and I am empty-handed, how can I cope with it!"

Liu Ye laughed and said: "I am raising food in Jizhou, it is a trivial matter. How can you compare with you here, taking care of everything and forgetting to eat and sleep?"

Liu Ye saw that in the past few months, Xun Yu seemed to be several years older than when he was away from him in the past. His temples were gray and as thin as wood. Only his eyes were still full of energy, but every time he was silent, something was revealed. A little tired.

"Xun Lingjun, although official matters are important, you should not be careless about your health! If you are ill, who will the Prime Minister rely on for these many matters?"

Liu Ye put down his wine glass and gently stroked Xun Yu's hand. He felt that Xun Yu's fingers were cold and as hard as five iron bars, and he was secretly shocked!

Xun Yu broke free slightly, withdrew his palm, sighed and said: "The huge world is falling apart, and it is impossible for the one who wants to be the king and the hegemon to be victorious. I can only make the aftermath of the aftermath flawless and perfect, so that I can satisfy the Prime Minister." Eliminate your worries, concentrate on pacifying the world, and unify the country of Han Dynasty."

Liu Ye filled another cup and clinked it with Xun Yu with a face full of shame: "After Liu Ye became Emperor Guangwu, he was a member of the Han clan, but he only focused on utilitarianism. Compared with Xun Lingjun who dedicated himself to the country, he was really ashamed and ashamed of his ancestors. Ashamed of the imperial court."

Xun Yu saw that he was open and unobstructed, so he smiled softly and said: "You are the only one who pursues fame and fortune in the world? This is exactly what worries me!"

Liu Ye's expression changed, and he had realized the meaning of Xun Yu's words.

Prime Minister Cao is getting bigger day by day, and all court affairs are in his hands alone. The civil and military officials in the court only recognize the Prime Minister, not the Emperor!

If the Prime Minister is loyal to the Han Dynasty, then the Han Dynasty can still hide its mouth and breathe, and the future is uncertain. If the Prime Minister has different aspirations...

Who in the world can control it?

It’s terrifying to think about it, it’s terrifying!

Xun Yu smiled lightly: "Zi Yang, do you know why among all the counselors, you are the only one sent to Jizhou to raise food?"

Liu Ye shook his head, picked up the chopsticks, took a mouthful of food, and chewed it gently, as if he was also thinking, but he was silent for a few seconds, swallowing the food in his mouth, but never said a word.

He has not thought about this question. In his opinion, one person needs to go to Hebei to collect food after all. No matter who it is, they can ask why. This is an extremely boring thing.But since Xun Lingjun raised the question, it was obvious that there must be a deeper meaning, but he could not figure out the reason.

Xun Yu retreated from the two maids and turned around to see that the door was closed. Then he straightened his body and said slowly: "Among the counselors, there are two who are suspicious of each other and will not reuse them. Do you know who they are?"

Liu Ye said mockingly: "Of course one of them is me, but what about the other one?"

On the occasion of the first southern expedition, Cao Cao selected five counselors to accompany the army, and Liu Ye was sent to Jizhou to raise grain.In terms of strategy, although Liu Ye is not superior to Cheng Yu, he is three points better than Chen Qun and Zhong Yao.Although he was mocking himself at the moment, deep down in his heart, he was somewhat resentful.

Xun Yu smiled bitterly and tapped the table gently: "You and I are brothers in distress, who else can I be?"

Liu Ye was shocked. He didn't expect that Xun Yu, the prime minister and the man who controlled Xuchang, would say these words!

"Xun Lingjun is under one person and above ten thousand people. He is highly valued by the prime minister. Whenever he goes out to fight, he entrusts you to be the prime minister. How can you say that you are not highly used?"

Xun Yu did not answer directly, he sighed softly, stood up, walked back and forth in front of the table with his hands behind his back, turned around and walked to the window, pushed it gently, and the window opened with a creak.There is a bright moon in the sky outside, and the bright moonlight shines into the room through the window and sprinkles on the table.Suddenly the lone lamp in the corner seemed dim.

"As a clan member of the Han Dynasty, if the Prime Minister has no different ambitions, you will definitely reuse him with confidence. But I have already revealed my intention to be loyal to Han and not loyal to Cao. Although the Prime Minister entrusts me with a heavy responsibility at this moment, it is only because the time is not ripe at this moment. , he also had to use this to win the trust of the people and the Han Dynasty."

"You and I are both chess pieces, and sooner or later I will be the discarded piece."

Xun Yu suddenly turned around, stared at Liu Ye resolutely, and said word by word:

"And you!"

"If you want to be reused, you may have to wait until the Prime Minister!"

"You just need to keep a low profile and be loyal to your duties, and you will be reused sooner or later. Don't be too showy, and don't imitate me, being loyal to the Han Dynasty and offending the prime minister!"

Liu Ye felt extremely desolate as he listened to Xun Yu's words.He originally thought that Xun Yu was just blindly loyal and not enlightened, so he came back this time thinking of how to persuade him.When I heard him say these words today, I suddenly realized: It turns out that Xun Yu knows everything and sees through everything. He is many times better than himself!
And the reminders to myself are like enlightenment, like clearing the clouds and seeing the blue sky!

"Liu Ye thanks Xun Lingjun for his teachings!"

Liu Ye stood up and left the table, bowed in front of Xun Yu, and said with great gratitude.

"Get up! Get up! This doesn't have to be the case between you and me!"

Xun Yu smiled kindly, hurriedly bent down to help Liu Ye up, and took his hand to sit down again.

The two of them drank a few more drinks, and the conversation changed and they got into the current situation again.

Liu Ye smiled easily: "I have been in Jizhou for three months, and the food and grass in Jizhou have almost been exhausted. I took it all and moved it to Xuchang. I roughly estimate that even if it is a million-strong army, it will be enough for half a year! The Prime Minister this time During the southern expedition, we can have no worries about food and grass!"

Xun Yu lowered his head, and after thinking for a long time, he looked up at Liu Ye and sighed: "That's not the case. I'm afraid, Ziyang, you have to return to Jizhou to continue raising food..."

Liu Ye's smile froze on his face, and he asked in astonishment: "Is it possible that the Prime Minister encountered difficulties again during this southern expedition, and the battle is expected to last more than half a year? If this is true, don't panic. After half a year, new grain supplies will Come down, Jizhou is a prosperous land, it will not be difficult to raise food and grass!"

Xun Yu waved his hands again and again: "No! No! I'm afraid we will run out of food within a month or two!"

While talking, he took out a letter from his sleeve and handed it to Liu Ye.

It was the urgent document of grain and grass sent from Wancheng yesterday, instructing Xun Yu to send grain and grass to Hefei for military use.

Liu Ye suddenly felt his chest churning, and he almost spit out a mouthful of blood.After a long time, I finally stabilized my mood, but I still felt that my internal organs were in chaos, and there was a stagnation of energy in my chest that was difficult to resolve.

"How about the events ahead, please tell Xun Lingjun in detail. I have been in the north for a long time and know very little about it."

Xun Yu was in frail health and had weak blood, and he seemed to have lost the power of alcohol.He slowly picked up the wine pot, filled Liu Ye's glass with wine, and poured half a glass of water into his own wine glass.

"The Prime Minister saw that the five great counselors had no good strategy, so he suddenly had a whim. He stationed a small number of troops in Wancheng and pretended to have a large number. He waited until Fancheng's food supply ran out and the Nanman King rebelled, taking advantage of the situation to attack Jingzhou. He then moved heavy troops to Hefei with the intention of sneaking a surprise attack on Chaizhou. Sang, capture Sun Quan alive in order to capture Jiangdong once and for all.”

Liu Ye pondered for a moment, nodded and said: "Although the Prime Minister's plan is bold, it is still dangerous for the army. Taking it by surprise may have the effect of getting twice the result with half the effort."

Xun Yu frowned and said sadly: "But the Prime Minister has forgotten that the opponents he faces are Zhou Yu and Zhuge Wende, not Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu!"

"What's even more terrible is that the Prime Minister superfluous and ordered Chen Qun to go to Poyang Lake to sow discord between Zhou Yu and Sun Quan. With Zhou Yu's wisdom, Chen Qun may have understood his intention as soon as he arrived. And Zhuge Wende in Jingzhou can even Guess all the Prime Minister’s plans to move to the east road!”

Liu Ye stared at Xun Yu with his eyes wide open, and asked curiously: "When I was in Jizhou, I heard that Zhuge Wen's reputation was spread all over the world, and it was so miraculous that it seemed that all the wisdom of the world was in his hand. The ancient universe, There is only one person. Is this person really so wise as a demon?"

Among the five great counselors, although he did not approve of Chen Qun and Zhong Yao, Xun You was extremely resourceful, Jia Xu was mature and prudent, thoughtful and considerate of Zhou Xiang, and Cheng Yu was even more sophisticated and well-informed.Could it be that the prime minister and five great counselors could not resist Zhuge Wende?
Xun Yu ignored Liu Ye's question and continued: "In the Battle of Jiangxia, Zhang Liao, the commander-in-chief of the Eastern Front, was captured. All the three-month grain and grass for the 30-strong army on the east route were carried by Guan Yu to Fancheng. Now Fancheng soldiers have fine grain. Not enough, but our soldiers in Hefei will soon suffer from hunger."

"The Prime Minister's letter urging food supplies is also sent to Hefei. I predict that the Prime Minister has decided to continue the battle of Hefei!"

Liu Ye couldn't hold on any longer. He didn't have time to sit up. He turned around, turned his back to the wine table, opened his mouth, and vomited heartily.

After I vomited out all the food and wine I had just eaten, I still felt that my stomach and intestines were contracting, churning like waves in a river and sea, layer by layer.

Xun Yu sighed, stood up, took Liu Ye's wine glass, gently poured the remaining wine into the bucket, replaced it with a glass of water, and handed it to Liu Ye.

"Such food and grass was gone at the last minute? And it was transferred to Fancheng, in the hands of our sworn enemy!"

"Are the five great counselors in front of the battle all useless? Or do they think that raising food in Jizhou is extremely comfortable and easy to capture!!"

Liu Ye was furious, even more upset and angry. He pointed his halberd in the direction of Wancheng and cursed!

He raised food in the north, used all the connections and channels he could think of, negotiated repeatedly with the local nobles, and completed the expected tasks as scheduled.

But he didn't expect that the food and grass he had carefully raised would be handed over to the enemy after arriving in Wancheng!

Xun Yu murmured: "Zhuge Wende's army was bloodless, and he captured General Zhang Liao. He had nearly [-] elite soldiers, and the food and grass equipment was invincible. The food crisis in Fancheng was alleviated, and the Prime Minister's plan of waiting for the Southern Barbarian King to lack food and cause chaos was no longer exist!"

"What I'm most worried about now is Hefei!"

Liu Ye nodded, picked up a towel from the table, gently wiped the vomit residue on his mouth, and took a few sips from the water cup that Xun Yu had replaced.

"Hefei is short of food and grass, and there is no general. The situation is really not good. Even if I go back to Jizhou to raise food, it will take time to get back and forth. Water far away cannot solve the problem of fire close by. If Zhang Liao is in Hefei, he must have a way to solve the food and grass problem. Give it to me Time to collect food..."

Liu Ye sighed sadly, Zhang Liao was captured, and the army lost a wise and brave general. It was really a big loss.

Xun Yu said worriedly: "Not only that. What I'm more worried about is that Zhuge Wende has already seen through the facts. If he persuades Sun Quan to take the initiative, he will do the opposite and march from Hefei to support the two directions. The prime minister will divide his troops to resist the enemy. , unable to do what he wants, another defeat..."

Liu Ye looked pale and said in a low voice with a hint of luck: "Prime Minister, after all, he is conquering a region as a big country. Could it be that Zhuge Wen De has divine calculations? He dares to conclude that there is no more food left in our army? Even so, will Sun Quan just listen? Is his deception really about sending troops to attack Hefei?"

Although he also heard a lot about Zhuge Wende's reputation and his many tricks against the prime minister.But after all, they are just legends. Whether it is Cao Chong's death or Ma Teng's suicide and Ma Chao's revolt, there is no definite evidence that it was Zhuge Wende who did it.

But Xun Yu was very sure, and nodded silently and said: "Zhuge always opens his eyes when he hears virtue, and can see fire as clearly as he can. Managing the world is like reading literature on the palm of his hand. I am afraid that the flaws left by the Prime Minister's wrong move will be difficult to hide from him!"

"The Prime Minister is not a mediocre person. We may have too many worries. Moreover, you and I are both in Xuchang. Even if we are loyal, we are beyond our reach. Mr. Xun Ling, please don't be too anxious and hurt your body."

Liu Ye looked at Xun Yu's temples that were turning gray and his eyebrows that were falling off, and he hurriedly comforted him.

Xun Yu nodded, picked up the wine glass in his hand, raised it high, and touched it with Liu Ye. The two of them drank tea instead of wine, and each drank it down.

"Now the clan people in Xuchang have just calmed down from the panic of Ma Chao's attack. If they knew that the prime minister was facing such a critical situation, I am afraid there would be another trouble. I am in Xuchang and try my best to maintain a stable situation here. You can get up tomorrow and go to Jizhou and Youzhou No matter what we do, we can raise another batch of food and grass and send it over."

Xun Yu paused, lowered his head and pondered for a moment, and then continued: "I also collected some grain and grass from Xuchang and sent it to Hefei to postpone the urgent need. As for the forward war, there is nothing you and I can do. We have to do our best and obey fate!"

The two of them had decided on a plan, and after talking about some daily chores, Liu Ye said goodbye and left.

The next day, Liu Ye indeed took advantage of the morning glow, before he could wash away the dust and wind, and embarked on his journey north to Jizhou again!

Xiangyang, in the Military Advisor's Mansion.

Ma Liang and Zhuge Liang came back from the prefect's mansion happily. They were in a better mood than before.

Fancheng, which was originally in a desperate situation, was now fully equipped with troops and supplies, and they had already received the news of Cao Xiu's death. Although they did not know who did it, they both felt like a mirror in their hearts. If not Huang Zhong, who else could it be? ?
"I have a sharpshooting hunter who is waiting for Qianliju!"

A few days ago, Zhuge Ming's perseverance and courageous words, and the fearful eyes of gods and ghosts were still vivid in his mind.
"Brother, a few days ago, when the urgent documents arrived from Fancheng, could it be that you had already calculated that Zhang Liao would transport grain and grass to Jiangxia? It's really amazing! I never believe in divine calculations, but brother, I have to believe it!"

Zhuge Liang saw his brother Zhuge Ming standing alone in the courtyard, quietly looking at the flowers under the west wall, dressed in white like snow, bathed in the spring light, looking like a fairy.

Ma Liang also said: "Zilong's letter to the lord has already explained it. It turns out that when the Southern Barbarian King entered Jingzhou, the military advisor had already ordered him to go to Fancheng and, after the war, to cultivate fields and open up wasteland. Self-sufficiency will benefit one side!"

"If I had known this, we wouldn't have panicked!"

Zhuge Liang laughed and said: "Fancheng only has a few days of food. My lord and I are worried, and we are both asking for trouble. It turns out that my brother has a plan a long time ago. It is only because of our doubts. It is unfounded!"

Zhuge Ming slowly turned around, looked at Zhuge Liang, gently put the folding fan on Zhuge Liang's shoulder, and said calmly: "You came just in time, I have something to tell you."

Zhuge Liang looked at Ma Liang, raised his hands and said, "Brother, if you have something to do, just give me your orders!"

(End of this chapter)

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