Uncle Emperor, I am really not Wolong Zhuge!

Chapter 154: Outsmarting Sima Yi

Chapter 154: Outsmarting Sima Yi

Ma Liang picked up the teapot and brought Zhuge Liang a full bowl of tea: "That's Kong Ming. If it were anyone else, it would be difficult to invite him out of the mountain!"

Zhuge Ming nodded: "With Pang Tong as his assistant, Hefei Cao Cao's defeat is certain. The only suspense is speed. Now it's Sun Quan and Wancheng who are racing against time. Whoever can seize the opportunity will win!"

At this moment, Sun Qian hurriedly came to the door of the mansion and gently knocked on the door knocker.

Ma Liang saw it in the courtyard and hurriedly stood up to greet him. He said, "There are not many rules in the military advisor's house. Even ordinary people, if they come to see the military advisor for something, they can come and go at will. Why are you so reserved when you come here!"

Sun Qian said sternly: "Without rules, how can we maintain a square circle? Even if there is an emergency, we dare not trespass."

Zhuge Liang stood up and laughed: "Occupational disease! Occupational disease! Ji Changmo, don't pay attention to him!"

Sun Qian entered the mansion, hurried to Zhuge Ming, took out a letter from the scout in his hand and said: "Military advisor, something has changed in Wancheng, Cao Pi has entered Wancheng!"

Zhuge Ming took the envelope and pressed it on the table without opening it.

Zhuge Liang looked at Sun Qian who was sweating and asked with some confusion: "Will Cao Pi's entry into Wancheng affect the overall situation? Does Cao Pi really want to trade his rich body to Jingzhou for Zhang Liao? Even if he is willing, I don’t think Cao Cao will exchange it. So what’s the point of him coming here?”

Zhuge Ming said calmly: "Cao Pi did not come to Cao Ying alone."

Sun Qian nodded and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"This person's surname is Sima, so he can be called 'Zhonghu'!"

Sun Qian nodded and said in confusion: "It is indeed Sima, but what does the name 'Tomb Tiger' mean?"

Zhuge Ming put away the letter on the table, handed it back to Sun Qian, and said calmly: "Send this letter to Jiangdong immediately, meet Pang Tong in person, and urge him to march to Hefei! You must be quick!"

Sun Qian accepted the order, put away the letter, and left quickly.

"Brother, what happened? You didn't say anything, but you handed the letter to Pang Tong?"

Zhuge Liang was intrigued and couldn't wait to know the truth.

Zhuge Ming suddenly smiled and pointed at Zhuge Liang: "Kong Ming, your real opponent has appeared!"

Spring is a time when hundreds of flowers bloom and full of vitality.

But in the palace of Xuchang, it was a different scene.

Although the palace is not as good as Liu Bang's palace in Chang'an, the western capital, or Liu Xiu's palace in Luoyang, the eastern capital, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. The palace is a palace after all.

At this moment, Xu Du's palace was overgrown with weeds and vines and vines were scurrying around. Even the window sills of Han Xian Emperor Liu Xie's palace were covered with thorns. The palace looked dilapidated and desolate, but there was no sign of life. ?

There are only dozens of maids in the entire palace, and most of them are the eyes and ears sent by the Prime Minister's Palace to monitor Liu Xie's every move. As for the hard work, they are not even as good as Empress Fu who was imprisoned with Emperor Xian of Han Dynasty.

On this day, the sun was shining brightly, shining on the wild grass in the courtyard of the Zhonggong Palace, giving off a dark green brilliance.Liu Xie, Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, was alone, reclining on an old reclining chair with his eyes slightly closed. Under the warm sunshine, he seemed to be asleep, and he seemed to be just seeking a moment of quietness to enjoy his own world.

This side hall is the only place where he can make the decision. No one in the palace can enter without his permission.

Empress Fu held the basket in her hand, walked through a narrow path in the grassy courtyard, and gently arrived at Liu Xie's side.The empress of the Han emperor was dressed simply, without makeup, and there were even traces of patches on the hem of her skirt.

When Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty heard the noise, he did not open his eyes and murmured: "Are you here to bring me food again? Every day, I am a wild vegetable emperor!"

Half a month ago, Cao Cao led the Iron Armored Army back to Xuchang and stabilized the chaotic situation caused by Ma Chao's invasion.Cao Cao was angry that Liu Xie, Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, remained silent when Ma Chao went south. He also knew that Liu Xie hated him deeply.After returning, Cao Cao cut off all food and daily supplies from the palace.Emperor Xian had no choice but to leave the palace. He starved for several days and only drank water to fill his stomach. He almost lost half his life.Fortunately, Empress Ma was smart. She carried a basket in the garden every day to look for wild vegetables, fruits and vegetables, and then made them into various kinds of food and offered them to Liu Xie.

So Liu Xie mocked himself as the emperor of wild vegetables!
Later, Cao Cao resumed his southern expedition and left Xuchang.Thanks to Xun Lingjun's efforts, the supply in the palace returned to normal, and this saved the lives of Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty and his wife.

Empress Fu smiled, walked behind Liu Xie, gently squeezed Liu Xie's shoulders, and said warmly: "Your Majesty, my father is coming to visit Your Majesty today, and I'm afraid he is on the way now."

When Liu Xie heard that Fu Wan was coming, he stood up, opened his eyes and looked at Queen Fu, and immediately became more energetic: "Since the last time Cao Cao sent a message back to the capital, the abbot has not entered the palace for nearly a month. , How dare you come today?"

Empress Fu reached out to hold Emperor Xian's arm, asked him to sit down again, and whispered: "I don't know, but after the court meeting, I suddenly received a message from my father, saying that he would come to the palace at noon to pay his respects to His Majesty. When he comes, , you’ll know just by asking.”

Emperor Xian looked up at the sky. The sun was approaching and he saw that it was already noon!
Sure enough, with the sound of footsteps, two guards opened the palace door, put down the portable food box, thanked the guards guarding the door with a smile, walked quickly through the grass in the courtyard, and came to the foot of the steps.

"After I have bowed down, I will pay my respects to Your Majesty. Long live Your Majesty!"

After Fu finished, he handed the food box in his hand to Queen Fu, arranged his clothes and robes, knelt down among the grass at the foot of the stairs, and paid his respects to Emperor Xian Liu Xie.

Liu Xie hurriedly stepped forward, stretched out his hand to support the state leader, and pulled him to sit on the stone bench next to him, his eyes filled with gratitude.Cao Cao covered the sky with one hand. Since his first southern expedition was blocked, his temper has become more and more violent. Even the pretentious early dynasty of the past has been abolished. Today, Emperor Xian has completely turned into a waste in confinement. He is isolated from the world, has no freedom, and is blocked from inside and outside. Eat and wait to die.

The original loyal ministers in the court were also persecuted and induced by Cao Cao in the past few years, fled to death, or betrayed and returned to the Cao Mansion. There was not even one true confidant in the court.Fu Wan was able to come to visit him despite all the hardships at this time, which moved Emperor Xian to tears. "I just thought that before I died, I would never have the chance to see the father-in-law again, but I didn't expect that today would happen again!"

Liu Xie burst into tears as he spoke, clutching Fu Wan's hand tightly and refusing to let go.

"The thief Cao kept a close eye on her and never dared to come. Today, Lord Xun Ling held a morning meeting. I relied on my modest efforts to raise [-] stones of food and grass from Shandong and requested to come to the palace to see my daughter. Lord Xun Ling was quite open-minded and agreed readily. That’s why I can enter the palace to pay homage to His Majesty.”

Fu Wan looked up at the palace door and whispered.

Liu Xie asked in surprise: "What's the situation outside the palace now? Where are Cao's thieves raising troops to attack again?"

After Fu finished, he bowed and said: "The last time we conquered Jingzhou, we didn't gain an inch of land. Instead, we lost troops and generals. Among the five good generals, Yu Jinlejin all died in Fancheng. Later, due to Ma Chao's attack, Cao's thieves retreated to Wancheng. Now they are reorganizing their troops and horses, and they are again I'm afraid there will be a big battle sooner or later when we leave Wancheng!"

Liu Xie was silent, lowered his head and sighed, and after a long time he said: "Cao's thieves have brought trouble to the imperial court and have absolutely no loyalty. Now they are gradually replacing the imperial court with Cao's mansion, and replacing the ministers with ministers. Day after day, these courtiers will gradually grow old. After that, he can change the Cao Mansion into the imperial court and set up his own business."

"I originally thought that Ma Chao's soldiers from Xiliang were coming in a surging force, and Ma Chao was brave enough to be invincible. He would be able to sweep across the capital and save me from the prison. I didn't expect it to be so unsuccessful. He was defeated before he reached the capital or faced off against Cao's thieves. Then go and huddle in Xiliang, not daring to fight again!"

There was a third degree of despair and a third degree of desolation in his words.

Fu Wan nodded: "Ma Chao is brave but not strategist, and he is definitely no match for Cao Cao. The only people in the world who can truly compete with Cao Cao are Uncle Liu Huang from Jingzhou and Sun Zhongmou from Jiangdong!"

"Cao Cao is already old, and he should not be able to wait for the day when His Majesty said, 'The Cao Mansion will replace the imperial court.' Now he still needs to rely on the power of the imperial court to pacify the world and eliminate dissidents."

Emperor Xian looked worried and sighed: "This may not be a good thing. I once saw his eldest son Cao Pi. There was a fierce look between his eyebrows. He was soft and cunning, and he was not as good as his father. I think this son is more serious. It's terrible. If the power of Cao Mansion comes into his hands, I will die without a burial place."

At this moment, Queen Fu was taking down the food boxes that Fu Wan had brought layer by layer, and placed them on a square table, covered with six or seven dishes, as well as a pot of good wine and three wine bottles.

"I heard that Sun Jian, the father of Jiangdong Sun Quan, found the imperial seal in the dry well of the old palace in Luoyang, so he tried to embezzle it for himself. This is already a treason. How can his descendants be loyal to the emperor and patriotic? I'm afraid they can't hope for it."

Liu Xie burst into tears, stood up, stood on the high steps, looked at the weeds and vines in the garden, and said sadly: "When I was young, I suffered from the chaos of the Shichangshi, and I was frightened day and night. I was terrified and uneasy. . Later, he was kidnapped by Dong Zhuo and couldn't help himself. Cao Cao finally led his troops and defeated Dong Zhuo, and took the imperial court eastward, thinking that it would be revitalized from now on. Unexpectedly, Cao Cao's thief was more ferocious than Dong Zhuo. I don't know where he died!"

"Among the emperors of ancient and modern times, who is like me, whose life is not as good as that of an ordinary citizen!"

Seeing this, Fu Wan took Empress Fu's hand, cried and knelt behind Emperor Xian, kowtowed and said: "It is only because of the incompetence of our ministers that Your Majesty suffered such a great humiliation. Fu Wan would rather die than to be loyal to Your Majesty. It's just a small gesture. My position is humble, I have no military power, and I have more ambition than strength. Even if I can go to hell with Cao Cao's thieves, if I can save Han Zuo and help the country, I will not hesitate."

Queen Fu put away her tears, first helped Emperor Xian sit down, and then led her father to the table.He bowed to serve and filled the glasses for the two of them.

"Between heaven and earth, there are only three of you and me here. My beloved, don't be cautious, just sit down together."

Emperor Xian looked at Queen Fu with eyes full of love.In this deep palace of confinement, for endless years, only Queen Fu was his only comfort and spiritual sustenance.

Even if the world is gone, as long as there is Queen Fu who will stay with him forever and grow old together.

Emperor Xian raised his glass and drank a cup with Fu Wan and Queen Fu. The three of them had their own thoughts and were infinitely suppressed. They remained silent. Even though the table was full of delicacies, they had no intention of eating.

Empress Fu suddenly said: "Just now, my father said that only Liu Xuande of Jingzhou and Sun Zhongmou of Jiangdong can compete with Cao Cao in the world. Since the Sun family of Jiangdong cannot serve the country, why not seek help from Liu Xuande of Jingzhou? Since he is a member of the imperial family and your majesty's personal uncle of the Han Dynasty, There must be loyalty to the king."

Emperor Xian shook his head and sighed: "Jingzhou is only a land of nine counties. How can it compete with Cao's thieves? What's more, can Jingzhou's soldiers defeat Ma Chao's Xiliang cavalry? Ma Chao was defeated without a fight. If Jingzhou can protect itself, You are so lucky, how dare you take the initiative to raise troops to conquer Cao Cao's thieves!"

Fu Wan didn't think so. When he heard what Empress Fu mentioned, hope suddenly appeared in his eyes, and he said with a glow on his face: "No! Your Majesty, please don't underestimate Mr. Xuande!"

Emperor Xian was surprised and didn't understand why Fu Wan suddenly became so energetic. He asked in astonishment: "What do you mean by the abbot?"

After Fu, he stood up, walked gently to the palace gate, listened carefully, and saw no strange noise. Then he turned around, sat down again, approached Emperor Xian in a low voice and said, "Xuan Dexin's name is Zhuge Wen." Virtue, he has talents that know the world and the world, and he has unpredictable opportunities. Zhuge Kongming, Wolong, even respects him as an elder brother and inherits his teachings."

"Last time, Cao Cao sent 65 troops to sweep through Jingxiang. The result was a bloody battle for more than a month, with nearly 20 troops and horses lost, and not even a single Fancheng breakthrough. This was all due to Zhuge Wende's military advisor."

"What my son said makes sense. If Duke Xuande is willing to come forward and gather knowledgeable people from all over the world to attack Cao's thieves, the big thing may not be impossible to succeed!"

Emperor Xian was shocked. He had been in the palace for a long time and had never heard of Zhuge Wende's name. Even the name of Wolong was only heard occasionally.Seeing Fu Wan mention Zhuge Wende, his expression showed great respect, and he couldn't help but ask: "How does Zhuge Wende's ability compare with Xun Lingjun?"

Fu Wan shook his head and picked up the wine bottle. Empress Fu saw it and hurriedly reached out for the wine bottle, filling up the wine bottles for Emperor Xian and his father, and then filling up her own.

The three of them raised their glasses again and drank it all in one gulp.Emperor Xian was curious and his eyes never left Fu Wan's side.

Fu Wan pondered for a while and then said: "A few years ago, Xu Shao of Runan invited Taiwei Yang Biao to publish a Lunar New Year review on the top of Mount Tai, criticizing the world's advisors and military advisors. In fourth place, Jia Xu is fifth, followed by Ju Sue, Lu Su, Xun You and Cheng Yu, and Tian Feng is last."

Emperor Xian was slightly refreshed. After hearing Fu Wan's words, he lowered his head and said: "Among the top ten, Cao's thieves accounted for half of the country. Although Guo Jia died early, there are still Xun Yu, Jia Xu, Xun You and Cheng Yu and the other four. Even if Zhuge Wende is very resourceful, he may not be able to survive alone. What’s more, Cao Cao is dominating the Central Plains, using the emperor’s orders to command the four directions. His strength is much stronger than Jingzhou.”

Fu Wan shook his head again and tapped the table with his fingers, making a muffled "dong dong" sound, just like the war drums of two formations facing each other on the battlefield: "In the battle of Fancheng, Cao Cao's five counselors gathered together. They came out for Xun You, Jia Xu, Chen Qun, Cheng Yu, and Zhong Yao. But they were defeated by Zhuge Wende, talking and laughing. Zhuge only had 65 elite cavalry, and Zhao Yun, as a general, dared to stop Cao's [-] army. Wisdom and wisdom Contesting is like crushing. Xun Yu wrote books and made plans, but every time he met Zhuge, they all failed!"

(End of this chapter)

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