Uncle Emperor, I am really not Wolong Zhuge!

Chapter 158 The Military Advisor’s Order

Chapter 158 The Military Advisor’s Order
"Before Kong Ming left, he said that military advisor Zhuge Wende had left him a man in Jiangdong who could kill the sky a few months ago. Now that the army is about to be launched, where is this man?"

"Could it be that he is as majestic as a crouching dragon, and as wise as Zhuge's military advisor, that he would play a huge joke on me?"

"Now the situation is like riding a tiger, advancing without retreating. If Jiangdong cannot win this battle, and his vitality will be severely damaged from now on, I am afraid that he will never be able to join forces with Jingzhou to fight against Cao again!"

"Both my lord and Zhou Yu will never give up and will avenge this drama..."

Lu Su lowered his head and pondered, moving forward step by step.I remembered that a few days ago, on that starry night, I followed Zhuge Liang all the way from Wuhou Palace to his mansion, and I was filled with emotion.

At that time, the two of them were like-minded and worked together to persuade Wu Hou to raise an army.Now that Kong Ming has returned to Jingzhou, he has become the Eastern Front Military Advisor because of the recommendation of Zhuge Military Advisor.


A feeling of loneliness and desolation came over him. Looking at the heavy fog in front of him, Lu Su suddenly felt a sense of confusion and ominousness!
"Kong Ming, if you are not here, how will I command the three armies!"

Lu Su raised his head and stopped, looking up to the sky with a long sigh.

"Ha ha!"

"Is it possible that the person sighing in front of me must be Linhuai Lu Zijing?"

There was laughter from behind, and someone asked loudly.

"who is it?"

Lu Su was inadvertently startled, turned around quickly, and looked back intently.

Not far behind him, he saw a tall figure wearing a hat and a black cloak, holding a quinoa staff in his hand, looking at him with a smile.

This person's face was dark, hidden in the mist, and the sky was gloomy. From a distance, it was all a blur of black, with only a few white teeth, and the position of his face could barely be distinguished.

"Who are you and why are you so sneaky and following me?"

Lu Su shouted angrily, reaching his right hand into his arms and holding the handle of the dagger tightly.

Although he was a civil servant, he was not a scholar.Although he was not like Gan Ning and Tai Shi Ci who rode horses and killed people without calculation, he also practiced martial arts in private, and three or five ordinary people could not be ignored by him.

"Kong Ming once said that you saluted the virtuous corporal and begged me to help you. Why are you not sincere when we meet today, but you want to do something evil?"

The shadow laughed and stood motionless.

Lu Su's body trembled, and the hand in his arms couldn't help but put down the handle of the knife and hung it on his waist.

"Could it be that your Excellency is the great wisdom that Kong Ming said could kill the sky and slay the dragon?"

The shadow laughed loudly: "Slaying the sky and slaying the dragon is not too much! But I regard the 30 Cao soldiers in Hefei as nothing but grass and ears!"

Lu Su was ecstatic, it was truly a perfect path!
"In this case, it's hard work coming from Taiwan, so you can take my carriage and go to the mansion for the time being, and then discuss it later!"

Lu Su hurriedly called to the carriages and horses behind him, opened the car, and ordered his entourage to help the man in black get on the car.

The man in black was not humble, abandoned the quinoa stick on the roadside, and got into the car.

Lu Su walked aside in person, following the carriages and horses.

The entourage and the guards in front of the mansion were astonished when they saw the famous man in Wuhou Palace. Lu Su, who had just been appointed as the deputy governor of Jiangdong, followed him on foot and took a stranger back to the mansion.

With such a style, even if Zhou Yu returns, he will not dare to deceive him like this!Could it be that the man in the car is more noble than the Grand Governor?
Could it be that he is a close relative of Wu Hou?

Wu Guotai?Or Sun Shangxiang, the sister of Wu Hou?

But no matter who it is, there is no reason to come to Lu Mansion alone...

Everyone has their own guesses, not just one person.


"My Excellency, Pang Tong, pays homage to Deputy Governor Lu! Congratulations! Congratulations!"

In the inner room, the man in black took off his hat and cloak, walked up to Lu Su, bowed and said.

Pang Tong!

Mr. Feng Chu, Pang Shiyuan?
Lu Su was shocked!

Unexpectedly, the legendary Feng Chu, the bearded, dark-faced, unassuming man in front of him, was the think tank left to Jiangdong by Zhuge Wende of Jingzhou a few months ago!

"You...are indeed Mr. Fengchu?"

Lu Su asked in a trembling voice.

Pang Tong smiled slightly and reached out to wipe away the water droplets on his cloak: "It's just a name for one, and I am among them. It makes the heroes of the world laugh."

"Lu Zi worships Mr. Fengchu and hopes that Mr. Fengchu will give you some advice!"

Lu Su was overjoyed and walked up to Pang Tong and bowed.

"Haha! Sure enough, what Kong Ming said is true. There is only one person in Jiangdong, Zijingqian, but he did this to me!"

Pang Tong hurriedly returned the courtesy, sat down with Lu Su as guest and host, and said with a smile.

"My lord, my lord, pays homage to the virtuous and corporal, and heroes from all over the world have come to pay their respects. How can you say that he has no reputation for seeking talents? Zhou Gongjin is even more thirsty for talents. If he knew Mr. Fengchu's whereabouts, I am afraid he would have come to pay a visit long ago."

Lu Su straightened the cups and plates, filled a bowl of tea for Pang Tong, and said with a smile.

Pang Tong shook his head: "I don't think so."

Not long after, wine and food were served, which was extremely sumptuous.

Although Lu Su had not slept all night, he met the wise man at this time, and he was not sleepy. Instead, he was more energetic than usual. He solicited drinks attentively, served dishes from time to time, and greeted him with great enthusiasm.

"How are you preparing for the big event in Jiangdong?"

After drinking for three rounds, Pang Tong put down the wine glass in his hand and asked seriously.

Lu Su took out a piece of writing from his sleeve and placed it in front of Pang Tong: "The total number of troops and horses in the east is about sixty or seventy thousand, and Zhou Gongjin of Poyang sent two generals, Cheng Pu and Gan Ning, to lead thirty thousand troops to support. The total does not exceed One hundred thousand soldiers and horses. Money and food supplies are not a worry. Hefei is close to Chaisang, so the supply is very convenient."

Pang Tong picked up the paper, looked at it, nodded and said: "Hefei originally had 20 troops, but those from all directions gathered here, about 30, and the total should be more than [-]. The disparity between troops and horses is huge. I wonder if your lord is capable of breaking through. Have you figured out the enemy’s strategy?”

Lu Su sighed, shook his head and said: "There is no good plan in deliberation all night long. I have no experience in leading troops. In the past, Kong Ming wrote a letter recommending Zhuge Wende's military advisor to protect him, so the lord appointed me as a military advisor. It's ridiculous for me. How can I be the master of the three armies if I have little talent and little knowledge?"

"I hope Mr. Fengchu will teach me everything."

Lu Su personally picked up the wine flask and filled another glass for Pang Tong.

Pang Tong took the wine glass, drank with Lu Su, and then said: "I'm just here to help Zijing repel the enemy, and it's Zijing's contribution to the cause. Kong Ming must have told you about this."

Lu Su looked ashamed: "Kong Ming has already ordered that Mr. Fengchu should be hidden in my shogunate. He will not show up and will not be known to outsiders. Even if you come to my house today, it will not spread. But please Don't worry, sir. It's just that Lu Su has taken advantage of Feng Chu's great achievements in vain, and he feels ashamed and uneasy."

Pang Tong laughed loudly, raised the wine glass high, drank it all, and burst out with pride: "It's just a small effort, what's the point? Zhuge Wende was not afraid of Cao Cao's millions of troops. I, Jiangdong, will surpass him in both human and financial resources." There are so many people in Jingzhou, why fear the 30 mob!"

But he was thinking in his heart: I am not doing this to prove it to the world, nor am I doing this to make a career in Jiangdong and gain a foothold.I want Zhuge Wende to know that I am not an ordinary person!It's your loss if you drive out of Jingzhou!

Lu Su was in a happy mood, and the arrival of Pang Tong made the burden in his heart disappear. It seems that Kong Ming's words are true to his word, and he will not be deceived by his honesty!From this point of view, Zhuge Wende once said that Jiangdong will win the battle of Hefei, and it is no lie!
He turned around and told his servants to bring more food, make sure it’s rich!

"Now that the three armies are ready, my lord Sun Zhongmou is also ready to personally conquer Hefei. I wonder what Mr. Fengchu's orders are? Just tell me, and I will follow your advice."

Pang Tong put down the cup and chopsticks in his hand, his eyes suddenly flashed with infinite murderous intent, and he said sternly: "Soldiers need speed, so we can't wait too long. We must set off within three days at most, the sooner the better!"

"As long as we are fully prepared and we start one day earlier, we will have a [-]% chance of winning!"

Lu Su was shocked again!

Sure enough, the experts have the same opinion!Both Zhuge Wende and Zhuge Kongming have repeatedly emphasized that this matter is urgent, and the time difference between them and Cao Cao is to compete with each other!

Now that Pang Tong came in, he said the same thing!

"Don't worry, Feng Chu. When I enter the Wuhou Palace tomorrow, I will ask the lord to join the army. The next morning at the latest, the three armies will march towards Hefei!"

Lu Su was excited, stood up and said with his head raised.

Big fight!

It's on the verge!

Since the military supplies were sufficient, all the generals and people were able to guard the city with peace of mind, build fortresses, and repair the city.All the damage caused since the last battle has been updated.

Moreover, Zhao Yun's [-] troops and horses are now in harmony with the soldiers and horses of the Nanman King, and they are getting along well with each other.The elephant soldiers and buffalo soldiers of the Southern Man king drove livestock to cultivate the land.Fancheng's [-] soldiers and horses, under the leadership of the generals, are responsible for sowing and irrigation, cooperating with each other and complementing each other.

Just because the Southern Xinjiang where the Nanman King was located was very mountainous, most of the soldiers mainly hunted and gathered food, and there were not many people who farmed at home. They were all laymen who were not familiar with sowing grain in the Central Plains and were not as familiar with it as the local residents.

On this day, the Nanman King led his wife Zhu Rong, brought the cave master and his brother Meng You, and chatted at Zhao Yun's mansion about preparations for war.

Cao Cao went south again, and when news came that he had conquered Xinye, the Southern Barbarian King was very excited.

After thinking about it for a long time, the southern barbarian soldiers could no longer suppress their loneliness and repeatedly asked to go out to fight and regain the new wilderness.However, no one can act rashly without the arrival of military advisor Zhuge Ming's general order. This is a strict order issued repeatedly by Zhao Yun and the Nanman King, and no one is allowed to disobey it.

"Zilong, a military order has come down from Xiangyang!"

While everyone was discussing, Yi Ji hurried in with a Xiangyang scout.

'Oh? '

Zhao Yun looked up and saw a red-clothed scout, dressed in a dusty coat, with a recruitment bag hanging on his waist, following Yi Ji.He hurriedly stood up and walked quickly forward to the scout.

Since Sun Qian was appointed by military advisor Zhuge Ming, he has taken charge of Jingzhou's scouting system.There are many items to be reformed and updated, one of which is the color of the scout's clothes.Red, orange, yellow and green, according to the priority of things, red clothes, it can be seen that the information is extremely urgent!

"Master Sun told me to hand it over to General Zhao personally!"

The scout lightly patted the dust on the recruitment bag a few times, took out a red envelope and a scroll wrapped with red thread, handed it to Zhao Yun, and said with a serious face.

Zhao Yun took the envelope and scroll, waved to Yi Ji to lead the scout down, slowly turned around, opened the envelope and looked at it, and sat back in his original seat.

"Zilong, is there going to be a war?"

The Nanman King Meng Huo saw a hint of surprise on Zhao Yun's determined face and couldn't help but ask!
"If we can't open in a few months, my beast control camp will be finished!"

With daily ease and no mountains to climb for training, the carnivorous tigers, leopards and wolves in the beast control camp are gradually losing their vigor and bloodiness. The words of the Southern Barbarian King are not false.

Zhao Yun read the letter, folded it and put it in his arms.
"Zilong, what's going on? I wonder if the military advisor has any instructions?"

Wei Yan couldn't help but stood up and stared at Zhao Yun.

"Are you going to send us to march under the stars at night to recapture the new lands?"

Wenpin held the handle of the knife tightly with his right hand, a strange light bursting out of his eyes.

These warriors on the battlefield would rather ride and fight all day long than live a life of ease and peace.It has been more than a month since Cao Cao last retreated, not to mention that Fancheng now has strong troops and horses, they can't wait to prepare to fight!
"Is there any art of disguise in the army?"

Zhao Yun looked around at the generals, but instead of answering their questions, he opened his mouth to ask.

Wei Yan and Wenpin looked at each other, not knowing what Zhao Yun was planning. They both shook their heads: "I am afraid there is no one in the Fancheng army who is proficient in this technique. Maybe there is an expert in Xiangyang City who understands this technique." .”

Suddenly I heard Mrs. Zhu Rong say with a smile: "The rough people in the mountains of southern Xinjiang mostly make a living by hunting. To hide in hiding, you need to disguise yourself and make up. Without this skill, you would have died of hunger long ago. You can transform into tigers, leopards, jackals and wolves. , tree trunks and wooden piles can naturally turn into people. I wonder what the disguise that General Zilong mentioned is about? "

Zhao Yun nodded and said: "This is the best."

As he spoke, he opened the scroll wrapped with red thread in his hand, looked at it briefly, and handed it to Mrs. Zhu Rong. He turned to look at Kuai Yue and said, "Go to the army and choose a handsome soldier with a figure not much different from Wen Zhongye." , give it to Mrs. Zhu Rong. Order him to paint according to the person in the portrait."

After a brief pause, he continued to emphasize: "This matter must be handled urgently without delay. The military advisor has strict orders, and you also know it."

After saying that, he turned back to the Southern Barbarian King Meng Huo and said, "I'm afraid this matter needs to be supervised by Mrs. Hardship personally. Is there any inconvenience?"

Mrs. Zhu Rong smiled warmly, stood up and said: "It's a simple matter, why should Zilong be so unobtrusive? You just chat here, Kuai Yidu and I will go out and handle this matter immediately."

Meng Huo nodded, and Mrs. Zhu Rong went out with Kuai Yue.

After the two of them went out, Zhao Yun returned to his seat.Wei Yan asked eagerly: "What happened? Xinye was lost. That was the place where the lord used to live. Can we just forget about it?"

Wenpin smiled and said, "I heard that the one guarding Xinye is Xu Chu, the most powerful general under Cao Cao. Chief Wen, aren't you afraid?"

When Meng Huo heard this, he stood up suddenly. His tall body was like a stone tablet: "Xu Chu? The most powerful general? When I first came to Fancheng, wasn't it Xu Chu who led the army to attack us? He also sent my brother Meng Huo to the vanguard. Yu beat me up!"

"I want to meet him personally!"

Wei Yan laughed loudly and looked at Wenpin sideways: "Although I am not Xu Chu's opponent, the Nanman King is more than enough to defeat him! Although his tiger and horse cavalry are powerful, they are probably as slim as paper in front of the Nanman King's elephant camp. , vulnerable!"

Zhao Yun turned to look at the Southern Barbarian King and said in a deep voice: "I'll give you a chance to try the sword! But it's not to attack Xinye!"

"Where to hit?"

The Southern Barbarian King's eyes suddenly exuded a strong murderous aura like a wild beast, which was his interest in killing prey!

"Could it be that we are attacking Wancheng? Hundreds of thousands of troops are enough for our three armies to feast on!"

In his eyes, hundreds of thousands of soldiers and horses were like a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered. Apart from robbing and killing, they posed no threat to him at all!

But Zhao Yun shook his head again, took out the letter he had just put away, read it from beginning to end, and then said: "The military advisor once said: 'If you can control the invasion of the mausoleum, how can you kill more people'!"

If you can control the invasion of the mausoleum, how can you kill more people?
The generals repeated in their mouths, not knowing what the military advisor meant.

Kuai Liang sighed and murmured: "It turns out that the military advisor is so kind and virtuous, but he just wants Cao Cao to stay safe and not invade. He never wants to kill everyone..."

Hearing the words "strategist", the ferocious beast-like gaze in the Nanman King's eyes suddenly dimmed, just like a possessed evil man who suddenly received the enlightenment of the Buddha and instantly put down his butcher knife and became a Buddha immediately!
"I will never forget the kindness of the military advisor in teaching me. Without the virtue of living a good life, hundreds of thousands of living beings in our southern border would have been exterminated long ago!"

Zhao Yun stood up and walked to the Nanman King. He saw that his fierce face was full of tenderness at the moment, and he seemed to have been immersed in memories and gratitude to the military advisor Mr. Zhuge.

"Barbarian King, the military advisor has ordered you to choose an elite soldier. It doesn't need to be many, just a few hundred, and go north to carry out the mission. But you must let Cao Cao's soldiers and horses take a look, and he will know that they are my soldiers and horses from Fancheng. !”

When the Nanman King heard Zhao Yun's words, he suddenly woke up, laughed loudly, and returned to normal: "What's so difficult about this? Just leave everything to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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