Chapter 166
Liu Bei waved his hand to indicate that everyone did not need to salute, and said anxiously to Sun Qian.

Zhuge Ming waved his hands hurriedly and said with a smile: "The meeting in Xinye is still a few days away. My lord, there is no need to be anxious. It is Zhang Liao who should be persuaded to surrender!"

Liu Bei was surprised: "If Zhang Liao could be persuaded to surrender, why bother with the meeting in Xinye? It's just that Zhang Liao's family members have already arrived in Xinye. How could he surrender at this time and put his wife and daughter to death?"

Zhuge Ming gently took Liu Bei's hand and led him to his seat: "My lord, sit down safely. Within three days, at this time tomorrow, Zhang Liao will return and surrender!"

Then he raised his head and ordered: "Gongyou go back immediately. If there is a report from Xinye, you don't have to report it to me. Just go straight to Zhang Liao's house arrest. Kong Ming will go to Zhang Liao's residence now to see what he says. If you still refuse to surrender, There is no need to wait for ten days. Let him go today and return his horses and weapons. Let him leave Jingzhou and inform all checkpoints that he cannot be stopped and let him go."



Sun Qian and Zhuge Liang were puzzled, but they were convinced of the ability of military advisors, so they each left the military advisor's mansion and headed for their destinations.


In the old house where Zhang Liao lives, the roads in the courtyard are lined with flowers of various colors, which are fragrant and refreshing.

These strange flowers were cultivated and transplanted by the military strategist Zhuge Ming himself. They are fragrant and beautiful, and each has its own characteristics.

The iron prison that originally restrained Zhang Liao has long been removed, and the entire courtyard has an open layout.

Just because military adviser Zhuge Ming once said: With Zhang Liao's character, he must be clear about his comings and goings. He would not escape privately and ruin his reputation. Moreover, he also knew that no matter how powerful he was in martial arts, he would not be able to escape from Jingzhou's pass.

"Wenyuan, in a few days, the new field period will be here. You can finally return to Wancheng and meet your prime minister again!"

Kong Ming ordered his servants to arrange the wine and food, waved them to leave, then picked up the wine flask and poured wine while saying with a smile.

"Suddenly, it has been more than a month. The military advisor has not treated me as a prisoner, nor has I been detained as a prisoner. Zhang Liao will remember this in his heart and will never forget it."

Zhang Liao said silently, and gently took the wine glass handed over by Zhuge Liang, but hesitated to drink it.

"My military advisor loves talents, that's why. If Wen Yuan were just a mediocre and incompetent person, I'm afraid the military advisor wouldn't have kept you until today, and would have let you go long ago."

Zhuge Liang smiled and raised his glass, inviting Zhang Liao to have a drink with him.

Zhang Liao drank the wine in one gulp, held the wine glass in his palm, and sighed: "How can I not know the heart of a military advisor? If he had met a military advisor ten years earlier, Zhang Liao would have been devastated and loyal to his death. It's a pity that a loyal minister will not serve his two masters, and a good girl will not marry. Second husband, fate plays tricks on people, it is God's will. Zhang Liao dare not mess with the ancient teachings."

Zhuge Liang stared at Zhang Liao and said unhurriedly: "The ancients also said 'a favor should be repaid with a spring of water'. Why not Wenyuan follow the same example? In the Battle of Fancheng, Wenyuan's 20 soldiers and horses were trapped in the charge of the Xiang camp. Among them, Le Jin died in the battle, Xu Chu was wounded, but Wen Yuan was unscathed, and the horses were not frightened. How could this be done without the advice of the military advisor?"

Zhang Liao was stunned for a long time, then he put the wine glass in his hand on the table and murmured to himself: "It turns out that Zhuge Military Advisor showed mercy to me as early as the Prime Minister's first southern expedition! It's ridiculous that I don't seem to know, and still say I have great abilities and strong luck, so I can avoid repeated dangers!"

But then he raised his head and said with firm eyes: "Zhang Liao will remember the kindness and love of the military advisor. Now that Zhang Liao is gone, from now on, he will never use troops against Jingzhou or be an enemy of the military advisor. If there is any violation, he will be punished by heaven and earth!"

As he spoke, he grabbed the wine bottle with one hand, filled a glass for himself, drank it all, and poured another glass for himself. He stood up and looked in the direction of the Military Advisor's Mansion, bowed and saluted, poured the wine in the glass, and poured it on the table at his feet. In the grass.

Zhuge Liang looked on with cold eyes and said with a smile: "One general's achievements have led to thousands of deaths! Although our military advisor is famous far and wide, he never kills people. Since the military advisor assisted my lord Liu Xuande in Jingzhou until now, he has not killed many people. The only people he has killed are Cai Mao and Zhang Yun. There are only a few people, but they are all tyrannical people who harm the place and harm the people."

Zhang Liao nodded with admiration: "In the past, my prime minister suffered a defeat at Fancheng. At that time, the army of the Southern Barbarians first arrived, and their morale was at its peak. With the strength of the Southern Barbarians' soldiers and horses, if we take advantage of the situation to pursue and attack Xuchang, even though I There are still 40 troops, but their morale is low and they may not be able to withstand it."

"But you, Fancheng, stayed behind closed doors and didn't even pursue you. That gave me, the prime minister, the opportunity to retreat to Wancheng to guard against Ma Chao's invasion." Zhuge Liang said calmly: "Your prime minister is too ambitious. He raises troops at all times and expects to survive in his lifetime. , conquered the whole country, resulting in frequent wars and displacement of the people. Our military advisor just wanted to keep Jingzhou safe and keep the enemy away from Jingzhou, so he only defended but did not attack. If he really wanted to raise an army, I am afraid that Wancheng at this time would It has long been included in Jingzhou’s territory.”

Zhang Liao lowered his head and remained silent.

Although he recognized Zhuge Wende's strategy, after all, his strength was very different.The total number of troops in Jingzhou was only 20, but as soon as the prime minister gathered together, there were 60 troops. This time the second army was launched, it was even called 83!If Jingzhou is defended, it is still possible, but if we take the initiative to attack and capture the city, we may not be able to succeed.

"Does Wenyuan know what the situation is like outside now?"

Zhuge Liang suddenly changed the subject and no longer dwelled on the issue of surrender.

Zhang Liao secretly breathed a sigh of relief.He neither wanted to submit to Liu Bei, nor did he want to live up to the kindness of military advisors Zhuge Ming and Zhuge Liang. It was really uncomfortable to be caught in the middle.

"Zhang Liao lives here, it's quiet and closed, and he really doesn't know what's going on outside."

Zhuge Liang waved his feather fan gracefully and held up the wine flask with his left hand. The gurgling clear wine fell into the white porcelain wine bowl, like a waterfall falling into a deep pool, splashing droplets of water and falling on the table.

"Half a month ago, right after you were captured, your prime minister sent Qianliju Cao Xiu to disrupt the food route in Fancheng, and was designed by our military advisor to kill him."

Zhang Liao was secretly shocked again.

Cao Xiu's war horses are all the best horses in a thousand. The horses they hold are "kuai". They are as fast as lightning, advancing and retreating suddenly, coming and going without a trace.

This soldier and horse destroyed Yuan Shao's grain depot in Wuchao, destroyed Ma Chao's logistics supplies, and seriously injured Han Sui.Unexpectedly, such a warrior with hundreds of battles would be killed by Zhuge Wende as soon as he was dispatched!

But Zhang Liao's surprise didn't stop yet.

"The reason why the military advisor keeps you in Xiangyang is to save your life."

"If you were in Hefei right now, you would probably be dead soon!"

Zhang Liao remained silent, lowering his head and stroking the wine glass, waiting for Zhuge Liang to continue speaking.

"Your prime minister built a plank road secretly to Chencang, garrisoned Wancheng with a weak force, and loudly announced the attack on Jingzhou. However, he secretly sent you to Hefei, gathered a heavy army, and attacked Chaisang. He first captured Sun Quan, disintegrated Jiangdong, and then encircled Jingzhou."

Zhang Liao said silently: "It's a good plan, but it's a pity that I can't be put to good use. Before I reached Hefei, I was captured by your Jiangxia soldiers and horses, and was defeated by Guan Yu."

Zhuge Liang laughed and said: "Wen Yuan, you are so naive! Our military advisor has already calculated everything. If you go to Hefei, you will inevitably be defeated! Now Xu Huang is going to Hefei for you. His opponent is Jiangdong's [-] soldiers and horses!"

Zhang Liaomian gritted his teeth and said: "One hundred thousand soldiers and horses may not be able to win. Xu Gongming is accustomed to fighting, and Hefei's soldiers and horses may not be less than 30!"

"Yes, but if you knew two more things, you might not be so confident anymore."

Zhuge Liang raised his wine glass and drank with Zhang Liao again.

"Come and listen????"

(End of this chapter)

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