Chapter 168 The Truth
At this moment, Zhang Liao was upset when he heard about the great change. He wished he had wings on his side and immediately flew to Xinye to see if all his family members had been killed by Xu Chu as the Jingzhou scout said!

The Prime Minister had been very kind to him and had held him in high esteem for many years. Why did he execute his entire family just before his return?

Could it be that in the Prime Minister's eyes, he really doesn't trust anyone?Could it be that my repayment with death was so cruel?

"Zhang Liao doesn't know what to say at this moment, but Kong Ming, you are so resourceful that you must know my heart!"

Zhang Liao's face was sallow, and there were tears in his eyes. He was choking and trying to say a few words, but he couldn't even utter a single word.

"Get General Zhang's armor and horses!"

Zhuge Liang shouted loudly at the door.


Two junior high school students came in in response. One was holding Zhang Liao's horse, the other was holding Zhang Liao's armor. The sixty-pound hooked sickle stood at the door.

"Before I came, Brother Zhuge, the military advisor, once said to me: Therefore, if we wait for ten days and hand over Wenyuan to Cao Cao in person, we are afraid that Cao Cao will be suspicious and return from Wenyuan after a long absence and harm Wenyuan's family. If Wenyuan insists on doing so, If he leaves, it will be useless for me to keep him, so I might as well let him go back."

Zhuge Liang took the armor from Xiao Xiao, turned around and handed it to Zhang Liao, sighing.

"Mr. Zhuge, Military Advisor, although I am masked, I have admired him for a long time. I wish I could meet him before leaving. The benevolence, justice and kindness of Military Advisor are rare in the world. One day, if we are destined, I will repay your great kindness. Farewell to Zhang Liao."

Zhang Liao dressed neatly in the courtyard, got on his horse, clasped his fists and said.

Living in Xiangyang for more than a month, he and Zhuge Liang turned enemies into friends, and they had sincere feelings for each other. Once they were separated, they gave birth to infinite melancholy.

But thinking that his family, wife and daughter were uncertain about their lives at this moment, Zhang Liao gritted his teeth and turned to leave.

"Wenyuan, wait!"

Zhuge Liang suddenly shouted.

Zhang Liao didn't know what was going on, and the riding whip that was raised in the air remained motionless.

"Do you have any money on you?"

Zhuge Liang took dozens of five-baht coins from Sun Qian, and found a small piece of gold from his arms, wrapped it in a handkerchief, and handed it to Zhang Liao: "Take these with you, they will be useful on the road!"

Mr. Wolong, who is unparalleled in the world and extremely resourceful, actually feels sympathy for each other at this moment and cannot bear to say goodbye.The hand handed to Zhang Liao grabbed Zhang Liao's wrist and refused to let go.

"Mr. Wolong, under the orders of the military advisor, I have already informed the checkpoints along the road with my flying cavalry. When I see the Wenyuan war cavalry, I will let them go all the way. It is getting late, so it is best to get on the road as soon as possible..."

Seeing that Kong Ming couldn't bear to be separated, Sun Qian stepped forward and whispered to persuade.

"There will be a period later!"

Zhang Liao withdrew his arm and whipped the horse's back with force. The horse's front hooves flew into the air, roared like a whirlwind, and ran out of the courtyard. When passing the door, Zhang Liao ducked, picked up the hooked sickle in the corner, and followed The sound of the war horse's hooves faded away and disappeared in an instant.

"Wen Yuan..."

"I can finally serve Jingzhou in a down-to-earth manner!"

Zhuge Liang looked in the direction where Zhang Liao disappeared and sighed.

"Mr. Wolong, the military advisor ordered me to come and find you back to the military advisor's mansion to discuss the war in Hefei!"

Suddenly, I saw the captain of the Military Advisor's Office approaching the old house and said hurriedly. "oh?"

"Could it be that the Battle of Hefei has already begun?"

Zhuge Liang was slightly startled. He had no time to say anything else to Sun Qian, so he hurried out of the yard, got in the car and drove away.


Zhang Liao was so anxious that he galloped towards Xinye with his horse alone.Fortunately, all the seventeen pass road blocks along the way had received the message from Sun Qian's scouts and military advisor Zhuge Ming's generals, and they were allowed to pass without any obstruction.

Zhang Liao left Xiangyang and looked back, feeling sad.

It has been more than a month since he was captured by mistake in the battle of Jiangxia and brought to Xiangyang. Liu Bei visited him several times and his solicitation was sincere and touching. Zhuge Liang treated him like a brother and took good care of him. Although he was extremely diligent in persuading him to surrender at the beginning, Later, after knowing his loyalty, he only treated him with friendship and never mentioned the matter of persuading him to surrender.

Zhuge Ming's military advisor, whom he had never met before, was even more magnanimous. Not only did he propose a plan to release Xinye in ten days, but he also ordered Zhuge Mingliang to release Zhang Liao at any time as long as he insisted on leaving.

"Commander Zhuge, Zhang Liao will remember his great kindness and virtue, and will never forget it!"

Zhang Liao dismounted his horse, inserted his sword on the ground, bowed in the direction of Xiangyang, then mounted his horse with his sword in hand, and continued towards Xinye without any intention of resting.

At dawn, the sun rises in the east.

Xinye City is bathed in the sun. This small city where Liu Bei lived in seclusion in the past. Under the repairs of Xu Chu and Lu Qian, the city walls have taken on a new look. Flags are flying on the city tops. The soldiers guarding the city have bright armor and their swords and guns are shining brightly.

Even the dozens of heads hanging on the city gate glowed white under the rising sun, losing their original darkness and solemnity.

Outside Xinye City, there was no one inhabited, and there was no one in the open land.

Zhang Liao rode one man at a time and slowly approached the city gate.

"General Qi, Zhang Liao is here!"

In the government office, Xu Chu and Lu Qian were accompanying Cao Pi to discuss matters, while Sima Yi stood beside Cao Pi as an aide.

"What! How dare he come!"

When Xu Chu heard Zhang Liao's arrival, his eyes widened and he was furious. He stood up and pierced his armor, ready to fight.

"General, don't be angry. Zhang Liao is in Jingzhou. Naturally, he already knows that we have been ordered by the Prime Minister to kill his family members. This time, we must be prepared. Zhuge Ming is very resourceful, so don't be fooled by him!" "

Lu Qian stood up in a hurry, stepped forward and stopped in front of Xu Chu. While talking, he motioned to Xu Chu to see the crown prince Cao Pi next to him.

Although he is the leader of the three armies and the vanguard general personally appointed by the Prime Minister, Cao Pi came here just to study with the army. He has no orders from the Prime Minister and no official status in the court. However, just the status of the Prime Minister's heir apparent is enough. Resist everything!

Xu Chu suddenly realized that he didn't dare to say anything as long as he returned to his original seat.

That day, he was drunk and impulsively killed Zhang Liao's family members. After being tired and drunk, he slept among the corpses.When he woke up at dawn the next day, he saw that his whole body was stained with blood, the steel knife in his hand was blunted, and corpses were scattered everywhere, which was too horrible to look at.

Xu Chu himself recalled that he just remembered that he and Cao Pi were drinking and talking last night. Because he mentioned that his son's eyes were injured by Zhang Liao and could not marry Qinghe, the prime minister's daughter, he was furious and wanted to kill Zhang Liao's son. He did not want to be as addicted as him. The general who killed like a demon in hundreds of battles, once he was stained with blood and aroused the demonic nature in his heart, he could not stop himself and made such a big mistake.

Xu Chu was frightened and asked Lu Qian to discuss countermeasures. Lu Qian was shocked.This matter is too important. Once investigated, not only Xu Chu will not escape death, but I am afraid that as Xinye's deputy general, I will also have to bear a huge responsibility.

But Lu Qian was smart and wise after all. After bowing his head and thinking deeply, he asked Xu Chu to go to Cao Pi's residence to confess his crime and beg Cao Pi to save his life.

(End of this chapter)

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