Chapter 172 The real strategy

Mount Tai, the first of the five mountains.

Mount Tai, also known as Daishan, Daizong, Daiyue, Dongyue and Taiyue, is one of the five mountains and is known as "the first of the five mountains" and "the first mountain in the world".

The ancients regarded it as a paradise "directly connected to the throne of the emperor", and it became a sacred mountain worshiped by the people and a sacred mountain for emperors to offer sacrifices. There is a saying that "if Mount Tai is safe, all the world will be safe".

Spring is a great time to visit scenic spots.

Although there are wars in Jingzhou and Jiangdong, the northern places such as Qingzhou, Ji, and You are prosperous, stable, and full of vitality. After the Yellow Turban Rebellion and the conquests of Shi Changshi, Dong Zhuo, Lu Bu and other princes, the people yearn for peace. , taking advantage of the good spring weather, visitors to Mount Tai to pray for blessings are like crucian carp crossing the river. It is crowded and motionless, and it is extremely difficult to go up and down.

On the first day of March, the sky was just getting dark, and there was already a sea of ​​people at the foot of Mount Tai. There were also crowds of people halfway up the mountain. There were wealthy families in rich clothes, and there were also poor people in ragged clothes. But at this time, everyone was To be fair, everyone worked hard and climbed forward while wiping their sweat.

Just because today is an extraordinary day.

The Lunar New Year Review will be released today, on the top of Mount Tai!

Yuedan Commentary, also known as Runan Yuedan Commentary and Runan Yuedan Pin.It is a criticism activity on contemporary celebrities hosted by Xu Shao, a celebrity from Runan.Because it is published on the first day of every month, it is named Jordan Review.

There are hundreds of schools of thought and 360 professions, all of which have capable people with lofty ideals and extraordinary heroes.Therefore, although Yuedan Commentary is published every month, the monthly releases are different.

The influence of the Yuedan Commentary is extraordinary and its reputation is far-reaching. Not to mention being on the Yuedan Commentary, even if it is commented by Xu Shaoluo, it can ride on the wind like a dragon roaring for nine days and become famous all over the world.How many wealthy businessmen and sons of high-ranking officials are willing to spend a lot of money to win a review, but they cannot get it.This shows the authority and strength of Yuedan Ping.

In the past, when Cao Cao was young, he was just an unknown person. Cao Teng, Cao Teng's father, had a good relationship with Xu Shao, so Cao Teng took Cao Cao to see Xu Shao and asked for comment.

But Xu Shao only glanced at Cao Cao and remained silent.

Cao Teng repeatedly asked for comment, and Xu Shao just said the words that have been spread for thousands of years and shocked China: "This son is a capable minister in the world, and a traitor in troubled times!"

Cao Cao's reputation spread throughout China. In temples and in the countryside, his name was unknown to everyone!

Xu Shao's comments are so terrifying!

On the top of Mount Tai, a ray of light from the rising sun pierces the sky on the horizon of the East China Sea and projects onto the top of the mountain, blending in with all things and warming the mountains and rivers.

The originally cold mountain top felt warm in an instant. The hundreds of celebrities who came to the top of the mountain before dawn and were waiting for the start were also refreshed. They each stood up and straightened their clothes.

"Everyone! Today's reviewer on Moon's Day is the review of the most resourceful people in the world. If you have any opinions, you can state them in person!"

On the high platform, Xu Shao stood up calmly, walked to the center of the stage, held a feather fan in his hand, and spoke loudly to the audience.

"It's finally starting!"

There was a commotion below, and many onlookers couldn't help but talk to each other privately. They didn't know what kind of ranking this Lunar New Year Review was!
Ten years ago, the world situation was not like this.

Cao Cao had just defeated Yuan Shu and marched north with his troops to confront Yuan Shao at Guandu.

The monthly comments in that issue were also comments from resourceful people!

But things change and people change, things change and things change.In ten years, the world has changed greatly, and the once arrogant Yuan Shao of Hebei has long since turned into dust.Liu Biao from Jingzhou and Sun Ce from Jiangdong also passed away. "In the last monthly review, Guo Jia, who ranked fourth, Ju Shou, who ranked sixth, and Tian Feng, who ranked ninth, are all gone. I wonder who can be on the list today."

"Prime Minister Cao is full of talents. He dominates eight of the thirteen states in the world. I believe that this withered position will be filled by famous people in the Prime Minister's Mansion!"

"That may not be the case. The Jiangdong Sun family has been through three generations. They are full of talents and have the potential to flourish in both civil and military affairs. How can they not occupy a place?"

"Jiangdong is certainly not weak, but in my opinion, Liu Bei in Jingzhou should not be underestimated! Although Liu Bei occupied Jingzhou for only a few months, in the name of the uncle of the Han Dynasty, he called on people with lofty ideals in the world to fight against Prime Minister Cao and support each other. The Han Dynasty, however, has its roots in orthodoxy. Being able to withstand Prime Minister Cao’s million-strong southern expeditionary army with a weak Jingzhou shows its strength!"

"What is the root of Zheng Miao Hong? The world's orthodoxy lies in the emperor. As the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty, Prime Minister Cao is in charge of weighing and weighing. Liu Bei is a man who weaves mats and sells shoes, and deceives the world and steals his reputation. And Prime Minister Cao is the successor of Cao Shen, the famous Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty, and is also a direct descendant of the imperial court. Yes. If you say this, you are being rebellious!"

"Forget it! Forget it! We are just chatting and making comments, why should we be so serious? Ignore the Han Dynasty or not. Nowadays, everyone knows that the imperial court is declining. In short, it is not your world. Why don't you listen to Xu Zi and discuss it in detail? ?”


The people below were just joking and chatting at first, but everyone had different positions and opinions. When talking, they rarely talked without speculation, and even argued with red faces, each insisting on his own opinion and unwilling to give up.

Xu Shao smiled slightly, gently raised the feather fan in the air, and pressed it down repeatedly, making a silent gesture.Sure enough, within a moment, the whispers of thousands of people in the audience gradually stopped, and everything fell silent.

Xu Shao slowly walked back and forth along the edge of the table several times and said loudly: "In the stormy times, dragons and tigers fight. Some flying dragons are in the sky, or some are lurking in the abyss. Among the wise people in the world, there are those who have achieved their ambitions but not their masters. There are those who have their master but not their ambition. There are many places!"

"But the competition in the world cannot be judged solely on the basis of victory or defeat. If we judge it on the basis of victory or defeat, then under the wisdom of heaven, everyone is a stupid dog!"

While Xu Shao was speaking, he stopped intentionally or unintentionally, and turned his gaze to the southwest.

There was another low-pitched discussion below.

"Who does Xu Zijiang refer to when he talks about Tianzhi?"

"From what Xu Shao said, it seems that this person is talented in wisdom and intelligence, and is above everyone else, and everyone is far away from him. Is there such a person in the world?"

"Prime Minister Cao is open to all rivers and attracts talents. I only know that since the last lunar month review, Cao Mansion went north to Liaodong and Guo Jia died of illness. Could it be that there are new sages in the Prime Minister's Mansion?"

There was a lot of discussion among the people, and they couldn't agree on what to do.

"Why bother asking?"

An old man in gorgeous clothes and stroking his goatee sat in the middle of the crowd and spoke with a hint of arrogance.

Sure enough, many people's eyes were immediately attracted by his words, and they all turned to this person.

"Ten years ago, Xun Lingjun had already dominated the world and was known as the ovary. He was the leader in Yuedan evaluation. Now the talents are withering and Guo Jia, Jushou and others have passed away one after another. Who else in the world can be above Xun Lingjun?"

As the old man spoke, his eyes narrowed slightly, looking proud and domineering in the world.

"Although the old gentleman's words are not unreasonable, Xun Lingjun has been guarding Xuchang for many years and has made no achievements. Stability means stability. If you talk about much wisdom, it cannot be reflected."

As soon as a young man behind him finished speaking, he was immediately criticized!
(End of this chapter)

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