Chapter 174 A Grand Party

"Xu Zijiang. Since you have decided to hold the Lunar New Year Review today, why do you half-hidden the top five list? If the people of the world are angry, there will be chaos on the top of Mount Tai. At that time, you can regret it. It’s too late!”

Under the stage, a middle-aged man in brocade clothes squeezed through the crowd, came to a place close to the stage, and said sternly.

The skinny old man in the crowd was originally looking at Xu Shao, waiting for him to name the top five resourceful people. Suddenly he saw this middle-aged man appear in the audience, and he couldn't help being surprised. Holding on to the jujube crutch, he stepped back step by step, and finally disappeared into the crowd.


Xu Shao thought for a long time, then straightened his clothes, raised his eyelids again, and looked at everyone in the world.

"The reason why Mr. Xu is announcing the Lunar New Year Commentary here today is that he adheres to the iron rule that the Lunar New Year Commentary will be published on the first day of every month without delaying this decades-old rule."

"But the reason why I dare not announce the top five is because four of the top five are just like each other, and it is difficult to judge who is superior. There is also a person who is so smart that he is like a god, looking down on all living beings!"

"I'm undecided. If he were a human being, he would be the best among the five geniuses. If he was a god, then the remaining eight people could be ranked first, and Cheng Yu could also be ranked last. Eight people!”

As Xu Shao spoke, he turned around with a respectful face, facing the southwest, and said in a deep voice: "This battle will be decided between four people! I'm waiting for the result!"

The person below smiled and joked in a low voice: "Even when the Prime Minister was young, Mr. Xu could sum it up with the sentence 'A minister who can rule the world, a hero who is a traitor in troubled times'. Could it be that a mere evaluation of the top five on the first day of the month can make you hesitant?" , Are you wandering without a place?"

"Prime Minister?"

Xu Shao suddenly turned his head, looked at the man below him seriously, and said as coldly as ice: "Compared to this heavenly wisdom, the prime minister is like the light of a rotting firefly to the bright moon of heaven and earth. How can they be compared?"

While speaking, he turned to look at the southwest and southeast, and murmured in a low voice: "Jingzhou and Hefei will let me know who is second to fifth!"

"You will also understand that Tianzhi Jiaozi has the courage to shake the world!"

"It is still wise to rule the world!"

There was suddenly infinite terror in his eyes, and the muscles in the corners of his eyes couldn't help but twitch!
The bravery shakes the world, but Prime Minister Cao's millions of troops will not have any bones left, and the outskirts of Jingzhou will be miserable and blood will flow like rivers.

Wisdom determines the world?
The crouching dragon, the phoenix, the cub, and the tiger in the ovary may appear to be fighting between dragons and tigers, but in fact they are all chess pieces of God's wisdom, free to drive. All the wise men in the world who comment on Yuedan can be used by him!

"Xun Gong, I have been away from Xudu for less than a month. I didn't want you and me to meet here!"

In an ordinary inn at the foot of Mount Tai, Liu Ye and Xun Yu sat across from each other. On a small square table, there was a bowl of sauced venison, a plate of peanuts, and two exquisite small cold dishes.

In the corner of the square table, on the side close to Liu Ye, was a jar of local small wine. Liu Ye gently filled Xun Yu's bowl of wine and said full of surprise and emotion.

Xun Yu sighed, looked down at the turbid wine in the wine bowl in front of him, and said: "I went to Hebei to raise food, and I was on pins and needles in Xudu. The prime minister's troops were divided into two groups, and the expenses were very high. Xudu had already been hollowed out, and it was difficult to Deal with it. I also know your difficulties, so I can't bear to force you. Besides, Xu Du has been in peace recently, so I took the time to come to Shandong. There is also a lot of money and food in Qingzhou. It would be good if I can raise a little or two to alleviate the difficulties. "

Liu Ye cupped his fists and bowed, with a look of gratitude on his face: "Xun Lingjun's love for Liu Ye is engraved in his heart and he is deeply grateful. Only Xun Lingjun can understand the suffering of Hebei!"

The implication is that the five great counselors who followed the Prime Minister on his southern expedition may not have been unaware of his hardships in raising food, but no one had any advice for him, and urging letters continued to arrive like snowflakes. If Xun Yu hadn't been in the middle to maintain it, he, the official responsible for raising food, would have been investigated by the Prime Minister's Office!
Xun Yu frowned and shook his head: "They also have their own sufferings. I followed the prime minister on two southern expeditions and lost troops and generals, but made no achievements. If you had followed the army, you would have been too trembling and afraid to say anything. Now Chen Qun is sick and has returned to his hometown. They don’t even dare to say anything casually.”

While the two were talking, the waiter in the store came over with a plate of hot soup in his hand and put it on the table respectfully.

Liu Ye served the soup and said: "Although Jizhou is rich, it is nothing more than that. When the Prime Minister conquered Yuan Shao ten years ago, many people fled, and many people fled to Youzhou and Liangzhou. There are only a few people, so it is difficult to utilize them all. In addition, the Prime Minister has been setting up armies for many years, and many young people have been recruited into the army. Therefore, all the farming falls on the old, weak, women and children, which makes it even more difficult. When the Prime Minister first went to the South for his first expedition, Xun Lingjun ordered me to go to Hebei. Raising food, the words of the past are still vivid in my mind.”

"It has only been half a year now, and the grain and grass I have raised is already ten times the initial target. Jizhou's surplus grain has long been emptied. However, the prime minister did not wait for the autumn harvest to bring in new grain, but instead started the army again in the early spring. It is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice. I I can't let you, Xun Lingjun, be caught in the middle, so I had to come to Shandong to see how it goes. I didn't expect that you and I would have the same thoughts, but it was a coincidence that we met here."

Liu Ye stood up and respectfully placed the soup in front of Xun Yu.

Xun Yu reached out and took it, stirred the spoon gently, took a spoonful and put it into his mouth. He picked up a handkerchief and wiped his mouth. He said: "The Prime Minister's war will probably not end in three to five months. You and I have to do a good job." Be well prepared, even if there are all kinds of difficulties, you must find a way to overcome them. Even if I really write to the Prime Minister to complain, he can't do anything. Once the war starts, it is not easy to stop it."

"Besides, he is already old, and there is no holiday in the year. He is already somewhat impetuous. How can he wait until autumn?"

Liu Ye smiled bitterly, shook his head and sighed: "Xun Lingjun and I share the same illness, which can be considered my blessing!"

"You just said that Chen Qun has retired and returned to his hometown? Who will be responsible for the food and grass management in the army? Although Chen Qun ranks lowest among the five great counselors, he does not have Xun You's many wits or Jia Xu's vicious schemes. But alone When it comes to supervising food distribution and dispatching, no one can do a better job than him. If the Prime Minister lets him go at this critical juncture of food shortage, wouldn't it make matters worse!"

"I don't know everything about the military. But I agree with your point of view!"

Xun Yu looked up at Liu Ye and continued: "Chen Qun and Jia Xu share the management of food and grass. Now that Chen Qun has withdrawn, Jia Xu will naturally bear the responsibility. Although Jia Xu is extremely resourceful and even ranks among the top five in the Yuedan Review, He specializes in the art, but he is completely amateur in managing food. How can he be compared with Chen Qun?"

"As the saying goes, it's hard for a good woman to make a meal without rice! You and I finally managed to raise some rice, but the Prime Minister just took the clever woman away and left a clumsy woman beside her. Even if there is rice for cooking, it will be very difficult!"

"Monthly review?"

When it comes to Yuedan Review, Liu Ye's face showed a hint of excitement and curiosity.

(End of this chapter)

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