Chapter 178 Sima Yi’s Plot

Cao Pi saw that Sima Yi had recommended himself, but his father was noncommittal. Instead, he brought up Sima Yi's past. He hurriedly took a step forward and said with a smile: "My father doesn't know something. Zhongda often teaches his children how to be filial and brotherly when he is in the house every day." When Ma Chao went south, it was he who assisted the boy to maintain the capital and ensure that Xuchang was safe. This time it was he who asked the boy to serve in the army to set an example for the brothers."

Cao Cao laughed loudly, looked back at Cao Pi and said: "I originally thought it was your consciousness that has improved, but it turned out that it was all Zhongda's fault. But there is a saying that makes sense. Since you are the eldest son, if you can inherit it in the future, You must not neglect your father's duties. Brothers can recite poems and compose poems, enjoy flowers and willows, but you can't!"

Cao Pi was overjoyed and tried his best to suppress his excitement. He lowered his head and thanked me and said, "My child, don't dare be careless at all. Remember your father's teachings!"

"Since you are willing to go out and do things, just sit down over there. Five great counselors left the capital to march south, but there is no reason for the four great counselors to return to the capital. That is also ridiculous. But if you are not useful, don't blame me again. I will depose you and return you to the Crown Prince’s Mansion.”

Cao Cao turned around, stood in front of Sima Yi, and said seriously.

Sima Yi knelt down, only daring to watch Cao Cao's leather boots swinging in front of him, not daring to raise his head, and said repeatedly: "I don't dare, I am willing to work to the death, and I will do my best for the Prime Minister's Palace, and I will not hesitate to do so!"

Cao Cao laughed loudly, sat back down, looked at Sima Yi who slowly stood up and sat where Chen Qun was, and nodded with a smile.

What he wants is this kind of talent who works for the Cao Mansion, not the Han Court!

Although Xun Yu was a great talent, he had both the Cao Mansion and the Han Court in his heart. This was also a major reason why he did not let Xun Yu join the army.

You have to use it, and you have to guard against it!

Xun Yu's strategies were extraordinary and far superior to others. Being in Xudu, the troops and horses were all under the control of the Cao Mansion. There were also many close associates of the Cao Mansion in the imperial palace. Even if Xun Yu wanted to help the Han court, he was unable to do so.

But if you follow the army outside, a seemingly seamless false plan can ruin the entire army!
  Without military power, it is like a tiger without claws. How can it threaten the emperor and conquer all directions?

Cao Cao waited for Sima Yi to sit down, looked around at everyone, and said slowly: "Everyone! Chen Qun is weak, greedy for life and afraid of death, and leaks military information. Zhang Liao has a weak will, cannot maintain his integrity in the face of danger, and surrenders to Jingzhou. These two people have betrayed my trust and deeply regretted it." Lost hope."

"Fortunately, I, Sima Zhongda, was ordered to replace Chen Qun in the critical situation. My five great advisers are now complete. Now Wancheng and Hefei have strong soldiers and horses, and the officers and soldiers are responsible for their lives. You can tell me freely how to use the troops."

Zhong Yao stood up in response, bowed and said: "Prime Minister, since the east and west are cooperating, we should naturally make an appointment to launch attacks in Hefei and Jingzhou at the same time, so that the two sides cannot care about each other, and they will attack both places in one battle. I expect that as long as the direction of Hefei is If there is a war, Zhou Yu, who has stationed troops in Poyang, will not aid Jingzhou. The same is true for Jingzhou, which is restrained by our troops in Wancheng and cannot aid Jiangdong."

Cheng Yu shook his head, stood up and said, "Yuan Chang's words are wrong. It must not be like this."

"The beauty of Hefei lies in taking it by surprise and attacking it unprepared. Using sudden troops, you can defeat the enemy first. The Lord of Wan City is coordinating the attack and attracting the attention of Jingzhou and Jiangdong."

"It's just that since Chen Qun visited Zhou Yu and Zhang Liao was captured, the gathering of soldiers and horses in Hefei has been much slower. I'm afraid it's unclear whether Jiangdong is ready now. If so, the battle of Hefei is meaningless."    Cao Cao Nodding, pointing at Cheng Yu, he said: "What Cheng Demou said is exactly what I meant. I didn't know you all that day, in order to maintain the utmost confidentiality. Privately, we divided our troops into two groups: one was Chen Qun, who visited Zhou Yu in Poyang, The intention was to attract Sun Quan from the east of the Yangtze River and sow discord between Sun Quan and Zhou Yu. On the other hand, Zhang Liao carried heavy troops and supplies, secretly gathered in Hefei, and waited for an opportunity to launch a sudden attack, capture Chaisang in one fell swoop, and capture Sun Quan."

"As for Wancheng, I sent a group of cavalry to harass the food roads in Fancheng, and then monitored every move in Fancheng. As long as there is a shortage of food and grass in Fancheng, the Nanman King's soldiers and horses will cause trouble. After the Jingzhou soldiers and the Nanman soldiers are on the same level, I will continue Take advantage of the fishermen and eliminate both of their forces! To avenge the defeat of Fancheng in the past."

"It's a pity that man's calculation is not as good as God's calculation. One move is wrong, every step is wrong! Zhang Liao was captured, and the grain and grass were transported from Jingzhou to Fancheng from Jiangxia. If Fancheng gets the grain and grass, it will not collapse and cause chaos. Then our waiting in Wancheng has changed. It’s meaningless!”

"And Hefei lacks both commanders and food, so the speed of gathering has slowed down, and we have not been able to advance troops yet. A few days ago, I sent Xu Huang to lead Xiahou Mao to rush [-] elite troops to Hefei. Wait until there is a slight relaxation. , I urged him to join the army."

At this moment, Sima Yi suddenly stood up, frowned and said: "Prime Minister, in my humble opinion, it is no big deal for Zhuge Wende in Jingzhou. But Hefei is a serious problem!"

When Cao Pi saw Sima Yi speaking, he immediately became energetic and listened attentively.

Cao Cao did not speak, but extended his hand to indicate for him to continue speaking.

Sima Yi left the table, walked slowly to the open space in the center of the hall, and said calmly: "The Prime Minister had a foresighted plan to use part of his troops to attract all the combat power from Jiangdong, Jingzhou, to Jingzhou, but then suddenly opened a second battlefield from Hefei. After attacking the enemy, there was nothing wrong with it. It's appropriate. But as Cheng Demou and the Prime Minister just said, it all depends on a 'quick', a 'steal', and a surprise attack that is unprepared. But Zhang Liao was captured and has now surrendered to Jingzhou. Doesn't Jingzhou not know that there is Hefei? Soldiers and horses? Why has Jingzhou ceased its activities and made no response? "

"Zhuge Wende uses his troops like a god, and the gods and ghosts are unpredictable. There is a saying in the ancient art of war: 'The thing about being a soldier is to follow the enemy's will, to fight against the enemy at the same time, and to kill the general from thousands of miles away. This is the one who can accomplish things by cleverness!'"

"Commanding operations consists in pretending to obey the enemy's intentions, and once an opportunity arises, concentrate your forces on the enemy. In this way, even if you travel thousands of miles, you can capture and kill the enemy general."

"The Prime Minister sent Cao Xiu's flying cavalry of thousands of miles to attack the grain road in Fancheng. Zhuge Wende quietly sensed the opportunity and killed it with one strike. It can be seen that he has already seen the fire and mastered everything!"

Xun You's face changed, and he nodded and said: "Sima Zhongda can be said to have hit the nail on the head, every word is golden. I also feel that Jingzhou's silence is terrifying, as if everything has nothing to do with him. But it seems that everything is under his control. China. And the same is true for Hefei..."

Cao Cao suddenly turned his head, looked at Jia Xu and asked, "How long has it been since Hefei sent me a letter?"

Jia Xu stood up with a bow and whispered: "Every few days, a letter comes from Hefei, all in the name of Jiang Ji. But apart from urging for food and grass, there is no other incident in the letter..."

Sima Yi intervened and said: "What worries me is that Hefei's food and grass supply will not continue!"

(End of this chapter)

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