Uncle Emperor, I am really not Wolong Zhuge!

Chapter 187 Sun Quan’s great enemy!

Chapter 187 Sun Quan’s great enemy!

Sun Quan laughed loudly, extremely proud, and his voice was as loud as a bell: "God will really destroy Cao Cao's thief! Let me achieve his great success!"

But then he stopped laughing and asked in confusion: "It's just that Zhuge Wende used his troops like a god, so why did he make such a mistake this time? If the 50,000-strong army came with so much food and grass, wouldn't it be a burden? What if Cao Cao discovered it? , first burn their food and cut off their return route, otherwise the 50,000-strong army will be in chaos!"

Lu Su said: "Zhuge Military Master's calculations should not have made such an omission. I'm afraid there is another mystery in it. Do you know the meaning of the word?"

Xia Houmao closed his eyes tightly and listened attentively. There was a sound of armor, which must have been Taishi Cizheng taking something out of his arms.

"Lord, please see, Zhuge's clever plan is all in it!"

Taishi Ci said with a smile.

Sun Quan seemed to be relieved for a moment, as if he did not accept Taishi Ci's memorial, but said: "You can just say it, so that Zijing can understand it together."

Xia Houmao's heart was in his throat, and he held his breath and concentrated, even his breathing stopped.

Just listen to Taishi Ci report: "The Jingzhou letter has made it clear that this time Liu Bei's 50,000 soldiers and horses went eastward, pretending to be soldiers of Xiahou Yuan's tribe escorting grain and grass from Wancheng. Therefore, they can approach Hefei with great arrogance. And inform them Once we start a war and encounter Xiahou Yuan's flag, we will be confused by Jingzhou's soldiers and horses, so we must not kill indiscriminately to avoid accidental injury."

As soon as Taishi Ci finished speaking, Sun Quan and Lu Su laughed loudly, and their laughter shook the camp.

"Zijing! I really admire Zhuge Wende! With such a clever plan, it's no wonder that he outsmarted Crouching Dragon and Phoenix. Even Mount Tai's Moon Festival was rescheduled for him!"

Sun Quan said with a smile.

Lu Su also looked relaxed and said with an apologetic smile: "Zhuge Wende has calculated that Hefei is short of food, and his heart has been burning with anticipation. Once he sees soldiers and horses under the banner of Wancheng coming to escort food and grass, how can he doubt it? He will definitely bow down. We welcome him personally and join the army. As long as these 50,000 soldiers and horses enter the city, Hefei's 300,000 to 400,000 soldiers and horses will no longer be physiological!"

Sun Quan put his palms in his hands and laughed: "Wonderful! It's so wonderful! It seems that the first sword in the battle of Hefei is going to be successful for Jingzhou!"

Xia Houmao heard every word in his ears, his heart beat like thunder, and he couldn't control himself.

At this moment, my heart is full of excitement, nervousness and excitement!

This huge secret actually fell on his head and became known to him. If we were in Hefei at this moment, we would definitely command the troops and horses to attack them. Jingzhou's 50,000 troops and horses were unprepared and could be captured in one battle. They could also capture 300,000 stones of grain and grass, solving Hefei's urgent needs. It could be said to kill two birds with one stone. Great success!

It's a pity that at this moment, we are in the central army's tent in Wu. Life or death is uncertain. If we want to escape, we will definitely go to heaven.

But things are unpredictable!

Xia Houmao couldn't help but think of his experience of escaping in Xiangyang after his soldiers were trapped in the river last month and were captured by Guan Yu!

That time, he spied the secret and eliminated Chen Qun, the first traitor in Cao's camp, and forced Chen Qun to resign and return to his hometown in the name of taking care of himself.

To this day, he still doesn't know that it was just Zhuge Wende's plan to use his hands to get rid of Chen Qun, and use this to give Cao Cao troops on both sides of the east and west, so as to avoid the danger of food shortage!

"How can I be compared with ordinary people because of my talent? As long as I move with the times, I may not be able to escape from danger, return to Hefei, and perform great feats again!"

Xia Houmao made up his mind and gradually relaxed his mind. It seemed that it was only a matter of time before he returned to the Hefei military camp, defeated Jingzhou's soldiers and horses, and captured food and grass.

Taishi Ci suddenly put away the letter and said worriedly: "My lord, military advisor. Although this plan is brilliant, it is also extremely risky. If you are not careful, Jingzhou's 50,000 soldiers and horses may not be able to escape!"

Sun Quan immediately suppressed his smile, changed his expression and asked, "Is it possible that Zhuge Wende's plan also had huge flaws in his destiny?"

Lu Su held the table with both hands, and his eyes fell on Taishi Ci's face. The originally rosy face turned a little pale: "General, does it mean..." Taishi Ci was born as a military general. Although he was elegant, he was different from Zhou Yu. Different, still a little rough, with a loud and high-pitched voice: "Although Zhuge Wende's troops appeared and disappeared, he was better because of the word 'strange'. He pretended to be Xiahou Yuan's soldiers and horses in order to deceive Xiahou Mao who was in Hefei. After all, Xiahou Mao He is Xia Houyuan's nephew, so he will naturally not doubt his uncle. But by some mistake, Xiahou Mao was captured by us. Now in the Hefei military camp, it is deacons Xu Huang and Jiang Ji..."

Lu Su nodded and murmured: "Although Xu Huang is not as resourceful as Zhang Liao, he is no longer an ordinary person among the five good generals. Jiang Ji is even more careful and smooth in dealing with things. If the two of them see through the mystery, they will use their tricks to defeat him. Fifty thousand soldiers and horses from Jingzhou were trapped in the formation, strangled, and there was no possibility of recovery!"

Taishi Ci shook his head and waved his hands repeatedly, disagreeing with Lu Su's analysis: "If it is true as the military advisor said, it would be good! As long as Zhuge Wende's troops enter Cao's camp, it will be a success. Even if there is death or no life, fifty thousand people will die. He can kill most of the enemy, and he brought 300,000 stones of food and fodder to light a fire, and Hefei Cao Ying will no longer exist!"

"What I'm afraid of is that they didn't let Jingzhou soldiers and horses enter the camp, but took them by surprise and attacked them head-on! Jingzhou soldiers pretended to be Xiahou Yuan's soldiers and horses. In order to be real, they naturally couldn't be prepared. In this way, Cao's army was waiting for work, and was prepared for an attack. Zhuge's soldiers How could the horse survive?"

Lu Su nodded repeatedly, with a somewhat panicked look on his face: "In a nutshell, if Hefei is prepared, the Jingzhou soldiers will suffer a great disaster. If Hefei is unprepared, the Jingzhou soldiers will surely win a great victory!"


Sun Quan supported Shuai Ben and punched the table hard. His purple beard trembled and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

"Pass the order, this matter is strictly confidential, but anyone who leaks the military plan will be killed without mercy, and the thirteen clans will be annihilated!"

The atmosphere in the big tent suddenly became tense and suffocating!


Taishi Ci was wearing armor, bowed to accept orders, turned around and wanted to exit.


Xia Houmao, who was lying on the ground, suddenly screamed, like a prawn hanging out to dry on a dry bank, he jumped several times in succession with the strength of his waist, and finally lay down on the ground again with a clucking sound.

If his arms were not tied extremely securely and his legs were tightly entangled with hemp ropes as thick as his thumbs, he would have been furious at this moment, struggling and jumping.


Taishi Ci was frightened and jumped ten feet away. He pulled out the self-defense dagger from his waist with a choking sound and opened his eyes to watch.

Lu Su and Sun Quan were also shocked and stared at Xiahou Mao on the ground in the middle with wide eyes.


Taishi Ci saw Xiahou Mao lying on the ground clearly, stepped forward, kicked Xiahou Mao over, stepped on his back, and put his sword on Xiahou Mao's neck.

Xiahou Mao, who was lying on the ground, suddenly felt the cold wind whistling behind his head, and a chill penetrated his whole body.

"It turns out that this person has awakened a long time ago, and all the secrets in our army have been known to him. This person cannot be kept. Please give me justice, Lord, and kill him!"

(End of this chapter)

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