Chapter 199 Military Glory
Chapter 197 Military Glory

Cao Cao was also stunned. He did not expect that the person speaking at this time was not a famous general and adviser who had experienced hundreds of battles, but his eldest son Cao Pi.

Cao Pi stood at the foot of the steps, somewhat nervously, calmed down, and said reluctantly: "In my humble opinion, I am afraid that the millions of stones of grain and grass sent by my father and Xun Lingjun of Xuchang have not really reached my Hefei." In the army!”

Cao Hong was talking incessantly due to his excitement just now, and his mouth was dry. At this time, he was holding a teacup to replenish water. When he heard Cao Pi's words, his hands trembled, and he crushed the teacup into pieces, and the water in the teacup splashed. It got his clothes wet and even sprayed all over his face!
Xun You, Cheng Yu, Zhong Yao and other counselors' expressions suddenly changed color. Although they didn't say a word, their hearts sank, and a ridiculously terrifying idea slowly emerged!

What a conspiracy Cao Cao had. Hearing his son's words, his heart skipped a beat!
But after all, he is a hero of the generation, and he can't express his emotions or anger. Instead, he calmly said with a smile on his face: "Oh? You haven't joined the Hefei army?"

"Then I have millions of stones of food and grass. Isn't it true that I am more unjust than Meng Jiangnu? I really die without a burial place?"

"You can just tell me where the food went."

Cao Pi's eyes were wandering, his eyes were in a daze, he stood there with his head down and frowning, and for a moment he didn't know how to answer: "This... child..."

But now!
The counselors such as Jia Xu, Xun You and Cheng Yu who sat down already had three-thirds of approval in their hearts!
Maybe Cao Pi's nonsense really turned out to be a prophecy!
These millions of stones of food and grass were really like mud oxen falling into the sea. They did not enter Hefei's army, but disappeared and flew to other places! !

As for the weirdness and mystery involved, no one can explain it, and no one can predict it!

Sima Yi crossed his arms on his chest, slowly walked out of the class of civil servants, came to Cao Pi, and bowed.

Cao Cao's gaze was like a knife, and the knife was engraved on Sima Yi's face!

Cao Cao looked gloomy, suddenly raised his head, looked at the man and shouted sharply!
"Chen is here!"

"Zhongda, please tell me what's the mystery here. If you can figure it out, I will spare your death penalty and give you more rewards and promotions."

"Pi'er's words, you taught me!"

"It's all because of the kid's eagerness to make meritorious deeds that he talks nonsense, and it has nothing to do with Zhongda. Please don't blame Zhongda, father. All the troubles are the fault of the kid alone."

Cao Cao waved his hand. When Cao Pi saw this, he hurriedly stopped and did not dare to say anything.

Cao Cao scolded him in a cold voice, his words casual, but as cold as the freezing snow in winter, which made people feel heartbroken.

Cao Pi was trembling, and with a thud, he knelt down on the ground!


When Cao Pi saw his father's change of expression, he realized that he had made a big mistake. He was afraid of offending Sima Yi, so he kowtowed continuously and asked for his father's forgiveness.

"Confusing the morale of our military and confusing the public with your lies, what are your intentions!"

"But if you can't tell the truth, I'm afraid you won't be able to escape today if the owl's head is slashed outside Xuanyuan!"

Sima Yi looked calm and calm. After bowing to thank the prime minister, he stood up, straightened his clothes and organized his thoughts. Then he spoke: "I am worried that there is another mysterious master outside our army in Hefei, who can block the outside world from sending Hefei to the army." The food route, all the food and grass sent to Hefei were blocked by this mysterious master, and were transported to other places after the robbery..."

Sima Yi paused for a moment and took a peek. Cao Cao's face was still gloomy, but there was a hint of unnoticeable panic and confusion on his gloomy face. "This mysterious force is stationed on the periphery, completely blocking our 300,000 soldiers and horses in Hefei in an independent environment! Whether it is Xuchang or Wancheng, the information we see about Hefei is just this mysterious force I hope we will see it. For example, it will encourage food production.”

"Because of this, the grain urging messages from the Hefei army flew like snowflakes to Wancheng and Xudu. However, none of the grain and grass sent by Xun Lingjun and the Lord entered my Hefei army."


"Hefei's army and horses kept pushing for food, and the Lord and Xun Lingjun kept sending food and grass to Hefei, but they were all laughed at by this mysterious master and shipped away..."

Sima Yi made fists with his hands, gesturing as the grain road between Wancheng and Xuchang, and described Cao Pi standing next to him as Xu Huang, who was stationed in Hefei. A vivid interpretation of his understanding and analysis of the entire situation.

"That's unreasonable!"

Cao Cao frowned and lowered his head, listening carefully to Sima Yi's analysis. After pondering for a long time, he suddenly shouted.

"I've always been best at cutting off people's food supply. Is there anyone better than me?"

"What's more, the north, west, and east directions of Hefei are all within my sphere of influence. Only the south direction faces Jiangdong! Whether money and grain are transported from Xuchang in the north or Wancheng in the west, they are all within my sphere of influence. How can such a huge mysterious master be allowed to remain and be active so freely and freely?"

Cao Cao sneered: "With this analysis, you really mistook the 350,000 soldiers and horses in Hefei as the 350,000 dolphins and pigs raised in human fences!"

Sima Yi lowered his head, not daring to look at Cao Cao, and said quietly and slowly: "My lord, please don't forget how powerful Ma Chao's Xiliang cavalry was in the past? Two hundred thousand Xiliang cavalry, just because you burned him of food and grass, seriously injured his assistant Han Sui, and then the crisis in Xuchang was relieved!"

Cao Cao spoke sharply and shouted: "But those are the flying tiger cavalry and the thousand-mile horse!"

"The three thousand flying tiger cavalry are the three thousand fine cavalry raised by Gu. Each knight is one of the best in the world, and every horse is a priceless elite cavalry in the world!"

"It's not surprising that such a master of magic can kill generals thousands of miles away!"

Sima Yi's words didn't seem to contain any emotion, and he couldn't say whether he was afraid or fearful. He was like a machine without any emotion: "But my lord, you must not forget it. My lord cut off the horse to exceed the grain road, and severely damaged Han Sui's Thousand Mile Horse." The Corps will die at the hands of Zhuge Yong!!"


"You are presumptuous!"

Cao Cao didn't expect that Sima Yi, who had always been so secretive, would be so bold at this moment, daring to confront him tit for tat in front of the ministers, arguing without giving in, and directly revealing the death of Cao Xiu in front of him. scars!
"Sima Zhongda, do you think I dare not kill you?"

Cao Cao's eyes fell on Sima Yi's expressionless face like a dead tree, but he could not read any emotional information in his heart.

"Father, please forgive Zhongda for his crime of disrespect..."

Cao Pi wanted to apologize for Sima Yi, but in the face of his father's rage and the murderous intent in the room, he shrank and did not dare to speak.

"The Prime Minister has previously said in front of all the generals that today I will give my command and speak freely, and you will forgive us for not being guilty. If Sima Yi is punished for his lies, the world will not laugh at Sima Yi for being short-witted and ignorant, but will laugh at the Prime Minister for his unbelief. .”

(End of this chapter)

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