Chapter 205 Good News
Chapter 202 Good News

Cheng Yu held Cao Pi with his left hand and extended his right hand to invite the old man into the inner hall.

"Sir, please!"

Although Cao Pi didn't know where Cheng Yu hired such an old man, he seemed to be quite upright and energetic, quite like a famous doctor. What's more, there is no good cure for my father's symptoms at this time. Instead of sitting back and waiting for death, it is better to take a risk and seek victory in the danger.

Everyone was worried and followed closely.

The old man paused, blocked everyone, smiled slightly and said: "I need to be quiet when I come in to treat the Prime Minister. Why don't you wait outside quietly for good news?"

Cao Pi also said sternly: "My father is mentally depressed and should not be too noisy. Everyone, please follow the doctor's advice and rest in the lobby for now!"

Everyone had no choice but to go back angrily and wait anxiously in the lobby.


Inner hall.

Cao Cao's face was as white as paper, and his lips were blue, because the headache was unbearable when he hit him. One side of his lip had been bitten by him, and there was faint blood oozing out.

Cao Pi opened his eyes wide, stared at the old man in front of him, and asked with great concern.

One needle at the temple, one at Fengchi, and one at Taichong!
It only lasts as long as a stick of incense.

"The miracle doctor, can my father's father be cured?"

At this moment, he was lying on the bed motionless with his eyes closed, but the muscles on his face kept shaking, and he had an obvious headache that started to attack, but he was exhausted and no longer had the strength to struggle and groan.

Cao Pi took a step forward, knelt down in front of the bed and held Cao Cao's hand, already sobbing.

"What a shame!"

"Prime Minister Cao conquered all directions and commanded the world. What a hero, but he also suffered today's disaster!"

"Father, father!"

The old man was silent for a moment, took back the hands that were diagnosing the pulse, and then said with a relaxed expression: "I will apply the golden needle first to relieve the pain of the Prime Minister and help him wake up, and then take two doses of medicine, and he will be back to his original state immediately!"

Cao Cao took a long breath and slowly opened his eyes.

Although his eyes were dull and his face was still pale, he no longer felt the same cramp-like pain as before!

Seven needles at Danshu points are administered in the direction of the Big Dipper!


Cao Pi was happy and surprised, and looked back at the old man with confusion on his face.

The old man opened the wooden box and took out more than a dozen golden needles. After sterilizing them over a candle flame, he began to apply the acupuncture.

The old man placed the medicine box in front of the bed, sat on a red stool, stretched out his hand to touch Cao Cao's pulse, and sighed.


"The Prime Minister is weak and needs to recuperate. It would be better for you not to disturb him. I have another prescription here. You can send someone to prepare the medicine and cook it immediately. One will be given in the morning and evening. I will come to see you again tomorrow morning."

"Miracle doctor, who is my father?..."

Cao Cao glanced at Cao Pi, moved the corners of his mouth slightly, then closed his eyes and said nothing.

The old man took out a pen and paper from the medicine box, polished it and wrote, then handed it to Cao Pi.

"Thank you for the miracle doctor!"

Cao Pi took the prescription and sent someone to cook it. He served the soup himself and took care of Cao Cao every step of the way. Although it was only Liang Sanri's effort, the originally romantic and suave young man was already haggard and completely lost his youthful appearance. .

...The next day, early in the morning.

In the yamen of Xinye Prefecture, a gathering of ministers was held.

Prime Minister Cao was sitting upright. Although he no longer had the tiger and wolf spirit of the past, his expression was relaxed and full of energy. He seemed to be completely restored to his former self!

"The Prime Minister met a good doctor and was able to regain his youth. It is really a blessing for the man and a blessing for the people!"

All the civil and military officials knelt down and worshiped on the ground.

"I escaped death today thanks to the help of a miracle doctor. I would also like to thank Cheng Zhongde for hiring a miracle doctor for me."

Cao Cao's tone was easy-going and less violent than the day before.

"I wonder where the miracle doctor is? Please come and meet me."

Cao Cao looked at Cheng Yu at the foot of the stairs and said with a smile.

"Wei Chen invites him to come and meet the Prime Minister with this wine!"

Cheng Yu was extremely respectful and did not let his soldiers go to invite him. Instead, he turned around and walked out of the mansion, and went downstairs to lead the elderly doctor slowly to the government office lobby.

"A commoner comes to meet the Prime Minister of the Han Dynasty!"

When the two came to the hall, the old man looked calm, put the wooden box on his shoulders at his feet, straightened his clothes, bowed and said salute.

"Get up! Get up!"

"You are Gu's savior. If you give me a gift, teach me how to bear the responsibility!"

Cao Cao wanted to get up, but he was weak, so he had to sit back. Cao Pi saw him at the bottom of the steps, and hurriedly took a few steps forward, stretched out his hand to support the old man: "Old sir, please stand up, you have saved my father's life. Never forget it!”

Cao Cao turned to look at Cheng Yu and said with a smile: "Zhongde, can you introduce me to him?"

Cheng Yu laughed loudly, stroking his beard and said: "Prime Minister, this person is from Qiao County, Qiao State, and he is from the same hometown as the Prime Minister!"

"This man's surname is Hua Mingtuo. His courtesy name is Yuan Hua. He is a famous doctor in the world. He is not very famous because he is indifferent to officialdom and only likes to mingle among the people and treat people's illnesses."

When Cao Cao saw that he was from the same hometown, he was even more happy. He laughed and said: "Meeting an old friend in a foreign country is a great joy in life! I don't expect that I will meet a fellow villager again in Jingzhou and be a lonely savior! Isn't this fate?"

Hua Tuo paid his respects again and said, "It is the duty of a doctor to be benevolent. What's more, for Hua Tuo, it's just a small effort. The prime minister does not need to be too kind."

Cao Cao sighed and said: "In your opinion, sir, it's just a simple task, but for the Gu family, it's really a matter of life and death. For those military doctors, it's a problem as big as the sky!"

"It seems that those who are difficult can't master it, and those who can master it are not difficult! As the ancients said, I can't deceive anyone who is honest!"

Hua Tuo had a serious look on his face, without the slightest hint of joy. He shook his head and said, "The prime minister has given you too much praise, and Hua Tuo doesn't dare to live up to it. But since he is a doctor, he should tell the truth!"

Cao Cao was slightly startled and said with a smile: "Sir, just say what you have to say, why do you have to be so serious?"

Hua Tuo: "Although the Prime Minister's headache is relieved today, it will definitely recur in the future. If it recurs, I'm afraid it will be difficult to cure. Today Hua Tuo is just treating the symptoms and not the root cause!"

The smile on Cao Cao's face suddenly stopped and he said in astonishment: "Sir, you are a good doctor. Why don't you take this opportunity to cure my stubborn disease so that it will never recur?"

Hua Tuo said in a deep voice: "Although I have a wonderful trick, I don't dare to try it, for fear that the Prime Minister will get suspicious."

Cao Cao's smile appeared again, and he waved his hands repeatedly and said: "How could it be! As long as the pain in Gu's brain can be permanently eliminated, no matter what method, we can do it, even if it costs tens of thousands of gold, we will not hesitate!"

"I dare not claim to be rich, but I still own the whole world. Just tell me, sir!"

Hua Tuo stood among the crowd, bent down and opened the wooden box at his feet, and took out a shining dagger!

"Protect the Prime Minister!"

Xiahou Dun roared, took a step forward, and stood between Hua Tuo and Cao Cao. He put his right hand on the hilt of his sword. If there was anything wrong at all, he would draw the sword!
(End of this chapter)

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