Chapter 209 Crouching Dragon
Chapter 206 Crouching Dragon

Zhuge Liang adjusted his sleeves and said with a calm smile: "I have made eight illusory formations on the river. I think Cao Ren, who is not familiar with the basics, can see something about it!"

"Because of this, he is more likely to be trapped by my formation! I'm afraid it will be difficult to escape without a whole night's effort."

Zhuge Ming smiled slightly, nodded approvingly and looked at Zhuge Liang: "You are right, either you don't understand, and if you don't understand, your heart will not be controlled by it. Or you can be proficient, and if you are proficient, you are beyond things and not controlled by others."

"What I fear the most are those who seem to understand but not understand, don't understand but understand a little! Cao Ren relied on an eight-door golden lock formation and thought he knew the essence of the art of war. Today, he suffered a big loss. It can be regarded as giving him some color. !”

Zhuge Liang listened carefully and remembered it carefully.

His saving grace is that although his mind is as high as the sky, he still seeks advice humbly. If he wants to do arrogant things, he must first have the resources to be arrogant!

"Brother, have you done anything amazing these days? Tell me about it?"

Zhuge Liang said goodbye for a few days. He first studied the formation behind closed doors, and then went to the river to set up the formation. He felt that if he was not with his brother for one day, he would miss many opportunities to learn and improve himself.

"It's nothing!"

Lu Su stepped into the big tent, placed the food box in his hand on a square table in the middle, opened the lid, took it out and arranged it on the table, and asked with a bit of confusion.

"Sir, it's been three days, why haven't you let Xiahou Mao go back?"

"Zijing is indeed a man of faith. I will join the army with you. Until now, no one has come to your tent!"

In March, when the grass grows and the orioles fly, it is the most pleasant time of the year.

On a couch at the back of the tent, a man in black clothes was lying on his back. Hearing Lu Su come in, he turned slightly sideways and grinned, revealing his rough teeth. He looked unhappy.

Lu Su also sat next to him, reached out to lift the wine jug, and filled a bowl for Pang Tong.

Lu Su was holding a food box in his hand. When he returned to the camp, he went to the military kitchen to order several exquisite side dishes, and there was also a pot of aged wine.

"How can we live in this world without the word "faithfulness"?"

"May I ask, sir, have you changed the countermeasures you made before?"

After saying that, he didn't give in. Da Ma Jin Dao sat down.

Pang Tong stood up, combed his messy hair, walked to the table on wooden clogs, raised his nose and smelled a few exquisite side dishes, then picked up the wine pot and said "sizzling" at the spout with a bit of intoxication. There was a puff.

Lu Su said sternly: "I promised Kong Ming that you are just helping me defeat the enemy this time, and you have no intention of claiming credit for it. Naturally, I have to ensure that your secrets are never revealed to others!"

Hefei, in the Jiangdong Cavalry Camp.

Zhuge Ming smiled faintly!
"I just went to Xinye and saved Cao Cao's life!"

Pang Tong took out his chopsticks, picked up a piece of fat meat, put it into his mouth and chewed: "No! How can this change? There is no reason to change what you and I have agreed upon!"

Lu Su bowed to Sun Quan and returned to his camp.

"Well, it is indeed a good wine! I haven't had such a good drink in a long time!"

Lu Su frowned, and after pondering for a few seconds, he whispered: "My lord is worried, and he always urges me to make plans. But the military advisor doesn't say anything, so I don't dare to act without authorization. Nowadays, one hundred thousand troops and horses are very expensive, although Jiangdong is not short of them. Food, but people's hearts are wandering. We originally used 100,000 soldiers and horses to fight against 350,000 enemies. It was largely a matter of temporary bravery. I'm afraid that if it drags on for a long time, the battle will be disadvantageous. "

"It's full! This wine is very refreshing. I'll have another one tomorrow!"

"I've been bored in your tent all day, and I've really faded away! It's just right for me to travel seventy states drunkenly with a jar of wine!" Pang Tong didn't care, picked up the bowl and drank it all in one gulp. He paused in front of Lu Su, wiped his clothes with his sleeves, and said with unfinished meaning.


Lu Su had no choice but to shake his head and sigh as he filled Pang Tong's bowl three more times.

After four or five bowls of wine, Pang Tong's face looked a little drunk.

"Zijing, what do you think of Xu Huang?"

Pang Tong picked up the thickest toothpick from the toothpick tube on the table, and while picking his teeth, he squinted at Lu Su and asked.

"Xu Huang?"

Lu Su pondered for a moment.

"Xu Huang was originally the Cavalry Commander under Yang Feng. When Yang Feng fought against Cao Cao in the past, Xu Huang single-handedly fought against the Cao clan, Zhang Liao, Yu Jin and other generals!"

"After Yang Feng's defeat, Xu Huang returned to Cao Cao, fought in the south and north, and made countless military exploits."

"Among Cao Cao's generals, in terms of strict military management, Xu Huang is second only to Jin, and in terms of loyalty, courage and intelligence, he is slightly inferior to Zhang Liao."

"But now that Yu died in Fancheng in the forbidden war, Zhang Liao was captured by Liu Bei and has surrendered. Xu Huang is considered to be the first general in Cao's camp who is both wise and brave!"

Before the expedition, when he was still in Chaisang, he had carefully studied the generals of Cao Ying, so he was no stranger to Xu Huang.

"Ha ha!"

Pang Tong laughed loudly, put another bowl of wine to his mouth, stretched out his mouth and sucked it, and then it went into his throat.

"Since Zijing knows, why do you need to ask me why I have been delaying in letting Xiahou Mao go?"

Lu Su was startled and said nonchalantly: "Is Shi Yuangong afraid that this plan will not escape Xu Huang's judgment, so he hesitates?"

"But now that the arrow is on the string, we have to shoot it!"

"If Cao's camp is fully prepared and the 350,000-strong army comes forward, how can we resist it? Even if we let Xiahou Mao go back, I won't feel at ease. The master's plan has not been revealed, so I dare not ask." . But there are so many counselors in Cao Cao’s camp, and Cao Cao himself is also good at scheming, so how can he take action..."

Pang Tong ate carelessly and said with a smile: "In Zijing's opinion, what is the most fearful thing in Cao Ying in Hefei now?"

Lu Su said without hesitation: "The importance of the three armies lies in food and grass. I have 100,000 troops and horses, let alone Hefei's 300,000 troops and horses? Moreover, Cao Cao's thieves have spent a lot of money fighting for years."

Pang Tongtong slapped the table and laughed loudly: "That's right! Hold on tight! Cao's camp is already short of food. What I'm waiting for is when his heart is fried, and then I send troops to attack him!"

"You must know that Xu Huang is brave and resourceful, which is extraordinary. Jiang Ji secretly hates Xiahou Mao in his heart and will not believe him! Letting Xiahou Mao go back now is equivalent to walking away a piece of trash in vain. Although there is no loss to us, it is A good opportunity to kill Cao Jun was lost!"

"We have even failed to live up to Zhuge Wende's kindness!"

"Zhuge Wende?"

Lu Su was so shocked that he couldn't help but stand up!
He had not heard this name for a long time since he went out with the army and said goodbye to Kong Ming. And when it came out of Pang Tong's mouth, it was as if it came from an ancient legend. It felt like we had been away for a long time, but it also carried a bit of legend and reverence!

Pang Tong put down his chopsticks and said calmly: "I expect that Zhuge Wende of Jingzhou has already calculated the situation in Hefei. It was supposed to be planned three days ago. I'm afraid he has made other arrangements to have Wancheng send a message from Hefei. The grain and fodder ship is three days late. If there is no tacit understanding on our part, it will be a big deal!"

(End of this chapter)

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