Uncle Emperor, I am really not Wolong Zhuge!

Chapter 32: Zhuge’s strategy is to suppress the Southern Barbarians!

Chapter 32 Zhuge made a plan to suppress the Nanman!
The first snow in 13 years of Jian'an.

Much earlier than the 12 years since Jian'an.

There are many waves, and the sky and the earth are the same color.

At the head of Xinye City, in the big tent, Liu Bei personally lit a fire and cooked wine.

When the wine was warm, Jian Yong led the two captains and brought in a plate of more than ten kilograms of sauced venison.

The steam was so hot that all the snowflakes that fell on it melted into water, forming a thin layer of mist on the surface.

"Mr. Zhuge, you have worked hard all the way and are not prepared for your talents. Let's just sit back and enjoy the results!"

Liu Bei laughed loudly, cut the venison into several portions himself, and placed them on the plates in front of Zhuge Ming and Huang Zhong.

"If I am not in my position, I will not seek political advice. Since I have agreed to temporarily take over the post of Xinye's military adviser, it is naturally my duty. My lord, you don't have to do this."

Zhuge Ming smiled slightly, took the wine bottle from Liu Bei, touched a glass with Liu Bei, and drank it all in one gulp!

"Han Sheng!"

"It's my first time to come to Xinye. Unfortunately, it's the time when the army is on duty. There is only a small amount of wine in the military camp. I just want to talk about my inner feelings. I hope I don't get offended!"

Liu Bei refilled a glass, handed it to Huang Zhong who was sitting next to Zhuge Ming, and said sincerely.

"Mr. Xuande, I have long said that the reason why I am here is just to be with Mr. Zhuge day and night and to listen to his teachings. Therefore, it doesn't matter whether Mr. Xuande treats you kindly or not."

"As long as I can see your majestic face, I will lie on the ice and in the snow without any complaints!"

As Huang Zhong spoke, his eyes turned sideways and landed on Zhuge Ming's face, showing admiration.

Liu Bei was ashamed, but he was also shocked and admired!
Mr. Zhuge's charm is so powerful. It can be seen that Huang Zhong is also a stubborn and unyielding deer. No matter how bad I, Liu Bei, am, I am also the lord of Xinye. I hold more than 3 troops in my hands. Since he came to me, Although it has only been half a day, he has already made things difficult for me many times!
But how could such a master who was fearless in heaven and earth show such respect and obedience to Mr. Zhuge?
"I wonder how Han Sheng met sir? It must be a legend!"

Liu Bei offered wine frequently in anticipation, without any hint of arrogance. Instead, he seemed to be the subordinate of Zhuge Ming and Huang Zhong.


Huang Zhong turned to look at Zhuge Ming, seemingly asking for instructions. .

Zhuge Ming slowly drank a cup of hot wine and nodded slightly.

Huang Zhong put down his wine glass and was silent for a while.

Liu Bei waited intently. Mi Zhu, who was standing beside him but had not yet retreated, did not dare to move. He listened carefully and waited for his words.

"After I resigned from Liu Jingsheng, I became disheartened and decided to go to southern Xinjiang to escape the troubles in the Central Plains..."

Huang Zhong opened his mouth, looking far away at the ceiling of the big tent, as if he was recalling an unforgettable past event.

"I rode alone, all the way south, until I reached the miasmatic wilderness of the Southern Barbarians."

"There, I met the Southern Barbarian tribe. Those people were simple and friendly, but they fought fiercely!"

"They are good at riding, shooting, and hunting. There are often three or five people who dare to ambush tigers and brown bears. One or two people can stay in the old forest late at night without fear!"

Liu Bei exclaimed softly: "There are still such fierce and courageous people in the world! If I have such a powerful soldier and horse, I will be invincible in the world!"

Huang Zhong ignored Liu Bei's soliloquy and continued.

"I was originally discouraged and had no desire to compete. But when I saw that tribe, everyone was good at shooting and fierce. Subtly, it aroused the hidden ambition in my heart!"

"So one day, I competed with the barbarian king of the tribe in archery skills, and won two out of three rounds. I defeated all the strength of nine bulls and two tigers, and finally won two rounds and came out on top!"

Liu Bei patted the case and praised highly: "After all, he is a barbaric man, how can he compare to me, the great shooter of the Central Plains!"

Mi Zhu took the opportunity to take a few steps forward, picked up the wine bottle on the table, went to the hanging stove to refill the wine, and came back to fill a glass for each of the three of them.

"Three generations of barbarian kings have been passed down from generation to generation. They have never lost to others, so they naturally refused to accept it. So they competed with me on horseback and with weapons! Their weapons were all heavy weapons such as iron caltrops and maces! Fortunately, I held A big sword is not light, not to mention that at that time, I was angry, so I turned my anger on him and started a fierce battle!"

Huang Zhong gently picked up the wine glass, but as if he didn't want to drink it, he put it down gently, then picked up the tea bowl and took a sip of tea.

"We fought for a day and a night, but in the end the Barbarian King was defeated. I chopped off the heavy armor with my sword and spared his life!"

"From then on, the Barbarian King was convinced and respected me very much."

"While we were chatting, he said angrily: 'Although you have defeated me, if I attack the Central Plains, no one can stop me!'"

"I sneered and said nothing."

"The Barbarian King is also a competitive person. He couldn't stand my silent ridicule and immediately mobilized the elite troops he had painstakingly trained!"

"Although there are only a dozen riders, it is enough to make me feel terrified and shocked!"

When Huang Zhong said this, he paused for a moment, his face serious, as if he had returned to the lonely remote frontier, the midnight grassland.

Liu Bei even forgot about the wine glass in his hand and looked at Huang Zhong dreamingly. He let the wine glass tilt and the wine slowly fell on his robe.

Only Zhuge Ming was leisurely shaking the folding fan in his hand. The second-hand picture of the Qiushui family, reflected by the sunlight coming from the gap in the big tent, seemed to have become a living picture. The characters and animals in the picture had souls. vitality.

"The soldiers and horses trained by that man are one elephant soldier and one vine armor soldier!"

"The elephant soldiers and war cavalry are all double-layered iron armor. They are invulnerable, just like heavy chariots! But they are much more flexible than chariots! The vine-armored soldiers are as fast as meteors, brave and good at fighting, and can turn the tide of the battle. Thunder!”

"The combination of light and heavy, every detail is perfect, and the battle formation is activated, and it is invincible!"

I have been thinking hard for three days, but I can't find a good way to defeat the enemy!But what frightens me even more is that if the Barbarian King really knocks the gate in with such a fine horse, I am afraid that my country in China will be poisoned again!

Seeing that I was helpless, the Barbarian King was proud and proud, and easily promised: Give me one year, and if I can break it, he will never enter the Middle Earth for the rest of his life.If it cannot be broken, then he should enter Luoyang during his lifetime and strive to become the master of the world!

Liu Bei was shocked!

It seems that this foreign barbarian king did not know that Cao Cao used the emperor to command the princes. He had already taken the emperor of the Han Dynasty to Xuchang instead of living in Luoyang permanently.

"Then, what next? Can Han Sheng defeat his elephant soldiers and vine armor soldiers?"

Liu Bei asked with a pale face!
It is obvious that the soldiers of the Barbarian King are many times more powerful than Dong Zhuo's Xiliang soldiers and horses in the past!
If they are really allowed to compete in the Central Plains, how can I, a big man, fall into the hands of a foreign race?

If that time comes, I'm afraid I will have to settle the old feud with Cao Cao and deal with the outside world together!
Huang Zhong slowly drank two more sips of tea, moistened his throat, and continued.

"I left Nanman and returned to my hometown in Nanyang. I thought hard every day about how to break the formation, but I still couldn't figure it out. After months of hard work, my hair suddenly turned gray..."

Huang Zhong shook his head and sighed. He could never let go of those years.

Liu Bei was secretly surprised: "It turns out that Huang Zhong has such a bright head, not because he is really old, but because he is overusing his brain and anxious! He is nearly sixty years old and still has his hair not growing old, which shows that he is different from ordinary people!"

"I met your husband by chance that day and we talked about this matter."

When Huang Zhong said this, he suddenly looked guilty: "At that time, I just saw my husband as a useless scholar. When I talked to him, I just wanted to find someone to talk to and relieve my boredom!"

“I never thought of that!!”

Huang Zhong's eyes fell on Zhuge Ming again!
"After Mr. Zhuge heard this, he didn't even think about it. He cut a branch into a pen, painted on the ground, made a famous weapon, and called it a 'fire chain gun'!"

"Teach Xiangjia the use of the fire chain gun and the method of defeating enemies!"

The eyes of the people present all fell on Zhuge Ming.

Mi Zhu looked at Zhuge Ming's back, his face as white as snow!
"This man is a great talent, unpredictable! Fortunately, my lord invited him out and landed in Xinye. If the delay lasts for a long time, and he really goes south to Xudu and is used by Cao Cao, my lord may die without a burial place!"

Liu Bei was speechless and didn't know what to say for a moment!
Huang Zhong continued: "Sir's words made me enlightened and enlightened!"

"I will use this skill to go to the southern barbarians and meet the barbarian king!"

"While practicing the method of breaking the formation with the Fire Chain Spear, the Barbarian King sighed and bowed to the sky, suspecting divine help!"

"I said to him: Everyone in the Central Plains knows how to use a fire chain gun, and they can defeat the elephant soldiers. If you enter the Central Plains, you won't even have a chance to return to the body wrapped in horse leather!"

"Sure enough, the Barbarian King had no doubts. He was disheartened for a moment. He was also a strong-tempered man. He personally wielded the mace and smashed the Elephant Soldiers' armor to pieces! He also spent his life's efforts to draw the pattern of the Elephant Soldiers' formation. The sheepskin was thrown over the bonfire!”

When Liu Bei heard this, he finally understood that why Huang Zhong was so obsessed with Mr. Zhuge, it was not just his personality charm, but his admiration under the overwhelming ingenuity!
Hearing this, he finally breathed a sigh of relief: "This barbarian king finally destroyed the Great Wall! Otherwise, there will be a catastrophe in our Middle Earth!"

Liu Bei suddenly stood up, walked around the table and chairs, came to Zhuge Ming, and bowed down!

"Sir, it turns out that you saved the lives of our Han people a few years ago! Although Bei is not talented, he is also a descendant of the Han Dynasty. Please allow me to replace my ancestors and the Han people to thank you for saving lives!"


common people?

Zhuge Ming suddenly felt very emotional!
He stood up and left his seat, lowered his head and sighed, and slowly walked out of the tent.

Liu Bei, Mi Zhu, and Huang Zhong didn't know what to do, so they followed closely and left the camp.

Zhuge Ming stood at the top of the city, looking north.

At this time, the battle will take place!

Now that Zhuge Ming has come out of the mountain, he will have a showdown with Cao Cao's five great military advisors!
In the north, the snow is probably thicker!

Looking from a distance, the mountains and fields are the same color, and the sky and the earth are white.

For a moment, Zhuge Ming's desire for a decisive battle rose!
We must fight to the end!
"Thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow!"

"Inside and outside Wangjiang City, there is nothing but vastness, and the river suddenly stops flowing up and down!"

Xinye Xishan, covered with snow, stretches straight into the sky.

"Silver snakes are dancing in the mountains, and wax figures are riding wildly! If you want to compete with the gods, you must have a clear day! Look at the red clothes and plain wraps, which is particularly enchanting."

Zhuge Ming held the folding fan and recited slowly.

Mi Zhu couldn't help shouting "Okay" first, but then she quickly covered her mouth!
As a generation of literati, he naturally knows that when poets compose poems when they are happy, they are most afraid of being disturbed by others, which will mess up their thoughts and cut off their inspiration!
"There are so many beautiful mountains and rivers that attract countless heroes!"

"Sun Jian from Jiangdong died for the seal, and Yuan Shao from Hebei followed the dog's tail!"

"The great hero of the generation, Cao Cao of Qiao County, only knows how to lock two men with a bronze bird!"

"It's all in the past, count the romantic figures, and look at the present!"

Zhuge Ming chanted loudly, his voice gradually became louder and louder, his momentum was magnificent, and he overlooked the world!

This heroic ambition shocked everyone!

Liu Bei was shocked and sighed!
What an overwhelming momentum!
What an ambition to look down upon the world!
When Cao Cao was about to go south, the military advisor had the courage to challenge Cao Cao!

(End of this chapter)

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