I am planting demon Tang San in Douluo

Chapter 176 The Death of the Master

With the master's skillful control, Luo Sanpao hovered slightly in the sky like a golden lightning, and the majestic body immediately dived down towards the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger not far away.

The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger was still suffering from the fearful sequelae of "Psychic Puncture". He covered his head and looked at Luo Sanpao, his eyes full of fear and fear.

At the same time, a powerful energy surged above Luo Sanpao's dragon horn, as if the endless power of heaven and earth had gathered together.

In an instant, a thunderbolt was released from its dragon horns. The thunderbolt was like a sword of heavenly punishment, striking heavily at the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger with a fierce momentum.


The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger was struck by the thunder that contained the power of light, and he couldn't help but howl, his voice full of pain and anger.

But in the face of this sudden attack, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger could only put aside the huge pain in his soul and raised his head to stare fiercely at the majestic Golden Holy Dragon.

Just when the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger was about to launch an attack, Luo Sanpao acted quickly again.

It was like a real king. The golden divine dragon drew a gorgeous trajectory in the air. The strong wind blew up the golden mane on the dragon's back and neck. It looked like golden auspicious clouds. In the blink of an eye, it had killed the evil god of darkness. In front of the tiger.

The strong wind was like the voice of the God of Death, making the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger feel unprecedented pressure.

Immediately, Luo Sanpao swung his tail like a divine dragon, swung his long tail violently, and with the power of thunder and fire, he swung it towards the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger.

That power was like the anger between heaven and earth, and with the determination to destroy everything, it slammed hard at the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger.


Facing the sudden attack, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger roared angrily while enduring the severe pain in his body and soul.

Its endless gray evil energy gathered on the Evil God Hook and turned into a gray light shield to protect it.

The light shield was as hard as steel, emitting a strong gray light, and seemed to be able to withstand any attack.

However, Luo Sanpao's dragon tail carries tremendous power, and it also carries the power of light that can destroy all evil attributes.

When the dragon's tail hit the protective shield formed by the evil god's guardianship, the protective shield instantly became shaky.

Under the destruction of thunder and flames, the protective shield turned into countless gray light spots.

These light spots danced in the air like ghosts, and instantly dissipated in the air.

At the moment when the Evil God's protection was shattered, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger suddenly took action, swinging its wings fiercely on its back. It was enraged by the Golden Holy Dragon's attack and was ready to fight for its life.

Immediately, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger roared, and the joints on the Evil God Hook instantly turned as black as ink, like sharp blades, exuding a sinister aura, and began to swing.

It opened its huge mouth, and a powerful suction force was released from its mouth. The surrounding air seemed to be sucked out, forming a huge vortex.

In an instant, as the Evil God Hook waved behind him, countless twisted ripples spread from the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger's body.

The infinite evil spirit surged like a mist, swallowing up everything around it. Within a few hundred meters of the entire forest, everything was enveloped by the erosion of the Dark Demon Realm.

The dark demon realm was like a black sky, covering the entire sky, making the surrounding environment dark and terrifying.

Being eroded by the dark demon realm, the golden light on Luo Sanpao's body became even stronger, and a more powerful light force emitted from the golden divine dragon's horns, resisting the invasion of the surrounding evil spirits.

The power of light is like a bright light, dispelling the surrounding darkness and protecting yourself from harm.

If the three masters were not protected in the triangle formation, they would probably be corroded by evil spirits and die in an instant.

Only hiding——

He stood surrounded by gray evil spirits and was very at ease.

At this time, Zang's face was still calm, his eyes were slightly closed, like a Bodhisattva lowering his eyebrows, as if he was feeling everything around him.

He was not affected by the darkness around him, because he was protected by the magic power and could resist any evil influence.

Seeing this, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger was not only stunned. This was the first time it saw someone who was not afraid of the erosion of his Dark Demon Domain.

Suddenly, it felt its evil energy flowing crazily.

The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger carefully sensed that the source of the passage was exactly where Zang was, which surprised him greatly.

At this time, Zang suddenly opened his pure black eyes, and those blood-red pupils shot out two rays of divine light, like the first ray of light born between heaven and earth.

These two divine lights penetrated the darkness of the Dark Demon Realm and shot straight into the sky, as if they were going to illuminate the entire world.

In that light, Zang's image has undergone earth-shaking changes.

His originally long black hair instantly turned into pure white, flowing over his shoulders and looking even more elegant.

The skin on his body is also covered with golden magical lines. Those lines seem to contain ancient mysteries and exude a sacred and majestic atmosphere.

What is even more eye-catching is the golden ribbon wrapped around his shoulders, which makes him look like a messenger from heaven landing on earth.

Exactly—"Holy God Form"!
At this moment, Zang has completely transformed into another existence, an image full of holiness and majesty.

The aura exuding from his body made everything around him quiet and solemn, as if even the air had solidified.

"Sure enough, the evil power of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger will suit me very well!"

Zang closed his eyes, raised his head and said.

While speaking, he stretched out his right hand, as if he was experiencing something.

At this moment, endless Evil God Qi passed through the Dark Demon Realm and poured out from the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, but completely escaped its control and poured into Zang's body crazily.

These evil spirits are like the most obedient kitten, nourishing the demonic power in the holy fetus of immortals and demons in his body.

As the most poisonous and evil existence in the world, the Demon Seed can absorb all evil power. The evil energy of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger is the best nourishment for the growth of the Demon Seed.

Zang murmured happily to himself while breathing in the evil spirit in the Dark Demon Realm:
"When I finish devouring the power of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, I will probably be able to promote the demon species to the "Tenth Demonic Level" in one go. "

As he spoke, his face was filled with strong confidence and heroism.

"When we get to the killing city..."

A cold light flashed in Zang's eyes, and he stared closely at the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger in front of him, as if thinking about some plan.

There was a trace of coldness and cruelty in his smile, which made the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger feel chilled.

It cannot understand why Zang can be immune to the influence of evil spirits, and can even deprive it of its control over evil spirits, and unscrupulously devour these evil spirits that are as deadly as poison.

It began to doubt whether its own power was the power of the legendary evil god, and even began to doubt the authenticity of this world.However, the speed of the evil energy passing through the body forced the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger to quickly close the Dark Demon Realm.

Originally, the Dark Demon Realm was its domain, where it could unleash its power unscrupulously and manipulate all enemies into its palms.

However, now this field has become its nightmare.

After all, in just this moment, one-third of its evil energy has gone away!

As the evil energy stopped passing away, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. It hesitantly stared at the incomparably sacred Zang in front of it, and crawled backwards gently.

The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger already wants to escape!
It has always been the one that devours others, but I didn’t expect to meet someone who can devour it today!
The hidden strange power made the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger think he had seen a ghost!

But at this moment, Luo Sanpao started to attack again. How could Zang let this big cat escape!

The golden divine dragon's claws carried the attack of thunder and flames, opened its dragon kiss, and flew towards the dark evil tiger.

That majestic figure is like a god descending to earth, showing its powerful momentum.

Seeing the golden divine dragon attacking, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger did not care about the loss of evil energy in his body, and immediately flew into the air with the flutter of his wings.

There was an even more deafening tiger roar, and the rich gray evil energy quickly condensed into countless balls, which shone with the light of thunder and lightning. It was the soul skill "Dark Demon Evil Thunder"!
The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger controlled these thunderballs, like missiles, with a strong aura of destruction, and fired them towards Luo Sanpao.

"Farting is like thunder, banging the sky and breaking the earth!"

The puppet master gave a cold shout and started to activate Luo Sanpao's original fart soul skill.

As a result, the golden divine dragon instantly turned around in an extremely gorgeous manner, with its back facing the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, and golden light mist began to spray out from behind its butt.

This light mist instantly formed a powerful defensive barrier, successfully resisting the Dark Demon Evil Thunder attack from the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger.

Seeing this scene, Zang couldn't help but put his hand on his forehead and said helplessly:
"Although this golden holy dragon looks good and is both thunderous and flaming, isn't this farting soul skill too obscene?

Where did the master get the soul ring to have these farting soul skills? "

Although he was hiding his complaints, the light fart sprayed by the Golden Holy Dragon successfully defended against the Dark Demon Evil Thunder attack from the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger.

At this time, there was a burst of thunder in the sky, and countless thick smoke covered the sky, also covering the golden holy dragon and the dark evil evil tiger.

However, the thick smoke could not stop Zang's mental induction. He discovered that the dark evil tiger, which had become timid, actually wanted to take the opportunity to fly away.

"Hurry up and trap this beast, don't let it escape!"

Zang turned to the puppet master and ordered.

Immediately, the Puppet Master controlled Luo Sanpao and dived in the direction of the Dark Demon Evil Tiger.

Although the flying speed of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger is not slow, it cannot compare with the superiority of the Shenlong in the sky.

So, in an instant, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger was stopped in front of it by the golden divine dragon, forcing it to quickly stop its wings.

"Holy Dragon Dharma Appearance!"

With a low shout from the puppet master, Luo Sanpao's most powerful attack was finally revealed, and it was also to cooperate with Zang's actions.

At this time, the golden light on the golden divine dragon burned like a flame, and the already mighty dragon-shaped body became more lifelike, as if the divine dragon carved from gold had descended.

The bright golden flame shines with such dazzling brilliance under the sunlight that people dare not look directly at it.

On the body of the golden divine dragon, a terrifying dragon power pressed down as heavy as a mountain, making the surrounding air become solemn.

This coercion also contains an indescribable sacred aura, as if the gods from ancient myths have descended.

Suppressed by the power of this sacred dragon, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger hovered blankly in the air, knowing that it could not avoid the next attack and could only resist it.

At this time, in the triangle formation, Flanders and Liu Erlong also felt the coercion and sacred aura, and they both spit out a mouthful of blood.

The soul power in their bodies was losing crazily, as if they had been sucked dry.

These lost soul powers were turned into golden energy, which poured into Luo Sanpao's body, gradually forming a powerful sacred force.

As the soul power strengthened, the golden divine dragon couldn't help but let out bursts of dragon roars. The melodious and passionate dragon roars seemed to reach straight to the sky.

The golden holy dragon blood in his body was boiling violently, as if it was ignited.

While his blood was boiling, the aura of the golden divine dragon also reached its peak at this moment.

At this time, Zang also started to take action.

He closed his eyes and stood there, seemingly feeling everything around him silently.

In his body, the demonic power began to surge quietly through the connection with Liu Erlong, converging into her body, forming a strange "channel."

As the demon's special power strengthened, Zang's figure gradually became illusory.

His figure swayed in the air, and actually used Liu Erlong as a medium to sneak directly into the golden dragon's body through the "channel" in her body.

This caused a slight distortion and fluctuation in the surrounding space.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in the golden dragon's pupils, and that was exactly what Zang looked like.

At this moment, Zang seemed to have turned into a part of Luo Sanpao, becoming one with the sacred dragon.

Then, the golden divine dragon burst out with a roar that shook the heaven and earth, and its body radiated even brighter golden light. The blazing light seemed to sparkle even in the air.

However, if anyone listens carefully, they will notice that there is unspeakable pain in these bursts of dragon roar.

At this moment, Zang Zheng and Luo Sanpao were fighting for control of the Golden Holy Dragon, and at the same time they were gathering the power of blood within the Holy Dragon.

This caused the golden dragon to roar in pain.

But even if Luo Sanpao has spiritual intelligence, how can he compete with Zang?
In an instant, Zang wiped out Luo Sanpao's intelligence and took over the body of the Holy Dragon.

"Hey, is this how a beast martial soul soul master feels when he controls the martial soul's true form? This feeling is really strange."

"I don't know if I obtain the Golden Holy Dragon Spirit in the future, will I be possessed by the spirit like an ordinary beast spirit master, or will I be able to obtain an independent spirit like a master?"

Suddenly, the Golden Holy Dragon stopped its painful dragon roar, and instead chanted a few words in a low voice in Zang's voice.

The sound was clear and powerful, impossible to ignore. (End of chapter)

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