I am planting demon Tang San in Douluo

Chapter 179 The taste of fire dance

Of course, the powerful ability of "Horse Poison Stake" is far more than that, and another more important ability has not been revealed yet.

Zang narrowed his eyes slightly, with strong anticipation surging in his heart.

Thinking of this, a cunning light flashed in Zang's eyes, and he quietly called out the attached soul bone.

A dark black scorpion tail extends from Zang's back. The rugged black joints make up this scorpion tail, and each joint exudes a sinister aura.

The top section is revealed with a purple-black curved hook, and it shines with a soul-stirring evil light, as if it can swallow up people's hearts.

Then, the scorpion tail seemed to have come to life, slowly extending in front of Zang.

Zang narrowed his eyes and carefully looked at this extremely domineering external soul bone.

"Because of you, I lost another attached soul bone, but it was all worth it."

Zang muttered to himself.

However, this sacrifice of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger brought Zang the greatest improvement, not just the attached soul bone and the other set of torso bones.

Instead, he succeeded in making Zang's demon species reach the "Tenth Demonic Level", which means he became a great demon species.

There is only one step away from the demonic species transforming into a crystal clear Taoist heart!
[The Dao Heart Demonic Planting Technique] has reached this point in cultivation, and there is only one layer of window paper away from the ultimate state of "Refining God and Returning to the Void".

However, Zang is planning to use the ultimate killing stimulation in the city of killing to make the demon species more active.

Then the demon seeds can move to the extreme and meditate, and then they can produce demonic transformations, fill the void with gods, and enter the realm of returning to the void.

And only when he reaches the realm of returning to the virtual world, can Zang be able to plan the next step and absorb the power of all the gods in one go!

Moreover, the Rakshasa spiritual thoughts that have been sealed in the deepest part of the Holy Embryo can now be used.

Thinking of this, Zang closed his eyes and looked inside, his mind immersed in the deepest part of his body, a cage created by the power of the fairy fetus and the power of the demon seed.

as well as……

A bit of pure spiritual thought sealed in the cage.

"Beholding" this reward from the Rakshasa god, Zang began to recall the differences between these gods.

Although the Rakshasa God, the Shura God and the God of Evil all belong to the evil camp, the differences between them are still very big.

Zang guessed that this gap should be due to the difference in their respective priesthoods.

There is a saying that "where there are people, there are rivers and lakes." The Rakshasa God and the God of Evil should belong to one river and lake, while the Shura God belongs to another river and lake.

However, although the Rakshasa God and the Evil God share the power of evil, the difference between them is still very obvious.

The Rakshasa God pays more attention to causing people to fall and bring about evil and chaotic behaviors, giving them a sense of deja vu.

The God of Evil is evil itself. Whether others fall or not is not particularly important to Him.

Therefore, in terms of priesthood, the God of Evil is one level higher than the God of Rakshasa.

The Rakshasa god actually feels like a messenger of the evil god.

As for God Shura, he proves his way through killing, and his priestly duty is killing itself.

Therefore, Zang actually touched the Rakshasa God and gave him some of his remaining spiritual thoughts.

I'm afraid it's the nature of the Rakshasa Kagura child that is causing trouble.

The Rakshasa God estimated that he was going to attack Bibi Dong, so he gave his spiritual thoughts to himself and let himself judge Bibi Dong's strength based on the strength of his divine thoughts.

Then, he would formulate a plan against Bibi Dong based on Bibi Dong's strength.

It can only be said that he is worthy of being a guy from the chaotic evil camp, and he is so evil to his successor.

It’s true that disgusting mother opened the door to disgusting.

Nasty home.

However, thinking of the abilities of the Dacheng Demon Seed, a faint evil light flashed in Zang's eyes, and the idea of ​​testing his strength arose in his heart.

He could feel that the abilities of his demon species had undergone earth-shaking changes.

At least in terms of purity, the magical power of the demon species is only slightly inferior to the Rakshasa spiritual power.

When the demon species transforms into the heart of Taoism, the soul is embedded in the great road of heaven and earth, and the void is filled with gods. Even if it swallows this little Rakshasa spiritual thought, it will still be open to all rivers, and its tolerance is great.

However, Zang looked at Liu Erlong and Flender who were still unconscious on the ground, and could only wait for them to wake up before testing their strength.

"Let's take a look at the sensing ability of the Dacheng Demon Seed first."

Hidden in my heart.

Immediately, Zang closed his eyes, and the great demon began to sense the world.

At this time, the horror of the Dacheng Demon Seed was revealed.

As long as Zang has met him once, even if this person has fled to the ends of the earth, the demon species can still find this person's existence along this aura.

And once this person has in-depth communication with Zang, he will never be able to escape the lock of the demon species.

At this time, Zang's spiritual sense was infinitely amplified, and he quickly sensed the first target along the breath, which was also the existence closest to him.

It was the Titan ape who had met once before.


"Da Ming, that dark evil tiger suddenly disappeared. What do you think?"

The giant orangutan sitting by the lake, the Titan Ape, said to the looming existence in the lake, the azure bull python with the head of a bull and the body of a snake.

Through the perspective of the Titan ape, Zang successfully glimpsed a corner of the Lake of Life and the majestic appearance of the Azure Bull Python.

In the vast and mysterious lake, a monster raised its upper body. The snake body exposed on the lake was more than 30 meters high, while the longer body was hidden under the quiet lake.

At this time, a dreamlike cloud and mist floated in, covering the upper body of the azure bull python.

However, its huge bull's eyes still emitted cyan light as it stared at the Titan ape in front of it.

The azure bull python speaks human words, its voice full of majesty and wisdom:

"Er Ming, I can feel the aura of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger that suddenly disappeared, and its evil aura still remains in the same place."

Hearing this, the Titan ape couldn't help but stretch out his huge palm and scratched his head. The orangutan's face was full of confusion and curiosity:
"Then it flew away?"

"Er Ming, your psychic ability is very poor, so you can't feel it."

The azure bull python slowly shook its head, and ripples appeared on the lake surface.

"I can sense that there are no traces of this guy's flight in the surrounding air.

Its disappearance must have been sudden, and I guess it was through some weird space ability. "

After hearing this, the Titan Ape yawned and stretched lazily:
"No matter what, this damn guy has disappeared from the Star Forest, so we don't care why it disappeared.

Okay, Daming, I'll go back to bed first. "

Then, the Titan ape stood up, its huge size making the earth shake.

It walked slowly and slowly towards the dense and deep forest.

The azure bull python was left on the lake, thinking quietly. The terrifying bull's eyes were glowing with green flames, staring in the direction where the titan ape left.

After a while, the Azure Bull Python looked up to the sky and mooed, turned around and got under the lake.


"It turns out that this is the Lake of Life and the Azure Bull Python that A Yin talked about..."

Zang secretly thought that he finally saw this legendary mysterious and powerful creature - the Azure Bull Python.

After "watching" the conversation between the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape, Zang's mind began to echo with what A Yin once said.

He seemed to be thinking about the existence under the Lake of Life, and his eyes shone with thought.

Suddenly, Zang's mind was attracted by a strong call, and he immediately understood that someone was thinking about him.

This feeling is like a silver bottle being broken.

So, across thousands of rivers and mountains, the demon species immediately locked onto this person's existence along the direction of this thought.

"Huo Wu? Why does this little girl miss me so much?"

The hidden demon species quickly discovered who this person was, and he couldn't help but think curiously.

A playful smile flashed in his eyes.

This Huo Wu, thinking about himself at this moment, is the same as Bai Chenxiang last time?
However, Zang quickly "watched" patiently.


In a boudoir, Huo Wu was wearing a short skirt and sitting in front of the mirror.

Her room is full of girly atmosphere, with pink walls and exquisite decoration. Every detail reveals her unique taste.

But in this room full of warmth, Huo Wu had no intention of admiring it. She just sat silently in front of the mirror, holding her cheek in her right hand, staring at herself in the mirror blankly.

Huo Wu's appearance is outstanding. Her beauty is almost impossible to look away from. She is no worse than Zhu Zhuqing and the other girls.

However, at this moment, her eyes seemed a little disappointed, as if the world had lost its color in front of her eyes.

Her eyes no longer had the usual warm light, but only endless melancholy, as if they were hiding many unknown secrets.

She saw her reflection in the mirror, a face she had seen countless times but now looking so worried.

Her beauty is as delicate as a flower, but also as fragile as a flower, unable to withstand the ravages of wind and rain.

A pair of big, beautiful eyes were filled with endless sadness and helplessness, as if they were telling something to themselves in the mirror.

At this moment, Huo Wu's heart was full of confusion and uneasiness, and she didn't know how to tell others her inner emotions.

After a long time, a long sigh broke the silence in the room.

This sigh was like a feather blown by the wind, rippling lightly in this closed space.

It seems to contain endless thoughts and emotions, as if it is the embodiment of the owner's inner conflicts and struggles.

"Hey, Huo Wu, Huo Wu, aren't you very daring in normal times? Why are you holding back at this time?"

Huo Wu looked at herself in the mirror, her eyes were a little confused, like the sea shrouded in thick fog.

Suddenly, Huo Wu lay down on the table dejectedly, her smooth cheek resting on the back of her folded hands.

“But, he is really good, and he has so many confidantes around him.

Although you are also very beautiful, his confidantes are not bad in appearance either, so how can you compete for space? "

Huo Wu couldn't help but murmur to herself as she thought of the lovely person that had haunted her during this period.

Suddenly, Huo Wu recalled the domineering kiss Zang gave her in the ring that day.

The feeling of that moment is as clear as yesterday.

She could feel her heartbeat speeding up, restless like a deer stumbling around.

Recalling it carefully, she seemed to be able to smell the quiet sandalwood aroma on his body and feel his charming eyes.

Huo Wu began to imagine how Zang's lips felt.

Is it a gentle touch or an overbearing squeeze?
Is it a sweet kiss or a passionate and deep kiss?
She imagined every detail on Zang's body and felt his warmth and breath.

As if remembering something, Huo Wu's delicate body began to ripple, making her feel as if she was already in his arms.

Her body seemed to be surrounded by an invisible force, making her feel unprecedented warmth and happiness.

This strange feeling made her a little intoxicated, as if she was in a wonderful dream.

Then, Huo Wu suddenly sat up straight, staring at herself with rosy cheeks in the mirror with blurred eyes.

Her eyes began to become clear and bright, as if she had returned to reality from that distant dream.

Suddenly, Huo Wu stretched out his slender fingers and gently traced his extremely long legs.

These long legs were her pride and she had always been proud of them.

She has never seen any girl who can compare with her in terms of figure, because she has a standard nine-head body.

However, at this moment, the delicate touch between her fingertips made Huo Wu tremble slightly.

This different feeling made her feel excited and excited, but also made her feel a little uneasy and expectant.

She wants to explore her body more but is afraid of losing control or drawing attention to herself.

Then, Huo Wu's fingertips began to trace the skin thinly, carrying her indescribable desire and impulse.

She was trying to find the most primitive and profound pleasure and satisfaction.

This feeling made her feel that her body became more sensitive and energetic, as if an invisible force was surging.

Every inch of skin her fingers touch contains her emotions and memories, allowing her to learn more about herself.

She squinted her eyes gently, as if she was enjoying some kind of pleasant feeling, and her rosy cheeks seemed to be blooming with a delicate flower.

Her beauty and confidence were most vivid at this moment, as if a warm light shone through her body.

Not knowing what she was feeling, Huo Wu opened her lips slightly, as if she was welcoming a precious guest into her world.

Her eyes shone with anticipation and excitement, looking forward to the person she missed appearing in front of her.

Her tight body trembled slightly, as if she was preparing for the future embrace.

Her heartbeat quickened and her breathing became rapid.

She knew that when that person appeared in front of her, she would use all her strength to hug him and let him feel the passion and desire in her heart.

"Hide, don't...

don't want……"

Huo Wu said softly, her tone warm but urgent.

(End of this chapter)

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