I am planting demon Tang San in Douluo

Chapter 181 Hu Liena's Curiosity

At this moment, Zang was facing the earth-shattering roar of the Titan ape, but he didn't even make the slightest dodge move.

His figure left a faint afterimage in the air, and then disappeared into nothingness.

Immediately afterwards, Zang began to use the "flying" soul skill of the [-]-year-old Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone, rising like a black stream of light and floating in the air easily.

Zang opened the Hunyuan Gang Qi shield with both hands and turned it into a shield like pure glass. With an extremely calm attitude, he withstood the incoming sound waves.

Then, the violent sound wave roared like a strong wind, but after hitting the Hunyuan Gangqi shield, it seemed to be blocked by invisible force, gradually weakened and dissipated in the air.

At this time, the Titan Giant Ape stared closely at the looming Glazed Qi on Zang's body. It was an extremely special aura that made it feel a little uneasy.

It was thinking in its mind what kind of soul skill this was, and it was able to withstand its sonic attack.

But after all, the Titan Giant Ape is a hundred thousand year old soul beast, and its mind is full of brute force. It is not good at fighting methods that require the use of wisdom.

And after it sensed that Zang was just an eighty-level Contra, it couldn't help but feel a sense of contempt deep in its heart.

As a result, the Titan ape stopped thinking so much and decided to use its powerful force to kill this hateful human being who dared to offend it.

Then, the Titan Giant Ape looked up to the sky and roared angrily, and a powerful wave of soul power erupted from his body, turning into a monstrous aura that swept around.

Its huge fist clenched tightly, jumped up violently, and instantly turned into a black shadow, striking hard at Zang suspended in the air.

Seeing the powerful and heavy punch of the Titan Ape, Zang did not flinch, but bravely faced it.

He rolled in mid-air, and his own Gang Qi shield quickly gathered on his fist like running water, as if he was wearing a huge transparent glove.

Zang shouted:
  "Deliberately punch!"

As the sound fell, he began to accumulate strength, and then punched out.

This punch was like a giant dragon descending from the sky, charging straight towards the Titan Ape with great power and power.


The fists of the Titan Giant Ape and Zang collided together instantly. The two fists, one big and one small, were actually in a stalemate with each other. It was simply unbelievable.

The moment their fists collided, a powerful stream of air burst out from their fists, blowing Zang's long hair.

The Titan Ape felt the powerful force coming from the opposite side and couldn't help being shocked.

Its ugly orangutan face looked at Zang's face in disbelief, as if it had no idea that this human boy had such a powerful power.

You know, it is a Titan ape known for its strength!

Even the Azure Bull Python, which is also a hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast, cannot compare with it in terms of strength, let alone humans with weak physical strength!

It can be called a soul beast with invincible power at the same level!

But today, the Titan Giant Ape met for the first time a human boy who could rival him in strength.

However, what the Titan ape didn't know was.

The hidden demon treasure body has been baptized by two sacrifices by the Blue Silver King and the Dark Demon Evil Tiger. Although it cannot "break the void and see the gods without evil".

But even an internal boxing master at the level of "breaking the void and seeing the gods is not bad" may not be able to surpass Zang's treasure body in terms of strength and physical strength.

It's just that Zang hasn't realized the true meaning of life yet.

Then, the Titan Giant Ape saw the backhand behind Zang's punch.

It widened its terrifying citrine eyes and looked at the Gangqi glove on the Tibetan fist, which gradually began to expand and turned into a huge dragon head, biting the back of its fist.

Then, the dragon head began to devour the Titan ape's fist, instantly turning into a violent shock wave that spread throughout its body in its incredible eyes.


The corrosive gas impacted the Titan Ape's body, causing it to roar in pain.

Although the hidden Gang Qi cannot have a fatal effect on it, it can corrode its fur and flesh, as cold as the breeze and moonlight, with unparalleled death characteristics.

It is the nemesis of all flesh and blood creatures!

Suddenly, the muscles on the Titan ape's body swelled like hills, and its thick arms exerted force to push Zang away.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

After the Titan Giant Ape repelled Zang, a more powerful flow of soul energy erupted from his body, dispelling the eroding Gang Qi on his body. He began to roar and beat his strong chest with his fists.

At this time, Zang also saw the tragic situation on the Titan ape.

Caught off guard by the Gang Qi attack, the Titan ape's body became full of pits.

Not only were many pieces of black hair missing from his body, but some of the flesh on his face and arms were corroded, and the wounds began to bleed, making him look extremely miserable.

But for the Titan ape, these are just minor wounds and not a big problem.

But now, the Titan Giant Ape was completely angered. This powerful soul beast, which was comparable to the Ninety-sixth Super Douluo, was determined to use its true strength.

"Gravity Control Field!"

With a roar, Zang, who was suspended in the air, suddenly felt a little heavier, as if he was carrying thousands of kilograms of weight on his back.

Zang immediately knew in his heart that this was the gravity blessed by the Titan ape on his body.

But soon, the spiritual sense of the fairy fetus, which was at the peak level of "telepathy", felt the invisible and immaterial source of gravity all over the body.

Immediately, Zang controlled the glazed aura that enveloped his whole body and released the force according to the direction of the source of gravity.

Suddenly, the Titan Ape waved its huge palm and jumped into the air, trying to shoot down Zang who was trapped in the gravity control field.

However, Zang's spiritual sense had already "predicted" the Titan ape's movements and evaded it first.

As the spiritual sense of the fairy fetus became more and more deeply integrated into the void, Zang gradually developed a feeling of "omniscient and omniscient" towards the Titan Ape, and even felt that he could "predict the future".

This was the first time Zang used the immortal spirit sense to fight against an enemy. It gave him a wonderful experience different from using demon seeds, and also gave him a lot of spiritual insights.

"It is worthy of being one of the Four Wonderful Books [Cihang Sword Code]. There is something magical about this step-by-step righteous practice.

It is no wonder that Cihang Jingzhai and Jingnian Chanyuan can rely on this wonderful book to overpower the four major sects and have been the leaders of Buddhism for hundreds of years.

Even if there is a battle between the Demon Sect Yingui Sect and Cihang Jingzhai once in decades, Cihang Jingzhai will lose more and win more. "

Zang secretly praised in his heart.

At this time, he was like a slippery loach, circling around the Titan Ape.

No matter what kind of attack it launches, it can be predicted and easily avoided. Moreover, with its powerful spiritual sense, the gravity control that the Titan Ape is best at can also be relieved by the Gang Qi running around the body.

At the same time, Zang also punched out Gang Qi fists from time to time, eroding the skin and flesh on the Titan Ape's body, which was extremely difficult to defend against.

This is the miraculous reaction produced by the extraordinary spiritual power and the ultimate internal martial arts cultivation.

"Damn flies, they are so flexible."

The Titan Giant Ape waved his palm again and was dodged in advance. He was extremely angry and could not help but curse secretly in his heart.

Suddenly, Zang flew behind the Titan Ape silently, and struck the Titan Ape's back full of solid muscles with another fierce and powerful Gangqi fist.

Even with a weight of dozens of tons, the Titan Ape was staggered and fell forward several steps before stopping.

Feeling the burning pain coming from his back, the Titan Ape knew that a large piece of flesh on his back must have been corroded, and he couldn't help but get angry and his eyes were about to burst, and his fangs were exposed.

Then, the Titan Giant Ape turned sharply to look at Zang in mid-air, his yellow crystal eyes already filled with blood.


At this moment, the Titan ape's anger was like a volcano erupting, uncontrollable.

It snorted heavily, and the snort seemed to come from the deep underground, echoing throughout the forest.

Two pillars of white air spurted out from its nostrils, a symbol of its anger, filling the air with the fury and power of the Titan ape.

"Titan Nova!"

The Titan Giant Ape hammered the ground hard with both fists, and this action made the surrounding air vibrate.

It began to manipulate the gravity control field, using Zang's body as a powerful source of gravity.

In an instant, Zang felt the dust around his body gathering rapidly, and he seemed to have become a powerful black hole that attracted all matter.

At the same time, the Titan Ape frantically manipulated the earth elements on the earth, condensing them crazily towards Zang's position.

In an instant, Zang became the source of attraction to the earth.

The ground beneath him began to crack, and countless boulders condensed towards the sky under the influence of the gravity control field, as if being pulled by invisible magnetic force.

These boulders of earth condensed into a huge sphere in mid-air, as if they were about to tear the entire sky apart.

Facing the gravity control of the Titan ape, two black lights suddenly lit up in Zang's eyes.

The second soul ring belonging to the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger behind his head lit up, like the most mysterious existence in the darkness.

Suddenly, a tiger roar came from Zang's body. It was the roar of the Dark Demon Tiger, a symbol of evil and destruction.

A brilliant black light bloomed from his body, like stars in the dark night, bringing endless fear and majesty to people.

The whole person seemed to have turned into an abyss that could swallow everything. Any creature that came close to him would be swallowed into the endless darkness.

Zang slowly stretched out his right hand. His movement looked so elegant and powerful, like God who gave Adam a soul.

Then, a small black ball lit up on his fingertips. The small ball was like a pearl in the dark night, emitting a deep and mysterious light.

Between the breaths, the small black ball suddenly grew in size. Its size quickly expanded from the size of a table tennis ball to the size of a basketball, and finally even reached a volume of five meters in diameter.

This huge black ball seemed to be the center of the entire world, attracting all attention and power.

Then, this huge black ball floated towards the Titan ape extremely quickly, with unparalleled gravity, like an all-devouring black hole, and anything in its way would be swallowed up instantly.

Facing this huge black ball, the Titan ape's face showed a look of horror for the first time.

It heard the tiger roar that just sounded from Zang's body, and immediately recognized it as the voice of the Dark Devilgod Tiger.

It was only then that the Titan Giant Ape noticed that there were only two soul rings behind Zang's head.

But it is a hundred thousand year soul ring, and a sixty thousand year soul ring!

"Twin martial soul owners!"

The Titan Giant Ape shouted in his mind, and he also understood why Zang only had two soul rings, and he was an eighty-level Contra!

But as a [-]-year-old soul beast that has experienced hundreds of battles, it should have noticed this information long ago, but why didn't it react to it?
  "There is some strange power clouding my thinking!"

Suddenly, the Titan Ape seemed to understand something, but he couldn't help but feel his scalp numb.

For the first time, as the king of soul beasts, it became afraid of a small human being!
  And above the sky, Zang began to pour the soul power in his body into the black hole crazily.

Even with his eighty-level soul power level, [-]% of it was drained out in an instant before this powerful and domineering second soul skill could show the power it should have.

"Unleash the power of the black hole!"

Although Zang's voice was low, it was full of endless majesty and dominance.

He gently grasped it with his right hand, and the huge black ball instantly burst into endless black light.

A powerful gravitational force is released from the black hole, pulling in objects other than Tibetan objects, and then swallowing them up crazily.

Whether it was the rocks and soil condensed by the Titan ape or the trees that were accidentally attracted to the sky, they were all torn apart and swallowed by the black hole.

Even the Titan ape itself was pulled by the gravity released by the black hole, almost floating.

If it hadn't used the gravity control field in time to forcibly control its body, it might have been pulled into the sky like the broken earth around it.

After the black hole swallowed up all the clods of soil, it began to slowly move in the direction of the Titan ape under Zang's control.

At the same time, the Dacheng Demon Seed inside the body also began to unscrupulously seize the vitality of the surrounding world to replenish the soul power it had just consumed.

Suddenly, Zang's eyes flashed, and he turned his head to look in a certain direction.

Because just now, he "heard" someone mention his name, and it wasn't Ning Rongrong or the others, but it was located in a very far away place.

As a result, Zang began to gather his mental telepathy and "listen" carefully to the discussions in a certain direction.

Suddenly, a familiar name reflected in Zang's heart.


"Nana, is that Zang really that strong?"

An ordinary-looking young man with long fiery red hair looked at the girl in front of him and asked, licking his face.

The Nana the young man talks about is Hu Liena, one of the "golden generation" of Wuhun Palace. (End of chapter)

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