I am planting demon Tang San in Douluo

Chapter 191 Harem disorder? Shura field with surging undercurrent

At this moment, the stars are bright, like gems set in the night sky, shining with mysterious and charming light.

The stars in the night sky are like elves in the universe. They twinkle in the darkness, adding a sense of mystery and romance to the world.

In the hot springs, the mist rises above the water, like an ink painting, beautiful and dreamy.

There are faint petals of various colors floating on the water of the hot spring, which were created by Hidden Silently using the sacred tree domain. They sway gently in the water, adding a sense of tranquility and elegance to the hot spring.

"How's it going, Xue'er, are you satisfied with my massage techniques?"

Zang's voice sounded from the hot spring, but there was a little teasing in his tone, and he didn't sound like a good person.

At this moment, Qian Renxue put one foot on Zang's shoulder, her delicate body was tightly held in his arms by his hands, and the golden rooster was alone in the hot spring.

She closed her eyes and held her head high, as if she was using her spiritual heart to comprehend the movement of heaven and earth.

Qian Renxue's slender and delicate neck is as white as a swan, elegant and noble.

Under the illumination of the moonlight, the perfect figure looks even more holy, as if it is integrated with the heaven and earth, intoxicated in it, and completely forgetful of self.

Qian Renxue felt her scalp, which was as thin as a cicada's wings and as tender as a chicken's egg, being gently rubbed by Zang's hands. The feeling made her tremble all over, and there was no way she could answer Zang's teasing.

As time goes by, Qian Renxue feels as if she has become Zang's doll, at his mercy.

Her body swayed gently in the hot spring, as if dancing with his movements.

If she hadn't been held tightly by Zang, she might have almost sunk into the water.

After a long time, Qian Renxue's waist suddenly vibrated, and a rose-red color emerged, which looked like a layer of peach blossoms covering her skin.

Under the immersion in the gradually whitening hot springs, her skin became more and more delicate, as if it could be broken by a blow, and it was so delicate and charming.

Her beauty and charm reached their peak at this moment, making people fascinated.

Then, Qian Renxue slowly opened her pair of watery and tender eyes. There seemed to be thousands of amorous feelings and thousands of sweet words in her eyes, which she wanted to tell Zang to listen to.

Her eyes were full of tenderness and sweetness, as if telling Zang that she had fallen deeply in love with him.

Zang looked at Qian Renxue's eyes and couldn't help but feel a strong emotion in his heart.

He felt as if he had been immersed in her beauty and charm and could not extricate himself.

He held on tightly, not wanting her to sink into the water, and at the same time enjoying this beautiful moment.

Finally, Qian Renxue could speak, but her voice felt a little hoarse, and her mouth seemed even more dry.

"I asked you to wash my hair, but where is my scalp dirty?"

Qian Renxue said angrily, with a hint of anger and satisfaction in her tone.

"This place has just been the most tired, and it must be the dirtiest."

Zang replied with a playful smile, while gently massaging Qian Renxue's scalp with his other hand.

Qian Renxue felt an inexplicable sense of comfort, as if all the fatigue had been rubbed away by him.

She couldn't help but close her eyes again, enjoying this wonderful feeling.

"There was a lot of sweat here just now. I have to rub it carefully to get the sweat off my skin."

As Zang spoke, he gently massaged Qian Renxue's temples with his soft fingertips.

Qian Renxue felt a sense of relief that she had never experienced before, and she felt even more dizzy.

Zang's technique is really good, with endless changes in every pinch and kneading.

It would be nice if I could keep massaging her acupoints to help her relax.

How did she know that this technique of massaging the temples on the hidden hand is called "heart-picking hand".

Legend has it that it is the true biography of Lu Zu, with a total of ninety-nine and eighty-one changes and postures, which are specially used to massage acupuncture points on the human body and serve others.

"Then give me a good massage~"

Qian Renxue said delicately, swaying her head gently, extremely charming.

She subconsciously bit her bright red lips. Her pure and lovely appearance was filled with unparalleled holiness, like a fairy who had been banished to the mortal world. The place she was in was a beautiful fairyland.

This unique purity, among all the girls, only Ye Lingling could compare with her, which made Zang couldn't help but be moved by it.

Then, Qian Renxue gently twisted the snow leg on Zang's shoulder, and her jade feet swayed like grapes.

Qian Renxue's eyes were full of temptation and expectation, like a moist peach, waiting for her lover to pick it.

Zang looked at Qian Renxue's seductive posture and felt a strong desire in his heart.

Qian Renxue snuggled into his arms obediently, feeling the tickling sensation from the soles of her feet and couldn't help but smile.

She enjoyed the warm embrace and powerful massage,

On this romantic night, their bodies were intertwined, feeling each other's love and warmth.

Qian Renxue's charm and sex appeal made Zang unable to extricate herself, while Zang's strength and gentleness also made Qian Renxue feel extremely at ease and happy.


A few days later, Zang and Qian Renxue Lianjue were walking on the path of Tiandou Royal Academy.

The two of them, a golden boy and a beautiful girl, attracted the attention of countless people on the roadside.

The sun shines on them, like a golden couple, shining and eye-catching.

Their temperament is unique, and their behavior reveals an innate nobility that is awe-inspiring.

Zang was wearing a black suit, and the long black hair on the back of his head was dancing wildly, like a grand black flame. His eyes were like lightning when he turned around, as if he were a demon god who would never be defeated.

Qian Renxue, on the other hand, was wearing a golden dress, revealing a pair of white lotus-rooted arms. Every move she made was radiant, and her body exuded a rich fragrance, just like Ai Hui from the fairy world.

People around him cast envious glances, as if they were admiring a beautiful picture.

Due to Zang's reputation, everyone knew that Qian Renxue must be his new lover.

However, the students of Tiandou Royal Academy were not surprised by this, after all, Hidden's ability was there.

On the surface, the hidden lovers include: Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing, Ye Lingling, Duguyan, and Tang Yuehua.

And secretly, they also heard that Huo Wu from Chihuo Academy next door and Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er from Tianshui Academy seemed to have some unclear relationship with Zang.

Otherwise, why did Huo Wu, sisters Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er keep coming to Tiandou Royal Academy to ask Ning Rongrong and the girls when he would come back while Zang was obtaining the sixth soul ring?

If there is no unknown story between Zang and these three girls, no one would believe it if he told it?

Although these students didn't know who Qian Renxue was, seeing how intimately she and Zang were holding each other, there was no doubt that the two were lovers.

However, what is strange is that His Highness the Crown Prince of the Tiandou Empire, Xue Qinghe, is actually following behind the two of them.     “Hehe~”

Qian Renxue suddenly smiled and let out a burst of laughter like silver bells.

Just now, a boy who was walking by the road fell down the high steps after seeing Qian Renxue's face.

The people around her felt their hearts beat faster after hearing Qian Renxue's voiceless laughter. They had never seen a girl with such clear water and lotus blossoms.

"Zang, I seem to feel the immortal temperament you mentioned, what exactly is it..."

Qian Renxue's eyes sparkled, she gently opened her seductive mouth and whispered close to Zang's ear.

Hearing this, Zang put his arms around Qian Renxue's soft waist and whispered:

"I actually prefer the fairy-like temperament you exuded when you were in xx."

Only Zhu Zhuqing's demonic charm can rival this breathtaking beauty.

However, because Qian Renxue is stronger than Zhu Zhuqing, even if she only initially formed a fairy fetus, the resulting charm would be stronger than Zhu Zhuqing's transformation into a demon.

However, when Zhu Zhuqing's cultivation level improved and the [Heavenly Demon Technique] was promoted to the eighteenth level, he would not be afraid of Qian Renxue's strength at all.

"Tomorrow is the day when Uncle Snake Spear will come over to change his shift, regarding the death of Uncle Ayurveda.

I just said that we met a hundred thousand year old Titan ape in the Star Forest.

In order to protect me from escaping, Uncle Agouti died in the hands of this titan ape.

And it just so happened that the two of us could put the discussed plan into his hands and then pass it on to my grandfather.

There are some things I still need to tell Grandpa.

Apart from you, he is the only one who treats me best. I can't make my own decisions without telling him. "

Qian Renxue then hummed softly, which made Zang Er's heart itch.

Then, he lowered his head and kissed Qian Renxue's tender cheek, and said softly:

"No problem, I support you in whatever you want to do."

Hearing these words, Qian Renxue's heart moved. She subconsciously raised her golden eyebrows and said with a smile:

"You're a big bad guy, you've been my dad these days, are you happy?

Damn you, you just like to see me kneel down, pitifully and aggrievedly kneeling under your legs to beg for mercy.

While absorbing the essence of your fairy fetus and strengthening the fairy fetus in your body, I shouted to you, "Dad, please spare me."

Then I want you to call me daddy too. This is what you said. No matter what I do, you will support me~"

Zang didn't expect that Qian Renxue would catch the loophole in his words.

At the moment, he couldn't help but feel a little dumb, but this question didn't bother him at all.

In the blink of an eye, he thought of a way to counter Qian Renxue.

Thinking of this, Qian Renxue blew a breath of hot air into her ears, which made her feel itchy and wanted to empty her ears.

Then, he smiled evilly and said:

"As long as you can surrender to me, I am willing to call you daddy every day.

that is--"

Zang La made a long voice,

"You were the first to surrender every time. You couldn't help but call me daddy and beg for mercy. This made me very helpless."

Qian Renxue felt extremely ashamed when she heard Zang tell her embarrassing story.

She couldn't help but pinch Zang's arm gently and said in a disgusted voice:

"What? You are so powerful, just like a donkey. I am definitely no match for you on my own~"

Hearing this, Zang shaved Qian Renxue's delicate nose and suggested:

"Well, tonight, you will sit in the chief seat and I will be in the deputy seat. I will be at your disposal.

As long as you can make me kneel down and beg for mercy, how about I call you daddy every day after I get up?

This is a good idea. After all, you don’t want to bow at my feet all the time. You have to have a turned serf as your master, right? "

When Qian Renxue heard Zang's suggestion, her mind suddenly lit up, and she immediately had an idea in her heart.

Although she is no match for Zang, and she is meowed so hard every time, but isn't she going to meet Ning Rongrong and the girls now?

She can bring a few women together and form an alliance with her to deal with Zang, the donkey devil.

However, contrary to Qian Renxue's expectation, she was met with indifference by Ning Rongrong and the other girls.

At this moment, in the huge dormitory of Zang.

Qian Renxue and the four girls Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing, Ye Lingling, and Dugu Yan stood on both sides of Zang respectively, and there was a hint of confrontation.

Zang, on the other hand, stood in the middle with an innocent face, looking left and right, seemingly not expecting that the situation would get out of hand.

"It's over, it's over, I didn't expect Rongrong Zhuqing and the others to resist Xue'er like this, what should I do?

I am better at killing people, but I have never experienced a harem losing control.

Could this be the Shura Field? "

Hidden in my heart, I felt that for the first time, having too many women was a troublesome thing.

Although, Zang is an out-and-out King of the Sea, an old scumbag.

However, this is actually the first time that he has been able to successfully build a harem group that was elusive in his previous life. It can also be regarded as the first time for a big girl to sit in a sedan chair.

Therefore, even though he was a prolific murderer, he didn't know how to deal with this kind of Shura field that was horrifying in the legends of his previous life.

He can't do it. He can kill all the lovers in his harem in one cruel move, right?

"A ruthless hand that destroys flowers?"

Thinking of this, Zang had an idea in his heart and remembered something.

"Although Rongrong and the others don't want to see Xue'er, I can break them up!

The first is Zhuqing, she is my demon maid and the most loyal to me.

Therefore, even if she doesn't like Xue'er anymore, she will not openly embarrass me in front of me and make me unable to step down.

Then there is Yan'er. I am her biggest support now, so she is easier to win over.

As for Ling Ling...she has a very receptive personality and is easy to win over.

In other words... just need to 'convince' Rongrong, the thorny one! "(End of chapter)

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