I am planting demon Tang San in Douluo

Chapter 195 Sisters Conference

The next second, a golden wave emitted from Qian Renxue's body, carrying unparalleled sacredness and heat.

This wave of waves instantly passed through Zhu Zhuqing, who was preparing to attack in the shadows, and enveloped an area of ​​100 meters in radius.

Qian Renxue's angelic realm expanded again, locking Zhu Zhuqing firmly in place.

"Let's see how you can run away now! You're such a naughty little kitten!"

Qian Renxue narrowed her golden pupils, her tone full of confidence and majesty.

She stared closely at Zhu Zhuqing, who was locked in her domain, with a sneer on her lips.

In this field, Zhu Zhuqing felt as if his body was bound by an invisible force, unable to move, like a fish caught in a fishing net.

She wanted to escape into the shadows again and escape from this sacred and powerful angelic realm, but no matter how hard she tried, she could not turn into a phantom and leave the place.

Zhu Zhuqing gritted his teeth and stared coldly at Qian Renxue, who was wrapped in the devil's aura in mid-air, with a cold look in his eyes.

Facing Qian Renxue's powerful domain, she also began to hesitate in her heart whether to use the power she had initially awakened.

Originally, before obtaining the seventh soul ring, Qian Renxue's angel domain could only play a supporting role, increasing her own strength by 30% while weakening the enemy's strength by 10%.

This field is filled with sacred energy that has its own purification ability. Although its power is not as powerful as Zang's Evil Emperor field, it is still considered the best among all field abilities.

However, now, after Qian Renxue obtained the martial soul's true form, the angelic realm has been strengthened to an epic level.

Not only can it greatly weaken the enemy's perception level, it also has the ability to lock the enemy in the center of the field.

No matter how the enemy moves, even if it moves instantaneously, it can only be locked in place by the Angel Domain and become a living target for Qian Renxue's attack.

When Qian Renxue is in the true form of the martial soul, the true power of the angelic realm can be further released.

Each of her attacks can condense the sacred energy in the field, accompanied by a golden angel with a stun effect.

This attack method makes the enemy unable to escape in dizziness and pain, and can only withstand the fatal blow from Qian Renxue.

But even with such a powerful domain ability, Qian Renxue still needs to abide by the conditions she just agreed to, and cannot use soul power or soul skills that exceed the soul sect level.

In fact, Qian Renxue did not intend to use the Angel Realm at the beginning.

She believed that using a level 72 soul saint to deal with a level 49 soul sect, even if the strength was suppressed, was still bullying the small.

If you continue to use the angelic realm, you will be considered as bullying the weak, and you will even be ridiculed as a vase that is not useful.

However, things did not develop as Qian Renxue expected.

She underestimated Zhu Zhuqing's strength and overestimated the strength of her angel soul power.

The sacred power known for its purifying properties was unable to dissolve Zhu Zhuqing's demonic soul power. This was beyond Qian Renxue's expectation.

Coupled with Zhu Zhuqing's elusive ability to escape into the shadows, Qian Renxue has always been passively beaten.

Qian Renxue has never encountered such a difficult opponent.

Even the golden generation of Wuhun Palace, Hu Liena, Xie Yue, and Yan, could only surrender obediently in front of her angelic soul power.

Therefore, after many failed attempts, Qian Renxue had to use her trump card - the Angel Domain to limit Zhu Zhuqing's flexibility that she found tricky.

So, after laughing at herself in her heart, Qian Renxue finally used the angelic realm.

She narrowed her golden pupils and stared closely at the locked Zhu Zhuqing, with a sneer on her lips.

Now, no matter how hard Zhu Zhuqing struggles, he can't escape this powerful realm.

This will be a battle without any suspense, and the balance of victory seems to be completely tilted towards her, Qian Renxue.

Ning Rongrong, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, saw that Zhu Zhuqing was locked in place by the Angel Domain, unable to escape into the shadows, and a worried look suddenly appeared on his face.

She put her hands into fists on her chest, frowned, and said worriedly:

"No, how come this Qian Renxue has such a powerful field? Zhuqing can't use her flexibility in her field at all. It seems like she is going to lose..."

Ye Lingling and Dugu Yan next to them also nodded silently when they heard this, and seemed to agree with Ning Rongrong's judgment.

They all know that Zhu Zhuqing's fighting method mainly relies on speed and flexibility, and in this angel field, her advantages are completely suppressed.

When Zang heard Ning Rongrong's worry, he smiled, with a hint of teasing and confidence in his tone.

Then, while gently stroking her tender shoulders, he whispered:

"That's not necessarily true. Zhuqing doesn't have any means of resistance. Let's continue reading."

After the words fell, the two people in the angel realm changed again, and powerful sacred energy began to gather towards Qian Renxue.

These rich sacred energies quickly broke through the cocoon-like demonic aura that Zhu Zhuqing had spread around Qian Renxue, allowing her to escape.

However, what Zhu Zhuqing faced was the almost endless sacred energy in the angel realm.

These rich sacred energies were like a blazing torrent, violently impacting the space where Zhu Zhuqing was.

Zhu Zhuqing clearly felt the powerful pressure contained in that energy, as if it was going to swallow her completely.

The extremely rich shadow power that originally shrouded the whole body was as fragile as tissue paper under the impact of the sacred energy, and was instantly broken through.

This made Zhu Zhuqing feel regretful.

She originally planned to use her flexible movement to wander around Qian Renxue, constantly consuming her soul power until the other party showed a flaw.

However, once Qian Renxue's angelic realm emerged, her plan fell through.

This area has blocked the entire space, preventing her from displaying her flexible displacement ability.

Immediately, Zhu Zhuqing's eyes narrowed. Faced with the upcoming threat, she must respond quickly.

She took a deep breath, mobilized the soul power in her body, and prepared for Qian Renxue's attack.

Her body squatted slightly, and the shadows under her feet condensed and turned into black streams of light surrounding her body. She was defending but also preparing to wait for opportunities.

Qian Renxue's figure looked solemn and sacred against the background of the sacred energy. She stared at Zhu Zhuqing coldly, with a sneer on her lips.

Her angelic realm has been fully expanded, and her powerful power has locked Zhu Zhuqing firmly.

She no longer had any chance to escape and could only withstand the next attack.

I saw the first soul ring behind Qian Renxue's head light up, and she gently raised her right fist. A bright holy white light lit up on her fist, and at the same time, a golden holy shield formed around her.

"The first soul skill: Angel Assault!"

Qian Renxue drank softly, and the sacred energy gathered in her fist turned into a powerful white beam of light, which was directed towards Zhu Zhuqing, who was locked in front of her.

However, facing Qian Renxue's strong attack, Zhu Zhuqing did not show the slightest panic.

She looked at the oncoming angel attack, and a charming smile appeared on her lips.


Zhu Zhuqing chuckled, and that charming voice seemed to have magic power, reverberating in the air. This laughter seems to come from the sky, and it also seems to be whispering in the ear, which makes people uneasy and can't help but be intoxicated.

Even though she had seen Zhu Zhuqing's Demonic Sound before, Qian Renxue never expected that she would actually hide such a powerful backhand.

"Uh~ Sister Xue'er, are you willing to hurt me~ Let's stay together and express our love in a hidden way, okay~"

Qian Renxue listened to the lingering voice in her ears and felt the charming aura emanating from Zhu Zhuqing's body, and her eyes gradually became blurred.

She clenched her right fist and tried to concentrate, but she found that her soul power was distracted for a moment.

So, Qian Renxue shook her head vigorously, trying her best to wake herself up.

"What a powerful charm! Even I can be shaken..."

Qian Renxue exclaimed in her heart.

She never expected that Zhu Zhuqing had such a powerful spiritual attack hidden in him. His charming laughter and charming spirit were quite a bit hidden.

If she hadn't experienced it herself, she would never have believed that there was such a powerful charm in the world.

Even Hu Liena's charm skills seemed a little weak in front of Zhu Zhuqing.

The next moment, Qian Renxue strengthened her will. She was furious and launched an attack without mercy.

The incomparably sacred angel's attack rushed towards Zhu Zhuqing with a sharp edge, seeming to completely defeat her.

However, at this critical moment, Zhu Zhuqing was like a dream, his whole person turned from reality to emptiness, and disappeared on the spot.

The white beam of light formed by Qian Renxue's angel attack passed through the dreamlike phantom and hit the ground directly, raising a thick cloud of smoke and dust.

"How is it possible! No one can escape from my angelic realm."

Qian Renxue blurted out in shock.

Her heart was filled with doubts and consternation. She could not imagine that the angelic realm that she was so proud of could be easily escaped by Zhu Zhuqing.

Seeing this scene, Zang secretly said in his heart:

"As expected, it should be so."

He has already learned from the records of "Dao Xin Demon Seed Technique" that if the skills in each volume of "Tian Mo Ce" are practiced to the extreme, they will have some of the functions of demon seeds.

It seems that Zhu Zhuqing has obtained the magical powers of some demon species, and has the ability to "turn reality into emptiness", so that he can escape from the lock of the angel realm.

And the moment Qian Renxue continued to lock Zhu Zhuqing's target, Zhu Zhuqing's killing figure appeared behind her.

Her eyes became cold and sharp, like a cheetah's, and her sharp claws shone coldly, as if she was about to launch a fatal attack at the next moment.

At the same time, Zhu Zhuqing's original purple-black eyes suddenly turned pale, as if carved from pale stone, revealing an indescribable coldness and strangeness.

This is a precursor to Zhu Zhuqing's imminent use of the petrifying light from the "Ten Thousand Years Medusa Skull". At this moment, she has unleashed the true fire in her heart and is ready to teach Qian Renxue a profound lesson.

However, as Zhu Zhuqing appeared, Qian Renxue reacted immediately, turned her head and looked behind her, and subconsciously swung the angel sword back in her hand.

At the same time, the angelic shield formed by the first soul skill also quickly moved in front of Zhu Zhuqing, seeming to be resisting Zhu Zhuqing's upcoming fatal blow.

However, the next second, Zang's voice sounded in their ears.

His tone seemed extremely serious:

"The third soul skill: Time Freeze! Fix!"

Following his words, an invisible light lit up, and powerful fluctuations instantly filled the air, as if the space was frozen.

Zang's words contained powerful power, making time around him seem to slow down.

Zhu Zhuqing and Qian Renxue both felt an irresistible restraint. They were fixed in place, unable to move.

At the same time, in order to prevent Qian Renxue from becoming angry, Zang also used the "Evil Emperor's Domain".

Under the suppression of the Evil Emperor's realm, Qian Renxue's angel realm disappeared instantly, and she no longer had the power to resist.

"What are you doing! Hiding!"

Qian Renxue shouted angrily, her eyes flashing with anger, obviously very dissatisfied with Zang's sudden intervention.

She wanted to continue fighting and defeat Zhu Zhuqing completely, but at this moment she was restrained in place and unable to move.

"Master! I will win soon!"

Zhu Zhuqing also shouted, her eyes full of unwillingness and despair.

In her opinion, she was about to use "Petrified Light" and was only one step away from victory, but was interrupted by Zang's sudden attack.

Zhu Zhuqing couldn't understand why Zang would do this, which made her feel very aggrieved and disappointed.

Zang smiled slightly, and a spatial vortex suddenly lit up in his eyes, aiming at the two angry women in front of him.

There was a hint of cunning and teasing in his smile, as if he was enjoying some kind of fun.

He raised his hand and waved, and an invisible force instantly enveloped Qian Renxue and Zhu Zhuqing.

In an instant, Qian Renxue and Zhu Zhuqing, who were completely unable to resist, were all sucked into the "divine power" space.

Then, Zang lowered his head and said to the three women in his arms:

"Rongrong, Lingling, Yanzi, we also entered.

There are some things outside that we are not comfortable discussing in detail. It is safest to stay in the divine space. "

After the words fell, Zangya pulled the three women in together and sucked them in regardless of whether they agreed or not.

"It seems that today, there is going to be a sister-in-law meeting~"

Zang smiled jokingly, and the next moment, he also entered the divine power space.


In the divine space.

Qian Renxue hovered in mid-air, unable to move at all, and exclaimed:

"Zang, where is this place? What are you going to do? Don't you want us to come together...?"

Zang, Duguyan and the others looked at each other, smiled evilly, and said:

"Don't worry, it's very safe here. We often gather here.

Since you want to be their eldest sister, of course you have to take the lead and take the lead! "

Zang's tone was extremely serious, but his eyes were focused on Yukino's white body in front of him. (End of chapter)

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