I am planting demon Tang San in Douluo

Chapter 198 Bingqingyujie Tang Sanshao? Everyone can help!

Of course, Zang's choice of Tang San as the candidate to practice the "Sunflower Book" was not random, but rather a matter of careful consideration.

First of all, according to the principle of "Sunflower Collection", the stronger the cultivator's Yang Qi, the purer the "True Yin" in the body.

As for Tang San, who practices Taoist Xuan Gong, the [True Yin] in his body is probably purer than ordinary Contra, so he is a suitable candidate for practicing the [Sunflower Book].

Just like Yue Buqun back then, I'm afraid Tang San could achieve the innate realm in a short period of time as long as he was determined to practice Qi from the palace.

Secondly, Zang also needs to use certain means to compensate Tang San for his cultivation path.

After all, he took away the two fairy grasses that originally belonged to Tang San, as well as the two spirit rings of the Titan Giant Ape and the Azure Bull Python, which would more or less have a certain impact on Tang San's cultivation.

Although Tang San also ate the Strange Velvet Babel Chrysanthemum later on and improved his talent base, it was still not as good as the improvement in talent brought by the Ice and Fire Alchemy Body.

The [Sunflower Book] can reverse the two qi of yin and yang in a short period of time, and use the [true yin] that is difficult for men to carry for cultivation and qi, making the cultivator greatly improve their cultivation. It can be used to improve Tang San's talent and enhance his strength. His heritage.

As for whether he was willing to practice Qi in the palace, Tang San couldn't make the choice!

Just go and be good sisters with Xiao Wu!

Last but not least.

Zang only has the [Evil-Repelling Sword Technique] in his hand, not the original [Sunflower Book].

Only Tang San, the son of destiny, has the qualifications and talent to help him repair the missing hidden vein cultivation method behind the [Evil-Repelling Sword Technique], and deduce the way of turning a man into a woman to the point of "transformation of heaven and man, nourishment of all things". situation.

In the end, Zang was able to absorb every drop of Tang San's understanding of reversing the two qi of yin and yang!

At the same time, Zang can also start to deduce the "Black Sky Book" based on Tang San's cultivation and understanding of the hidden veins.

"However, I have to make sure that Tang San has enough training capital so that he can achieve perfection on the road of transforming a man into a woman, and even eventually become a real woman..."

Zang frowned and couldn't help but think hard in his heart.

He knew very well that regardless of whether he was a man or a woman, the human body had its own great perfection, and rashly reversing the yin and yang of the human body would probably go against the will of heaven.

It might not be particularly easy for Tang San to completely transform into Tang Shan.

Suddenly, Zang seemed to remember something, his eyes lit up, and he murmured to himself:

"Why don't I give that [Girls' Dafa] to Tang San for cultivation as well.

Let him use the technique of a girl to harvest yang and replenish yin, and greatly improve the quality of his [true yin].

In this way, Tang San can also perform the [Sunflower Collection] as soon as possible and completely transform into a woman.

It's just a pain for you, Xiao Wu, your innocent third brother is about to become the incompetent third sister!

After practicing [Girls' Dafa], no matter how chaste a woman is, she will turn into a slut with red lips that can be tasted by thousands of people and a pair of jade arms that can be used as a pillow for thousands of people!


This [Girls' Technique] was also one of the useless rewards he got when he was doing tasks, and he had long forgotten about it together with the [Evil Sword Technique].

After all, as a grown man, he can never practice the [Evil Sword Technique] and [Girls' Technique]!

Moreover, he cannot teach the "Girls' Technique" to his lovers unless he really enjoys the pleasure of his wives having sex with him.

But it's a pity that Zang is a normal man and doesn't want to cuckold himself.

Unless one day, he wants to follow Pang Ban's idea of ​​cultivating demons, giving his woman as a demon medium to others, and then cultivating demons in others.

However, this day is absolutely impossible to achieve.

Just as Zang was planning the right moment to give Tang San Qi training in his palace, he suddenly felt a chill all over his body.

Zang took a closer look and saw that Ning Rongrong and Dugu Yan had woken up and were lying on his sexy abs...

"Rongrong, Yanzi, are you two playing with fire and burning yourself?"

Zang Xie teased with a smile, leaned his back on the thick quilt, and looked at the two women in front of him carelessly.

Dugu Yan looked at Ning Rongrong who was minding his own business next to him, looked into Zang's eyes with excitement, and said:

"Zang, the three-peak battle and rejuvenation skills you used yesterday were really amazing. They actually allowed me to increase my soul power by two levels. Can you do it a few more times?"

Hearing these words, Ning Rongrong also opened her big, watery eyes and looked at Zang's face playfully.

Although he didn't stop for a moment and couldn't say anything, Ning Rongrong's heart also surged with anticipation.

Because she was also one of the beneficiaries last night and received the greatest teaching from Zang.

Zang shook his head gently and sighed:

“This shortcut is enough once, and in future practice, it will only serve as the icing on the cake.

Real cultivation still depends on yourselves, and you must diligently carry Yuan Yin and refine Qi every day. "

After hearing Zang's words, Ning Rongrong and Dugu Yan were both a little disappointed.

They originally thought that there was some magical method that could allow them to quickly improve their strength, but now it seems that this is all a fantasy.

"Zang, are you really unable to help us anymore?"

Dugu Yan asked reluctantly.

Zang looked at the two women in front of him, and couldn't help but feel a surge of love and pity in his heart, but he could only shake his head silently, expressing that he was really helpless.

Just as they were talking, the voices of two people came from Zhu Zhuqing and Qian Renxue.

"Hey little cat sister, what medicine did you take today, and why are you so interested?"

Qian Renxue was extremely uncomfortable being suppressed by Zhu Zhuqing, and her innocent and beautiful face looked a little painful.

As a last resort, she could only put her hands on Zhu Zhuqing's shoulders, lightly open her lips, and whisper.

When Zhu Zhuqing heard Qian Renxue's words, he couldn't help but smile coquettishly:

"Hey, I'm just so interested, can you care?

On the other hand, you, sister Xueer, why are you so suppressed by your younger sister? "

Hearing this, Qian Renxue's gentle and delicate face couldn't help but blush.

She knew that some of her strengths were not as good as Zhu Zhuqing's, and she could only be suppressed by her until she could not move.

But Qian Renxue is not discouraged because she believes that as long as she works hard, she will be able to surpass Zhu Zhuqing.

From a certain point of view, this is also the victory of the Yingui Sect "through the air" over Cihang Jingzhai!

After a while, Zhu Zhuqing seemed to have some bad taste, and looked at the painful Qian Renxue with excitement on his face.

Then, she came back and said with a bright smile:

"Sister Xue'er, why don't you call yourself a bitch a few times, and I'll do your best and let you go..."

Qian Renxue nodded hastily, like a chicken pecking at rice, and agreed:

“Yum yum yum yum yum…”


After a long time, in the divine space.

Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing went back to Qibao Glazed Sect to visit Ning Fengzhi.

Ye Lingling also returned to the Jiuxin Haitang family with Dugu Yan. In the entire Kamui space, only Zang and Qian Renxue were left stuck together, unable to leave.

Qian Renxue lay in Zang's arms, subconsciously playing with the cat like a cat with a cat's stick.

"Zang, you said that Xue Qinghe formed by your soul bone skill should not be able to be seen through, right?"

Qian Renxue asked softly while staring at the cat-catching stick as if staring at an unknown world.

Hearing this, Zang hugged Qian Renxue's fragrant shoulders tightly with his hands and said seriously:

"Don't worry, although this soul bone technique doesn't have any offensive power, it can definitely be said to be flawless in imitating others.

The dummy formed not only has a complete appearance, but also can perfectly imitate the breath of the real person.

And the person pretending to be is not Xue Qinghe, the crown prince of the Tiandou Empire, so what could possibly happen that requires His Highness the crown prince to take action? "

But Qian Renxue still frowned after hearing Zang's promise. Although she knew Zang would not lie to her, she still felt a little unsafe.

Therefore, Qian Renxue suggested to Zang:

"How about we quietly assassinate Emperor Xue Ye, Xue Xing and Xue Beng?

In this way, the Tiandou Empire will be completely controlled by us. "

After a pause, she continued,

"But, Zang, you first release the dummy Xue Qinghe, and I'll see if its aura is really flawless."

Zang heard Qian Renxue's request and didn't hesitate.

He immediately mobilized the soul power in his body and injected it into the re-refined "200,000-year-old Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone".

Under the distortion of the mysterious demon species, after the hundred thousand-year-old Blue Silver King was sacrificed, all the soul bone energy formed was injected into Ah Yin's hundred-thousand-year-old soul bone.

Therefore, the quality of this Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone has not only been upgraded to about 200,000 years old, but it also has two additional soul bone skills.

One of the soul bone skills is an old soul skill of the Blue Silver Grass clan.

It is the famous "Blue Silver Overlord Spear".

The other soul bone skill is very special, it is actually a strange clone skill.

Although the clones formed by this soul bone technique do not have any attack power, they can be transformed into ever-changing forms.

Not only can it look like anyone, but it can also perfectly imitate other people's breath without detecting any difference.

It can be called Douluo's version of "imitation fruit".

It just requires a little bit of concentration to control the actions of this clone.

But for Zang, who is a master of demon species, it is a piece of cake to control ten at the same time, let alone one.

Maybe one day, his Immortal Demon Holy Fetus will be cultivated to the legendary level of being distracted by billions of distractions.

He can really turn the entire city into his puppets, living "lifelike" under his control.

Therefore, after Zang Zai killed the master, he used this soul bone technique to "create" a "master" again.

And this is why Zang suddenly wants Qian Renxue to return to her true self and stop playing that ridiculous pretending game.

Just use the dummy Xue Qinghe to replace Qian Renxue to complete her mission of stealing the country and take control of the Tiandou Empire.

Then, the soul bone skill of the Blue Silver Emperor's right leg bone was activated.

Zang's palm turned slightly, and countless bluesilver grass grew instantly, densely intertwined, like tangled worms.

Each root of these blue silver grasses is full of vitality and exudes a faint blue light, making people marvel at their beauty and mystery.

Over time, these bluesilver grasses gradually formed the shape of a dummy on the ground.

This dummy's appearance, temperament, and even soul power level all fit perfectly with "Xue Qinghe", making it impossible to tell the real thing from the fake one.

Suddenly, the dummy Xue Qinghe looked at Qian Renxue with a half-smile, and asked:

"How's it going, Xue'er? Is this dummy made of blue silver grass exactly the same as the Xue Qinghe you pretend to be?"

Qian Renxue was shocked when she saw the dummy suddenly speaking. She couldn't help but patted Zang's chest in shock.

She knew this was Zang's little trick to control the dummy. Although she complained a little that Zang was deliberately trying to scare her, she was extremely satisfied with how realistic the dummy Xue Qinghe was.

“You scared me, Zang.


This dummy Xue Qinghe looks really perfect. "

Qian Renxue smiled and said,

"Well then, I'll go back to the palace and explain everything clearly to Uncle Snake Spear.

I just happened to ask him to give my autographed letter to my grandfather and tell him what happened between us.

After everything is settled, you can replace me with the dummy Xue Qinghe, and I will come to your side again.

What do you think, Zang? "

Hearing that Qian Renxue had already made arrangements, Zangya felt that there was no big problem, so he nodded and agreed to her plan.

Afterwards, Qian Renxue quickly stood up from Zang's arms, took out Xue Qinghe's clothes from the soul guide, put them on, and then used the angel soul bone to disguise herself as Xue Qinghe.

Two figures appeared in front of Zang's eyes instantly, one was the newly formed dummy, and the other was Qian Renxue with the same face as him.

If you don't know who is real and who is fake in advance, you may not be able to identify who is the real Xue Qinghe for a while.

However, Qian Renxue didn't stay any longer and quickly asked Zang to use his divine power to send him back to Tiandou Palace.

It has been more than ten days since she went out to hunt for the seventh soul ring with Array Douluo. I am afraid that Snake Spear Douluo and others are already a little anxious waiting for the handover.

After Qian Renxue left the Divine Power Space, she felt a little bored staying there alone.

He tapped his chin aimlessly with his fingers, and couldn't help but think:

"Now that Xue'er has returned to Tiandou Palace, I should do something."

"How about I see what Tang San is doing now?"

Thinking of the plan he had planned before, Zang lowered his head and muttered to himself.

Immediately, an evil light flashed in Zang's eyes, and he began to mobilize the power of the demonic seed in his body to cross the barrier of the divine power space to sense Tang San's location.

As a result, the Kamui space seemed to turn into chaos, and Zang's body was surrounded by an invisible wave.

These fluctuations were like invisible tentacles, quietly stretching out to where Tang San was in the distance, seemingly spanning the distance in space.

In an instant, the hidden demon species found traces of Tang San. (End of chapter)

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