I am planting demon Tang San in Douluo

Chapter 217 Ah Yin was killed

In the divine power space, Ah Yin knelt in front of Zang. Her face was pale, her eyes were filled with endless sorrow, and her legs were shaking.

The chrysanthemums are broken, the ground is covered with wounds, the flowers have fallen and people are heartbroken.

At this moment, Zang stood up, his eyes fixed on Ah Yin, he pressed her Zhen head with both hands, and shouted in a cold tone:

"Ah Yin, I want you to sacrifice for me!"

Ah Yin's body was trembling slightly, and she couldn't say a word. She could only roll her eyes and look at Zang's chin, and nodded softly and feebly.

Her fish heart and mouth seemed to be torn apart, but she was born from the power of the hidden demon seed, so how could she resist his order?

In Tang Hao's spiritual world, Tang Hao's consciousness had obviously heard the conversation just now. When he saw that A Yin was about to sacrifice for Zang, he couldn't help but be shocked.

His heart was twitching painfully as if it had been hit by a heavy hammer.

"No, Ah Yin was finally reborn again, she can't lose her life again!

You devil, come at me if you have any means, bullying a weak woman is nothing! "

Tang Hao said angrily, his willpower loosened unconsciously.

His heart was filled with anger and helplessness, and he didn't want to see A Yin get hurt again.

He knew very well that Ah Yin, as a hundred thousand-year-old blue silver emperor, had endless vitality, but he also knew what sacrifice meant to a life.

He couldn't accept such a result, let alone watch A Yin die.

Even if Ah Yin still had a chance to turn into a grass seed, he couldn't turn into a human again. After all, he finally waited until Ah Yin was reborn.

However, at the moment when Tang Hao's will relaxed slightly, Zang took advantage of the situation and seized most of the control of the demon species in one go.

Tang Hao came to his senses instantly, Lingtai hurriedly defended the last bit of territory, and said angrily:

"I know, you are lying to me. You won't let Ah Yin sacrifice at all, right?"

However, Zang looked at Tang Hao's self-righteous judgment, sneered and threatened:

"Lying to you? I will kill Ah Yin Lan Yin Cao right now. Then I will control her to sacrifice for me."

As soon as he finished speaking, A Yin's shrill screams came from the Divine Power Space. It was obvious that he was being severely punished.

When Tang Hao heard A Yin's screams, his heart felt like a knife piercing his heart, but he never wavered.

He knew that if he showed the slightest weakness, A Yin would be hurt even more.

He gritted his teeth tightly and tried to stay calm and collected.

A long time passed, and Ah Yin was already lying in front of Zang, dying, with traces of punishment all over his body, looking very miserable.

Zang stepped on the wet green deer's cushion, reached out and pinched Ah Yin's cheek, and said softly:

"Ah Yin, you can sacrifice for me."

As he finished speaking, the sacred tree martial spirit appeared behind Zang, with seven spirit rings surrounding the tree.

Ah Yin heard Zang's order and nodded weakly.

Then, she stood up holding on to her sore arms, and a blood-red light suddenly flashed in her eyes, which was the unique blood light when a hundred thousand-year-old soul beast was sacrificed.

When Tang Hao saw this, his heart tightened, and he instantly realized that Zang was really coming!

He hurriedly knelt in front of Zang, with a pleading look on his face, and said:

"No, you can't do this! I admit defeat, I admit defeat, as long as you spare Ah Yin's life."

Seeing Tang Hao's submission, Zang subconsciously showed a smile on his face.

He looked down at Tang Hao and whispered:

"Then why don't you quickly give up control?"

Tang Hao hesitated for a moment, feeling extremely unwilling, but thinking that Ah Yin was about to sacrifice himself, he immediately gritted his teeth and gave up control of the demon species.

The next second, Tang Hao's spiritual sea began to burst out with strong vibrations!

Zang has completely obtained this demon seed!

However, what makes Tang Hao sad and angry is that Zang did not keep his promise and asked Ah Yin to continue to sacrifice for him!

In the divine power space, the bloody light on A Yin's body was even more dazzling, and his body exuded powerful soul power at the level of a hundred thousand year soul beast. This was a sign that the sacrifice process was more in-depth!

"You devil, why don't you keep your promise!"

Tang Hao felt his soul and body begin to collapse, and he shouted loudly.

His voice was full of unwillingness and anger.

He is not reconciled!

He is not reconciled!

He hated himself for believing Zang's promise so easily and giving up fighting with Zang for control of the demon species.

If he hadn't been so naive, he wouldn't have been wiped out so quickly!

What's more important is that he will never be able to see Ah Yin again.

Before Tang Hao's consciousness collapsed, he stared at Zang's face, seeming to imprint him deep in his soul.

In this final moment, his heart was filled with endless regret and pain.

He hates himself and hates the world.

Why did he suffer such a fate?

Why does he have to endure such pain?

At this moment, Zang has digested the demon seed from Tang Hao.

His eyes became deep and cold, and his demon pupils shone with an evil light.

He smiled evilly and said:

"As we all know, I don't keep my promises! Goodbye, Tang Hao."

His words were full of sarcasm and cruelty.

The next second, Tang Hao's consciousness began to disappear bit by bit.

He watched his consciousness gradually disappear into the void, his heart filled with despair and helplessness.

His last thought was:

"I believed this devil's promise so easily and gave up the fight with him. If I had another chance, I would protect Ah Yin and my own life at all costs.

But now it's too late.

Goodbye, Ah Yin.

Goodbye, mistress. "

Zang watched Tang Hao's consciousness disappear into the void little by little, with a cruel smile on his lips.

He whispered to himself: "Tang Hao, you can go with peace of mind. Ah Yin will be taken care of by me from now on. She will be severely bullied by me all her life, and she will also give birth to my child! Hahahahaha!" "

His laughter echoed in the last fragment of Tang Hao's sober soul, carrying endless evil and cruelty.


In the divine power space, hiding in the rich blood light, it seems to be integrated with this space.

He exuded a frightening aura that made people dare not approach him easily.

An illusory blood-red soul ring loomed on the sacred tree martial spirit. It was the hundred thousand year blue silver emperor soul ring that Ah Yin was preparing to sacrifice!

He asked Ah Yin to sacrifice to him not as a joke to Tang Hao, but because he had already had this plan.

This plan has been brewing in his mind for a long time, just waiting for the right time to implement it.

Now, Tang Hao's appearance gave him an excellent opportunity, and he would not let it go.

Suddenly, Zang opened Zhanran's magic eyes. The magic light flickers in it, as if it wants to swallow everything up.

He turned to look at Tang Hao's position, with a cruel smile in his eyes.

I saw a black light leaping from the top of Tang Hao's head. It drew a parabola in the air, and then got into the center of Zang's eyebrows.

The black light seemed to have life, and disappeared after entering Zang's eyebrows.

The moment this black light appeared, a strong demonic energy suddenly erupted from Tang Hao's body. It was a deep and evil aura.

This demonic energy kept rising and rolling, shooting straight into the sky like wolf smoke.

Under the influence of this demonic energy, Tang Hao's body began to crack, his skin gradually became dry and cracked, and his flesh and blood gradually disappeared.

His body gradually turned into fly ash, and then disappeared between heaven and earth.

This is the side effect of "the destruction of the cauldron and the birth of the seed". After the demon seed is formed in the furnace cauldron, unparalleled demonic energy will burst out.

Once the demon seeder successfully defeats Lu Ding's consciousness and captures the demon seed, Lu Ding's body will be destroyed by the demonic energy!

Tang Hao's disappearance seemed to have triggered some kind of restriction, and the divine power space suddenly vibrated.

The blood light on A Yin's body began to rotate and gather into a huge blood column, shooting straight into the sky.

A powerful wave of energy emitted from the blood column, as if it was about to swallow up the entire space.

Zang stood under the pillar of blood, letting the energy wash over his body.

His eyes shone with excitement and enthusiasm, as if he were waiting for some important moment to arrive.

After a while, the blood column dispersed, and Zang stood there, wearing nothing.

Behind him, the divine tree martial spirit shone with dazzling light, and the eight yellow, yellow, purple, black, red, and red soul rings slowly rotated.

At this moment, Zang's soul power level has reached level 90!

Feeling the current state, Zang really wants to look up to the sky and smile!

Then, he clenched his fist vigorously and opened his palm.

A small and exquisite Clear Sky Hammer appeared in his hand!

It was a Clear Sky Hammer spirit!

And above the Clear Sky Hammer spirit, two blood-red spirit rings were slowly beating!

Zang became an unprecedented owner of the Three Lives Martial Spirit!

After the Divine Tree Martial Spirit and the Soul Eye Martial Spirit, he has another Clear Sky Hammer Martial Spirit!

Moreover, Zang could feel that this martial spirit was not an ordinary Clear Sky Hammer martial spirit, but a god-level Clear Sky Hammer martial spirit that was fused with the power of the demon seed!

As for the two blood-red soul rings on this Clear Sky Hammer martial soul, one is the original ninth one hundred thousand year soul ring, and the other is the one hundred thousand year soul ring formed by the fusion of the remaining eight soul rings.

This time, Tang Hao brought a huge improvement to Zang's strength.

The first is the most important harvest - the demon seed. The demon seed grown from Tang Hao greatly enhances the power of his accomplished demon seed.

Although he is still at the "Tenth level of the Demonic Pole", the power of his demon seed is much stronger than the Dacheng realm that ordinary demon breeders reach step by step.

Not to mention that his demon seed was also fused with the power of the fairy fetus, becoming an unprecedented "immortal and demon holy fetus" that has never been seen before or since.

Even the ancient immortal Guang Chengzi, the evil emperor Xiang Yutian, the magician Pang Ban, the supreme master Ling Donglai, and the leaping horse flying hero came to the world, it is difficult to say that they can surpass the current Zang in terms of strength.

Once Zang's demon species undergoes a demonic transformation and transforms into the supreme Taoist heart, Zang's realm may far exceed that of an ordinary "broken" powerhouse.

Secondly, he gained an extra god-level Clear Sky Hammer spirit. This gain is nothing to talk about, but it only enriches Zang's attack methods.

Finally, and the least worth mentioning, the hidden Dark Demon Tiger trunk bone swallowed up all the soul bones in Tang Hao's body.

Suddenly, Zang seemed to remember something.

He put away the Clear Sky Hammer Martial Spirit, turned to look at his Divine Tree Martial Spirit, and said lightly:

"Come out, Ah Yin."

As soon as he finished speaking, a face as beautiful as a flower suddenly appeared on the leafy sacred tree Wuhun.

Who is it if it’s not Ah Yin?

"Master, is this the soul state you mentioned? It feels so magical? I am actually fused with the master's sacred tree martial spirit."

Ah Yin said crisply, with curiosity and excitement on her face, and she didn't seem to feel resentful about offering sacrifices to Zang.

Then, the thick sacred martial spirit tree began to twist, and A Yin's head actually stretched out from the tree, followed by a white body and long, slender legs.

Ah Yin actually walked out from the sacred tree martial spirit, looking as if he had never been sacrificed before.

(End of this chapter)

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