Zang couldn't help but smile when he heard Bai Chenxiang's words.

He took a deep look at Bai Chenxiang and said:

"It seems that you are ready, then I will see if you are qualified as my personal maid tonight."

When Bai Chenxiang heard this, her face turned red, she lowered her head and responded softly:

"Yes, Master. I will do my best to serve you."

Ning Rongrong on the side held Zang's arm, raised her head and showed a sweet smile.

She said in a tired voice:

"During your two days of retreat, Chenxiang took the initiative to be our maid. She is so considerate."

Zang smiled and said:

"Oh? Then let's see if she is qualified tonight.

A personal maid will definitely serve her master and hostess well in the evening. "

After that, Zang hugged A Yin and Zhu Zhuqing next to him, walked towards the house, and said softly:

"Okay, let's go in. Tonight, we are going to enjoy the service of the personal maid."

Bai Chenxiang followed the crowd, feeling a little nervous, but more expectant.

She knew she had taken an important step.

The next thing to do is to serve the master with all your heart and prove your worth.

At the same time, Bai Chenxiang also thought that she could do something further.

After entering the house, Zang and others sat on the sofa.

Bai Chenxiang served them hot tea and snacks, then stood aside and waited for instructions.

Her eyes were full of respect and concentration, which made people feel very comfortable.

Ning Rongrong looked at Bai Chenxiang's performance and felt very satisfied.

She knew that Chen Xiang was a smart girl and would definitely be qualified for this job.

Therefore, Ning Rongrong decided to train her well and make her his right-hand assistant.

Zhu Zhuqing took a sip of tea and said with a smile:

"Agarwood, your tea art is getting better and better."

When Bai Chenxiang heard the compliment, a happy smile appeared on her face, and she replied respectfully:

"Thank you for the compliment, I will continue to work hard."

Zang looked at Bai Chenxiang's performance and felt very satisfied.

He knew that Bai Chenxiang was a talented girl. If she was transformed by the power of her demon seed, she should have a chance to inherit the title of God of Speed.

Thinking of this, Zang had an idea in his mind.

He sat on the floor, stretched out his hand to pull A Yin next to him into his arms, and tucked an arm behind A Yin's neck.

"Ah, what are you going to do? It's broad daylight. Zhuqing, Rongrong, and Chenxiang are all watching!"

Ah Yin was caught off guard and pulled into Zang's arms, and couldn't help but let out a exclamation.

After hearing A Yin's words, Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong looked at each other, with an evil smile on their faces.

"It's a good show. Let's wait and see how Zang bullies Sister A Yin."

Ning Rongrong came to Zhu Zhuqing's side and whispered in her ear.

Zhu Zhuqing also nodded when he heard this. Looking at the interaction between Zang and A-yin, he swallowed unconsciously, and there was a bit of anticipation in his heart.

Zang had been in seclusion for several days, and Zhu Zhuqing had not tasted meat for several days.

Now seeing A Yin lying in Zang's arms, Zhu Zhuqing was also a little moved. She didn't care at all whether it was day or night.

Zang didn't speak, just looked at A Yin with a joking look.

Ah Yin struggled twice in his arms. After finding that he couldn't break free, he gave up the resistance and let Zang hold him.

"Sister A Yin has such a hot figure. Except for Zhuqing and you competing with Sister A Yin, Lingling, Yanzi, I, and I can't compare to you."

Ning Rongrong looked at Ah Yin's figure and couldn't help but said with some envy.

Zhu Zhuqing also nodded when he heard this and said:

"Yes, Sister A Yin has a better figure than me. But, have you forgotten that Sister Yuehua can also compete with Sister A Yin?"

After saying that, Zhu Zhuqing turned around, put his hand on Ning Rongrong, and squeezed it gently.

She doesn't have a curvy figure like Ah Yin, but she still has her pride.

At least in one aspect, Zhu Zhuqing is very confident.

When Ning Rongrong saw that her favorite Genshin Impact game was played by Zhu Zhuqing, her face immediately turned red with embarrassment and she said coquettishly:

"Zhuqing, you are so annoying! Let me play with your Genshin Impact too."

After the words fell, Ning Rongrong came to Zhu Zhuqing like a monkey.

Bai Chenxiang stood beside them, wide-eyed as she watched the two female monkeys become a ball.

She couldn't help but feel a little excited.

However, Bai Chenxiang is their maid now, and she has to play her current role well.

"You two stop talking."

At this moment, A Yin's voice rang.

She was lying in Zang's arms, feeling something was wrong!

Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong were both stunned, and then looked at Ah Yin.

I saw Ah Yin lying in Zang's arms, with his hands grabbed by Zang's hand and stuck above his head.

The other hand was clamped by Ah Yin's scissor legs, but Zang still patiently searched for Xingtie.

"Ah! Don't bully me! Go bully Rongrong and Zhuqing!"

Suddenly, A Yin let out a scream.

She only felt as if her body had been shocked by electricity, and a numb feeling spread throughout her body.

"It's so bad to hide you!"

Hearing Ah Yin's exclamations and cooing, Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

Both of them thought with some schadenfreude that they were in for a good show this time.

After a while, under the torture of Zang's "Big Star Picker", Ah Yin quickly closed her eyes tightly, not daring to look at Zang's eyes anymore.

Looking at Ah Yin's rosy peach-like cheeks and her shy expression with her eyes closed, Zang could no longer suppress her inner impulse.

He slowly closed his eyes, as if he wanted to imprint the beauty of this moment deeply in his heart.

Then, he lowered his head and kissed A Yin gently on the lips.

This kiss was like the spring breeze blowing over the flowers, soft and warm.

Zang's lips gently rubbed against Ah Yin's lips, conveying his deep love for Ah Yin.

Ah Yin seemed to be moved by the kiss, her delicate body trembled slightly, and her beautiful eyes were full of shyness and joy.

At the same time, Zang's other hand was not idle.

He grasped a dragon ball tightly, and his fingertips gently turned on the dragon ball.

This dragon ball seemed to sense his thoughts, exuding a faint fragrance, and gradually began to burst into blood, complementing the love between Zang and Ah Yin.

The kiss lasted for a long time, until their lips parted, A Yin was completely immersed in Zang's love. Her eyes were blurry and gentle, as if the whole world had disappeared, leaving only her and Zang.

Zang stared deeply at A Yin, his eyes seemed to be full of obsession and love for her.

Then he said without turning his eyes:

"Agarwood, didn't you say you would be a qualified maid? Why don't you come over and undress us?"

There was a hint of teasing and teasing in his tone, as if he was waiting for Bai Chenxiang's reaction.

Bai Chenxiang was suddenly startled by Zang's words. She didn't expect that Zang would suddenly give her such an order, which caught her off guard.

However, Bai Chenxiang quickly regained her composure.

She knew that this was Zang's test for her and his trust in her.

She didn't want to live up to his expectations, let alone let her previous efforts go to waste.

Therefore, Bai Chenxiang hesitated slightly and then walked to Zang's side firmly.

Her heart was full of determination and courage, and she believed she was up to the task.

Seeing Bai Chenxiang's reaction, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing looked at each other and gave each other a tacit smile.

They knew that Bai Chenxiang had taken an important step and she would become more mature and confident in the days to come.

Then, Bai Chenxiang put her hand on Zang's shoulder.

Zang also opened his arms, allowing her to gently take off his black costume.

As the black costume slipped off, Zang's body was exposed to the air in an instant.

A trace of surprise flashed in Bai Chenxiang's eyes. She had never seen such a flawless body, like a piece of uncarved jade, exuding a soft luster.

That white skin looks even more attractive under the sunlight, making people want to touch it gently.

Bai Chenxiang retracted her hand subconsciously. She knew her identity and responsibilities, and she could not touch Zang's body easily.

However, there was a strong urge in her heart to get close to Zang and feel the warmth and softness of his skin.

At this delicate moment, there is a faint fragrance in the air, like the breath of spring, fresh and peaceful.

This is the sandalwood scent naturally emitted by the hidden incorruptible golden body, and it also carries the immortal aura of an immortal fetus.

Bai Chenxiang felt her heartbeat speed up, her cheeks turned slightly red, and her breathing became a little short.

She tried hard to control her emotions and try to stay calm and collected.

At the same time, Zang also felt the changes in Bai Chenxiang.

He turned his head slightly and looked at her shy expression and reddish cheeks, with a faint evil light flashing in his eyes.

Then, Bai Chenxiang took the initiative to kneel next to Ah Yin.

She lowered her head and unbuttoned the thin buttons around A Yin's waist without saying a word.

Then there was sky blue, and a tear-stained line of holy light.

At this moment, Ah Yin's voice broke the delicate atmosphere:

"There are Rongrong and Zhuqing. Chenxiang will also help them serve them."

When Zang heard A Yin's words, he immediately came back to his senses and said calmly:

"Next, go get a basin of warm water. Thank you for your hard work."

When Bai Chenxiang heard what the two said, she couldn't help but feel happy.

She understood that this was their care and love for her, but she also felt a little shy and embarrassed.

However, she still stood up obediently and came to Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing's side.

At this moment, Ning Rongrong's expression looked mysterious. She winked and laughed.

This made Bai Chenxiang feel even more shy. Of course she knew exactly what Ning Rongrong meant.

After all, Ning Rongrong is a master who dares to say "I have two big pieces of bread".

Then, Ning Rongrong whispered: "Sister Chenxiang, you can get your wish today."

This sentence made Bai Chenxiang even more excited, but it also made her feel a little uneasy.

So, Bai Chenxiang blushed and lowered her head, not daring to look at Ning Rongrong.

Her hands kept groping around Ning Rongrong's body, as if she was looking for something important.

As a slight sound came, Ning Rongrong walked to Zang's side frankly.

She sat elegantly on the ground, put a pair of lotus-rooted arms gently on Zang's shoulders, then raised her head and glanced at Bai Chenxiang.

After Ning Rongrong finished serving, it was Zhu Zhuqing's turn.

Bai Chenxiang stared at the scene in front of her with envy, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

She couldn't help but stretched out her hand, gently poked Zhu Zhuqing's open Yuanshen with her finger, and said with great envy:

"Zhuqing, I remember you seem to be a few months younger than Rongrong. Isn't this too foul?

How did you raise this Genshin Impact, and why is it so scary? "

Zhu Zhuqing was poked hard by Bai Chenxiang's fingers and felt very uncomfortable, as if ants were crawling on her body.

She couldn't help frowning and whispered:

"Sister Chenxiang, can you stop doing this?"

When Bai Chenxiang heard Zhu Zhuqing's words, she realized that her behavior was a bit excessive.

She quickly retracted her hand and said with some embarrassment:

"Sorry, I lost my temper."

Zhu Zhuqing saw that Bai Chenxiang was a little embarrassed, so he didn't want to say anything more.

She knew that Bai Chenxiang did this out of envy and curiosity. After all, this Genshin Impact was a treasure that both of them had.

Zhu Zhuqing saw Bai Chenxiang's appearance and knew that his behavior was a bit excessive and he should not treat Bai Chenxiang like this.

So, she whispered:

"If you don't hurry up and get warm water, it will be your turn soon. I will hide you and treat you well!"

When Bai Chenxiang heard this, she quickly got up and left the room.

She couldn't help but feel a little nervous and expectant.

She knew what was going to happen next, but she was still a little scared and worried.

She didn't know if she could face all this calmly like Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong.

Bai Chenxiang walked into the room carrying a basin of warm water, and a laughter like silver bells immediately sounded in her ears.

She couldn't help but be a little curious. She followed the sound and saw Ning Rongrong playing with A Yin.

"Oh, Rongrong, please stop making trouble, I'm really afraid of you."

Ah Yin said with a smile, a hint of shyness in her voice,

"Go and play with Zhuqing and let me take a break."

But Ning Rongrong just chuckled, and the clear laughter echoed in the room.

She smiled and said:

"Sister Ah Yin, you taught me this. I'm just applying what I learned."

When Bai Chenxiang saw this scene, she couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

She knew that Ning Rongrong and A Yin were both hidden women, but she didn't expect that the interaction between the two would be so interesting and intimate.

She couldn't help but want to join in and enjoy this happy time together.

(End of this chapter)

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