I am planting demon Tang San in Douluo

Chapter 246 Xiao Wu sacrifices

In the quiet night, Zang's movements were as fast and precise as a cheetah catching its prey.

He gently lifted up Xiao Wu's two long legs, as if treating a piece of fragile porcelain, and carefully placed her legs on his arms.

The whole movement was smooth and natural, as if he had everything under control.

However, for Xiao Wu, all this came like a nightmare.

She felt Zang's movements, and the sudden touch made her feel terrified.

The blood-red pupils immediately dilated, like a frightened deer, eyes filled with helplessness and fear.

As a virgin, her body couldn't help but want to shrink back, trying to escape from this thing that frightened her.

"No, no, you can't. It's too scary."

Xiao Wu's voice trembled, with a hint of crying.

Her heartbeat was like a crazy drum, beating crazily in her chest.

She still knows something about men and women, but she hides it...

This made her feel extremely scared and uneasy.

Zang didn't seem to notice Xiao Wu's fear. There was a strange light in his eyes, as if he was admiring his own masterpiece.

He gently stroked Xiao Wu's legs, and that gentle touch made Xiao Wu's body stiffer.

She wanted to scream and resist, but her throat seemed to be blocked and she couldn't make any sound.

Time seemed to slow down extremely slowly at this moment, and every second was like suffering.

Zang put one green-white foot sole to the tip of his nose and lips, greedily sniffing the fragrance of the girl's body.

His movements were both gentle and full of power. His arms seemed to have magic power, passing through Xiao Wu's long jade-white legs and gently embracing her back.

The slender fingers gently slid over her delicate skin, as if playing a beautiful piece of music.

He exerted a little force, and Xiao Wu was like a docile kitten, sitting on his body obediently.

Zang hugged Xiao Wu tightly, as if he wanted to integrate her into his own flesh and blood.

He pressed her back hard and pressed her tightly against his abdominal muscles. Their bodies were so close that they seemed to be one body.

Zang felt Xiao Wu's body trembling slightly in his arms. It was a trembling of shyness and anticipation, but he didn't resist Zang too much.

However, at this moment full of warmth and romance, Xiao Wu suddenly raised her beautiful and delicate face and closed her beautiful eyes tightly.

Her eyes were moist, and two lines of clear tears slipped silently from the corners of her eyes.

She opened her cherry-like mouth silently, as if she was telling something, but she couldn't say a word.

Zang stood under the moonlight, looking deeply at Xiao Wu in front of him.

Her fragile and helpless appearance is like a wounded bird, which makes people feel pity.

Hidden behind the mask, there was a slight smile, as if he had already seen through the fragility of her heart.

The next moment, Zang moved quickly and decisively and scooped up Xiao Wu.

She exclaimed, and before she could react, she was already held firmly in Zang's arms.

At this moment, Xiao Wu looked like a koala, hanging on Zang's body, feeling the solid chest and strong arms.

And Xiao Wu was suddenly picked up from the swing, and she was suddenly frightened.

She originally closed her eyes and endured the pain from the wound, but she didn't expect to be picked up suddenly.

Xiao Wu immediately opened her eyes and looked at Zang who was close at hand, but felt an inexplicable sense of security in her heart.

Therefore, Xiao Wu ignored the severe pain and stretched out her hands to wrap around Zang's neck, pressing against his body tightly.

"You, you, I, I, are going to fall..."

Xiao Wu screamed, with a hint of trembling in her voice.

Although she was stuck to death, her heart was still filled with fear and uneasiness.

She didn't dare to relax at all, for fear that she would accidentally fall to the ground.

Zang looked at her nervous look and couldn't help but feel a little funny.

He gently patted Xiao Wu's back and said comfortingly:

"Don't be afraid, I'm here. It's stuck very well, you won't fall off."

His voice was gentle and firm, as if there was a kind of magic power that made the fear in Xiao Wu's heart slowly dissipate.

Xiao Wu felt a little more at ease after listening to Zang's words.

She looked up at Zang's deep eyes and felt the care and love in his eyes.

She gradually relaxed her body and no longer held Zang's neck so nervously.

Gradually, Xiao Wu no longer felt the pain, but felt very uncomfortable.

So, she secretly glanced at Zang and began to twist around on Zang's body.

Soon, Zang seemed to notice the throbbing and longing in Xiao Wu's heart. Those subtle movements and those indescribable emotions could not escape his eyes.

He quietly pushed out his belly, as if adjusting his posture so that he could hug Xiao Wu more comfortably.

His hands were gentle but strong, like a warm current, slowly flowing on Xiao Wu's back, making her feel more at ease than ever before.

He picked up Xiao Wu and sat gently on the swing, as if he were handling a fragile treasure.

The swing started to move automatically without any wind, carrying the two of them leisurely.


A crisp sound broke the surrounding tranquility.

Zang broke off half of the mask covering his chin, revealing his plump lips and thin, delicate jawline.

Xiao Wu looked at half of Zang's face, feeling an inexplicable emotion well up in her heart.

She had never seen the real face of the person in front of her, but at this moment, she felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

Those plump lips and that thin jawline seemed to have been seen somewhere before, but they couldn't recall them clearly.

"It feels so familiar, it seems like somewhere..."

Xiao Wu murmured in a low voice, trying to find that vague memory.

However, before she could finish her words, Zang had already held her neck and kissed her deeply on the mouth, blocking her doubts.

This kiss was as hot as a flame, instantly igniting the passion deep in Xiao Wu's heart.

She felt her heartbeat speeding up and her blood boiling, as if she and Zang were the only two people left in the world.

At the same time, the swing seemed to be swaying more violently under the wind.

Drops of blood dripped from the wound to the ground and sprinkled on the bright flowers, which seemed to add a touch of poignancy to this romantic moment.

Tang San could only watch the two people swinging on the swing from a distance.

He looked at the dazzling blood, and the grief and anger in his heart surged into his heart like a tide.

"Xiao Wu...my Xiao Wu..."

He whispered in his heart, his voice full of helplessness and pain.

He knew that he had lost Xiao Wu, the girl he once loved deeply, but now she had become everything in someone else's arms.

Under Zang's strong control, the swing began to swing higher and higher, as if it was about to break through the clouds and reach the sky.

Zang and Xiaowu squeezed together on this small swing, unexpectedly showing a unique curiosity.

The originally ordinary swing now became a world unique to the two of them, and the swing seat gradually became more and more slippery.

I don't know when, Xiao Wu's pair of slender and fair legs have been hanging down from the swing frame, like two elegant arcs, gently swinging in the air.

Her pink skirt fell quietly during the swing of the swing and landed lightly on the ground, like a blooming flower.

The two crystal white toes sometimes stretch and sometimes bend in mid-air, contrasting with the bright flowers around them, forming a beautiful and interesting picture.

However, few people can appreciate such beautiful scenery. Except for Tang San, who was watching silently from a distance, no one else could see this unique scenery.

Xiao Wu had never experienced such a fun experience as swinging on a swing? Her heart was filled with novelty and satisfaction, and she felt her whole heart swaying and fluttering with the swing.

She seemed to be in a fairyland, and her whole body seemed to be in a state of ecstasy.

That ecstatic feeling made her forget all her worries and worries, and just wanted to be immersed in this fun and excitement forever.

Zang, on the other hand, quietly held Xiao Wu in his arms, using all his abilities to enjoy this rare tranquility and harmony.


After a long time, the swing finally stopped slowly, and its swing became slower and slower until it finally stopped completely.

Zang gently hugged Xiao Wu, who had completely lost all strength, and slowly walked down from the swing.

His steps were steady and powerful, as if he was holding the most important treasure in his life.

Zang gently placed Xiao Wu among the clean flowers. The fragrance of the flowers intertwined with her breath, making people feel relaxed and happy.

At the same time, Zang also put down her two somewhat numb long legs from his arms.

His movements were gentle and meticulous, as if he were afraid of hurting her.

"Little rabbit, are you satisfied?"

Zang whole body leaned against Xiao Wu, lowered his head, and kissed her gently on the forehead.

His voice is hoarse and deep, full of magnetism, making people intoxicated involuntarily.

Xiao Wu's whole body was now covered with a layer of pink, and her face was filled with a happy smile, as if she was in a dream.

She heard Zang's question, but she didn't answer immediately. She just trembled and gasped, as if she was still reminiscing about the thrilling moment just now.

"Hmm... so... so exciting!"

Xiao Wu finally regained her composure. She raised her head and looked at Zang with her big watery eyes, a shy yet excited expression on her face.

Her voice trembled slightly, as if she was still excited by what she had just experienced.

Zang looked at Xiao Wu's cute look, a flash of deep satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

He stroked her hair gently, the silky touch reminding him of his newfound fame.

Xiao Wu's reputation is very unique, and she is indeed Mingqi among the famous ones.

"It seems like your little rabbit really likes to swing."

Zang said with a smile, his voice full of teasing and teasing.

An evil light flashed in his eyes, as if he wanted to swallow Xiao Wu completely.

Zang wanted to do something, but Xiao Wu hugged his neck.

She gasped, with a hint of trembling and pleading in her voice:

"Don't, don't move, let me slow down, I was too tired from sitting on the swing just now."

There was a flush on her cheeks, as if from the excitement and nervousness just now.

Zang gently released the buckle, allowing Xiao Wu to breathe.

Looking at her panting look, he couldn't help but feel a desire to conquer her.

He knew that he had complete control over this little girl and could have her anytime he wanted.

After a while, Xiao Wu finally regained her composure.

She took a deep breath and looked directly into Zang's eyes, her eyes shining with determination.

Xiao Wu asked: "How is it? Are you satisfied? Can you let my third brother go?"

Zang looked at Xiao Wu's firm eyes and couldn't help but feel surprised.

He didn't expect that at this moment, Xiao Wu would still be thinking about Tang San.

A crooked smile appeared on his lips and he said:

"As long as you sacrifice for me one last time, I can spare Tang San and teach him powerful power. Are you willing?"

Hearing this, Xiao Wu's eyes flashed with hesitation and struggle.

She knew that the sacrifice meant that she would lose her life and become part of the power of the person in front of her.

However, she also knew that this was the only way to save Tang San.

So, Xiao Wu took a deep breath and made up her mind:

"Okay, I do."

When Zang heard Xiao Wu's answer, a trace of pride and ecstasy flashed in his eyes.

He knew that he finally got what he wanted.

He gently stroked Xiao Wu's rosy cheeks, as if he was admiring a precious piece of art.

However, Xiao Wu did not show any fear or despair.

On the contrary, her eyes shone with determination, as if she was ready to meet her fate.

She knew that this was her choice and her destiny.

She was willing to give everything she had to save Tang San.

And Tang San's ears accidentally caught the conversation between the two, and those words were like cold arrows, piercing his heart.

There was a loud sound in his mind, as if the whole world collapsed.

All the strength seemed to have been drained from his whole body, and he seemed to have completely lost consciousness in his mind.

The next second, energy and blood surged into his heart like a violent wind, and the intense pain made Tang San unbearable.

He opened his mouth and wanted to shout, but he could only make a weak moan.

Then, with a "wow" sound, blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, staining his pale cheeks red.

The blood was like the pain in his heart that could not be stopped.

After a while, Tang San opened his weak eyes with difficulty.

His vision was blurry and he could barely see clearly Xiao Wu lying on the ground.

She was still lying quietly under the hiding place, like a statue carved from white jade.

Endless grief surged in Tang San's heart, and with a trembling voice, he said to Xiao Wu:

"Don't sacrifice, Xiao Wu, I would rather give my life than let you die."

Although his voice was weak, it was full of endless determination and sorrow.

He couldn't accept the reality that Xiao Wu gave her life for him. He would rather bear all the pain than see her get hurt.

As soon as he finished speaking, Tang San lowered his head and passed out completely.

However, his words were too late.

Xiao Wu had already started the sacrificial ceremony, and the bright red light enveloped her and Zang.

In Zang's hand, a small tree slowly grew.

An illusory blood-red soul ring gradually solidified. It was Xiao Wu's vitality that was gradually draining away and turning into the ninth soul ring of the sacred tree martial spirit.

Xiao Wu looked at the small tree in shock, her eyes filled with disbelief.

She raised her head and looked at Zang again, finally understanding the true identity of the person in front of her.

Her heart was full of doubts and confusion, and she asked in a low voice:

"So it's you...but why?"

Zang looked at Xiao Wu's shocked and confused eyes, and a proud smile appeared on his lips.

While accepting Xiao Wu's sacrifice with the sacred tree spirit, he whispered softly into Xiao Wu's ear:
"You don't need to know this. But don't worry, since I promised you, I will definitely let Tang San go."

His words were full of confidence and coldness, as if he had everything under control.

As time went by, the blood-red light on Xiao Wu's body became stronger and stronger. (End of chapter)

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