In Wuhun City, Tang San's fiery red figure was walking through in a breathtaking way.

His figure is strong and his movements are swift, like a ghostly shadow, moving silently through the streets.

In the eyes of others, he seemed to have a magical ability to teleport.

One moment it was far away, and the next moment it was in an unknown corner.

Ju Douluo was following behind Tang San, feeling extremely surprised in his heart. He didn't understand where Tang San's speed, which was comparable to or even slightly surpassed by Ghost Douluo, came from.

You must know that Ghost Douluo is a titled Douluo-level agility-attack spirit master, yet Tang San is actually able to possess such weird speed and agility at the Soul King level.

This is really difficult for Ju Douluo to understand.

"What happened to this kid? His speed and skill are simply incredible and unbelievable."

Ju Douluo marveled secretly in his heart, but his steps never stopped, following Tang San closely, like a cunning fox stalking its prey.

Just when Ju Douluo's heart was filled with doubts and curiosity, Tang San suddenly stopped.

He turned to face Ju Douluo, with a gentle smile on his face, as if he was an old friend reunited after a long absence.

Ju Douluo couldn't help but be a little surprised, why did this kid suddenly become so friendly?

"Senior, I haven't seen you for many days."

Tang San's voice was sharp and harsh, like a nightingale crowing in the dark night.

His voice seemed a little unnatural, as if he was speaking with a pinched throat.

Moreover, while speaking, his right hand unconsciously placed on his chest and gently pinched an orchid finger. There was an indescribable weirdness in his behavior.

Ju Douluo frowned slightly, feeling an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

He observed Tang San carefully and found that although this young man's appearance was not absolutely beautiful, it was also exquisite.

Especially the vague arrogance, people who didn't know it thought he was a top star in the brothel.

Coupled with the fiery red robe, Tang San's whole body exuded some indescribable charm.

If he hadn't known that Tang San was a man, Ju Douluo would have thought he had seen a beautiful girl.

He couldn't help but feel a little amused, this kid was quite good at acting.

However, Ju Douluo obviously admired Tang San's demeanor and felt that he was somewhat similar to himself.

"Boy, why did you purposely send me away? Weren't you and that hundred thousand year soul beast rescued by someone?"

Ju Douluo said in a high voice, with a hint of disdain and doubt in his voice.

Tang San's expression froze when he heard this, and the smile on his face instantly solidified.

He gritted his teeth, a trace of hatred flashing in his eyes. His fingers were squeezed together tightly, as if he wanted to squeeze out all the anger in his heart.

Then, Tang San took a deep breath, trying to calm down his emotions, and then slowly explained:

"Senior, what you don't know is that the person who rescued us didn't do it out of sincerity, he just wanted to get Xiao Wu.

I knew that I was not strong enough to protect Xiao Wu, so I could only endure it for the time being.

This time I lead you away, senior, because I want to worship you as my teacher and get your guidance.

When I become a Titled Douluo, I will definitely seek revenge on that person! "

Tang San's words were full of firmness and determination, and his eyes flashed with a cold light that was hard to ignore.

He clenched his fist, as if he wanted to concentrate all his anger and strength into this punch.

Listening to Tang San's explanation, Ju Douluo couldn't help but feel a little moved in his heart.

He could tell that this young man really wanted to become his master, not just for talk.

Moreover, he is full of hatred and anger towards the person who rescued them. This emotion is real and deep.

"Hmph, boy, you are a man of character. Since you are determined to become a disciple, then I will make it happen for you.

However, you have to remember that being a disciple of Ju Douluo is not that easy.

You need to put in more effort and sweat than others to become a true titled Douluo. "

Ju Douluo said coldly, but a glint of appreciation flashed in his eyes.

Hearing this, Tang San felt an indescribable joy in his heart.

He bowed deeply, his face was full of respect, and his voice was slightly excited and he said:

"Thank you, senior, for helping me! This junior will definitely practice hard and live up to your expectations!"

When Ju Douluo heard this, a charming smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, as if the spring breeze was blowing across the lake, creating ripples.

He walked up to Tang San calmly, with a hint of teasing and expectation on his face, and said proudly:

"In that case, what should you call me?"

As he spoke, his eyes flashed with anticipation and pride, as if he was waiting for Tang San's answer.

Tang San's heart moved, and he immediately felt blessed.

He leaned over and said in an almost pious manner:
"Tang San pays homage to the teacher."

His voice was full of respect and gratitude, as if he wanted to remember this master-disciple relationship forever.

Ju Douluo was extremely satisfied when he saw this.

He nodded, and the smile on his face became even brighter, like a blooming chrysanthemum.

He thought to himself: This boy is quite decent, and my love for him was not in vain.

Immediately, Ju Douluo turned around and took Tang San back to watch the last game.

He has decided in his heart that he will do his best to train this disciple and make him the pride of Wuhun Hall.

As for Tang San's status as wanted by Wuhun Palace?
Ju Douluo had his own calculations in mind.

He knew that since Tang San was willing to accept him as his master, he had naturally voluntarily joined their Spirit Hall.

If this is the case, it is not impossible for him, Ju Douluo, to step in to protect this cheap disciple.

On the way back, Ju Douluo explained to Tang San the rules of Wuhun Palace in detail, as well as the method of developing the celestial grass, strange velvet, and sky-reaching chrysanthemum.

His words were full of expectations and encouragement for Tang San, as if he wanted to teach this disciple everything he had learned throughout his life.

And Tang San also listened with great interest. He suddenly discovered that Ju Douluo was really temperamental and his clothes were also very good.

The master and apprentice had similar temperaments, and the atmosphere was harmonious and harmonious as they walked and chatted.


By the time Tang San and Ju Douluo returned to the spirit fighting arena, the finals were almost over.

The atmosphere in the entire spirit fighting arena was extremely tense, as if even the air had solidified.

The audience's shouts and cheers were intertwined, and the sound was rolling, shaking everyone's heart.

On the ring, Zang's figure stood out.

He was dressed in black clothes, with a slender figure and a handsome face, like a king in the night. He casually glanced at Ju Douluo and Tang San in the audience, with a faint smile flashing in his eyes.

"This old chrysanthemum is really suitable to be your teacher Tang San."

He cursed in his heart.

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing on the opposite side was fighting fiercely with the demon transformed by Hu Liena and Xie Yue using martial soul fusion skills.

In the past few days of competition, Zang's strength has been known to all the teams.

Therefore, any team that met the Tiandou Royal Academy had the green light to surrender directly.

After all, they don't want to waste time looking for abuse and challenge someone who can't be defeated.

And because in the first game, Xiao Wu was found to be a hundred thousand year spirit beast in public, so the qualifications for the first team of Tiandou Royal Academy were cancelled.

The entire Tiandou Royal Academy's first team was disbanded on the spot, and Zhu Zhuqing joined Zang's second team, replacing Oslo's original position.

I saw Zhu Zhuqing in a red mist with a strong figure. Every attack was as fast as lightning, and he could also use the ability to escape into the shadows.

The power of the Eighteenth Level [Heavenly Demon Technique] is very powerful, and all kinds of Heavenly Demon's special skills are at your fingertips, as if they are not affected by the sluggish speed of the red mist.

In fact, if it weren't for Zhu Zhuqing's Soul King level cultivation and being in this red mist, the demon would probably have been eliminated by Zhu Zhuqing long ago.

Even so, the demons incarnated by Hu Liena and Xie Yue were like duckweeds in the storm under Zhu Zhuqing's weird and unpredictable magic skills. They could only dodge left and right and were unable to resist.

Watching Zhu Zhuqing's battle with the demon, Zang couldn't help but feel a surge of admiration in his heart.

He knew that Zhu Zhuqing was very powerful, but he didn't expect that she could suppress a Soul Emperor-level demon.

However, he also knew that this battle no longer meant much and it was time to end it.

So, he said lazily:
"Zhuqing, it's almost done. No need to waste time testing. Let me end the game."

Although the voice was calm, it revealed an unquestionable firmness.

When Zhu Zhuqing heard this, he paused, then nodded and stepped aside.

She already knows her combat power range, so this battle should be over.

Seeing the demon who was approaching a formidable enemy, Zang just shook hands gently, and the seven soul rings behind him flashed slightly.

At this moment, there was a sudden surge in the arena, and the powerful soul power condensed into two strong wooden dragons beside Zang.

These two wooden dragons seem to have spirituality. They are winding and circling, like two green lightnings piercing the sky, leaping towards the monster as if facing a formidable enemy.

In the red mist, the demon looked at the two sudden wooden dragons with a trace of panic in his eyes.

She originally thought that her strength was still very good. Even if she couldn't defeat Zang, she was still strong enough to fight Zang. But she didn't expect that she couldn't even deal with Zhu Zhuqing under Zang's crotch.

The demon tried to dodge, but Mu Long was extremely fast and tied her tightly in an instant.

The next second, Youmei felt a strong suction coming from the wooden dragon.

She was horrified to find that she couldn't move, and she didn't even have the strength to resist. The soul power in her body was drained out in the blink of an eye.

The demon's eyes were full of despair. Led by Hu Liena, she knew that she had been defeated, so completely.

Zang, on the other hand, stood on the ring calmly, as if all this was expected by him.

He watched the demon divided into the pale-faced Hu Liena and Xie Yue, without any waves in his eyes.

At this moment, the entire fighting spirit arena was boiling.

The audience roared with deafening cheers, cheering Zang's victory.

They knew that this young man from Tiandou Royal Academy had become the focus of this competition, filling the entire spirit fighting arena with hope and passion.

Zang walked out of the ring calmly, and behind him, Zhu Zhuqing and others also followed.


The night is low, the stars are dotted, and the soft moonlight shines on the quiet courtyard.

After winning the Soul Master Competition during the day, Zang took the girls back to Tiandou Royal Academy first.

At this moment, Zang was lying quietly on Zhu Zhuqing's slippery belly, feeling the warmth and softness behind his head, as if the whole world had quieted down.

Beside them, Ning Rongrong, Ye Lingling, Dugu Yan and A Yin were lying in a mess.

Their breathing was steady and deep, and they seemed to be immersed in a beautiful dream.

Recalling that the three girls Shui Bing'er, Shui Yue'er and Huo Wu returned to Tiandou City early because they were eliminated two days ago, their figures flashed a hint of regret in Zang's heart.

If they had come back with Zang, tonight's party would have been even more lively.

However, even so, the scene before him is enough to make any man feel satisfied and happy.

Unless this man is someone like Tang San today.

Ah Yin's recovery ability has always been excellent, and she was the first to wake up from fatigue.

She rubbed her sleepy eyes, gently stepped over Dugu Yan's body, and came to Zang's side.

She bowed her head at Zang's waist and rolled her eyes curiously at the crystal clear skull that Zang was playing with.

"Lord, master, is this, that, that skull of spiritual wisdom?"

Ah Yin murmured inarticulately, with a hint of surprise and curiosity in her voice.

A stream of crystal saliva flowed from the corner of her mouth, wetting Zang's thighs.

But she didn't seem to care, her eyes fixed on the skull.

Zang nodded and gently took out two other rare soul bones from his soul space - the left leg bone of the rapid stealth chasing wind and the right arm bone of the bursting flame.

He handed the two soul bones to Ah Yin and said:

"Ah Yin, you should get up first and stop being greedy.

Now, I hand over these two soul bones to you. I plan to give this wind-attributed soul bone to Zhuqing.

As for this fire attribute soul bone, you can hand it over to Huo Wu at Blazing Fire Academy when you have time later. "

Ah Yin obediently climbed up from the crook of Zang's legs. She gently wiped the residue from the corner of her mouth, and then took the two soul bones respectfully.

She nodded, with a hint of firmness in her voice:
"Okay Master, I understand. I will arrange these two soul bones properly tomorrow morning."

After saying that, Ah Yin paused for a moment. She raised her head, her blue eyes staring closely at Zang's eyes, as if she wanted to see through his inner thoughts.

She asked softly:
"Master, are you ready to go to the Killing City? If you don't mind, why not take me with you.

I am your soul. At least on the road, I can accompany you so that you will not feel lonely. "

Hearing this, Zang's mouth curved into a gentle curve.

He gently put the skull of spiritual wisdom in his hand back into the soul space, then stretched out his hand and pulled A Yin into his arms.

He felt A Yin's soft body and replied softly:

"Yes, I am indeed planning to go to the Killing City for some experience. However, I will be back soon. You can stay in this incarnation for now." (End of Chapter)

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