I am planting demon Tang San in Douluo

Chapter 251 The City of Killing

"Okay, you two are having fun without calling me. Do you want to play secretly behind my back?"

Zang frowned slightly, his eyes showing a bit of displeasure.

Then, he walked to the bed and grabbed Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue's wrists that were exposed outside the quilt.

Those two wrists looked particularly white in the moonlight, as if they were the first snow in winter, pure and flawless.

Looking up, you can see a pair of jade arms that look like jade lotus roots. They are neither too fat nor so thin that they are just skinny. They just show the softness and strength of women.

Coupled with the tenderness of the skin, it can be compared with the most exquisite porcelain, and people can't help but want to find out.

Zang's fingers gently caressed the two wrists, as if he was tasting the most precious treasure in the world.

There was a sly look in his eyes, and a proud smile curled up at the corner of his mouth.

Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue were startled by Zang's sudden arrival. They looked at each other with a trace of panic in their eyes.

Qian Renxue tried to cover her pretty face with the quilt, but Zang grabbed her. He raised his eyebrows and said:
"What? You want to run away? You two little villains actually dare to secretly drive around behind your back."

Bibi Dong looked at Zang innocently, trying to defend herself with her eyes.

Her clear eyes were full of innocence and grievance, as if to say:

"We really didn't want to hide it from you, we were just worried that you were busy so we didn't call you."

Zang looked at the two of them, let go of his hands, sat on the edge of the bed, folded his hands on his chest, looked at them with a scrutinizing gaze, and said:

"Tell me, you two, who is responsible for offense and who is responsible for defense?"

Hearing this, Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue's eyes met, like two bright stars quietly meeting in the night sky. They seemed to have reached some kind of tacit consensus at this moment.

Immediately afterwards, the two women stood up from the bed like two elegant white swans.

A soft quilt slipped from their bodies, falling to the ground like a light cloud, revealing their delicate bodies that defied the frost and proud of the snow.

Their skin is as white as jade, delicate and smooth, as if it has been carefully crafted over the years, and every inch exudes a charming luster.

However, neither Bibi Dong nor Qian Renxue cared that they were exposed in front of Zang at this moment.

Their eyes were full of determination and determination, as if they were leaving all shyness and worries behind.

The next moment, the two women hugged Zang from the left and the right and pushed him down on the bed, but Zang did not make any resistance.

Qian Renxue's long golden hair was seen flowing on her chest, flowing like a golden waterfall, covering the two proud red plum blossoms.

She raised her brows and looked at Zang fiercely, with an undoubted threat in her tone:

"Don't worry about which one of us is attacking and who is defending. Today we will deal with one of you, but then don't beg for mercy from us."

Her voice was firm and powerful, yet a little shy.

This is the second time Qian Renxue and Bibi Dong have been together to deal with Zang, the big devil. In fact, she still can't let go.

Bibi Dong silently agreed with Qian Renxue from the side. Although she did not say harsh words, her clear eyes revealed a kind of firmness and determination.

Suddenly, the two women suddenly let out an exclamation. Zang Yi pulled Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue into his arms and said in a low voice:
"Then you'd better admit defeat as soon as possible."


In the afternoon of the next day, the sun shone through the gaps in the curtains and shone on the three of them, bringing some warmth.

The three of them woke up leisurely, as if they were still reminiscing about the fierce battle last night.

Last night, they played until dawn before falling asleep.

Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue rarely showed a different kind of madness together, which made Zang say that he has made a profit.

In this contest, Zang showed his superb skills and extraordinary strength, causing Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue to lose miserably.

Although the two of them were unwilling to do so, they also knew that Zang's strength was indeed superior to theirs.

In the end, if Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue hadn't acted coquettishly and called them daddy, Zang wouldn't have let them go so easily.

At this moment, looking at Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue blinking, Zang couldn't help but feel a surge of tenderness in his heart.

He held the two girls in his arms, one on the left and the other on the right, kissed their tender faces one by one, and teased:
"How's it going? Do you dare to say bad things about me secretly?"

His tone was full of endearment and teasing, as if he was teasing two naughty kittens.

Bibi Dong heard Zang's teasing, and a shy smile appeared on her face.

She didn't say anything, just gently drew circles on Zang's chest with her fingers, as if she was telling her heart.

Her eyes were full of satisfaction and happiness, as if all the fatigue and loss had disappeared at this moment.

Qian Renxue acted like a little daughter. She raised her head and looked directly into Zang's eyes, pouting her red lips and saying coquettishly:
"It was your fault in the first place. You won the championship, took away the three soul bone rewards, and then left without saying a word.

I don’t know if you can come over and chat with us for a while in the evening before leaving..."

There was a bit of grievance and dissatisfaction in her voice, but more of it was attachment and expectation for Zang.

Listening to Qian Renxue's complaints, Zang couldn't help but have a fond smile on his lips.

He gently hugged Qian Renxue tightly in his arms, letting her feel his warmth and firmness, and whispered:

"Okay, okay, haven't I already compensated you? How about it? Were you satisfied yesterday?"

Qian Renxue couldn't help but blush on her face when she heard Zang's words.

She lowered her head slightly, not daring to look directly into Zang's fiery gaze.

Then, Qian Renxue also followed Bibi Dong's example, gently tracing circles on Zang's chest with her fingers, and murmured in her mouth:
"What kind of compensation is this..."

Her voice was coquettish and a bit coquettish, as if she was telling Zang her dissatisfaction.

Zang looked at Qian Renxue's shy look and couldn't help but reach out and pinch Qian Renxue's cheeks, which looked like jade carvings.

He didn't pay attention to Qian Renxue's complaints, but continued:

"I'm going to the Killing City tomorrow, so be mentally prepared."

When Qian Renxue heard this, her eyes suddenly widened.

She sat up suddenly, and Mei Li shook violently in the air like a shelled egg.

She looked at Zang in surprise, obviously knowing very well where the Killing City was.

Therefore, Qian Renxue asked in confusion:

"Why are you going to the Slaughter City? With your current strength, it can be said that you are walking sideways on the mainland. There is no need to go to the Slaughter City for training, right?"

Zang gently pulled Qian Renxue back into his arms, and gently stroked the silky long hair behind her with his hands, as if to soothe her inner restlessness.

He lowered his head slightly, stared into Qian Renxue's eyes full of reluctance, and patiently explained:
"For some special reasons, I have to go to the Killing City, but I promise I will come out soon."

After hearing Zang's explanation, Qian Renxue's reluctance eased slightly. Since Zang has decided to go, he must have his reasons.

So, Qian Renxue nodded gently, expressing that she understood and supported Zang's decision. At this moment, Bibi Dong suddenly spoke.

Her voice was calm and firm, as if she was stating a fact:
"If that's the case, then let's take Nana with us.

During the competition, you also met Nana, who was probably three or four years older than you.

Her strength is still too weak. I want you to take her to practice and gain the killing field. "

Zang was slightly startled by Bibi Dong's words. He didn't expect Bibi Dong to make such a suggestion.

He looked down at Bibi Dong and found that she suddenly blinked at him, with a teasing and evil smile on her face.

In an instant, Zang understood what Bibi Dong meant. His love for Hu Liena had already been given to him by his teacher.

So Zang nodded and agreed with Bibi Dong's suggestion.

After all, this beauty was given to me for free. If you don't want it for free, just play with it like Dugu Yan.

However, at the moment Zang nodded in agreement, he suddenly turned over and pinned Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue underneath him.

This sudden move made the two women exclaim at the same time, with expressions of surprise and shyness on their faces.

Seeing their panicked expressions, Zang couldn't help but feel a sense of mischievous pleasure in his heart.

He smiled and said:

"Since we have decided to practice together, let's start with the two of you."

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt that the bodies of the two women were shaking slightly, as if they were afraid and expecting.


The next morning, when the first ray of sunlight fell on the golden roof of the Papal Palace, it shined with dazzling light.

Bibi Dong had woken up early, and her mood was like the bright sunshine, refreshed and full of energy.

She combed her long hair carefully, and her silky lavender hair shone charmingly in the sunlight.

There was a magnificent red cloud on her face, which was better than the most beautiful sunset. It was obvious that she had been moisturized enough in the past two days.

Behind Bibi Dong, Zang was already fully dressed.

Only Qian Renxue was still immersed in sweet dreams, her little face was slightly red, and her breathing was even and peaceful.

Bibi Dong shook her head gently, and couldn't help but chuckle in her heart.

Yesterday, I knew that Zang was going to leave for a while, but Qian Renxue had been pestering him for a long time. The two of them chatted passionately, as if they had endless poker games.

As a result, Qian Renxue couldn't get up today, which made her feel both funny and helpless.

Bibi Dong gently patted Qian Renxue's shoulder and called softly:
"Xiaoxue, get up. Today we are going to see Zang off, so you can't stay in bed."

However, Qian Renxue seemed not to hear her words at all and continued to sleep soundly.

In desperation, Bibi Dong had to bring Zang to the Pope's Palace alone.

Under the astonished gazes of the guards outside the palace, Bibi Dong and Zang walked side by side to the center of the Pope's Palace.

Then, Bibi Dong ordered the guards around her:
"Go and call Hu Liena."

The guards looked at each other, full of doubts in their hearts as to who Zang was, who could actually follow Bibi Dong.

But he didn't dare to hesitate at all and took action immediately.

Not long after, Hu Liena's figure appeared at the door of the Pope's Palace.

She walked in quickly and glanced at the people present. When she saw Zang standing next to Bibi Dong, a look of surprise appeared on her face.

She didn't expect that the person who had defeated her would appear here and stand next to her teacher.

Although Hu Liena was surprised, her reaction was very quick.

She immediately knelt down on one knee and saluted Bibi Dong without making any unnecessary moves.

She knew that Zang's appearance must be arranged by Bibi Dong. She just needed to obey the orders and do her own thing well.

Bibi Dong looked at Hu Liena, a hint of appreciation flashed in her eyes.

She stared at Hu Liena for a while, then said seriously:

"Nana, as I told you last time, I have already decided on arranging for you to go to the Killing City."

Hu Liena was suddenly startled when she heard this, and a vague suspicion surged in her heart.

She subconsciously raised her head and looked at Bibi Dong, trying to find the answer in her eyes.

Bibi Dong continued:
"Nana, I will arrange for Zang to go with you this time to the Killing City.

It just so happens that he can take care of you along the way.

Zang's strength is very strong, very strong.

If you have any questions about cultivation matters, you can ask him. "

After listening to Bibi Dong's words, Hu Liena was very confused about why she was arranged to go with Zang, but she didn't ask too much. She obviously followed Bibi Dong's arrangement.

Bibi Dong looked at Hu Liena's reaction and felt very satisfied.

After everything was explained clearly, Bibi Dong watched as Zang and Hu Liena sat on the same carriage and drifted away.


In the spacious carriage, Hu Liena and Zang sat opposite each other. Although the space was spacious enough, the atmosphere between the two seemed a bit subtle.

Zang was lazily leaning on the cushion at the moment, as if the whole world had nothing to do with him.

He rested his hands on the soft pillow and closed his eyes tightly, as if he was resting his mind or meditating.

From Hu Liena's perspective, Zang's face is the kind of handsome that is unforgettable at first sight, like a carved work of art, with clear lines and every detail is just right.

However, in such handsomeness, there is a somewhat unruly look, as if he is an untamed beast that may show his wild side at any time.

The aura revealed by Zang's gestures and gestures is wild and evil, but it also contains a bit of holiness, as deep as obsidian.

Hu Liena sat opposite, pretending to look at Zang casually.

Her eyes lingered on his face, but she didn't dare to stay too long for fear of being noticed by him.

Her heartbeat accelerated as her eyes moved, and the pounding sound echoed in her ears, as if it was about to jump out of her chest.

Hu Liena tried to stay calm, but she couldn't hide the blush on her face.

She didn't know why she was like this. It was just an ordinary interaction, but it made her heart beat faster and her thoughts race. (End of chapter)

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