I am planting demon Tang San in Douluo

Chapter 253 “Relieving” Stress

"Uh, uh—"

The leading black-armored knight let out a final groan, and then his body fell softly to the ground.

Seeing this, the other black-armored knights were frightened and wanted to retreat, but it was too late.

The power of the "Sacred Tree Domain" swept over like a violent storm, and countless trees submerged their bodies like huge waves.

Hu Liena looked at the scene in front of her with both shock and admiration.

She didn't expect Zang to have such a powerful power and be able to defeat these powerful black-armored knights in an instant. These were not the useless soul masters in the bar.

She looked at Zang's back and felt a strong sense of trust in her heart. She believed that as long as he was there, no matter what difficulties she encountered, she would be able to solve them smoothly.

However, Zang had no time to figure out Hu Liena's complicated and incomprehensible thoughts. His mind was completely immersed in the throbbing of the demon species.

The killing city at this moment, this place full of violence and blood, is like a huge whirlpool of negative emotions.

Nearly infinite murderous aura, death aura, devilish aura, evil aura and other negative emotions surged like undercurrents, being devoured hungrily by the demonic species hiding in the body.

The realm hidden at this moment is at a subtle critical point, probably between the "Tenth Demonic Pole" and the "Realm of Demonic Transformation".

He knows very well that in order to break through the shackles of this realm, a large amount of negative emotions must be used as nutrients for the transformation of the demon species.

These negative emotions are like fuel in a raging fire. Only if they are strong enough can they ignite the hidden potential of the demon species and make it make a qualitative leap.

"Not enough, not enough! We also need the extremely boiling murderous intention as a powerful driving force to make the monsters fight back.

This is in line with the extreme characteristics of the magic method. "

Zang murmured in a low voice, his eyes flashing with a murderous red light, as if there were two flames burning.

The evil energy on his body evaporated like smoke, dyeing the surrounding air with a deep chill.

He stepped over the corpses of the black-armored knights, and continued walking towards the outer city of the Killing City with firm and powerful steps.

As the depth of hiding deepened, the "Sacred Tree Domain" on his body began to show extremely terrifying power.

The originally desolate and bloody land began to grow flowers and green grass after he walked through it, as if a nature walker had come to the world.

Instead of bringing life and hope, these plants have become terrifying existences that devour life.

They grow crazily, turning the surrounding creatures into nutrients for their own growth.

If Zang hadn't intentionally controlled the power of the "Sacred Tree Domain", I'm afraid even Hu Liena would have become a victim of the growth of these plants.

Just as Zang stepped into the city gate, a girl with a black veil on her face suddenly appeared in front of him, with a trace of vigilance and nervousness in her eyes.

She stretched out her slender fingers, pointed at Zang, and said with a hint of trembling in her voice:

"Sir, please pay attention to your behavior. This is the outer city of the killing city. Random killing is not allowed."

However, Zang seemed to turn a deaf ear to the girl's warning. His eyes were cold and deep, as if nothing could shake his heart.

He glanced at the girl indifferently, and then continued to walk forward, as if the girl's existence was just insignificant dust to him.


A sharp sound came, shocking both Hu Liena and the girl.

I saw a sharp tree root suddenly protruding from Zang's back, instantly piercing the black gauze girl's heart.

The girl's body instantly became stiff, her vitality quickly lost, and she eventually turned into a mummy.

The whole process happened so quickly and cruelly that it made people shudder.

Hu Liena followed Zang and witnessed all this.

Her expression became complicated, and an inexplicable fear surged in her heart.

She didn't understand why Zang was so callous and indifferent to life.

The cruelty and indifference of this killing made her feel uneasy and confused.

As Zang entered the outer city of the Killing City, he began to burst out all his soul power and activate the "Sacred Tree Domain" to expand.

For a time, the entire outer city gate was shrouded in rich green.

Those soul masters who were originally guarding the city gate with sallow faces and skinny bodies, looking like mummies, had no time to escape.

They stared in horror at the ever-extending tree roots, unable to break free.

The tree roots were like sharp swords, piercing their bodies and sucking out the last of their nutrients.

Their vitality was quickly devoured by the tree roots, and eventually they turned into mummies, which were hung high on the tree roots.

These tragic scenes filled the hearts of the surviving soul masters with fear and shock.

The outer city of the Killing City seemed to have turned into a terrifying purgatory at this moment, but it also seemed to be full of life.

Those soul masters who still had a glimmer of vitality quickly turned into mummies under the hidden "Sacred Tree Domain".

Their bodies and nutrients are ruthlessly devoured and absorbed by the tree roots.

However, the originally dead buildings were enveloped in lush green, as if spring had arrived.

Zang didn't seem to care about this, and there was a trace of satisfaction and excitement in his eyes.

He continued to move forward, with each step accompanied by the loss of countless lives.

The outer city of the Killing City seemed to have become his slaughterhouse, and the lives of those weak evil soul masters were taken away without any resistance under his powerful "Sacred Tree Domain".

He was cold and firm, as if everything was natural.

However, at this moment, a blazing pillar of fire fell from the sky, like a chasm, blocking Zang's progress.

Zang looked up and saw a black-armored knight flying in the sky with a pair of fire wings.

Wearing black armor, he looked like a flame war god, majestic and solemn.

Zang immediately felt the level 95 soul power emanating from this knight, and he understood that his unscrupulous killing behavior must have attracted the attention of the Killing City's law enforcement team.

This should be the captain of the enforcer team.

"Random killing is not allowed in the outer city of the Killing Capital. Anyone who disobeys will die!" the black-armored knight shouted, his voice revealing endless majesty and power.

Behind him, nine standard soul rings flashed with dazzling light, showing the powerful strength of his titled Douluo.

Zang didn't flinch, his eyes flashed with fighting intent and coldness.

So, he took a deep breath and showed a bloodthirsty smile on his face.

At this moment, another huge fireball hit Zang's position from the sky.

Zang immediately dodged, his figure drew a graceful arc in the air, and then landed steadily on the ground.

There was a coldness in his eyes, as if he was ready to fight.

When the black-armored knight saw this, he did not attack immediately. Instead, he quietly suspended in the air and examined Zang with his sharp eyes.

He knew that although the young man in front of him had killed countless people, his strength should not be underestimated.

He felt an unusual power from Zang's body and knew that he had to deal with it carefully.

However, at the next moment, an indescribable gravity that seemed to compress the entire world in the palm of his hand suddenly fell on him.

It felt like being pressed down by an invisible giant mountain, and even breathing became difficult.

His body was almost unable to move under this gravity, as if it was restrained in place.

"Kingdom" has arrived!

In the Killing City, although soul skills are prohibited, soul bone skills are not restricted.

The hidden Dark Demon Evil God Tiger trunk bone has not used its powerful power for a long time.

And now, in the Slaughter City, this Dark Demon Evil God Tiger trunk bone finally showed its terrifying power.

Just when the enforcer captain was suppressed by the gravity of "Kingdom" and had to fall to the ground, Zang's figure suddenly disappeared.

The next moment, he suddenly appeared next to the enforcer captain like a ghost.

All this happened so suddenly that the captain of the enforcer was completely unable to react.


His eyes widened and he looked at Zang in disbelief.

His heart was filled with doubts and panic, because he could not understand how Zang could do this at all.

In his eyes, Zang's appearance seemed like a slow-motion replay, and every detail was incredibly clear.

In fact, this is all thanks to Xiao Wu's right leg bone.

Previously, Xiao Wu took the initiative to sacrifice to Zang in order to save Tang San, and gave birth to a precious right leg bone.

This soul bone was later devoured by the trunk bone of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, and the soul skills inside were also inherited by the trunk bone.

Xiao Wu's soul bone contributed two powerful soul skills to Zang, one of which is called "Golden Body".

The effect of this skill is to be immune to any attack within two seconds. Although it has a 60-second cooldown, it can play a vital role at critical moments.

The other soul skill is a space soul skill.

The effect of this soul skill is teleportation, which allows Zang to move arbitrarily within the range covered by his mental power, and the number of times is not limited, as long as his soul power is enough to support it.

Zang named this soul skill "Void Walking" because it is like walking in the void, ignoring the constraints of space, and there is no limit on the number of times.

Just now, the reason why Zang was able to teleport to the side of the enforcer captain was because he activated this "Void Walking" soul skill.

His mental power has long been locked on the enforcer captain, so he can accurately appear next to the opponent the moment he activates his soul skills.

Then, under the horrified gaze of the enforcer captain, Zang finally punched out with a bang.

This punch carried endless power, as if it was going to tear the entire space apart.

As the fist was pumped out, a strong wind suddenly rose up and rolled up so violently that the captain of the enforcer could hardly open his eyes.

He could only rely on instinct, mobilize all his soul power, put his arms across his chest, trying to resist this sudden attack.

However, Zang's power was too powerful, and his soul power seemed so insignificant in front of Zang's fist.


A loud noise shook the world, as if thunder was exploding in the ears.

The captain of the enforcer was blown away by this punch, and the powerful force directly knocked him away.

His body drew a long arc in the air, like a meteor piercing the night sky, crashing into the distant house with astonishing speed and force.

The houses along the way collapsed under the impact of the enforcer captain, with broken bricks and wood chips flying everywhere.

His figure shuttled among the collapsed houses, like a bolt of lightning piercing the darkness.

Finally, he slammed into the wall of the inner city, and his whole body fit into the hard stone wall.

After the city wall withstood this heavy blow, a shocking crack appeared.

The body of the enforcer captain was deeply embedded in the city wall, as if it had turned into a strange mural.

Blood spilled from the corners of his mouth, his eyes were closed tightly, and he seemed to have lost consciousness.

Zang stood there, watching all this indifferently.

There was no fluctuation on his face, as if all this was expected.

He knew that the enforcer captain had died under his fist.

The rest of the law enforcement team that rushed around were also stunned by this scene. Their eyes widened and they looked at everything in front of them in disbelief.

They had never seen such a powerful attack, nor had they ever seen someone defeat the Enforcer Captain so easily.

At this moment, the image hidden in their hearts became taller and more mysterious. (End of chapter)

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