
Chapter 115 Ouyang Mingxuan’s Oath

Chapter 115 Ouyang Mingxuan’s Oath
Yin Xiaoxiao hugged Ouyang Mingxuan's waist tightly with both hands, and her crying face was pressed tightly against his bare back.
Ouyang Mingxuan stiffened and stopped in his tracks.He could feel the wetness on his back, that was...
"Xiaoxiao, are you...crying?" Ouyang Mingxuan asked in a low voice, but the tone of his words was affirmative.
Yin Xiaoxiao did not answer Ouyang Mingxuan's question. She hugged Ouyang Mingxuan tightly, sobbing, and explained with a choked voice: "Don't leave! Listen to me, I don't mean to hurt your heart. You I know all the good things you do to me. But just because you are so good to me, I feel uneasy and confused, really confused."
She said all the words she was suppressing in her heart at once. At this time, it was good and the most correct choice for her to continue to resist the other party and let the other party leave. She was hurt in her heart and misunderstood her.But, after all, she couldn't be so hard-hearted!
"Xiaoxiao, don't cry. You cry and my heart is in chaos!" Ouyang Mingxuan turned around and took Yin Xiaoxiao into his arms to comfort him.
She cried so fiercely and sadly, every tear dripped on his back, and then slowly slid down his spine, which broke his heart.
Yin Xiaoxiao raised his head and looked at Ouyang Mingxuan with red and swollen eyes.The tears were like broken beads, falling down continuously.
Ouyang Mingxuan stretched out his hand to wipe the tears from the corners of her eyes, but the more he wiped them, the harder she cried, and he couldn't wipe them away no matter how hard he wiped them away.
"Xiaoxiao, don't cry, please don't cry!" Ouyang Mingxuan didn't know how to comfort her, so he begged her in a low voice.
Yin Xiaoxiao grabbed Ouyang Mingxuan's hands and placed them on her cheeks, "Ouyang Mingxuan, you know that I was hurt by a man in my previous life. I..."
Before finishing the next words, Ouyang Mingxuan nodded and replied: "I know, even if you didn't tell Lei Jingting, I could guess that something bad had happened to you. I found out later, so I told myself , I want to be twice as kind to you, be very nice to you, make you happy, and forget the unhappiness of the past!"
Yin Xiaoxiao pursed her lips and continued: "Also, I am not from here. In the world I live in, men and women are equal, and men are not allowed to have three wives and four concubines..."
Similarly, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted again by Ouyang Mingxuan, "Xiaoxiao, I also said that in this life, I just want to meet a close confidant and stay together for the rest of my life. There is a saying, I walked through thousands of flowers without a single leaf touching me. I said, I am that kind of person, do you believe me?"
He held Yin Xiaoxiao's face seriously and asked her word for word.
Yin Xiaoxiao nodded, heavily.When I first met Ouyang Mingxuan, I was confused by his romantic appearance and thought he was a playboy.Later, after getting in touch with him, he found that the other party was reserved, wise, and unfathomable, and he was also a person entrusted with important responsibilities by the emperor. Yin Xiaoxiao had already guessed and concluded that the other party's romantic and carefree behavior was an illusion.
Since he is such a reserved and deep person, it is not impossible to live among thousands of flowers without even a leaf touching him, right?
"I have never been clean in my past and present lives!" Yin Xiaoxiao tried his best to criticize his faults.
Since you, Ouyang Mingxuan, are very clean, then she, Yin Xiaoxiao, must be very dirty. In the end, the two of them are not worthy of each other, right?
Ouyang Mingxuan shook his head, "Xiaoxiao, I won't allow you to belittle yourself like this. You can't do it cleanly. You don't say it with your words, you have to prove it with your heart. How many women in this world have been defiled by flower pickers, can you Do you think they are all dirty?"
Yin Xiaoxiao lowered his head, "Then...then I am frivolous, vulgar, evil and vulgar!"
"Hahaha!" Ouyang Mingxuan burst into laughter. Could he understand that the reason why Yin Xiaoxiao had been saying harsh words to him for a long time and rejecting his various overtures was because she had low self-esteem?
"Xiaoxiao, it's not like you to be so afraid to face yourself! In my heart, you should be proud of yourself. You may be vulgar and vulgar occasionally, but your self-confidence is something that no one can look down upon!" Ouyang Mingxuan gently pinched Yin's small chin with one hand and asked her to look at him.
Yin Xiaoxin was secretly slandering, hum!What can't anyone look at?Are they all looking down at her like this guy?
But when Ouyang Mingxuan spoke again, he said in a calm tone: "There is no such absolute match in this world. If you see each other, even a beggar living on the street will be moved. If you don't see each other, then the princess's daughter will also see you." If there is nothing. So..."
Yin Xiaoxiao frowned, "So? I... am the beggar living on the street?"
Ouyang Mingxuan blinked his eyes, embarrassed, "Well, just pretend that I didn't say that metaphor! Let's move on to the next topic. Xiaoxiao, I just want to tell you that I am serious about you. I understand that you don't dare to I know what you are afraid of when you surrender your heart so easily. Don't worry, I won't push you too hard, and at the same time, I will use facts to prove my sincerity to you."
"Prove...what?" Yin Xiaoxiao asked hesitantly.
Ouyang Mingxuan pursed his lips and smiled treacherously, "Fool, of course you are proving my sincerity! After I deal with those deceitful people in my house and empty the Hou Mansion, I will ask the emperor to make the decision. , grant us a marriage and let you be the only mistress of my Zhongnan Hou Mansion, okay?"
He looked at Yin Xiaoxiao seriously and expectantly. This was not only the promise he made to Yin Xiaoxiao, but also the oath he made to her.He will marry her and be his only woman!
When Yin Xiaoxiao heard Ouyang Mingxuan's words, her eyes flickered. The sincerity in the other person's eyes was burning like a hot flame, which made her unable to resist.
Her heart was not only warm, but also very sweet, and the sweet feeling was spreading infinitely.
"Xiaoxiao, why don't you talk? Okay?" Ouyang Mingxuan saw that Yin Xiaoxiao didn't speak, but a sweet smile appeared on the corners of his lips. He understood the other person's intentions, but he knew it deliberately. It's really a big deal. Evil and cunning.
Yin Xiaoxiao saw the cunning smile in the other person's eyes and pushed him with both hands, "Fuck you!"
Ouyang Mingxuan staggered and fell to the ground.Yin Xiaoxiao suddenly remembered that the other party had just given her a lot of energy, and immediately she exclaimed and went to pull him.
"Ah!" Unexpectedly, Ouyang Mingxuan simply pretended to scare Yin Xiaoxiao. When he fell to the ground, he also fell into his arms when Yin Xiaoxiao reached out.
"Asshole, you lied to me!" Yin Xiaoxiao raised his fist and was about to hit him.
Ouyang Mingxuan smiled very cheaply, "Hey, you hit me, hit me hard, if the beating is kissing, scolding or loving, then I am willing to let you hit me!"
Hearing this, Yin Xiaoxiao lowered his raised fist and symbolically punched Ouyang Mingxuan's chest, "Glib tongue!"
Ouyang Mingxuan took advantage of the situation and hugged Yin Xiaoxiao tighter, "Then I'm only talking glibly to you!"
Yin Xiaoxiao wouldn't believe this to death, "I'll spare you the trouble, it's just you. I don't know how many women you've said sweet words to!"
Ouyang Mingxuan pressed his forehead tightly against Yin Xiaoxiao's forehead, looked at her seriously, and then said with a smile: "The sweet words spoken from the bottom of my heart are only for you. From now on, the sweet words spoken, Only for you. Is this okay?"
Yin Xiaoxiao pursed her lips, and she behaved well even though she got an advantage, "Is that so? Then... I'll think about it!"
"What? Do you still want to think about it? Then I'll let you think about it!" Seeing Yin Xiaoxiao's refusal, Ouyang Mingxuan grabbed Yin Xiaoxiao's armpits with both hands.
Ask her not to admit it, and pretend to be hanging on to her even though she is interested in him.Doesn't she know that she is so intimidating that she can't even sleep at night?
"Ah haha, don't scratch me, I'm ticklish!" Yin Xiaoxiao laughed out loud while avoiding it.
The laughter was like a silver bell, very penetrating, lingering in Ouyang Mingxuan's ears for a long time!
However, after hearing that Yin Xiaoxiao was ticklish, Ouyang Mingxuan couldn't let go of such a great opportunity.Therefore, he launched an even more fierce scratching attack on Yin Xiaoxiao.
"Haha, don't be like this, ah!" Yin Xiaoxiao fell to the ground like a little turtle in order to avoid Ouyang Mingxuan.
Ouyang Mingxuan reluctantly stepped forward and scratched, causing all kinds of itchy sensations on Yin Xiaoxiao's body.
"Hahaha, no, no, no, hahaha!" Yin Xiaoxiao's stomach ached.
Smiling and laughing, Ouyang Mingxuan felt that his movements stopped and the atmosphere became weird.
"Uh!" Yin Xiaoxiao looked intently, and Ouyang Mingxuan was looking at her with bright eyes, like a big bad wolf seeing the little white rabbit.
Those eyes were extremely bright, glowing with green light, and they were looking at Yin Xiaoxiao greedily!
"Hey, hey, where are you looking?" When Yin Xiaoxiao lowered his head, he saw that his clothes were disheveled and he was naked.
She angrily protected her important parts, okay!I was scratched by Ouyang Mingxuan just now. I laughed and hid, but in the end, I ran away without even knowing it!
Ouyang Mingxuan moved closer to Yin Xiaoxiao, and the corners of his lips curved in a strange way.It looked like the big bad wolf was about to eat up the little rabbit!
"What are you doing?" Yin Xiaoxiao protected himself even more carefully.
Ouyang Mingxuan smiled maliciously, "Haha, you said... what am I going to do?"
"Gu Gu! Gu Gu!" Ouyang Mingxuan's words fell to the ground, and some kind of strange cry spread in the air.
"Uh! Um...I'm hungry!" Yin Xiaoxiao looked at Ouyang Mingxuan pitifully and honestly expressed his feelings.
Well, at such a critical moment, her belly is really disappointing!What a terrible sight!
Ouyang Mingxuan smiled, with some self-blame in it.
Patting his forehead, he apologized: "Look, it's dark today, and I didn't even think of getting you something to eat. Just wait here, and I'll get you something to eat!"
"Hey, where are you going? It's already dark!" Yin Xiaoxiao looked outside the cave entrance, and it was obviously getting dark.
Ouyang Mingxuan glanced at the sky outside and said confidently: "Don't worry, the sky looks like daytime to me. Just stay here and I will be back soon!"
The words fell, ready to leave.
"Wait a minute!" Yin Xiaoxiao called him and pointed at his naked upper body, "Are you going to go out like this? Bring me my clothes and put yours on."
Ouyang Mingxuan blinked and did as he was told.Watching Yin Xiaoxiao take off her clothes in front of him with her blushing cheeks, her shy and coquettish look...
"Xiao Xiao!" Ouyang Mingxuan took the clothes and called out in a low voice.
Yin Xiaoxiao raised her eyes, put on her own clothes, and asked, "Huh? What's the matter?"
Ouyang Mingxuan raised his fingers and said, "Come here!"
Yin Xiaoxin didn't think too much and moved closer.
Ouyang Mingxuan continued to seduce, "Get closer!"
Yin Xiaoxiao obediently came closer and asked sensitively: "What are you doing?"
"Bo!" Ouyang Mingxuan kissed Yin Xiaoxiao's lips, and then said with a sly smile: "Why don't you do it? Just do this!"
"Ouyang Mingxuan!" Yin Xiao raised his fist stingily.
But the other party rushed out of the cave like a ghost, and the shadow was invisible.
"Asshole!" Yin Xiaoxiao stamped his feet and cursed angrily, but there was no trace of real anger on his face?
Sitting back in front of the fire, Yin Xiaoxiao fell into deep thought, thinking of his past life and everything that happened when he came to Tianqi Kingdom.It is undeniable that before she fell under the cliff, she did not deliberately give her heart to anyone, but it caused a strange ripple in Jun Moyin.
And now...
Looking at the dark sky outside the cave, Yin Xiaoxiao raised a sweet smile on her lips.In fact, Ouyang Mingxuan is really good, and he is even more kind to her.Jun Moyin absolutely cannot do this and cannot let go.
Maybe it's because Ouyang Mingxuan's identity is too complicated and he does too many things to make fun of, so he is flexible and flexible, not arrogant or cold.He could always put down his posture and make her laugh like a scoundrel, making her feel that he cared about her.
Yin Xiaoxiao never thought that she was an aloof and aloof person. If she likes him, he likes her. If he accepts him, he will inevitably accept him.It had only been half a day from falling off the cliff to now, but Ouyang Mingxuan had allowed her to see so many good things about him!
In the previous life, I entrusted my body and mind to Petter, and lost miserably.In this life, he shouldn't have handed himself over so easily and hastily, but for this man Ouyang Mingxuan, Yin Xiaoxiao wanted to take a gamble!Bet that he is worthy of her acceptance!
As for Jun Moyin...
Biting her lip gently, Yin Xiaoxiao knew that if she accepted Ouyang Mingxuan, she and Jun Moyin would definitely come to an end.I don’t want to be a woman who is half-hearted and wavering. If you love, love with all your heart.If you don't love, give up completely. This is her principle!
"Here comes the rabbit!" Ouyang Mingxuan's excited and showy voice came from outside the cave.
Not long after, I saw him walking in happily carrying a rabbit.
Yin Xiaoxiao smiled and stepped forward, "Are you back? Why so fast?"
Ouyang Mingxuan looked stunned.
Yin Xiaoxiao pursed her lips, noticed something strange about the other party, and asked suspiciously: "What's wrong?"
(End of this chapter)

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