
Chapter 117 Her happiness is king

Chapter 117 Her happiness is king
Yin Xiaoxiao knows the current affairs and is a hero. When he saw the sinister smile on Ouyang Mingxuan's face, he quickly stopped his smile and treated the visitor seriously.
She shook her head, shook her head desperately, and said - "I'm not laughing, I'm not laughing!"
Ouyang Mingxuan's lips raised even more powerfully, "Don't worry! You laugh, keep laughing, laugh unscrupulously. By the way, tell me what you are laughing at, and let me laugh with you!"
Hearing this, Yin Xiaoxiao waved her hands quickly, "No, no, no, I've laughed enough, you think I'm having a seizure!"
Your sister, Ouyang Mingxuan looks so sinister like this, like an evil wolf with a big tail!Someone came to rescue her soon, and she was afraid...
Said, is there anyone else Yin Xiaoxiao is afraid of?Is this possible?
"Hmm!" As soon as Yin Xiaoxiao finished speaking, Ouyang Mingxuan scooped her into his arms and kissed her mouth fiercely.
Yin Xiaoxiao only had time to grunt, and there was no room for refusal.
"Madam, it's late at night. Even though we are a loving couple, we still have to go to bed, right?" Ouyang Mingxuan directly pushed Yin Xiaoxiao down under him, and his movements were as smooth as flowing water.
Yin Xiaoxiao stiffened and said in a low voice: "Ouyang Mingxuan, this kind of joke is not allowed."
Ouyang Mingxuan raised his eyebrows, "Who are you kidding? Tonight, you are mine!"
After saying that, he kissed Yin Xiaoxiao's lips again.
Yin Xiaoxiao reached out and hugged Ouyang Mingxuan's head, forcing him to stay away from her lips.
She breathed heavily and looked at Ouyang Mingxuan, "I'm telling you seriously, this won't work, I can't!"
Ouyang Mingxuan said nothing, but looked at Yin Xiaoxiao, with a look in his eyes that Yin Xiaoxiao couldn't understand, as if he was lonely or entangled.
He took a deep breath, sat up straight, and left Yin Xiaoxiao.Then, he turned his head and looked elsewhere.
"You like Jun Moyin, but you have him in your heart, so you can't accept me!" He said plainly, but his tone was full of desolation.
Yin Xiaoxiao was stunned and sat up, "What did you say?"
Ouyang Mingxuan didn't look at her, and said in a calm voice: "Don't deny it, you once said that I am the one who understands you best. I can see that you are... very special to Jun Moyin, and you like her very much. !”
Yin Xiaoxiao felt like she couldn't laugh or cry.Should she give a thumbs up and praise Ouyang Mingxuan as "awesome"?
Pursing her lips, Yin Xiaoxiao leaned a little closer to Ouyang Mingxuan.Then, she reached out and gently grasped Ouyang Mingxuan's warm hand.Feeling that the other party stiffened due to her actions, Yin Xiaoxiao smiled lightly.
She looked at Ouyang Mingxuan seriously and said in a low voice: "My thoughts are different from others, and I am a bit unscrupulous. I admit that I have a special feeling for Jun Moyin."
When Ouyang Mingxuan heard Yin Xiaoxiao's frank admission, he suddenly felt that his heart was shattered...
"You woman, don't you know how to lie?" Ouyang Mingxuan was really defeated by Yin Xiaoxiao. He turned his head away in anger and stopped looking at Yin Xiaoxiao.
Well, men can be very stingy when they are jealous!
Yin Xiaoxiao curled her lips and despised the other party.She didn't even finish her words. Is this damn man going to be so arrogant?
Rolling his eyes, Yin Xiaoxiao continued: "However, I have special feelings for him, which is human nature. You know, when I came here, it was the night of the wedding ceremony with Jun Mo. We He did what a normal couple should do. After that, one after another, he and I had sex several times. I don’t think he was very good to me, but he wasn’t bad either. In ancient times, women’s Fame is very important, and I’m afraid it’s impossible to find a man who doesn’t care about my status. So I followed the idea of ​​marrying a chicken, marrying a dog, marrying a dog, and I thought about continuing to live like this with him. Because I thought about living with him forever, so I naturally had a place for him in my heart and treated him as my significant other."
Ouyang Mingxuan listened quietly to the side until Yin Xiaoxiao finished a long sentence.
"Then...what about now?" Finally, he couldn't help but asked.
Yin Xiaoxiao pursed her lips and snickered, laughing at Ouyang Mingxuan's stubborn temper like a child.
She stretched out her hand and turned Ouyang Mingxuan's face directly towards her, making eye contact with him, "Now! It's different now. I found a man who doesn't care about my identity. He treats me well, loves me and tolerates me. He has a bad temper and is willing to do this and that for me without any regrets. So am I crazy or stupid? How could I let such a good man go? Do you think so?"
Hearing this, Ouyang Mingxuan's face finally turned from gloomy to clear.
He looked at Yin Xiaoxiao with bright eyes, and the corners of his lips curved brightly, "Really? Do you really think so? Then you just..."
Going around in circles, we go back to the incident when Ouyang Mingxuan wanted to be with Yin Xiaoxiao and was rejected.He thought that Yin Xiaoxiao rejected him because she couldn't let go of Jun Moyin, but now it was obvious that she could let go of Jun Moyin. Why... why didn't she accept him?
Yin Xiaoxiao saw Ouyang Mingxuan's thoughts and shrugged helplessly, "Didn't I just say that? My thoughts are different from others. Since I accept you, I will definitely tell Jun Mo Draw a clear line. Although I am a bit vulgar and vulgar, I like to tease men and do all kinds of mischief. But I am absolutely serious about relationships. So, before I get the divorce letter, We two can't be together! Do you understand?"
Ouyang Mingxuan shook his head, "I don't understand!"
Yin Xiaoxiao stared, "If you don't understand, you have to let me understand!"
Ouyang Mingxuan reluctantly came forward and hugged Yin Xiaoxiao tightly, "Then if you can't get the divorce letter in your life, won't I become a monk?"
"What are you talking about? Can you have some confidence in me? Can you hope that I will get the divorce letter soon? Bastard!" Yin Xiaoxiao wanted to punch the other person directly.
Ouyang Mingxuan still refused, "No, no, I won't do it. You are obviously unfair to me!"
Yin Xiaoxiao curled her lips, "Then you can tell me what is fair?"
Ouyang Mingxuan smiled proudly and responded shamelessly: "I will show you my sincerity. When I empty out the Marquis Mansion, whether you get the divorce letter or not, you have to become my person. Otherwise... otherwise I will I tied you up and raped you!"
Yin Xiaoxiao's head was covered with black threads, was she tied up and raped?Look at Ouyang Mingxuan's potential!
Before he could speak, Ouyang Mingxuan shouted happily: "Hey, if you don't say anything, I'll take it as your consent!"
Yin Xiaoxiao rolled his eyes, okay!As a married woman who has already cheated on her in her mind and heart, she doesn't mind waiting until the other party empties the palace and shows sincerity, ahem... her body follows suit.Anyway, she didn’t even proudly pat her chest and say she was a good girl!
The chaste and martyr wife of God, those are all floating clouds, far and far away from her.In her previous life, she was a chaste and fierce woman, loyal to Petter both physically and mentally, but didn't she die a more tragic death?She couldn't pretend to be chaste even if she wanted to in this life. Who told her to encounter such bloody dramas as the wedding ceremony and lose her virginity before she lost her heart?No wonder she is, right?
Could it be that when she traveled through time, she was married to a man who was neither cold nor enthusiastic towards her, and who only used her as a tool to vent her anger every day?Then she met a man who was very kind to her and regarded her as his only treasure. However, he stupidly pushed the man who was good to her away, and then stubbornly married her. With?
What next?Watching him and his concubine making love to each other every day, with long ambiguity and tenderness?In the blink of an eye, he frowned at her and said sour words to her?Is this a good day?Yes, it is true that Yin Xiaoxiao has a perfect life and has gained the reputation of a chaste and martyrdom woman, but is the reputation of a good name useless?
Can it be eaten as a meal?Can it be drank as water?Can you give you a shoulder to lean on when you are sad?Can I support you and make you worry-free?cannot!Just looking at Jun Moyin's attitude towards Zhen Yuyan, isn't that gentle enough?But can he be as coquettish and coaxing as Ouyang Mingxuan?Is it possible to be scolded by a woman and still have the audacity to smile and come forward waiting to be scolded?
cannot!cannot!Yin Xiaoxiao only accepted Ouyang Mingxuan's confession very seriously, seriously and firmly after weighing it carefully.There are not many good men in this world who are willing to be nice to her.She is lucky to have met him.If you miss it, who can guarantee that they will be waiting for you where you are?
There is a saying that you only know how to cherish when you lose it!Yin Xiaoxiao just didn't want to wait until she lost it before cherishing it.If you can catch something, why not catch it?Why push away?
Life is your own, not someone else's.The path of her life is up to her.As long as Ouyang Mingxuan dares to clear the Hou Mansion and Ming Media is marrying her, she will dare to marry him.The mouth is on other people's bodies, and whoever wants to say whatever they like, it is the right thing for her to live happily!
"Madam, what are you thinking about? Are you all stunned?" Ouyang Mingxuan approached Yin Xiaoxiao, who was deep in thought, like a ghost, and grinned evilly.
Yin Xiaoxiao came back to his senses, raised his hand and hit the other person, "Don't yell! Be careful, you are used to yelling, and you can't change it! Just call me Xiaoxiao. If I marry you one day, then you If you don't call me 'lady' again, I won't let you off lightly, do you understand?"
"Yes!" Ouyang Mingxuan bared his teeth happily.That mean look made Yin Xiaoxiao smile in his heart.
This man always makes her laugh!
Taking a deep breath, Yin Xiaoxiao took the initiative to snuggle into Ouyang Mingxuan's arms.
She said: "If you are good to me, I will be twice as good to you. The most unbearable thing for me is deception and betrayal. If you choose me, you can't regret it, let alone deceive me, and you can't betray me." otherwise--"
(End of this chapter)

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