
Chapter 125 Listen 1 Listen to her explanation

Chapter 125 Listen to her explanation
Ouyang Mingxuan stayed in Yin's small north wing and did not leave until early in the morning.
Yin Xiaoxiao was sleeping deeply at that time and didn't know that the other party had left.Ouyang Mingxuan knew that she was very tired after a bumpy ride in the car during the day, so he was careful and tiptoeing when walking, for fear of disturbing her.
At three o'clock in the morning, Yin Xiaoxiao was still sleeping sweetly.However, Prince Lian's palace has already begun to spread rumors about her and Ouyang Mingxuan, and they are telling them in a decent way.
Seeing that Yin Xiaoxiao couldn't get up so late, Pearl and Jade were anxious, so they knocked on the door and called her.
"Knock, knock, knock!" There were knocks on the door, but Yin Xiaoxiao was still asleep.
Pearl and Jade became more and more anxious and began to call, "Madam! Madam?"
"Well, don't make any noise, let me sleep a little longer!" Yin Xiaoxiao muttered and continued to sleep with her head covered.
Pearl and Jade heard Yin Xiao's response, knocking on the door and calling.
"Knock knock knock!"
"Knock knock knock!"
Even if Yin Xiaoxiao could sleep, being attacked by two girls like this would drive him crazy.
Sitting up, Yin Xiaoxiao scratched his hair like crazy and roared angrily: "Ouch!"
Seeing no one around him, Yin Xiaoxiao stopped shouting.Ouyang gone!
Rubbing her eyes, she reluctantly put on her shoes and went to the ground, opening the door for the two little maids.
"Wow, what time is it?" As soon as he opened the door, the golden sunlight pierced Yin Xiaoxiao and exclaimed, covering his eyes with his hands.
Pearl and Jade walked in one after another, closed the door, and shouted in unison: "Madam, what time has it been? You are still in the mood to sleep!"
Yin Xiaoxiao curled her lips, "It doesn't matter what time it is, my mother-in-law said when I returned home yesterday, I won't be given a tea ceremony today after all the hard work. What's the matter with me sleeping a little longer?"
Pearl and Jade, you look at me, I look at you, and finally respond bluntly: "Madam, something happened, something big happened!"
Hearing this, Yin Xiaoxiao frowned, "Why are you so flustered? Stick your tongue straight and speak!"
Pearl pointed to the door and explained with a worried look: "Madam, this morning the boy and the maid who were shopping for vegetables in the backyard kitchen came back from the busy market, and they began to spread rumors to slander you. The slave and Jade are very angry, and they will We argued for a few words. In the end, I found out that I don’t know which evil-hearted person was slandering my wife’s reputation on the street outside.”
Jade nodded repeatedly and continued: "It has only been a few hours, and the streets and alleys and the courtyards of Prince Lian's Mansion are all talking about this matter. Madam, please think of something quickly, otherwise the gossip will reach the ears of the Dowager in a while. , things will get serious!”
Yin Xiaoxiao looked at the pearls for a while and the jade for a while, expressing her confusion at the two girls' eager words.
Touching her nose, she asked dully: "You two have been talking for a long time, but I can't understand you? What rumors or slander? Can you be more specific and clear?"
Pearls and emeralds are dumb.Could it be that the two of them just talked so much in vain and were playing the piano to others?
The two maids talked to each other and tried their best to repeat everything they heard to Yin Xiaoxiao. During the process, they jumped and jumped exaggeratedly, stared and shook their fists, and showed their teeth and claws as if they were going crazy.
Finally, Yin Xiaoxiao felt that she understood!
It turns out that this morning someone spread a rumor in the downtown area that Yin Xiaoxiao and Ouyang Mingxuan fell under the cliff. The two people stayed alone under the cliff for a day and a night. This incident was originally nothing.But now it has been spread into various versions——
Version [-]: Prince Lian's concubine Yin Xiaoxiao and Zhongnan Hou Ouyang Mingxuan fell under a cliff. The romantic Zhongnan Hou saw that Yin Xiaoxiao was pretty, so he transformed into a beast and humiliated Yin Xiaoxiao. One night!
For this version, Yin Xiaoxiao gives a thumbs up and sincerely praises it!If someone who knows how to make up stories like this writes novels, he will have one pornographic joke after another, and it will be so hot!
Version [-]: Yin Xiaoxiao, the concubine of Prince Lian, and Ouyang Mingxuan, the Marquis of Zhongnan, fell off a cliff. Seeing the charming and heroic appearance of the Marquis of Zhongnan, Yin Xiaoxiao took the initiative to take off his clothes and seduce each other.Finally, Zhongnan Hou Meise couldn't control herself at the moment and had an improper relationship with Yin Xiaoxiao.
Yin Xiaoxiao is very dissatisfied with this version.Did she take off her clothes to hook up?Please, she can't control him without stripping him naked!
Version [-]:…
Well, before it was version three's turn, there was a knock on the door that was neither gentle nor heavy.
"Mrs. Yin, this servant is Mei'er who is with the concubine in the east courtyard. The concubine asked me to invite the lady to the main hall!" Mei'er's voice outside the door was disrespectful and a little arrogant.
When Pearl and Jade heard this, they shouted in a low voice: "It's over, it's over, Madam is in a bad situation now. The gossip must have spread to the concubine, and now the concubine is going to punish you!"
When Yin Xiaoxiao saw the two little maids worried about her, her heart warmed, and she smiled fearlessly: "Silly girl, it's okay! Only those who are righteous will be vindicated in this matter, including the Emperor, Shangguan Queen Mother and your family." The prince believes in me, am I afraid that others will gossip and slander me? Don’t worry, it’ll be fine!”
After saying this, Yin Xiaoxiao opened the door and followed Mei'er who was waiting outside the door and walked towards the main hall of the east courtyard.
After Yin Xiaoxiao left, Pearl and Jade blinked, looked at each other in tacit understanding and said in unison: "Do you feel that Madam has changed this time when she came back from the Summer Resort?"
Yes, it has changed!She no longer called herself 'my wife', and used the words 'your prince' when referring to Jun Moyin.What do you mean by your prince?Isn't their prince Prince Yin Xiaoxiao?
I still remember a time when Yin Xiaoxiao would call Jun Moyin 'my prince'?
Main hall of east courtyard
As soon as Yin Xiaoxiao entered the door, she saw Mrs. Dou sitting firmly on the high seat.Behind them stood the three maids: Aunt Min, Lan'er, Zhu'er, and Ju'er.
On the lower seat, Zhen Yuyan sat on the right, and behind her stood her nanny Wei and her maid Ping An Ruyi.There's nothing strange about this!
The strange thing is that Jin Lian'er, who was bitten by a snake, is also there, sitting proudly on the left, with her wet nurses, Aunt Gui and Chun Yu Qiu Lu, standing behind her.
Yin Xiaoxiao first bowed to Mrs. Dou to say hello, then came Jin Lian'er on the left, and Zhen Yuyan on the right, "Xiaoxiao has met her mother-in-law, her sister the princess, and her sister the concubine!"
Jin Lian'er and Zhen Yuyan didn't say a word, looking at Yin Xiaoxiao with cunning and sinister eyes, as if the two hunters had seen the little white rabbit waiting to be slaughtered.And there is no doubt that Yin Xiaoxiao is the little white rabbit.
On the other hand, Concubine Dou, who was sitting at the table, frowned slightly and responded softly, "Well, Mei'er, show Mrs. Yin her seat!"
Look, Concubine Dou really likes Yin Xiaoxiao after all.Don’t forget to let Yin Xiaoxiao sit down at this time!
Mei'er responded softly and moved a chair to Yin Xiaoxiao. Yin Xiaoxiao politely thanked Mrs. Dou and sat down unceremoniously.
As soon as she sat down, Yin Xiaoxiao praised Mrs. Dou: "Mother-in-law, I haven't seen you for a few days. You are getting younger and younger, your face is rosy and you are full of vitality!"
have to!There are many things to wear, but flattery never wears off. The least that can be said in the opening remarks is flattery and flattery.
However, even if she knew that these words were flattering, Mrs. Dou felt happy in her heart when she heard them.This woman, no matter how old she is, always likes others to praise her for her beauty.An elderly person like Mrs. Dou no longer deserves the word "beautiful", so she really likes to be praised for being young and energetic.
Yin Xiaoxiao is doing what he likes!
Just then, Mrs. Dou raised her finger and pointed at Yin Xiaoxiao, smiling from ear to ear, "Hehehe, look at you girl, you have such a clever mouth, it's like you've put honey on it, and you can't stop talking to everyone you meet!"
Jin Lian'er and Zhen Yuyan lowered their faces when they saw Concubine Dou smiling.What a shameless old man.I believe this kind of nonsense and feel complacent about it!
Yin Xiaoxiao had a panoramic view of the facial expressions of Concubine Dou, Jin Lian'er and Zhen Yuyan, and knew that Jin Lian'er and Zhen Yuyan hated him for trying to make Concubine Dou happy.
That’s it!She, Yin Xiaoxiao, has always been a generous person and enjoys sharing the blessings. Since you two are envious, let’s follow her and get the glory together!
Thinking like this, Yin Xiaoxiao looked at Concubine Dou's smile and responded seriously and firmly: "Mother-in-law, what Xiao Xiaoxiao said is true! You are becoming more and more graceful and regal, younger and younger, and your face is... Not even a wrinkle can be seen, I feel so jealous!"
After a pause, Yin Xiaoxiao added firmly: "Every sentence in the novel is from the bottom of my heart. If my mother-in-law doesn't believe it, she can ask her two sisters!"
Jin Lian'er and Zhen Yuyan saw Yin Xiaoxiao coaxing Concubine Dou so happily that they could not open their mouths from ear to ear. They were so angry that they almost beat their chests. Where did they hear what nonsense Yin Xiaoxiao said?So none of them had any reaction at all to Yin Xiao's novel.
Concubine Dou happily looked away from Yin Xiaoxiao, and subconsciously looked at Jin Lian'er and Zhen Yuyan, wanting to silently see if they had the same view.As a result, I found that the two daughters-in-law looked darker than the other, looking as if someone had died in the family.
At that moment, the smile on Concubine Dou's face gradually disappeared, replaced by a deep look of is in her forties and uses pearl powder to paint her face every day to maintain her beauty. She doesn't get even a word of praise from her two daughters-in-law, but they all look grim. Does this mean she wants her to die soon?
Aunt Gui and Aunt Wei, who were standing behind Jin Lian'er and Zhen Yuyan, were both human beings. Seeing Concubine Dou's face darken, they stretched out their hands to push their mistress and whispered in her ears.
Jin Lian'er and Zhen Yuyan came to their senses one after another, their expressions became even uglier, they glared viciously at Yin Xiaoxiao who was full of teasing smiles, looked at Concubine Dou anxiously and shouted: "Yes, yes, yes, mother-in-law, you are serious." Getting younger and younger!”
The belated flattery made Mrs. Dou even more unhappy. She always felt that the two daughters-in-law were trying to cater to her in a far-fetched way.Compared with Yin Xiaoxiao's sincere praise before, the taste is quite different!
Jin Lian'er raised her eyebrows. Seeing that Mrs. Dou was unhappy, she went straight to the topic and reminded Mrs. Dou: "Mother-in-law, you have summoned my sister, should we..."
She deliberately stopped talking, but everyone present understood what she wanted to say.
Concubine Dou is the queen of the palace, and Jin Lian'er is the mistress of the palace.Now, within their jurisdiction, if Yin Xiaoxiao is exposed to such a scandal, they have the right to hold her accountable.
Concubine Dou frowned and looked at Jin Lian'er, and scolded displeasedly: "Why are you in a hurry? Everyone is here, how can you still run away? But now that it's time for you to show off your rights as a mistress, treat me like an old woman. Are you dead?"
Hearing this, Jin Lian'er immediately apologized, "Mother-in-law, it was Lian'er who was wrong. Lian'er didn't dare to go overboard."
He cursed Concubine Dou a hundred and eighty times in his heart. Was this damn old woman given ecstasy by Yin Xiaoxiao?
Concubine Dou ignored Jin Lian'er's ugly expression and looked at Yin Xiaoxiao expectantly. Even her tone was very kind, "Xiaoxiao, did you enjoy your visit to the Summer Resort this time?"
Yin Xiaoxiao nodded, the corners of his lips raised in a big arc, "I'm very happy to reply to my mother-in-law!"
Concubine Dou said 'hmm' and then asked, "What interesting or unforgettable thing happened? Can you tell me about it?"
Yin Xiaoxiao blinked, was Mrs. Dou telling a cliché, a cliché, or a cliché?
She sniffed and said honestly: "Mother-in-law, there are so many interesting things to do, such as seeing the scenery and soaking in hot springs, there are countless things to do. As for unforgettable things, there are also many! For example, Qiu Lu and the Queen's side Guard Liu had an affair in the Buddhist hall, the princess sister was bitten by a snake, and Xiaoxiao was caught and thrown under a cliff, and she almost died!"
Yin Xiaoxiao said so much in one breath, completely ignoring the changing expressions of everyone present.Especially Qiu Lu, whose name was called, was even more angry and angry.Almost everyone present who had not gone to the summer resort glanced at Qiu Lu, either in shock, disbelief, or gloating.
When Concubine Dou heard Yin Xiaoxiao's words, she glanced at Qiu Lu.Concerning Qiu Lu's affair with Liu Yi, Mrs. Dou would not ask even if she was curious. What kind of person does that make her look like?
I had asked Jin Lian'er about being bitten by a snake before, and the other party said it was an accident.So at the moment, what makes Dou Taifei most curious is the last thing Yin Xiaoxiao mentioned, about her being caught and thrown under a cliff.
Raising her eyebrows, Concubine Dou asked suspiciously: "Xiaoxiao, you just said that you were caught and thrown under the cliff? What's going on? Please tell me carefully!"
Yin Xiaoxiao nodded immediately, eloquent and eloquent, and started to talk with saliva flying -
"Mother-in-law, this is what happened. I played horse-drawing with the Queen Mother that day and won a lot of money. Then I went to the hut to count the banknotes."
"Pfft!" All the maids and mothers present laughed out loud.Mrs. Yin is truly worthy of being the daughter of a merchant. She talks about money!
Yin Xiaoxiao didn't care at all about the laughter present. She narrowed her eyes, shook her head and said, "I was counting over and over again, and suddenly..."
"Ouch!" The whole room gasped. They were startled by her voice. Even Mrs. Dou touched her chest and gasped.
Yin Xiaoxiao continued to add: "Suddenly, a man tapped my acupuncture points, and then ran away with him on his back. I was so frightened that I broke out in cold sweat. I thought to myself, it's over, it's over! This is a robber. But it turned out that he didn't care about money at all. He didn't even look at my banknotes flying all over the floor, and he carried me all the way towards the mountains. When I added it up, my God! Isn't this a robbery?"
Hearing this, Mrs. Dou became nervous due to Yin Xiaoxiao's words.
She asked anxiously: "Then what? The robber... what did he do to you?"
Not only Mrs. Dou is curious, but others are also curious.Of course, in addition to Jin Lian'er, Zhen Yuyan and Qiu Lu.The three people glared at Yin Xiaoxiao angrily, hating her delaying tactics of changing the subject.
It's almost time for the next morning court. If Jun Moyin comes back, it will be even more difficult to use Concubine Dou's help to deal with Yin Xiaoxiao by spreading rumors about Ouyang Mingxuan and Yin Xiaoxiao. Difficult!
However, at this time, Yin Xiaoxiao was like a storyteller, whetting Concubine Dou's appetite so much that Jin Lian'er and Zhen Yuyan did not dare to say anything casually.
Everyone in the room was listening to Yin Xiaoxiao's exaggerated words——
"It turns out that the robber didn't want to rob me at all, he wanted to kill me! Fortunately, at the critical moment, Marquis Zhongnan appeared. Unfortunately, that half-baked guy really didn't live up to expectations and was far behind our prince's martial arts. So. , not to mention that he had never beaten the bandits, but he was kicked off the cliff by the bandits, and then... I was kicked down too. Fortunately, there was a pool under the cliff, so Zhongnan Hou and I escaped from death. "
Concubine Dou took Yin Xiaoxiao's words to heart and her eyes began to deepen, "Do you know who kicked Xiaoxiao off the cliff?"
Yin Xiaoxiao nodded, "I know, it's Liu Yi. He said that I relied on myself as the prince's favorite concubine, so I had a lot of dissatisfaction with the princess sister, but I didn't dare to vent it, so I got angry at Qiu Lu who was next to the princess sister. He and Qiu Lu It’s not that kind of relationship, so I wanted to avenge Qiu Lu, so I decided to kill me, I’m just a concubine, and if I die, it will be a clean slate!”
"Pa!" As soon as Yin Xiaoxiao's words fell to the ground, Concubine Dou slapped the table and stood up, "You have rebelled against him. Are you easy to bully in Prince Lian's palace? What happened to a concubine? Even if it is a concubine, it is still a noble concubine. He is a concubine. How dare you, a little guard, be so arrogant and blatantly kill someone?"
When Yin Xiaoxiao saw that Concubine Dou was very angry, she immediately stood up and comforted her: "Mother-in-law, don't be angry, don't be angry! The Emperor has already decided this matter for Xiaoxiao, so Liu Yi... click!"
Finally, he made a beheading gesture, which made Qiu Lu even more angry and wanted to chop Yin Xiaoxiao into pieces.
Concubine Dou nodded, looked Yin Xiaoxiao up and down, and said happily: "Fortunately, Xiaoxiao, you are fine, I'm lucky at last!"
Hearing Mrs. Dou's words, Jin Lian'er's face darkened.What's going on?Aren't they going to impeach and reprimand Yin Xiaoxiao for his infidelity?How come this old woman forgot what happened after hearing Yin Xiaoxiao's nonsense?It seems that she has to be shameless to give hints!
Thinking of this, Jin Lian'er took a deep breath and said in a calm tone: "Mother-in-law, if my sister survives the catastrophe, she will be blessed later. You should be concerned about what happened to her and Lord Zhongnan that day and night under the cliff. Did you pass? Now there are rumors flying all over the world. As the saying goes, there is no smoke without fire. Do we have to listen to my sister's explanation of this matter? "
(End of this chapter)

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