
Chapter 127 Don’t blame Xiaoxiao

Chapter 127 Don’t blame Xiaoxiao
When Yin Xiaoxiao saw Mrs. Dou looking like she wanted to eat someone, she felt bad in her heart.
This Concubine Dou really likes her and dotes on her, but that's because Concubine Dou hopes that Yin Xiaoxiao will carry on the family lineage of Prince Lian's palace and lead Jun Mo to spread his influence!
Deep down, except for her son Jun Moyin, the one whom Mrs. Dou loves and loves the most is all for nothing!
The last time Yin Xiaoxiao scolded Jun Moyin, Concubine Dou found out, and she was scolded.this time……
While she was thinking secretly in her heart, Concubine Dou was already angrily scolding Zhen Yuyan's wet nurse, Aunt Wei, to make her words clear.
"Mother Wei, what's going on? Please speak clearly!" Concubine Dou's eyes were as wide as a bell, and her face was not very pretty.
Aunt Wei was so frightened that she immediately knelt on the ground and begged for mercy loudly: "Princess, please forgive me, Princess, please forgive me, it's the old slave who talks too much!"
Zhen Yuyan looked at Concubine Dou and took the words gently, "Mother-in-law, this matter is all a matter of Chen Sesame and rotten millet. Don't listen to the nurse's nonsense!"
Concubine Dou glanced at Zhen Yuyan, a hint of ridicule flashed in her eyes, and it passed quickly.The master and the servant were singing in harmony, didn't they just hope that she, the old woman, would teach Yin Xiaoxiao a lesson?How could she do it if she didn't fulfill their wishes?and……
Looking at Yin Xiaoxiao, Mrs. Dou's eyes showed a hint of helpless dissatisfaction.Although this child is young, she does not understand the rules. If she is not punished, she will not be willing to remember!
Thinking like this, Concubine Dou narrowed her eyes and urged majestically: "Mother Wei, tell me quickly, could it be that I, an old woman, have no weight in what I say?"
Hearing this, Aunt Wei quickly explained honestly: "To return to the concubine, a few days ago, before the masters went to the summer resort, Mrs. Yin went out to play with the Marquis Zhongnan, the Fifth Prince, and General Lei. They came back. At that time, she met the prince outside the door and had a few quarrels. Later, Mrs. Yin slapped the prince in front of everyone and was punished by the prince to kneel in the Buddhist hall. After that, the prince never went there again. Spend the night in the north wing..."
Concubine Dou narrowed her eyes and looked at Yin Xiaoxiao sharply, "Xiaoxiao, is what Mother Wei said true?"
Yin Xiaoxiao pursed her lips and nodded, "Reply to my mother-in-law, this is indeed the case, but..."
"No need to explain!" Dowager Dou directly interrupted Yin Xiaoxiao's words and scolded her coldly: "Xiaoxiao, you are becoming more and more unruly! I told you that when you insulted Yin'er that day. Understand, you are a concubine, and Yin'er is your god. Whatever he does is right, and what he does wrong is also right. He is your god, and you must obey everything he says without any objection. , let alone disobey or talk back. Have you turned a deaf ear to all this?"
When Yin Xiaoxiao heard what Concubine Dou said, she felt indignant.Mother-in-law is obviously deliberately favoring Jun Moyin!What does it mean that what he did wrong is also right?Why is she so tired of this pedantic feudal custom?
Biting her lip, Yin Xiaoxiao retorted: "Xiaoxiao doesn't read much and doesn't understand what her mother-in-law said very well. Xiaoxiao only knows that when others treat me with all their heart, I will treat them sincerely. If others are not nice to me, say bad words, and shake hands, then I can't be nice to them. It's a bitch to shamelessly stick to someone else's cold ass. I, Yin Xiaoxiao, can do everything, but I can't be bitch. !”
"Yin Xiaoxiao!" Concubine Dou's original intention was to scold Yin Xiaoxiao and ask her to think about her mistakes behind closed doors, copy the female commandments, and learn what she should do as a wife and daughter-in-law.
But she never expected that Yin Xiaoxiao would say such treacherous words as soon as she opened her mouth.What does it mean to be mean but not mean? Is she scolding all the women who surround her husband as being mean?When a woman gets married, she obeys her husband. If she doesn't revolve around him, is it possible that she will revolve around other men?
Jin Lian'er and Zhen Yuyan were already gloating about their misfortune and were about to jump up. Yin Xiaoxiao must have taken the wrong medicine today. If the old woman said anything she said, she would not know whether to live or die, hahaha!What is this called?Oh, it is your own fault and you will not live!
Concubine Dou's hands were trembling with anger. She stared and scolded sternly: "If you rebel, you are rebelling! Yin Xiaoxiao, since you are so strong-willed, I don't want your face to be used against Yin Xiaoxiao." My cold ass, then from today on, you can go to the backyard. When you can make it your mission to attract your children, then go back to the north wing!"
"Mother, you must not do this!" A hurried cry came from outside the door.At the same time as the sound fell, Jun Moyin, who had returned from the morning session, hurriedly stepped into the main hall.
Having just heard Mrs. Dou's scolding outside the door, Jun Moyin became anxious immediately.When the mother sent Yin Xiaoxiao to the backyard, didn't that mean she was reduced to a slave?
He stood beside Yin Xiaoxiao, pulled Yin Xiaoxiao up from the chair, and knelt on the ground with him.
After that, I heard Jun Mo's loud voice saying to Concubine Dou: "Mother, the relationship between the child and Xiaoxiao is very good. Things in the past were just small frictions, and they were over. Please give the child a little thin face, mother, Don't embarrass Xiaoxiao. The backyard... is not a place for her to stay!"
When Yin Xiaoxiao heard Jun Moyin's words, his eyes lifted slightly.In fact, there is no denying in my heart that Jun Moyin is a very contradictory person.He was hot and cold at times, sometimes he was very bad to her, but sometimes he was very nice to her.For example, he gave her medicine in the palace, and he gave her oral medicine in the Buddhist hall. These all show that Jun Moyin is a good person.
However, Jun Moyin is an arrogant person, with a bad temper and a bad temper.He will fall out whenever he wants, regardless of her feelings, and he will do anything.With such a child-like temper, and not knowing how to manage relationships carefully and tolerate each other, Yin Xiaoxiao really couldn't stay together with him.
A beloved man should stay together for the rest of his life.A lifetime is so long, and it is really difficult for a person like her who lives in a world where men and women are equal to have to struggle with the chauvinist Jun Moyin for the rest of her life!
She didn't say anything, and she didn't even show her gratitude to Jun Moyin for interceding with her.He just lowered his head and waited for Mrs. Dou's 'final verdict'.
Seeing Yin Xiaoxiao's expressionless look, Mrs. Dou felt unspeakably depressed.What's wrong?Is her son, the majestic prince, not worthy of this woman?Why does she always have the feeling that Yin Xiaoxiao doesn't care about Yin'er at all?Look at Jin Lian'er and Zhen Yuyan wanting to have their eyes fixed on Jun Moyin all day long, but Yin Xiaoxiao...
How could the old lady understand Yin Xiaoxiao's pain?Let her stare at her dear husband all day long, watching him like a dog watching a bone. Can she still live this life?good!Yin Xiaoxiao admitted that if she could have looked at Petter so bitterly in her previous life, he would not have betrayed her with Xingqing.
Yin Xiaoxiao always feels that if a man and a woman fall in love, they should consciously defend their love castle for each other.Instead of asking either party to watch and stick to this!Is this love or a prison?
The atmosphere became weird because of Jun Moyin's plea.Everyone is waiting to see how Concubine Dou will handle this matter!
After a long while, Concubine Dou waved her hand with a dark face and said decisively: "I have made up my mind about this matter. Don't ask for mercy from Yin'er! Yin Xiaoxiao will go to the backyard to reflect on you from now on. When did you think you can be a good concubine? If we break up, come find me again!"
Yin Xiaoxiao was not surprised by the result. He responded in a low voice, got up and walked out of the main hall.
"Xiaoxiao!" Jun Moyin pulled Yin Xiaoxiao, his face full of anxiety.He stood up and came to Yin Xiaoxiao's side, whispering in a low voice: "You just entered the house and you don't know the complexity of the backyard. Apologize to your mother quickly. She is soft-hearted and will forgive you!"
(End of this chapter)

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