
Chapter 134 She is almost exhausted

Chapter 134 She is almost exhausted
Yin Xiaoxiao pursed her lips, blinked her beautiful eyes at Ouyang Mingxuan's handsome face, and asked in a low voice: "Mingxuan, you are such a clean and self-loving man, you must be arrogant. Follow me. Wouldn't you feel aggrieved if we were together? I'm like this, married, and yet..."
"Shh!" Ouyang Mingxuan pressed a finger on Yin Xiaoxiao's lips to prevent her from continuing.
He spoke and continued on her behalf.
He said: "Don't always talk about your past. No matter what you are like, you are the person I choose. I cherish everything about you. I am lucky to have you. How can I feel wronged?"
Yin Xiaoxiao's cheeks turned red and she asked in a low voice: "Don't you really feel wronged? However, I always feel as if I have wronged you and am taking advantage of you!"
Well, when I say this, I’m actually laughing in my heart!She was such a wretched and bad woman, but she found such a pure man. It would be strange not to snicker!
When Ouyang Mingxuan saw Yin Xiaoxiao talking duplicity and talking about how he had been wronged, he was laughing so hard that he was stunned, and a cunning and strange look flashed in his eyes.
A smirk appeared on the corner of his lips, and Ouyang Mingxuan responded in a low voice with an unserious look: "When you said that, I seem to feel that I am really aggrieved!"
"Uh, what?" Yin Xiaoxiao's eyes widened, and the situation changed.Damn, this man is really wronged?
Ouyang Mingxuan observed Yin Xiaoxiao's shocked and angry look, and added with a smile: "It's really Xiaoxiao, when you tell me, I feel very wronged now. I gave you my first time, you must always be right I take full responsibility, right? So, for that reason, you have to make it up to me."
Yin Xiaoxiao gritted his teeth, "Okay!"Very good!This man just regretted it after eating it, right?Do you want her to compensate?
Rolling his eyes coldly, Yin Xiaoxiao sat up directly and scolded in a cold voice: "Tell me, how do you want me to compensate you?"
Ouyang Mingxuan touched his nose, okay!His little woman was unhappy and angry.The speed of turning the tables is comparable to turning the pages of a book!Could he understand that this was a sign that his little woman didn't want to lose him?
Suddenly, Ouyang Mingxuan's eyes tightened, he sat up suddenly, held Yin Xiaoxiao with one hand to prevent her from falling, and covered Yin Xiaoxiao's lips with the other hand.
"Someone is coming!" Ouyang Mingxuan said in a low voice.
Yin Xiaoxiao froze up and his eyes were as wide as a bell.Mamma Mia, isn't it so bad?Her current situation with Ouyang Mingxuan is a real act of cheating on Hongxing. If someone catches her, will she be forced to sink into a pig cage and sink into a pond?
Just as I was wondering, I heard a few gentle knocks on the door——
"Knock knock, knock knock!"
Yin Xiaoxiao looked at Ouyang Mingxuan, blinked hard, and motioned for him to let go of his hand.
Ouyang Mingxuan let go of his hand and clasped Yin Xiaoxiao's slender waist.
Yin Xiaoxiao took a deep breath and asked in a loud voice: "Who is it?"
A cold and cool voice came from outside the door, "My king!"
Yin Xiaoxiao froze again, looked at Ouyang Mingxuan in horror, and whispered: "Fuck! You were spotted when you came here!"
Ouyang Mingxuan shook his head affirmatively and lowered his voice, "Impossible! No one in Tianqi Kingdom can match my lightness. If I climb over someone's wall or enter someone's room, even ghosts can't find it, let alone a living person. People!"
Is that so?Yin Xiaoxiao raised his eyebrows suspiciously, ignored Ouyang Mingxuan's narcissistic look, and asked again: "Oh, my lord, are you okay?"
I won't move as long as the enemy doesn't move. Let's first ask about the situation!
Outside the door, Jun Moyin's voice was still extremely cold.
He said: "It's the end of the Youshi period, why don't you go to the main hall to have dinner?"
Yin Xiaoxiao rolled his eyes, he was promising!She didn't go to the main hall to have dinner, and Jun Moyin came to look for her in person?
Outside the door, Jun Moyin responded in a deep voice: "Xiao Xiao, please come out. Mother has called me to come to the main hall for dinner!"
"Your Majesty, I won't eat tonight. I drank a lot of soups and supplements during the day, and now my stomach is full. You, your mother-in-law, and your sisters can eat it, and don't worry about me!" Yin Xiaoxiao said.
Outside the door, Jun Moyin heard Yin Xiaoxiao's words and didn't know what to say.
After a long while, he responded: "Well, I will ask the kitchen to cook you some bird's nest porridge. If you are hungry in the middle of the night, let Pearl and Jade come to the kitchen to bring it to you!"
When Yin Xiaoxiao heard Jun Moyin's words, he immediately said with relief, "Okay, my lord, I understand, thank you!"
When Jun Moyin heard Yin Xiaoxiao thank him, a faint smile appeared on his lips.Why was this woman so weird tonight that she even thanked him?Forgot who was playing tricks on him during the day?
Raising an eyebrow, Jun Moyin didn't think much about it.After all, Yin Xiaoxiao is very fickle!
So, he turned around and said the last words, "You should have a good rest, I am gone!"
After that, stride away.
Behind him, Yin Xiaoxiao's voice could be heard seeing him off - "Your Majesty, go slowly, Your Majesty, go well!"
(End of this chapter)

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