
Chapter 136 The young prince is a bastard

Chapter 136 The young prince is a bastard
At sunset, Yin Xiaoxiao had already exchanged souls with Jun Moyin.
Jun Moyin slowly opened his eyes, and what he saw was Yin Xiaoxiao's arms outside the quilt.The lotus arms were marked with dense kiss marks that were so eye-catching that they blinded his titanium alloy eyes!
"Uh!" With a low voice, Jun Moyin was sure that he was back in his body now.But, how fierce was he before?Did he actually ravage Yin Xiaoxiao like this?
His eyes looked around in disbelief at Yin Xiaoxiao's delicate skin exposed outside the quilt. A pair of lotus arms and under the collarbone were almost unsightly, with very exaggerated hickeys.
The big hand gently reached out and landed on Yin Xiaoxiao's sleeping face, gently stroking her cheek.Very smooth and tender!
This woman is vulgar, rude, fierce, and rampant.However, he couldn't tell what attracted him, and he admitted that he liked her, not only for her body, but also for her... person!
Gently leaning forward, Jun Moyin kissed Yin Xiaoxiao's forehead.
Yin Xiaoxiao had been pretending to be asleep. When she felt Jun Moyin touch her cheek, her heart skipped a beat.Now, Jun Moyin kissed her forehead, how could Yin Xiaoxiao sit still and wait for death?
He turned over very deliberately, turned his back to Jun Moyin, and whispered in a low voice: "Well, I'm so tired, please let me go!"
Sure enough, after saying this, Jun Moyin didn't embarrass her again, let alone kiss her.Yin Xiaoxiao felt the other party take a breath, then seemed to sit up and get dressed.
In order to be more realistic, Yin Xiaoxiao took advantage of Jun Mo's soul being suppressed by the little ghost until he lost consciousness, then exchanged his soul with him, and then stripped off all his clothes.Come to think of it, Jun Mo Yinduan won't be suspicious!
The bed suddenly felt soft because Jun Moqing got off the bed.He dressed neatly and left the room quietly.
After the door closed, Yin Xiaoxiao suddenly opened his eyes and sat up in time.She stared at the direction where the door was closed, and silently said sorry to Jun Moyin in her heart——
"Jun Moyin, I'm sorry, we are not the same person. Please forgive me for teasing you in this way! I'm really... really sorry!"
During dinner, Yin Xiaoxiao excused himself from going to the main hall to eat because he was tired.The incident between her and Jun Moyin in the afternoon had already spread throughout Prince Lian's palace, so Concubine Dou naturally also received the news, and she was extremely happy at the moment.
Isn't that right? After hearing Yin Xiaoxiao's novel, she was tired and stopped coming to the main hall to eat. She hurriedly asked Aunt Min to tell the kitchen to make some body-building dishes and bring them to the north wing. She also said that she could just order from the kitchen what she wanted to eat.
Yin Xiao was snacking on the food sent from the kitchen. It was so rich, but it didn't taste good.Concubine Dou really wanted a grandson, but she was destined to disappoint him!
After dinner, Yin Xiaoxiao specially asked Zhenzhu to see where Jun Moyin was staying.When he learned that the other party was resting at Zhen Yuyan's place in the south courtyard, he ordered hot water to be brought, dismissed the pearls and jade and returned to the room to rest. He closed the door and bolts alone, and went behind the screen to prepare for a bath.
There was a strange noise, something Yin Xiaoxiao was familiar with!After that, a slight breeze came and then stopped.
A faint smile appeared on Yin Xiaoxiao's lips. She knew that it was Ouyang Mingxuan who jumped out of the window!This man, does he dare not to come every day?
"Xiao Xiao!" Ouyang Mingxuan walked behind the screen and saw Yin Xiaoxiao leaning in front of the tub and smiling lightly, as if she knew he was coming.
Yin Xiaoxiao nodded and watched the other person walk up to her and then take her into his arms.
He kept murmuring, kept murmuring, "Xiaoxiao, how can you be so beautiful that I want to go crazy and fall for you willingly?"
Yin Xiaoxiao's ears were filled with the love words spoken by Ouyang Mingxuan when he was in love, and her heart felt sweet, and her whole body became even softer and turned into a puddle of water.
Ouyang Mingxuan, he is really a bad man that Yin Xiaoxiao loves and hates!This man is so bad, really so bad!
"Xiao Xiao! Xiao Xiao!" There was a low voice calling in his ears.
He could still clearly feel that Ouyang Mingxuan was repeating the everlasting melody of love, and he could also hear the other party's lingering calls full of love, but Yin Xiaoxiao's eyelids were so heavy and she was so tired!
I want to sleep, I really want to close my eyes and take a deep nap!
After such thoughts flashed through Yin Xiaoxiao's mind, she fell into a deep sleep and never woke up.
At dawn the next day, Yin Xiaoxiao was sore all over, as if his bones had been torn apart. He even turned over in pain and wanted to curse.
"Hmm!" Yin Xiaoxiao frowned and turned over, feeling that her waist was about to break.
The little hand was placed on the 'object' beside him, it was warm and firm, like...
"Huh?" Yin Xiaoxiao suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the 'foreign object' lying next to him in surprise.
"You, you, you..." Yin Xiaoxiao was tongue-tied!
(End of this chapter)

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