
Chapter 146 Ouyang Mingxuan comes to propose marriage

Chapter 146 Ouyang Mingxuan comes to propose marriage
Ouyang Ming closed the window and strode to the bedside, calling in a gentle and low voice: "Xiaoxiao, I'm back!"
Yin Xiaoxiao jumped directly into Ouyang Mingxuan's arms, hugged the other person's thick waist tightly with both hands, and cried loudly like a child who had suffered many grievances.
"Ooooo! Mingxuan, ooooo!"
Ouyang Mingxuan hugged Yin Xiaoxiao tightly, originally wanting to stop her from crying so loudly, but after thinking about it, she had nowhere to vent the sadness in her heart these days. She was afraid that seeing herself would be like finding an outlet to vent. , what should I do if I don’t let her cry out and break her body from holding it in?
Even though his heart ached, Ouyang Mingxuan responded to Yin Xiaoxiao with nothing but holding her tightly.He allowed her to vent her tears and cry to him all the grievances she had suffered over the past few days!
"Wuwuwu, Mingxuan, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I didn't protect our child. Our child is gone, gone, wuwuwu!" Yin Xiaoxiao said while crying, her voice was choked and hoarse, and it was hard to hear. Ouyang Mingxuan's heart was broken.
Pursing his thin lips, Ouyang Mingxuan stretched out his hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of Yin Xiaoxiao's eyes, and comforted in a low voice: "Silly girl, what are you talking about? You are not sorry for me, it is my fault, it is me who is sorry for you. I should have done it before I left. I was careless in assigning the shadow guard to protect you at all times. Xiaoxiao, don’t cry anymore, you cry and make me feel uncomfortable and feel guilty!"
Yin Xiaoxiao shook his head and kept shaking his head in Ouyang Mingxuan's arms, "No, it's my fault. It's all my fault! Mingxuan, my heart hurts so much. I really miss you. I miss you every day." I’m all thinking about you and our children, woo woo woo!”
Ouyang Mingxuan gently patted Yin Xiaoxiao's shoulder and back. He knew that Yin Xiaoxiao was too sad!Isn't he very sad?But he is a man and the mainstay of Yin Xiaoxiao.He couldn't be overly sad and decadent, he had to give Yin Xiaoxiao some support and soothe her sad mood!
After all, the child is gone after all!He couldn't blame Yin Xiaoxiao.
Ouyang Mingxuan was comforting Yin Xiaoxiao in a low voice when there was a rapid knock on the door——
"Knock knock, knock knock!"
Yin Xiaoxiao was startled and looked up at Ouyang Mingxuan.Ouyang Mingxuan nodded lightly and signaled Yin Xiaoxiao to ask who was outside the door.
Yin Xiaoxiao pursed her lips and asked with a choked voice: "Who is it? Who is outside?"
Outside the door, the anxious voices of Pearl and Jade immediately came, "Miss, are you okay? I heard you crying, did something happen?"
Since Yin Xiaoxiao returned to Yin Mansion, Pearl and Jade began to change their words and call Yin Xiaoxiao 'Miss'.
Yin Xiaoxiao heard the concerned inquiries from the two slaves and quickly responded: "It's okay! I just had a nightmare. You can go back to the room and rest. I'm fine!"
When Pearl and Jade heard what Yin Xiaoxiao said, they had no choice but to leave.
Ouyang Mingxuan patted Yin Xiaoxiao's shoulder and comforted him in a low voice: "Xiaoxiao, don't cry! We are still young, and we will have many children in the future. This child leaves so that we can be happy together as soon as possible. Life. If you are so sad and desperate, aren’t you letting down the opportunity our children gave us with their lives?”
Yes!Yin Xiaoxiao does not deny this.The loss of her child gave her an excellent opportunity to leave Prince Lian's mansion as soon as possible.Jun Moyin gave her a letter of divorce, and Mrs. Dou could not force her to stay.Because in this matter, it was Jun Moyin who owed Yin Xiaoxiao after all.Therefore, the loss of this child is equivalent to exchange for Yin Xiaoxiao's fate of leaving Prince Kai Lian's mansion long in advance!
Ouyang Mingxuan doesn't know how to appease people, but what he says often hits the point.Perhaps this kind of comforting words is not as good as sweet words and vows of eternal love.However, when Yin Xiaoxiao heard what he said, she really stopped crying.
As the saying goes, a blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise!The fact that Yin Xiaoxiao lost a child could not be undone, but at the same time, she was able to leave Prince Lian's palace, get rid of her status as Jun Moyin's concubine, and be able to be with Ouyang Mingxuan openly.
Ouyang Mingxuan took out the brocade handkerchief he carried with him and wiped Yin Xiaoxiao's tears. Then he comforted her and lay down. He took off his shoes and coat and prepared to get into bed.
"Hey, Mingxuan, what are you doing?" Yin Xiaoxiao asked suspiciously while wiping her tears.
Ouyang Mingxuan shrugged and responded with a matter-of-fact expression: "Of course I'm going to bed. It's so late, do you still want me to go back?"
Yin Xiaoxiao twitched the corners of her lips, feeling a little embarrassed, "Well... I'm in a very unlucky situation right now. If you sleep with me, you won't be afraid of..."
"What are you talking about?" Ouyang Mingxuan directly interrupted Yin Xiaoxiao's quarrel, pretending to be angry and scolding her, "You are not unlucky, you are my lucky star!"
After kissing Yin Xiaoxiao's forehead lightly, Ouyang Mingxuan got into bed without any explanation and hugged Yin Xiaoxiao's slender waist tightly.
Yin Xiaoxiao pursed her lips and said nothing, but she had mixed feelings in her heart, and she was even more moved.In this feudal ancient times, it was very unlucky for a woman like her to have a miscarriage, and she was especially taboo about sleeping on the same bed as a man.But Ouyang Mingxuan...
A pair of small hands unconsciously hugged Ouyang Mingxuan tighter, and the person moved closer to his warm embrace.She is becoming more and more dependent on Ouyang Mingxuan, and more and more she finds that she can't do without him!
Ouyang Mingxuan felt Yin Xiaoxiao's attachment, and he hugged her tighter. A pair of warm hands gently touched her belly, one after another.
There used to be their children there, but he was careless and failed to protect their children.However, this child will never be lost in vain. He will make his loss valuable and meaningful, and record his achievements in his and Yin Xiaoxiao's future life!It was this child who spent his immature life in exchange for the opportunity for them to be together brightly, and both he and Yin Xiaoxiao would cherish it.
That night, Yin Xiaoxiao slept peacefully in Ouyang Mingxuan's arms, and her sleep was extremely sweet.She didn't have nightmares, she didn't wake up crying.
The next day, when Yin Xiaoxiao woke up, Ouyang Mingxuan had not left yet. He was dressed and sitting on the bedside staring at her.
Yin Xiaoxiao met Ouyang Mingxuan's dreaming gaze, and her cheeks turned red inexplicably, "You...why haven't you left yet?"
"Xiao Xiao, I really want to marry you as soon as possible, be my bride, and be my woman forever!" Ouyang Mingxuan said with hope, his eyes shining with a strange light.
He has been waiting for that day for a long time!
Yin Xiaoxiao pursed her lips and said firmly: "Mingxuan, don't worry, I will be your bride soon! You are right, I can't let down the opportunity our children have created for us with their lives. In fact, I am quite sad when I lose my child. However, the sadness is sad, but it has not reached the point of despair. Because you are my hope, and with you here, I will not despair. From today on, I will do my best Plan our future. We will be happy!"
When Ouyang Mingxuan heard what Yin Xiaoxiao said, the stone hanging in his heart quietly settled down.He knew that by saying this, Yin Xiaoxiao had completely overcome the pain of losing his son!
During Yin Xiaoxiao's recuperation period, Ouyang Mingxuan would come every night, and it could be said that it was rain or shine.He hugged Yin Xiaoxiao and fell asleep together. Sometimes he would tell her some stories, sometimes he would tell her some anecdotes. More often, he would plan their future with Yin Xiaoxiao and enjoy looking forward to their future. Little happiness.
During this period, Bairi Junmoyin also became a frequent visitor to the Yin Mansion.Yin Xiaoxiao counted with his fingers and found that in just seven days, that guy had been to Yin Mansion no less than five times.According to Pearl and Jade, when they first came here, Jun Moyin was scolded by Father Yin so much that he was so bloody that Yin Xiaoxiao laughed from ear to ear when he heard the stories of the two maids.
However, within three or two days, Jun Moyin came to visit again.When Pearl and Jade came to repay, they didn’t know what Jun Moyin said to Father Yin. This time, Father Yin changed his attitude towards Jun Moyin. Not only did he look kind and friendly, but he also asked his servants to serve Jun Moyin well and behave politely. Tea, water and snacks were served.If Yin Xiaoxiao hadn't been resting in the room, Father Yin would have pushed Jun Moyin into Yin Xiaoxiao's room.
When Yin Xiaoxiao heard what Pearl and Jade said, his face turned green!The good relationship between her father and Jun Moyin is very detrimental to her!
When Jun Moyin came to Yin Mansion for the third time, Father Yin began to enthusiastically play chess with Jun Moyin and drink and have fun.But Jun Moyin, who had always been cold and cold, turned out to be as gentle as jade, smiling throughout the whole process.
When Yin Xiaoxiao heard the news, he quickly called Xiao Guigui and asked him to go and find out what was going on between Jun Moyin and Father Yin.
Soon, Xiao Guigui lived up to his expectations and relayed the news he heard to Yin Xiaoxiao.It turned out that Jun Moyin sincerely apologized to Father Yin. Regarding Yin Xiaoxiao's tire slip, Jun Moyin admitted that it was his fault and made it clear that he had neglected Xiaoxiao before and would work hard to correct it and try to make it work. Xiaoxiao saw his sincerity and married him again.
Jun Moyin also said that if he marries Yin Xiaoxiao again this time, he will give Yin Xiaoxiao the title of concubine in Prince Xiaolian's palace!
Father Yin is a standard silly old man. When he saw Jun Moyin talking about this and having such a sincere attitude, his face lit up with joy. He patted Jun Moyin and repeatedly said that he dared to take responsibility. , able to bend and stretch, as a man.When Yin Xiaoxiao heard what Xiao Guigui said, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he was completely speechless towards his nominal father.
People say that tripping over a stone once is nothing.But it would be foolish to trip over the same stone twice!Yin Xiaoxiao liked Jun Moyin before. The man was not bad in nature, but he was a bit chauvinistic, indecisive and thoughtless.Yin Xiaoxiao once thought about living with him for the rest of his life!As a result, after getting along for a long time, she realized that the other person was not suitable for her.
Therefore, Yin Xiaoxiao will never soften her heart because of Jun Moyin's sincere show of kindness at this moment and follow him back to Prince Lian's Mansion.That is simply an international joke!
Let me ask, can Jun Moyin abandon Jin Lian'er and Zhen Yuyan for her?cannot!Humph, even if he could, Yin Xiaoxiao wouldn't be with him.On the contrary, Ouyang Mingxuan can.To put it bluntly, Ouyang Mingxuan was able to keep his face down better than Jun Moyin, he knew how to express his love for Yin Xiaoxiao, and he even knew how to lower his profile to make Yin Xiaoxiao happy.
This woman, who is not vain?Who doesn't like to be pampered, loved and hurt?A husband who treats you with a cold face every day, and a husband who hangs around you every day to greet you, do any fools know that it is better to choose the latter?
Ever since, after learning that Father Yin intended to help him and Jun Moyin renew their old dream, when Ouyang Mingxuan came again at night, Yin Xiaoxiao began to discuss countermeasures with him, planning how they could get together, and was known by everyone. recognized.
After all, everyone knows that Yin Xiaoxiao is the concubine of Prince Lian Jun Moyin.Although Ouyang Mingxuan has a famous name, he is also a marquis.If he is with the abandoned Yin Xiaoxiao, he will inevitably fall into the trap and many people will disapprove of him.
Not to mention anyone else, I'm afraid Yin Xiaoxiao's father will be the first to jump out and refuse to agree!
Therefore, Yin Xiaoxiao and Ouyang Mingxuan really came up with a lot of crooked ideas on this troublesome matter.Day by day passed, and as Yin Xiaoxiao was about to reach full term, the two finally hit it off and decided on their little conspiracy...
On this day, a shocking news spread in the streets, alleys, restaurants, teahouses, and even inns and gambling houses of the capital.
Let’s listen to everyone’s discussion and gossip——
Passerby A: "Hey, have you heard? A few days ago, Prince Lian divorced his noble concubine Yin Xiaoxiao!"
Passerby B: "Tsk, what's this? No one in the capital knows about it!"
Passerby A blinked and said mysteriously: "But who of you knows the specific reason, huh?"
Passers-by B and C asked simultaneously: "What's the reason?"
Passerby A smiled evilly and replied: "The latest news I got is that the specific reason is that Yin Xiaoxiao had an affair with the dandy Marquis."
"Wow! Is it true?" Passerby Yi questioned.
Passerby C nodded and analyzed: "It's possible. When the emperor came back from his summer resort some time ago, rumors spread in the capital that Prince Lian's concubine spent a whole day and night at the foot of the cliff with the Marquis of Zhongnan. I remember it was quite a sensation at the time!”
Passerby A nodded frequently and narrated vividly: "That's right! It was at that time that the two of them had a love affair. They also had a one-night stand and got pregnant with a child. After returning to the capital, Prince Lian learned that his concubine was pregnant with another man. He is such a bastard, so he couldn't help but give Yin Xiaoxiao an abortion, and then kicked her out with a letter of divorce."
Passers-by B and C were shocked, “So that’s it!”
As a result, one spreads to ten, ten spreads to a hundred, and a hundred spreads to a thousand.Finally, various versions of the explosive news of Prince Lian cuckolding his concubine emerged on the streets.
Version [-]: Yin Xiaoxiao had an affair with the romantic marquis Ouyang Mingxuan, and the child she was pregnant with was aborted by Jun Mo and expelled from the palace!
Version [-]: In the summer resort, Yin Xiaoxiao and Ouyang Mingxuan fell down a cliff. Ouyang Mingxuan bullied Yin Xiaoxiao and made her pregnant.After Jun Moyin learned about it, he killed the bastard in Yin Xiaoxiao's belly and expelled him from the palace!
Version [-]: Yin Xiaoxiao was not favored in Prince Lian's palace, and unwilling to be lonely, he hooked up with Ouyang Mingxuan, who was a romantic man. The two had a secret estrangement. Jun Moyin found out about it, and he aborted Yin Xiaoxiao's child and expelled him. The palace.
Version [-]: Yin Xiaoxiao was pregnant with Jun Moyin's child, which aroused the jealousy of Jun Moyin's concubine and pushed her into a pond, causing a tire slip.Yin Xiaoxiao asked for a divorce letter in anger and left Prince Lian's mansion angrily!
It is said that the last version came from the mouth of a servant girl in Prince Lian's palace.Compared with the above three versions, it is really unconvincing and unconvincing. Therefore, it was cut in half after being circulated for only half a day, and no one discussed it.On the contrary, the three versions above are discussed every moment of every day.
In just three or four days, the whole capital was shocked.Everyone knows that there is something going on between Yin Xiaoxiao and Ouyang Mingxuan!Whether the two were in love, secretly having an affair, or Ouyang Mingxuan bullied Yin Xiaoxiao, there was something going on between the two of them. Yin Xiaoxiao's expulsion from Prince Lian's Mansion was related to Ouyang Mingxuan.
For a time, people with a sense of justice accused the suave Ouyang Mingxuan, saying that he was evil-minded, dared to do things but did not act appropriately, and was a coward.Ouch, the scolding is really unpleasant!
In the end, Ouyang Mingxuan, who was unable to lift his head after being scolded by everyone, had no choice but to bring a 120-carat betrothal gift with him on the first day that Yin Xiaoxiao was full-term and could leave the house. , I went to the Yin Mansion to propose marriage in a grand manner!
Regarding Ouyang Mingxuan's move, some people said that he could not bear the condemnation of his conscience.Some people say that he really likes Yin Xiaoxiao.Others say that he is used to being romantic and will marry anyone, so it doesn't matter.Marrying Yin Xiaoxiao is just to stop Youyou's mouth!
Main hall of Yin Mansion
Yin Xiaoxiao's body has recovered, she can jump and jump, and she is full of energy and energy.She rubbed Dad Yin's shoulders and back while chatting with him.
I heard Dad Yin nagging: "Xiao Xiao, Prince Lian is a nice person and he really likes you. He told Dad that when you are almost healed, he will carry the sedan chair with you. Marrying you with the title of concubine is just a matter of course. This time, you will be rewarded with all the hardships!"
Yin Xiaoxiao rolled his eyes, speechless!
"Dad, my daughter has no fate with Prince Lian. Don't always put your daughter together with him. My daughter will be a nun in this life, so don't marry him again!" Yin Xiaoxiao's attitude is very clear. Marry a chicken or a dog. I won’t marry Jun Moyin anymore.
When Father Yin heard what Yin Xiaoxiao said, his face darkened and he became unhappy, "You silly girl, what are you talking about? If you don't marry Prince Lian, are you really going to die at home for the rest of your life? Or are you going to do that? Marry someone else? Don’t you know that a woman cannot serve two husbands?”
Yin Xiaoxiao pouted and whispered: "Which law says that a woman cannot serve two husbands? These days, once the divorce letter is written, from now on, the marriage of men and women has nothing to do with each other. Why can't I get married? ?”
Hearing this, Father Yin jumped up and said, "You unfilial daughter, you really want to get married a second time! Who are you going to marry? Are the rumors outside true that you have an affair with that romantic prince?"
Personal affair?When Yin Xiaoxiao heard the words "Daddy Yin", the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely.Just as he was about to explain to the other party, the butler's announcement came from outside the door——
"Master, Miss, Marquis Zhongnan is asking to see you. He...he still brought...brought..."
"What are you bringing? Can't you straighten your tongue and speak?" Yin Xiaoxiao was annoyed with the butler's stuttering behavior at critical moments.Damn, didn’t you just bring 120 as a betrothal gift?As for being so surprised?
The housekeeper nodded heavily, and said anxiously in surprise, "Yes, yes! That Marquis Zhongnan came with a 120-carat betrothal gift and said he wanted to marry me!"
"Ah? Asking for a marriage?" When Father Yin heard what the housekeeper said, his whole body was scorched on the outside and tender on the inside.
As the saying goes, don’t hit the smiling person with your hand, and don’t chase away the gift-giver with your mouth!
After a while, Ouyang Mingxuan, under the guidance of the housekeeper, was able to walk into the main hall of Yin Mansion.And behind him, there were hundreds of people.Those people, either two people carrying a small box, or four people carrying a large box, kept walking towards the main hall.He put down the betrothal gift in his hand, raised his legs and left, unable to be summoned.
Father Yin was anxious and shouted at the side, "Stop, stop, carry your things away", but who paid attention to him?
After a cup of tea, the 120-carat betrothal gift was finally completely placed in the main hall of the Yin Mansion.There were so many things that the originally large main hall was instantly filled, and those who looked at the dazzling array were dazzled and their hearts trembled.
Although Father Yin is the richest man in the capital, he has never seen such a ferocious betrothal gift!You know, when Yin Xiaoxiao first married Jun Moyin as his concubine, she only paid eight betrothal gifts!Eight, 120, what a huge difference this is?
Ouyang Mingxuan was very satisfied with Father Yin's surprised expression. He cupped his hands and called with a smile: "Father-in-law, my son-in-law is so polite!"
Father Yin's eyes widened, "Who is your father-in-law? Get out of here!"
(End of this chapter)

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