
Chapter 149 Xiaoxiao and Marquis get married

Chapter 149 Xiaoxiao and Marquis get married
The next day, an unprecedented grand wedding was held in the capital city of Tianqi Kingdom!
It is said to be grand, not only because of the huge formation and loud gongs and drums, but also because of the identity of the person getting married——
If it wasn't Ouyang Mingxuan, the Marquis of Zhongnan, and Yin Xiaoxiao, the daughter of the Yin Mansion, whose scandals were all over the sky a few days ago, who else could it be?
Everyone's attitude towards this wedding is very clear.Some say that the two truly love each other, so they transcend the world and bravely stay together.Some said that the two had to get together because of the scandal rumors.Others say that it was Yin Xiaoxiao who deliberately spread the scandal and forced Ouyang Mingxuan to take responsibility for her as an abandoned wife!
In fact, the last statement is also true and false.It was indeed Yin Xiaoxiao who let Ouyang Mingxuan out, in order to create the illusion that Ouyang Mingxuan had to marry her.Otherwise, it would be difficult for the Emperor to explain it to you?
In any case, it is now an unchangeable fact that Ouyang Mingxuan married Yin Xiaoxiao!
In the Zhongnan Hou Mansion, a newlywed couple straddles a brazier and leaps into the saddle, which means a prosperous life and a safe life!
After entering the hall surrounded by everyone, it was the old-fashioned worship of heaven and earth.
Your Majesty, because Ouyang Mingxuan has no parents, he invited the Queen Mother of Shangguan to come and serve as the high hall.On Yin Xiaoxiao's side, it was naturally Father Yin who joined the battle.
A master of ceremonies shouted at the top of his lungs——
"Worship heaven and earth!"
Ouyang Mingxuan and Yin Xiaoxiao rushed outside the hall door and bowed to each other.
"Two thanks to the high hall!"
The two turned around and kowtowed to the two old men on the high seats.
"Bye husband and wife!"
The two faced each other, bending at [-] degrees to worship each other.
The master of ceremonies shouted loudly: "The ceremony is completed and sent to the bridal chamber!"
Ouyang Mingxuan was dressed in a bright red wedding dress, with a bright smile on his lips.Just like that, he married Yin Xiaoxiao. Unexpectedly, everything went smoother than he expected!
I remembered that after the confrontation with Jun Mo yesterday, when he hurried back to the house to tell his servants to prepare for the wedding, someone from the palace sent a message saying that the emperor had summoned him.At that time, when he entered the Imperial Study Room, he was severely scolded by Jun Moyan and ordered not to marry Yin Xiaoxiao!
Later, he talked about the rumors and insisted that he should take responsibility for Yin Xiaoxiao. Jun Moyan was so angry that he almost fell out with him.fortunately……
He looked at the Queen Mother Shangguan on the high seat and Jun Ruoxue serving behind her.Ouyang Mingxuan is lucky that he has a good cousin who can't be beaten with eight poles, and a good niece who can't be beaten with eight poles.Both women liked Yin Xiaoxiao, and they also realized that they had been secretly in love with Yin Xiaoxiao for a long time, so they said a lot of good things to him.
If this person can help you put in a good word at a critical moment, things will be much easier to handle.Although Jun Moyan was not optimistic about the previous marriage between Yin Xiaoxiao and Ouyang Mingxuan, he was filial and only obeyed the orders of the Queen Mother Shangguan!Therefore, with Jun Ruoxue trying to deal with it, the matter ended like this.
Nodding gratefully to the Empress Dowager Shangguan, Ouyang Mingxuan gently called Jun Ruoxue and Po Xi to accompany him to escort Yin Xiaoxiao back to the wedding room.After a while, he sent Yin Xiaoxiao back to the wedding room and had to drink with the guests. Knowing that Yin Xiaoxiao and Jun Ruoxue were talking, Ouyang Mingxuan wanted Jun Ruoxue to chat with Yin Xiaoxiao in the wedding room, so that Yin Xiaoxiao would not Little one is lonely.
When Jun Ruoxue heard Ouyang Mingxuan's call, she stepped forward generously and walked out of the hall with Yin Xiaoxiao, who was covered with a handkerchief.
Ouyang Mingxuan is on the left, Jun Ruoxue is on the right, and Xipo and Pearl Jade are following behind.The six people walked towards the wedding room in the east courtyard of the Zhongnan Hou Mansion. They stopped all the way to the door of the wedding room.
Yin Xiaoxiao's head was covered with a hikerchief and he couldn't see anything. Feeling that everyone had stopped, he hurriedly asked, "Why aren't you leaving? Are you here?"
Except for Yin Xiaoxiao, who was covered with a wedding kerchief, everyone else looked up at the man standing at the door of the wedding room.He seemed to have been waiting for a long time, but he was not impatient at all.He looked at Ouyang Mingxuan with cold eyes, and at Yin Xiaoxiao who was wearing a Hijab!
Jun Ruoxue was the first to call out: "Third brother!"
Yin Xiaoxiao froze.Third brother?Is it Jun Moyin?He...why is he here?
The wedding went smoothly, but now they were blocked before entering the wedding room. Yin Xiaoxiao was inevitably a little nervous.She won't allow anyone to ruin her happiness!
Facts have proved that Yin Xiaoxiao thought too much!Or, it could be said that she judged a gentleman with a villain's heart.Because Jun Moyin didn’t come to cause trouble, but came—
"Ouyang Mingxuan!" Jun Moyin called out coldly.
Ouyang Mingxuan smiled lightly and waited for the other party to continue.
I heard Jun Moyin say seriously and firmly: "I am here today to warn you. Don't think that just because you have married Xiaoxiao, you can do whatever you want. If you dare to do something that is sorry for Xiaoxiao, or... If you make her sad, I will come over as soon as possible and take her away! Do you understand?"
Ouyang Mingxuan shook his head and sighed contentedly: "I'm sorry, Prince Lian, I don't understand what you said! Because I will never let anyone have any chance to take away my wife."
For a moment, the two men looked at each other, tense, and the air was full of depressive factors.
Just when Jun Ruoxue and Yin Xiaoxiao were extremely nervous, Jun Moyin suddenly burst into laughter, "Hahaha, so refreshing! Then, I will wait and see. Lord Zhongnan, don't worry, I am very free and will use it for the rest of my life." Time to supervise you!"
Ouyang Mingxuan also laughed, "Haha, I'm afraid it's not enough for the prince to supervise you for a lifetime. Because Xiaoxiao, she will be my prince's for all her life, and she can only be my prince's!"
Jun Moyin gritted his teeth, "Then I will supervise you for the rest of my life, hum!"
After leaving these words, Jun Moyin walked away.From beginning to end, he didn't say a word to Yin Xiaoxiao, who was covered with Xipa.Yin Xiaoxiao was glad that she was covered with a hippa at the moment, so she wouldn't feel embarrassed.Otherwise, he would really feel awkward facing Jun Moyin!
Ouyang Mingxuan reached out and squeezed Yin's small and tender hand, and said with a teasing smile in a low voice: "Oh, wow, that's incredible! Madam, you are still a hottie. On the wedding day, there are people who come to warn your husband. Well, I’m so scared for my husband, so I have to treat you well in the future!”
Yin Xiaoxiao burst into laughter, this stinky man knows how to talk sweetly!
After entering the wedding room and sitting on the bed, Ouyang Mingxuan comforted her a few times and left.He is the master of the Zhongnan Hou Mansion and must entertain guests well!
Jun Ruoxue and Pearl Jade stayed to chat with Yin Xiaoxiao, and from time to time they gave Yin Xiaoxiao a few snacks and chestnut cakes to satisfy her hunger.
Jun Ruoxue said with a smile: "Xiaoxiao, ah, that's not right! It's time to change the name to your cousin! Hehehe, in fact, people have already noticed that you and your cousin are having an affair!"
Hearing this, Pearl and Jade clicked their tongues, "Wow! Is it true? Have you seen it a long time ago?"
Could it be that they were too blind to notice that Yin Xiaoxiao and Ouyang Mingxuan were in love?
Jun Ruoxue kept talking to Pearl and Jade about what happened at the summer resort. Her sharp analysis was how Ouyang Mingxuan fell in love with Yin Xiaoxiao first. Pearl and Jade were stunned for a moment.Only then did I realize that their master had already paid his true love to his beloved!
Not sure whether it was because time passed really quickly or because Jun Ruoxue kept telling stories, Yin Xiaoxiao listened while eating snacks, and unknowingly looked back to Ouyang Mingxuan.
"Well, I'm not drunk, I can still drink two big jars! One more bowl, let's finish!" Ouyang Mingxuan was helped back by the secret guard Phantom and another man Yin Xiaoxiao didn't know, followed by a group of people. A drunken talent from the capital.I guess they are all Ouyang Mingxuan’s fair-weather friends!
Seeing Ouyang Mingxuan drunk like this, Xipo quickly dismissed a group of drunkards who were waiting to watch the fun, and called Phantom and another secret guard to help Ouyang Mingxuan to the bed and lift Yin Xiaoxiao. Xipa.
The scales were slightly raised, revealing Yin Xiaoxiao's delicate and charming face. The cheeks were crimson, so charming that people wanted to pinch them.At this time, Yin Xiaoxiao was quiet, with a smile that seemed shy and happy at the corner of his lips, which made Ouyang Mingxuan intoxicated.
beautiful!What a beauty!
One after another, he drank Hexin wine and ate red dates, peanuts, longans and chestnuts, which meant that he would have a son early.After that, Xi Po and the two secret guards were sent away, as well as Jun Ruoxue and Pearl Jade.
Ouyang Mingxuan staggered and closed the door to say goodbye to everyone, and then quickly locked the door.
Before turning around, I heard Yin Xiaoxiao whispering: "Why do you drink so much? Why don't you drink less?"
Ouyang Mingxuan raised a playful smirk on his lips, turned around and ran towards the bed with steady steps.In that way, how could he still look like he was extremely drunk just now?
"Okay, you're just pretending!" Yin Xiaoxiao saw the mystery at a glance and sharply accused him.
Ouyang Mingxuan sat down in front of the bed and said with a smile: "I have to! If I don't pretend, I will be fucked by those gangsters until dawn tonight. How can we spend the wedding night drinking with a bunch of gangsters? Well, of course I want to follow you, my wife..."
The following words are automatically omitted.
"Xiao Xiao, you are so beautiful! Just looking at you so beautiful, I am already intoxicated and can't extricate myself!" Ouyang Mingxuan confessed in a disgusting way, which made Yin Xiaoxiao's mouth twitch several times.
The night is so deep, and their wedding night has just begun...
The next day, when Yin Xiaoxiao woke up, his whole body was sore and tired.She was like a lazy kitten huddled in Ouyang Mingxuan's naked arms, her little hands tightly hooked on the other person's neck, it was endlessly ambiguous!
"Little lazy cat, are you awake?" Ouyang Mingxuan felt Yin Xiaoxiao burrowing into his arms, so he joked with a smile.
Yin Xiaoxiao pinched Ouyang Mingxuan lightly and cursed in a low voice: "You bad guy, you clearly said you would only do it once, but you... Huh, you bully me! My whole body is sore now." I don’t want to get up anymore, tell me what to do?”
Ouyang Mingxuan admitted that he lost control last night.He knew that Yin Xiaoxiao was not suitable for fighting for a long time now, but he still couldn't hold back and forcefully attacked her three times. Finally, he ended the fight in annoyance after watching the little woman fall into a coma with his own eyes.Therefore, he woke up very early in the morning, but kept still, for fear of waking Yin Xiaoxiao.
Fortunately, Pearl and Jade were also sensible and did not come to call!
Pursing his lips and smiling softly, Ouyang Mingxuan asked in a low voice: "Then what should I do as a husband according to what the lady said?"
Yin Xiaoxiao sniffed, thought hard, and then said with a startling voice: "Let's do it! I won't embarrass you. After these three months, we will have a baby, and then you will give birth."
"Ah?" Ouyang Mingxuan cried out in surprise.
Yin Xiaoxiao said dissatisfiedly: "Ah what? You don't want to?"
The corner of Ouyang Mingxuan's mouth twitched, "Well...I am willing, how could I not want to? Isn't it just to have a child? I will, I will!"
Yin Xiaoxiao smiled, "Huh, that's pretty much it!"
Ouyang Mingxuan rolled his eyes, as if remembering something, and asked in reply: "But Xiaoxiao, why do you have to wait three months?"
Yin Xiaoxiao reached out and poked Ouyang Mingxuan hard, "Are you stupid or stupid? I... I lost a child before, and my body cannot bear a second pregnancy, otherwise it will lead to habitual miscarriage. In our world, women After a miscarriage, birth control is required within three months.”
Ouyang Mingxuan pouted, "Oh, that's right! Then...then for the sake of your health, let's avoid it!"
Yin Xiaoxiao took the initiative to kiss Ouyang Mingxuan and thanked him gratefully: "Wow! Thank you husband for your understanding. This is a reward."
Ouyang Mingxuan raised his eyebrows, "Then, should I call you 'wife'?"
I know that Yin Xiaoxiao is from another world, and I also know that in that world, couples call each other husband and wife.Therefore, when Yin Xiaoxiao called him 'husband', Ouyang Mingxuan called her 'wife' in return.
Yin Xiaoxiao responded with a playful smile: "No! I still like you to call me Niangzi. It's an antique title that smells of love, hehe!"
Ouyang Mingxuan gave Yin Xiaoxiao a passionate kiss and called out in a sensual tone: "Okay! Then I will call you 'Madam'. Madam! Madam! Madam! Madam..."
For a moment, Ouyang Mingxuan's clear call echoed around the wedding room, and the content undoubtedly only contained two words - "Madam!"
Yin Xiaoxiao didn't know whether to laugh or cry. She wanted to ask loudly, where can I buy brain-dead drugs? Give her husband a few pills, hahaha!
It is definitely not an exaggeration to describe Yin Xiaoxiao and Ouyang Mingxuan as newlyweds and passionate lovers.The two of them enjoy being together all the time, eating together, going to the hut together, wandering around, or chatting in the pavilion.
Even when Ouyang Mingxuan was handling official business, Yin Xiaoxiao stayed with him in the study.A pair of weak, boneless hands rubbed Ouyang Mingxuan's shoulders and back, just like a respectful slave.However, in just a short time, the situation reversed.
After Ouyang Mingxuan finished handling his official duties, he was the one giving Yin Xiaoxiao a pat on the back and shoulders.This is what is called mutual respect and love between husband and wife!
Pearl and Jade looked at Ouyang Mingxuan and their master, loving each other, and felt happy in their hearts.
In the blink of an eye, three days passed by. It was time for Yin Xiaoxiao and Ouyang Mingxuan to return home!
Early in the morning, Ouyang Mingxuan ordered the boys to pack the gifts back home and filled a cart full of them.Yin Xiaoxiao watched from the side and laughed at Ouyang Mingxuan for doing something unnecessary.Because today is not only the day she returns home, but also the day the two of them decide to take Father Yin to the Hou Mansion.
According to Yin Xiaoxiao, since Dad Yin is going to be brought to the Hou Mansion, why do he need to bring so many gifts?At that time, if you don't want to get him to the Yin Mansion, how can you get him back to the Hou Mansion?
In response to Yin Xiaoxiao's doubts, Ouyang Mingxuan responded by pinching his nose and using various tricks to eat tofu.
He blinked his eyes mysteriously and smiled: "You are a woman with long hair and short knowledge. You don't understand. You will know my husband's intention after a while!"
"Uh!" Yin Xiaoxiao was speechless.She said that she didn't like to hear Ouyang Mingxuan's words.Because that guy’s hair is also very long!
Since both men and women have long hair, why should we only say that women have long hair?
After packing the return gifts, Ouyang Mingxuan carried Yin Xiaoxiao and got into the carriage.The carriage was the exclusive mark of the Zhongnan Marquis Mansion. As soon as it entered the street, no one knew whose carriage it belonged to.
Along the way, the carriage moved slowly, and Yin Xiaoxiao nestled in Ouyang Mingxuan's arms.
But the voices of people talking on the street could be heard in the carriage from time to time——
Passerby A: "Hey, hey, look, look, isn't this the carriage of the Zhongnan Marquis Mansion?"
Passerby B: "Yes, yes! It has been three days since Marquis Zhongnan married the daughter of the Yin family. He must be going back today."
Passerby C pointed to the carriage following the carriage. The gifts on it could not be accommodated and were exposed, and he exclaimed: "Hey, look! Zhongnan Hou has prepared so many homecoming gifts for the Yin Mansion. It’s so rich!”
Passerby A then added: "This has nothing to do with money! This shows that Marquis Zhongnan has true feelings for the daughter of the Yin family, so he doesn't care about this little money!"
Yin Xiaoxiao listened to everyone's discussion and turned to look at Ouyang Mingxuan who was hugging her.But I saw that guy leaning against the wall of the carriage, looking carefree and happily accepting the compliments of passers-by.
"You're cunning, you just want to make a scene?" Yin Xiaoxiao pinched Ouyang Mingxuan's nose and teased.
Ouyang Mingxuan smiled and hugged Yin Xiaoxiao, kissed her lips, and explained in a low voice: "Wrong! I am letting everyone know that I am serious about you and I care about you. I don't want to be wronged anymore. You, let everyone think that I am teasing you. This is called sincerity! The number of homecoming gifts a man gives to his wife indirectly shows how much he cares about this woman. People in Apocalypse Kingdom all compare like this !”
Yin Xiao smiled and tightened his hands on Ouyang Mingxuan's waist.This man thought of everything. He not only married her, but also didn't want others to gossip about her.So much so that Yin Xiaoxiao still can't figure out how lucky she was to find such a good man!
(End of this chapter)

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