
Chapter 151 Teach the vicious woman a lesson

Chapter 151 Teach the vicious woman a lesson
South Courtyard of Prince Lian's Mansion
Jin Lian'er looked at Zhen Yuyan with a gloomy face leisurely, and a strange smile appeared on her lips.
At this moment, all the maids retreated.
But Jin Lian'er said in a leisurely tone: "Sister Yan'er, that bitch Mei'er is pregnant, can you just sit still?"
Zhen Yuyan snorted coldly and turned away, "I can't sit still, so I won't bother my sister!"
She has not forgotten Yin Xiaoxiao's attitude when she took the initiative to find Jin Lian'er when she was pregnant.Now that Jin Lian'er came to her, she must have bad intentions, so she was too lazy to pay attention to him!
Jin Lian'er could see that Zhen Yuyan was holding grudges for what happened last time, so she came forward and smiled softly: "Sister, is she still angry with her? Okay, okay, let this past matter go by now, sister is here Isn’t it okay to accompany you? Well, I came to see my sister this time to cooperate with you sincerely. "
Zhen Yuyan was unmoved and responded in a cold voice: "I'm so sorry, I have no interest in cooperating with my sister!"
Jin Lian'er pursed her lips and smiled as brightly as a flower, "Haha, sister, don't be so full of words! Don't you want to kill two birds with one stone, taking care of that girl Mei'er and that bitch Yin Xiaoxiao?"
When Yin Xiaoxiao was mentioned, Zhen Yuyan's eyes lit up.
Jin Lian'er caught the light in Zhen Yuyan's eyes and continued: "That's it, I came up with a clever plan, let's..."
After a while, Jin Lian'er finished talking about her plan, and an evil smile finally appeared on Zhen Yuyan's face.This plan does sound good...
Wrinkling her brows, Zhen Yuyan asked suspiciously: "Sister can handle this matter by herself, why did you call me?"
A strange light flashed across Jin Lian'er's eyes, so fast that no one could catch it.She responded with a smile: "Because I am the person who knows my sister best, and I know you hate that bitch Yin Xiaoxiao! So, isn't this an opportunity for you to take revenge on Yin Xiaoxiao? Of course, if my sister is If you don’t want to get involved, forget it. As my sister said before, I can handle this matter alone!"
Zhen Yuyan stood up, her eyes narrowed dangerously, and she responded with a firm voice: "No! My sister naturally has to accept my kindness. My sister will help out in this matter."
Hearing this, Jin Lian'er nodded with satisfaction, and the light in her eyes became deeper.
In the Zhongnan Hou Mansion, Yin Xiaoxiao and Ouyang Mingxuan were sweet and affectionate and inseparable.Occasionally, when Ouyang Mingxuan enters the palace for morning court, it is the best time for Jin Lian'er and Zhen Yuyan to attack Yin Xiaoxiao.
In the early morning of this day, Jin Lian'er received accurate news that Ouyang Mingxuan entered the palace to attend the morning court.She and Zhen Yuyan acted separately, and each called on the masters she asked her parents to find in the world, and kidnapped Yin Xiaoxiao and Mei'er who were still sleeping.
When Yin Xiaoxiao woke up, he found himself in a ruined temple.He tried to move his hands, but was tied tightly by a thick rope behind his back.What surprised her even more was that there was another person opposite her who was also kidnapped. Like her, he was bound to a pillar in the ruined temple.
That person was none other than Mei'er, who got married to Jun Moyin two days ago!
"What happened?" Yin Xiaoxiao asked to himself.
The last impression in her mind was that something was covering her mouth and nose while she was sleeping soundly. It had a very fragrant smell, and then she didn't know anything else.But, who kidnapped her here?What is the purpose?Even if he kidnapped her, he also kidnapped Meier?
"Hey! Mei'er, Mei'er, wake up, Mei'er, wake up!" Yin Xiaoxiao began to call Mei'er's name loudly.
Meier opened her eyes in a daze, and when she saw Yin Xiaoxiao being tied up, she was stunned, "Uh, Madam Marquis? Why are you here?"
Yin Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes, "I also want to ask you why you are here!"
When the two people were facing each other and were speechless, the door of the ruined temple was pushed open.But Jin Lian'er and Zhen Yuyan walked in with sinister smiles on their faces.
"Jin Lian'er? Zhen Yuyan? Why are you two here?" Yin Xiaoxiao asked in astonishment, and then suddenly realized and asked again, "Oh! I know, it was you who found someone to kidnap Mei'er and me. wrong?"
When Jin Lian'er and Zhen Yuyan heard Yin Xiaoxiao's question, they looked at each other and smiled: "Haha, do you even need to ask? Yin Xiaoxiao, today is the day you die, aren't you happy?"
Yin Xiaoxiao really couldn't understand why Jin Lian'er and Zhen Yuyan still targeted her since she had already left Prince Lian's Mansion.
Before she could ask, Zhen Yuyan stepped forward, slapped her with her hand, and gave her answer, "Yin Xiaoxiao, you deserve to die! Not only did you steal the prince's favor, but you also told him about my sister. Listen, let him hate me so much that he hates me now. Yin Xiaoxiao, I really want to cut you into pieces and crush your bones into ashes!"
Yin Xiaoxiao was very speechless about Zhen Yuyan's jealousy. How the hell is she even more unjust than Dou E?When did she steal Jun Moyin's favor?When did she tell Jun Mo about Zhen Yuyan's frame-up of her sister?That was what Jun Moyin heard himself!
However, Yin Xiaoxiao couldn't explain this matter.Otherwise, the fact that she is a soul summoner will be revealed, and then Jin Lian'er and Zhen Yuyan may not know what they will take her for!monster?devil?Hoho, I guess it’s about the same!
Seeing that Yin Xiaoxiao remained silent, Zhen Yuyan thought that Yin Xiaoxiao had acquiesced to all the facts, so she raised her hand and slapped Yin Xiaoxiao again.
"Hiss!" Yin Xiaoxiao received two slaps, and his anger went straight to his forehead.Damn, the tiger really thought she was a sick cat when he didn't show off his power?Well, she admitted that she was out of breath when she spoke, and she was a sick cat.
In order not to reveal her identity, Yin Xiaoxiao could only swallow her anger and wait for someone to save her.I have a thousand complaints against Ouyang Mingxuan in my heart. Aren’t there many of his subordinates?Aren't there a lot of secret guards?Why was she kidnapped from the Zhongnan Hou Mansion so easily?Stinky man, are you too careless?He also said that he would protect her as well as possible, huh...
Zhen Yuyan was very satisfied with Yin Xiaoxiao's painful cry, which made her whole body feel comfortable.
Raising her hand, she slapped Yin Xiaoxiao again, and also raised her foot to kick Yin Xiaoxiao's calf a few times, causing Yin Xiaoxiao to grit her teeth in pain.
"Haha, little bitch, does it hurt? The more it hurts you, the better I feel!" Zhen Yuyan was like a mentally ill patient at the moment, punching and kicking Yin Xiaoxiao constantly, laughing wildly.
On the other side, Jin Lian'er didn't spare Mei'er lightly. She raised her hand to withdraw the slap and yelled at her for seducing Jun Mo into bed.
"Sister, what do you think we should do to play?" Jin Lian'er and Zhen Yuyan were both rich and precious. After beating Yin Xiaoxiao and Mei'er a few times, they were out of breath.
While the two of them took a breather, they began to study how to fix Yin Xiaoxiao and Mei'er's problems.
Just listen to Zhen Yuyan say viciously: "I'm going to scratch this little bitch's face!"
He raised his hand, pointing to Yin Xiaoxiao.
Jin Lian'er nodded in agreement, pointed at Mei'er's belly and said, "Then, I'm going to get rid of the evil seed in this little vixen's belly!"
Zhen Yuyan nodded frequently and gave thumbs up, "What a great idea! So what are we waiting for? Let's get rid of these two little bitches quickly."
When Mei'er heard what the two said, she shouted in panic: "No! No! Sister Princess, Sister Concubine, you can't do this. What I'm carrying in my belly is the prince's heir, and the Marquis' wife is also a relative of the emperor. Where are the relatives of the country? If you are not good for us, don’t even think about it!"
Yin Xiaoxiao heard Mei'er's feeble cry from the side and just wanted to punch her and yell, "Idiot, stop yelling." Since Jin Lian'er and Zhen Yuyan dared to kidnap her and Mei'er, they should Don’t be afraid to face the consequences!
When Jin Lian'er heard Mei'er calling her princess sister, she was so angry that she punched Mei'er in the lower abdomen, "Huh, who said it was us who did something bad to you? Is there any evidence? Or, Do you think you can successfully walk out of here? Let me tell you, today, we will first destroy Yin Xiaoxiao’s appearance, then we will get rid of you, a bitch, and then we will burn you directly in this ruined temple. Even if you destroy the traces, even the Great Luo Immortal can’t save you, let alone expect anyone to know the fact that you were kidnapped by us and brought here, haha!”
Yin Xiaoxiao watched Jin Lian'er and Zhen Yuyan approaching the edge of madness, and a bad premonition arose in her heart.If these two crazy women really disfigured her and Meier and aborted their children, would she sit still and wait for death?
No!It’s definitely not possible!So, as the only solution now, she could only rely on Little Guigui to come and help.If you expose your identity, expose your identity, or are you really waiting to be ripped off?
"Gui Gui! Gui Gui come out!" Yin Xiaoxiao began to call in a low voice.
Jin Lian'er and Zhen Yuyan heard Yin Xiaoxiao talking to herself and thought she was frightened, so they stepped forward to tease Yin Xiaoxiao for being cowardly.
"Sister, do you think we should use a knife to make a few cuts on her face, or use a Zhu Chai to draw a few lines on her face? I think the effect of the Zhu Chai is better." Jin Lian'er asked Zhen Yuyan beside her with a smile. , the expression is so happy.
Zhen Yuyan also laughed happily, "Haha, I think it's better to do this. I'll use the knife to make a few cuts on her left face. Sister, use the hairpin to make a few cuts on her right face. Then we'll see which side is better. How about it looks better?"
Jin Lian'er clapped her hands and exclaimed: "Wonderful! This is a wonderful idea, just do what my sister said!"
The two women agreed, one pulled out the dagger and the other took off the hairpin from her head, and then they rushed towards Yin Xiaoxiao with a fierce look.
When Yin Xiaoxiao saw the little ghost floating in the air, her whole body stiffened several times. Instead of being afraid of Jin Lian'er and Zhen Yuyan's fierce looks, she scolded them with a sneer -
"Stop! If you go forward again, I won't be polite!" Yin Xiaoxiao is very confident. She is not afraid of anything as long as the little devil is around.
However, Jin Lian'er and Zhen Yuyan didn't know the existence of the little ghost.When the two women heard Yin Xiaoxiao's bluff, they couldn't help but bend down and laugh.
"Hehehe, Yin Xiaoxiao, haven't you figured out the situation yet? Who is being rude to whom?"
Yin Xiaoxiao expressed her helplessness towards the two hopeless women in front of her. She winked at the little ghost floating in the air and motioned for him to take action.
Xiao Guigui gave Yin Xiaoxiao a 'V' gesture, indicating that everything was under control.Then, with a wave of his hand, he first took away the murderous weapons from Jin Lian'er and Zhen Yuyan's hands, and then, while the two stupid women were stunned in surprise, he waved his small hand towards their faces.
"Clap! Clap!"
Jin Lian'er didn't know what was wrong with her, but she raised her hand uncontrollably and swung it towards Zhen Yuyan's cheek, slapping her twice.This is not the point!The key point is that Zhen Yuyan also slapped her twice, so hard that she couldn't find stars in her eyes.
"Jin Lian'er, do you dare to hit me?"
"Zhen Yuyan, do you dare to hit me?"
The two women asked the same question, and then they all said in shock: "I didn't hit you! I don't know what happened just now, but my hands didn't obey me at all and I hit you in the face."
At this moment, the two women are still in a cooperative relationship, so they will never be cruel to each other, let alone lie to each other.Therefore, after realizing that each other was involuntarily attacking each other, the two women fixed their eyes on Yin Xiaoxiao.
"You! It's you! You must have done it. What did you say you did to us?" Jin Lian'er stepped forward and was about to beat Yin Xiaoxiao.
However, the raised hand did not hit Yin Xiaoxiao, but it hit her own face. It was a clear and loud slap. Yin Xiaoxiao didn't know how strong it was, but Jin Lian'er was bleeding. The corner of his lips, I guess the force should be quite strong, right?
Zhen Yuyan saw Jin Lian'er beating herself from the side, and she became even more convinced that Yin Xiaoxiao had done something. She angrily scolded Yin Xiaoxiao: "Bitch, are you a human or a ghost?"
Yin Xiaoxiao responded with a smile: "I am a human and a ghost, can't you tell? I tell you, the reason why you were beaten is because I prayed to the Bodhisattva to save me. If you are not afraid of the Bodhisattva's punishment, you can come here Teach me a lesson!"
Zhen Yuyan made a loud noise and snorted: "Bah! Only a ghost can believe what you say. Where did the Bodhisattva come from in this world? I will send you to the West today to see if you can still pretend to be a ghost."
While Zhen Yuyan was talking, she lowered her head and looked around. When she saw a piece of wooden stick on the ground, she immediately stepped forward to pick it up, and then swung it towards Yin Xiaoxiao.Suddenly, a strange scene happened again!
The wooden stick didn't hit Yin Xiaoxiao, but hit Zhen Yuyan's own calf.
With a "bang", Zhen Yuyan fell to the ground, hugging her calf and crying non-stop, "Ah! My legs, my legs!"
From the looks of it, I guess it's broken.Yin Xiaoxiao smiled evilly at the little ghost and silently praised him for a job well done.Yin Xiaoxiao is not a kind and gentle woman. Zhen Yuyan and Jin Lian'er have framed her more than once and tried to take away her life.
At the summer resort, Jin Lianer plotted against Yin Xiaoxiao over and over again, trying to take her life.And Zhen Yuyan pushed Yin Xiaoxiao into the pond and pressed her into the water when she was pregnant, which was even more abominable.Now, Yin Xiaoxiao has left Prince Lian's Mansion and has nothing to do with these two women, and it will not affect their interests. They are still pressing on her step by step, wanting her life, and even want to Ruining her appearance is really unbearable. The uncle can't bear it. The uncle can bear it, but the aunt can't bear it!
The most annoying thing is that the two women just slapped her.The more Yin Xiaoxiao thought about it, the angrier he became, and the more he thought about it, the angrier he became. He gave Xiao Guigui a bad look, and Xiao Guigui immediately expressed his understanding.
He waved his little hand lightly and saw Jin Lian'er uncontrollably rushing to Zhen Yuyan, grabbing the wooden stick in Zhen Yuyan's hand, and then hitting her leg hard.
After a wailing sound, Jin Lian'er also sat on the ground and cried out in pain.Little Guigui was reluctant and asked Jin Lian'er and Zhen Yuyan to sit facing each other, then waved his hands and kept slapping each other's cheeks.
"Pah! Pah! Pah! Pah!" For a time, the sound of slaps could be heard in the ruined temple, and the wailing of the two women was even more shrill.
Mei'er, who was bound by a rope, rolled her eyes when she saw this scene, exclaimed "There's a ghost", and then fainted.
After Meier fainted, Yin Xiaoxiao asked Xiao Guigui to untie the rope from her body.Afterwards, he untied the rope from Mei'er's body and pinched her to force her to wake up.
"Are you okay?" Yin Xiaoxiao asked.Although she doesn't like Mei'er, she is pregnant with the heir of Prince Lian's family that Mrs. Dou likes, so Yin Xiaoxiao should take care of Mei'er's condition in consideration of her old friendship.
Meier blinked and looked at Yin Xiaoxiao. After a long while, she suddenly pushed Yin Xiaoxiao away, stood up and screamed "Ghost", and then rushed out of the ruined temple.All right!Anyone would think that Yin Xiaoxiao is a monster or a ghost, right?She repaired her kidnapper and untied the rope herself. How terrible is this?
Yin Xiaoxiao curled her lips and watched Mei'er run away from the ruined temple.He said, that girl is very fierce and she can run so fast even though she is pregnant with a child. She is so awesome!
In the next half hour, Yin Xiaoxiao did not leave the ruined temple. Instead, he let the little ghost continue to play various evil tricks on Jin Lian'er and Zhen Yuyan.She just wanted to give these two femme fatales a good beating to prevent them from doing more evil, huh...
Jin Lian'er and Zhen Yuyan slapped each other for a while, and hit each other hard on the forehead. The scene was both tragic and funny. Yin Xiaoxin was so happy watching it!
When Jun Moyin and Ouyang Mingxuan came with their respective guards to destroy the temple, Jin Lian'er and Zhen Yuyan were already lying on the ground, breathing too much out, looking like they were about to die!
"Xiaoxiao, are you okay?" Ouyang Mingxuan and Jun Moyin rushed into the ruined temple and were the first to ask about Yin Xiaoxiao's condition.
Yin Xiaoxiao smiled and shook his head: "I'm fine! It's the two of them who are in trouble, haha!"
Jun Moyin lowered his head and looked at Jin Lian'er and Zhen Yuyan who were wailing on the ground. He felt that his forehead was full of blood and he was going crazy with anger.These two women were so daring that they did such a thing under his and Ouyang Mingxuan's noses.
"Your Majesty, please save me! I feel pain all over my body and my leg seems to be broken! It's all the fault of that bitch Yin Xiaoxiao. Your Majesty, you have to make the decision for me!" Zhen Yuyan saw Jun Mo attracting her. , call for help first.
Jin Lian'er also shouted: "Your Majesty, my leg is also broken, Your Majesty, help me! Yin Xiaoxiao also broke my leg, Your Majesty, you must uphold justice for me! Otherwise, I will not be saved." Even if we sue the queen sister, we will definitely seek justice!"
When Ouyang Mingxuan saw Yin Xiaoxiao's red and swollen cheeks, his heartache turned into full anger.Now I heard Jin Lian'er say these words again, and immediately reprimanded angrily: "Ask for justice? Jin Lian'er, you really know how to joke. Who is asking for justice now? I and the prince both finished their morning court and watched on the street. When we got to Mei'er, who was crazy and beaten, she said that you and Zhen Yuyan kidnapped her and my wife in this ruined temple. To seek justice, I should go to the emperor to seek justice!"
When Jin Lian'er heard Ouyang Mingxuan's angry scolding, she bit her lip and responded with a breathless voice: "Master Hou, what you said is wrong! It's true that I kidnapped your wife, but your wife pretended to be a ghost and broke up the relationship between me and Yan'er. Regarding my sister’s legs, I will never leave this matter alone. I want to see who is right in front of the emperor!"
"That's enough!" As soon as Jin Lian'er's words fell to the ground, Jun Moyin roared angrily.
But seeing his fists clenched, his eyes bursting with bloodthirsty rage, he angrily scolded Jin Lian'er and Zhen Yuyan: "You two women, don't you think it's embarrassing enough? I tolerate what you do time and time again, you two But I don’t know how to cherish it as it should be. This time, it’s time for me to make a break with you!”
After Jun Mo led his disciples to say this, he rushed outside the temple and shouted: "Ye Zhen, Zheng Yan, you two come in!"
Ye Zhen and Zheng Yan strode in after hearing the order, and heard Jun Moyin order in a cold voice: "Send the guards to take these two women back to their natal homes, and you two will escort one. Tell Prime Minister Jin and Zhen Minister, the temple of Prince Lian cannot accommodate these two great gods. I will write a letter of divorce later and submit it to the Emperor personally to approve the divorce!"
As a prince like Jun Moyin, if he wants to divorce his concubine, he or Concubine Dou can make the decision.However, the emperor's permission is required to divorce his wife, so that's why Jun Moyin said this at this moment.
Jin Lian'er and Zhen Yuyan were already in extreme pain, but when they heard Jun Moyin talking about divorcing his wife, they both rolled their eyes and fainted.
After the two men were carried away by the guards ordered by Ye Zhen and Zheng Yan, Jun Moyin stepped forward and looked at Yin Xiaoxiao.When his eyes touched Yin Xiaoxiao's red and swollen cheeks, Jun Mo's eyes flashed and his heart ached.
"Xiao Xiao, I'm sorry, this time I failed to discipline the women in the backyard, and you were implicated." Jun Moyin apologized sincerely.
Yin Xiaoxiao smiled and shook his head and replied: "It's okay! I summoned my ghost friends to help me get out of trouble, so they are the ones who suffer!"
Jun Mo smiled awkwardly and said nothing more...
(End of this chapter)

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