
Chapter 155 The Finale

Chapter 155 The Finale
Facts have proved that Ouyang Mingxuan's guess was right.He was indeed unlucky!
Because these three evil men, Jun Moyin, Jun Moshao and Lei Jingting, ignored his warning and came to Zhongnan Palace every day.
They either dragged Yin Xiaoxiao into a trap, or instigated Yin Xiaoxiao to exchange souls with Ouyang Mingxuan, so that Ouyang Mingxuan could bear the pain of pregnancy on Yin Xiaoxiao's behalf and stay in the house.And those three stinky men openly wandered around with Yin Xiaoxiao, whose soul was in Ouyang Mingxuan's body, including places like Yihongyuan and Luanfeng Pavilion.
Every time Yin Xiaoxiao came back, he smelled of alcohol and powder, which made Ouyang Mingxuan's teeth itch.
Seeing that Yin Xiaoxiao was already four months pregnant, Ouyang Mingxuan squinted his eyes lazily and began to figure out how to deal with this disobedient little wild cat in his house.
Night arrived as expected.Yin Xiaoxiao took a simple bath and prepared to go to bed.
"Madam!" A charming call made Yin Xiaoxiao pause.
Looking back, Ouyang Mingxuan smiled meaningfully.
"Uh, Mingxuan, did you take the wrong medicine tonight?" Yin Xiaoxiao looked at Ouyang Mingxuan suspiciously, blinking.
Ouyang Mingxuan also blinked, "No! I'm normal, why do I need to take medicine? Xiaoxiao, I've helped you get through morning sickness these days, do you think you should thank me?"
Yin Xiaoxiao tilted her head and thought for a while, then nodded, "Yeah! That sounds reasonable. Then, how do you want me to thank you?"
Yin Xiaoxiao raised his eyebrows, recognizing Ouyang Mingxuan's hint at a glance.
However, she asked questions knowingly and pretended not to understand!
Ouyang Mingxuan rolled his eyes, "Xiaoxiao, just pretend with me, pretend with me! You know exactly what I mean. Do you think it's easy for me? I've helped you endure the pain of pregnancy every day these past few months, and you You go out every day to have fun, don’t you feel sorry for me?”
Yin Xiaoxiao burst into laughter, "Haha, I feel bad! I feel bad for you. Come on, come on, I will thank you very much tonight!"
Hearing this, Ouyang Mingxuan came forward happily, his eyes blinking obscenely, "Really?"
Yin Xiaoxiao nodded and said to Ouyang Mingxuan sincerely: "Mingxuan, you have worked hard these days!"
Yin Xiaoxiao said this from the bottom of his heart.After all, suffering during pregnancy is a woman's business, but Ouyang Mingxuan helped Yin Xiaoxiao bear the most uncomfortable stage of morning sickness.To say that you are not grateful or touched would be a lie!
When Ouyang Mingxuan heard Yin Xiaoxiao's words, he smiled a little sheepishly, "Hey, Xiaoxiao, why are you saying those polite words to me?"
Yin Xiaoxiao shook his head, "I'm speaking from the bottom of my heart. I know you feel uncomfortable watching me and Jun Moyin and the others together these days. It's very uncomfortable!"
Ouyang Mingxuan shook his head repeatedly, "No! No! I'm not feeling uncomfortable!"
Yin Xiaoxiao smiled helplessly, and hugged Ouyang Mingxuan tighter with her little hands, "You are so petty! Do you really think that I am just having fun with the three of them every day?"
Ouyang Mingxuan remained silent, but he was secretly suspicious in his heart, wasn't he?
Yin Xiaoxiao sighed softly and reached out to poke Ouyang Mingxuan's forehead, "Of course not! I am telling them the principles of life and persuading them to get married quickly. Look at Lei Jingting How old are you? You haven't gotten married yet, so how can you do that? And Jun Moshao, although he is young, he has no intention of having sex. I'm really afraid that he won't know how to express his love to the woman he likes in the future. .
As for Jun Moyin, he needs my earnest persuasion even more, right?Mei'er was pregnant with his child, who was about to give birth in just a few months. As a husband, even if he didn't like her, he should at least be by his side, right?He needs to realize that Meier is suffering for whom she is suffering during pregnancy! "
Ouyang Mingxuan heard Yin Xiaoxiao's words and nodded happily, "Yes, yes, Xiaoxiao, what you said makes so much sense! What next?"
Yin Xiaoxiao blinked her eyes mysteriously and responded quickly: "Then? Then they said that they would think carefully about what I said and weigh it. I estimate that they will not be able to come to our house again starting tomorrow. On."
"Yeah! That's great. A group of annoying people finally stopped coming. Xiaoxiao, you don't know how depressed I am these days. I really want to live a world of two with you. Otherwise, when the child is born in the future, there will be no chance." Ouyang Mingxuan is very good at pretending to be pitiful.
Yin Xiaoxiao nodded and responded, "Well, what you said makes sense, so I will 'treat' you well tonight!"
The word 'hospitality' was deliberately emphasized, and only Yin Xiaoxiao and Ouyang Mingxuan understood the profound meaning.
Two months later, at Prince Lian's Mansion, Mei'er and Jun Moyin's child was born safely.However, the tragedy is that Meier died in childbirth.
Since Mei'er's child was Jun Moyin's only son and the only child of Prince Lian's palace, Concubine Dou and Jun Moyin discussed to posthumously make Mei'er the princess of Prince Lian's palace.In this way, the child she gives birth to will be the young prince of Prince Lian's palace!
After Yin Xiaoxiao learned about the affairs of Prince Lian's Mansion, he clamored to see Jun Moyin's child.Ouyang Mingxuan had no choice but to agree to follow her to see her.
"Waaaah! Waaah!" As soon as he entered the gate of Prince Lian's Mansion, he heard the heartbreaking cries of children.
Ouyang Mingxuan frowned and asked, "When did Prince Lian's Mansion start raising kittens?"
Jun Moyin, who came to greet Yin Xiaoxiao in person, immediately turned pale when he heard Ouyang Mingxuan's words, and angrily rebuked: "You just have a cat in your house! How can you talk? Can you talk?"
"Uh! Isn't that a cat's meow? Is that a rat's meow?" Ouyang Mingxuan squinted his eyes suspiciously and guessed again.
Jun Moyin was so angry with Ouyang Mingxuan that he could hardly breathe!
Yin Xiaoxiao saw Jun Moyin's ugly face from the side, so he came to Ouyang Mingxuan, pinched him, and whispered: "Mingxuan, can you shut up? It's the young prince who is crying!"
Hearing this, Ouyang Mingxuan exclaimed: "What? Is the young prince crying? Oh my God, is it true?"
Turning his head and facing Jun Moyin's dark handsome face, Ouyang Mingxuan sneered bluntly: "Hahaha, Your Majesty, your child's cry is really special, like a kitten or a little mouse. Not to mention that he is a little one. Your Majesty, why are you a sissy? It’s sharp and thin, so you really have the makings of a little boy, hahaha!”
Ouyang Mingxuan laughed and rolled forward and back, while Jun Mo gritted his teeth in anger.Yin Xiaoxiao was caught in the middle, looking helpless.Said, this Ouyang Mingxuan has a nasty mouth!
The three of them walked towards the nanny's house together. After opening the door and entering the house, the two nannies were hugging the children. When they saw Jun Moyin and others, they quickly bowed and said hello.
Jun Moyin waved his hand, indicating that there was no need to be polite.
Yin Xiaoxiao stepped forward to look at the young prince in the wet nurse's arms, and asked suspiciously: "Does the child always cry like this?"
The two wet nurses nodded helplessly and said, "Yes! From the time the little prince was born, except for sucking milk and sleeping, he cried non-stop the rest of the time."
When Yin Xiaoxiao heard this, she felt slightly sad.A child without a mother is so pitiful!Is he crying about his mother?
Reaching out to caress the child's little face, Yin Xiaoxiao said painfully: "How can you cry like this? How can your throat bear it?"
Yin Xiao's voice was very soft and gentle, with a touch of love and affection.
Something surprising happened. The child who had been touched by Yin Xiaoxiao stopped crying and looked at Yin Xiaoxiao with lively eyes without blinking.
"Oh, look at the way the young prince looks at Princess Zhongnan, as if he has seen his own mother, and he is not crying!" The two wet nurses exclaimed in surprise, both of them in disbelief.
You know, the two of them have been keeping the little prince together for more than ten days. The child only cries and sleeps and feeds. He can't be quiet or smile when he is awake.
Now I see that Yin Xiaoxiao stopped crying and became quiet after being touched by Yin Xiaoxiao. I have to say it is a miracle!
Ouyang Mingxuan's face darkened when he heard what the nanny said.What nonsense are you talking about?Who is that kitten's mother?
Compared to Ouyang Mingxuan's angry expression, Jun Moyin was completely shocked.He looked at the quiet child in the nanny's arms in astonishment, and then looked at Yin Xiaoxiao in disbelief.
Well!His child really looked in Yin Xiaoxiao's direction without blinking, as if he was looking at Yin Xiaoxiao!Said, how far can such a small child see?
Yin Xiaoxiao touched the little prince's face and said with a smile: "Look, this child is still very well-behaved, won't he stop crying now?"
While talking, Yin Xiaoxiao came up to the young prince and made faces, and said with a playful smile: "Baby, give me a smile for my aunt! Smile!"
Strangely enough, when the child heard Yin Xiaoxiao's words, he grinned and laughed softly, "Hehe! Hehehe!"
The young prince is very handsome and cute, much like Jun Moyin.Now this smile looks so naive and silly, which is enough to make the whole audience cute!
Yin Xiaoxiao pointed at the young prince in astonishment and turned around and asked, "Did you see it? Did you see it? He smiled!"
Ouyang Mingxuan curled his lips and snorted coldly: "Just laugh, there's nothing to make a fuss about, who wouldn't? Okay, kid, you saw it too, let's go back home, right?"
Just as Yin Xiaoxiao was about to say stay a little longer, Ouyang Mingxuan added, "My children also need to sleep, so don't stay here!"
When Yin Xiaoxiao heard what Ouyang Mingxuan said later, he felt it made sense.She is a modern person, and her hobby for babies is widely spread. She knows that children in confinement like to sleep.
So after thinking about it, he nodded and responded to Ouyang Mingxuan: "Yes, that's what you said! Then let's come see the young prince another day!"
Ouyang Mingxuan nodded repeatedly, "Okay!"
He said yes, but secretly laughed secretly in his heart: "Another day? Then just wait slowly! There are definitely various reasons why you can't leave the mansion, especially not letting you come to Prince Lian's mansion, hum!"
When Ouyang Mingxuan and Yin Xiaoxiao were about to leave, Jun Mo did not force them to stay.His children love to cry, which bothers even him, let alone Ouyang Mingxuan and Yin Xiaoxiao!Thinking that Yin Xiaoxiao is also pregnant with Liujia now, Yin Xiaoxiao must be upset because his child is crying like this, so just leave, he won't stay!
However, when Jun Moyin was about to send Ouyang Mingxuan and Yin Xiaoxiao out, the young prince in the nanny's arms behind him burst out crying again.
"Whoaaah! Whoaaah!"
Very aggrieved, very sad, like an abandoned child.
Yin Xiaoxiao's maternal instinct overflowed, and she subconsciously turned back to take the baby from the wet nurse's arms and hold her in her arms to comfort her, "Oh oh oh, baby, don't cry! Auntie is here, don't cry, don't cry!"
Then, something happened that made Ouyang Mingxuan vomit blood.The little kid just stopped crying and whined weakly, as if he was complaining of grievances.
"Jun Moyin, what do you mean by your son? Isn't he a lustful person at a young age and has fallen in love with my wife?" Ouyang Mingxuan looked a little annoyed at the side.
These wolf cubs were born to a wolf father. I saw his woman’s eyes glowing green, and the younger one saw his woman’s eyes glowing green too. Are they going to rebel?
Jun Moyin was also a little puzzled, why were his children so clingy and clingy?Is this why he likes Yin Xiaoxiao in his bones?Because he likes it as a father, so the child also likes it?
Ouyang Mingxuan hated Jun Moyin's son Jun Feili extremely!Yes, the young prince of Prince Lian's palace was named Jun Feili.
This little kid has been attached to Yin Xiaoxiao ever since Ouyang Mingxuan and Yin Xiaoxiao went to Prince Lian's Mansion to see him.He stopped crying when he saw Yin Xiaoxiao. If Yin Xiaoxiao teased him a few times, he would still grin.
Ouyang Mingxuan admitted that the brat looked very much like his father in appearance and appearance, which was quite cute.But no matter how cute he is, Ouyang Mingxuan can't like him.Because he can rob people better than his damn father, including Ouyang Mingxuan's people!To be clear, they are robbing Yin Xiaoxiao!
Isn’t that right!Every day after lunch, Jun Moyin's carriage would arrive at his Zhongnan Prince's Mansion as scheduled.what?Let’s find Yin Xiaoxiao to coax the kids!
Jun Feili wakes up after lunch every day without sleeping, crying with his mouth wide open.All it takes is Jun Moyin to say, "Let's go, son, go find your aunt!"
Uh-huh, as if the child wanted to understand, he immediately stopped crying and waited obediently for the wet nurse to dress him and change him into a quilt. Then his father, Jun Moyin, carried him into the carriage and went to the Zhongnan Palace.Then, he can see his favorite Aunt Yin!
Ouyang Mingxuan was a man who vomited blood. Every day he saw his woman hugging other people's children, asking for help and coaxing him softly.The man from another family was sitting aside, looking at the child in Yin Xiaoxiao's arms with gentle eyes.Of course, he mostly looks at the woman holding the child, his Yin Xiaoxiao!
Ouch!Ouyang Mingxuan was almost furious.Oh shit, how is it now?Has he become an outsider?Jun Moyin and his son occupied his palace and his wife, as if the three of them were a happy family. They staged a happy scene in front of him every day. Do they want to piss him off or something?
Ever since, Ouyang Mingxuan began to look forward to Yin Xiaoxiao having a baby soon.Because after Yin Xiaoxiao gave birth to a child, Jun Moyin could no longer hold his wolf cub to occupy Yin Xiaoxiao.Women and children during confinement must be treated with extra care and attention, and it is inconvenient to see others!
Finally, under Ouyang Mingxuan's long-awaited expectation, Yin Xiaoxiao... went into labor!
"Ah! It hurts so much! Ah! I can't help it, I can't give birth, I can't give birth! Ah! Xiaoxiao, help me! Xiaoxiao, please save me, wuwuwu! I really can't give birth. ! It hurts me so much, I’m about to die!” In the side room, Yin Xiaoxiao’s shrill cries could be heard endlessly.
But the strange thing is that Yin Xiaoxiao was clearly giving birth inside, but she was crying and calling "Xiaoxiao" to save her!What's going on?
It turned out that before giving birth, Yin Xiaoxiao was so painful that she almost fainted, so she despicably exchanged souls with Ouyang Mingxuan and left the responsibility of giving birth to Ouyang Mingxuan.
At this moment, Ouyang Mingxuan, whose soul was in Yin Xiaoxiao's body in the wing room, was in pain and wanted to roll on the bed and faint.Several midwives kept shouting, "Princess, please work harder, Princess, please work harder." Ouyang Mingxuan was about to cry!
He was in so much pain that he couldn't use any energy.
Outside the door of the wing, Yin Xiaoxiao and Dad Yin, whose souls were in Ouyang Mingxuan's body, kept walking back and forth. After hearing the shrill scream belonging to 'Yin Xiaoxiao' in the wing, Dad Yin was anxious. Stomp your feet.
"Oh, Xiaoxiao, this can't work! How can a grown man like Mingxuan know how to give birth to a child? Hurry up and exchange souls with him, and go and give birth! You are a woman, and having children is your business. How can you let him Mingxuan gave birth to you? That's not okay!" Father Yin scolded Yin Xiaoxiao, whose soul was in Ouyang Mingxuan's body, while eagerly persuading him to give birth to the child by himself.
He is afraid!I'm afraid that if Ouyang Mingxuan continues to ink like this, the child will be starved of oxygen in his stomach!
(End of this chapter)

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