
Chapter 16 The Fighter in the Metamorphosis

Chapter 16 The Fighter in the Metamorphosis
Jun Moyin raised his hand, pointed at Yin Xiaoxiao fiercely, and scolded angrily: "You are an unruly woman, your behavior is frivolous, you are just like a wandering butterfly among women!"
Hearing this, Yin Xiaoxiao was not angry. She twirled her orchid fingers and walked forward, holding Jun Mo Yin's slender hand and poking at the nose of Jun Mo Yin's body, "Hehehe, my prince, you come over here." Point, here. Then, scold as hard as you can, as much as you want!"
With his deliberately manipulated accent and his raised orchid fingers, he looked like a disgusting perverted father-in-law.
Jun Moyin's stomach surged with waves of retching. This damn Yin Xiaoxiao was occupying his body and acting in all kinds of coquettish and pretentious ways. How could he bear it?
Forced to suppress the discomfort in his stomach, Jun Moyin's face was still ugly, but his words were helplessly softened, "Yin Xiaoxiao, stop fooling around, it's too late to serve tea to the concubine later!"
Well, he is under the roof and has to bow his head.Ahhhh, I have a feeling that he has lost the majesty he deserves as a prince in front of this damn woman!
Yin Xiaoxiao was not an unyielding master. She raised her lips, murmured a few words, exchanged souls with Jun Moyin again, and returned to their respective places.
"Now, take off the gauze on my hand!" As soon as Yin Xiaoxiao returned to his body, he immediately raised his hand in front of Jun Moyin again.
Jun Moyin had not yet digested the discomfort of the soul returning to the body, but he did not dare to refuse. He gritted his teeth and helped Yin Xiaoxiao untie the circles of gauze wrapped around her hands.He has absolutely reason to believe that if he doesn't help Yin Xiaoxiao, that damn woman will continue to exchange souls with her repeatedly, causing him to die of mental and physical exhaustion!
Yin Xiaoxiao tilted her head and watched as the circles of gauze were untied, finally revealing the palm of her hand that had been stabbed by scissors in the early morning.Jun Moyin also saw the freshly sealed scar on the tender hand, and a trace of discomfort flashed across his face.
The fingers are connected to the heart, it seems... it must be painful, right?If his concubine Zhen Yuyan cuts her finger, she will definitely shed tears in pain. She is so pitiful that it makes people feel heartbroken!
And this carefree woman...
But when the gauze was removed, Yin Xiaoxiao jumped out of bed, looking like nothing was wrong, as if it was not her who was injured, but someone else.
After Yin Xiaoxiao got out of bed, Jun Moyin's eyes tightened when he glanced at the blush on the bed.During the wedding night, a snow-white brocade handkerchief must be spread on the bed, and the woman's red mark is printed on it to prove her virginity.And this brocade handkerchief dyed red is what he will take to the Yin family in exchange for warm jade.
Stepping forward, Jun Moyin picked up the brocade handkerchief, folded it carefully, and stuffed it into his arms. He felt an indescribable strange feeling in his heart.Very weird!
When Yin Xiaoxiao saw Jun Moyin's actions, a sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of her lips, "Oh, the prince is really affectionate towards his concubine. In order to help his sister get Nuanyu, he did not hesitate to sell his own body and take his concubine's body with him." Such a lowly person even folds the red brocade handkerchief himself and doesn’t feel dirty!”
I silently added in my mind, 'Your sister is really a perverted fighter!' '
Jun Moyin frowned and did not answer Yin Xiaoxiao's taunt, but walked out of the wedding room directly.
Yin Xiaoxiao raised his eyebrows and followed closely...
After a while, Jun Moyin and Yin Xiaoxiao came to the east wing of the palace one after another.
Jun Moyin's mother's concubine was named Dou. She was 41 years old. She was the favored concubine of the late emperor and was given the title "Xian".After the death of the late emperor, Concubine Dou Xian was promoted to Concubine Dou, and she and her son Jun Mo were introduced to live in Prince Xian's Mansion.
Yin Xiaoxiao had been recalling the details of the daughter-in-law serving tea to her mother-in-law in the costume drama. At this moment, she walked forward with small steps and knelt down to the Queen Dou who was sitting there.
"Daughter-in-law, Xiaoxiao, greets her mother-in-law, and wishes her happiness, longevity, health and eternal youth!" Yin Xiaoxiao kowtowed three times in a row, pretending to be a lady, with a decent smile on her face. At first glance, she looked like a well-educated princess. of.
Concubine Dou was quite satisfied with Yin Xiaoxiao's performance and nodded frequently.In ancient times, when a daughter-in-law came in and served tea to her mother-in-law for the first time, she would kowtow.The louder the kowtow is, the more respect and admiration one has for the elderly!
At this time, a grandma came forward with tea.Yin Xiaoxiao took the tea, raised it high above her head, and handed it to Mrs. Dou.
"Mother-in-law, please use tea!"
Concubine Dou looked at Yin Xiaoxiao in surprise, with an indescribable strange emotion flashing on her face.
Yin Xiaoxiao had a gentle look on her face, holding the teacup high with both hands steadily, not impatient or impatient, just waiting for Concubine Dou to take the teacup.She knew what the other party was surprised about, so she raised the tea cup high above her head. This detail seemed like nothing, but for ancient mothers-in-law, it was a great respect.
"Good boy, what a sensible and good boy!" Concubine Dou finally took the tea from Yin Xiaoxiaofeng and drank the whole cup with a smile on her face.
Yin Xiaoxiao secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If Concubine Dou took a sip, she was dissatisfied with her daughter-in-law.Drinking it all in one gulp at this moment is silently telling everyone that even if she, Yin Xiaoxiao, is a concubine, she is also the daughter-in-law recognized by Mrs. Dou and the mistress of the palace!
After serving tea to Mrs. Dou, I also wanted to say hello to Jun Moyin's principal concubine and concubine.Yin Xiaoxiao followed Jun Moyin and exited the living room of the east wing.
"Huh, you're pretending to be so! If I hadn't been lucky enough to see your rude and bad nature, I would have thought you were a well-behaved woman!" Jun Moyin sneered at Yin Xiaoxiao's behavior of acting well in front of his mother and concubine.
Yin Xiaoxiao curled her lips and retorted without showing any signs of weakness: "Both each other! If I hadn't been lucky enough to enter the body of the prince and see your head full of dirty and obscene thoughts, I would have always thought that you, the prince, are a virtuous, filial and elegant person. A man! Tsk tsk, the result is just a beast in clothes. In other words, all men in clothes are beasts, I dare not agree with that, haha!"
Completely mocking tone, contemptuous eyes and contempt!
Jun Moyin gritted his teeth, making a crunching sound.He sadly found that he was at a loss for words to defend himself against this hateful woman, Yin Xiaoxiao.Or, to put it more bluntly, Yin Xiaoxiao has a sharp tongue and he can't match others in terms of words!
Without saying anything, Jun Moyin deliberately strode ahead, leaving Yin Xiaoxiao maliciously behind.Yin Xiaoxiao wasn't angry either, and walked slowly and slowly with small square steps.Anyway, she had entered Jun Moyin's body, and she was no less familiar with the environment of Prince Xian's Mansion than Jun Moyin.
"Hey, haven't you eaten? Can't you walk faster?" The sudden scolding made Yin Xiaoxin jump.
Looking up, Jun Moyin, who had left her behind all the way, turned back at some point.
Yin Xiaoxiao curled her lips, with a look of bitterness and hatred on her face, "My lord, have your brains been eaten by pigs? Don't you care whether I have eaten or not?"
Finally, I gave Jun Mo Ying a look of disdain that said, "Man and God are angry, staring at someone's pregnancy"!
Jun Moyin was baptized by Yin Xiaoxiao's unfriendly gaze, and his handsome face was as dark as if he had eaten a puppy's daddy.
He strode forward and grabbed Yin Xiaoxiao by the collar of her back like a chicken. As he dragged her away, he said plausibly, "If you walk like this, you won't be able to walk there even if it gets dark. If you want to eat, just Let’s go!”
Yin Xiaoxiao took her lazy personality to the extreme and allowed Jun Moyin to drag her forward.Just drag if you like. If your clothes are torn, buy new ones with Jun Moyin's money!Even if your shoes get damaged on the ground, you can buy new ones with Jun Moyin’s money!She doesn't care!
In the west wing lives Jun Moyin's concubine Jin Lian'er!
When Yin Xiaoxiao went to greet her, Jin Lian'er didn't give her a good look. He strode forward and scolded her sharply: "What a shameless little bitch!"
Yin Xiaoxiao had big question marks written all over her face, and she was stunned on the spot!Who did she provoke?She was scolded as soon as she walked in. How could she be so 'shameless'?Why did he become a 'little bitch'?
He looked suspiciously at Jun Moyin aside, but saw that the guy seemed not to have heard Jin Lian'er's words.
However, the curve of the corners of his lips silently told Yin Xiaoxiao that he had heard it!However, he didn't care.In fact, he was looking forward to the next developments with the attitude of watching a good show!
Yin Xiaoxiao believes that you can't make too many enemies as a person. Many friends mean many roads, many enemies mean many walls. This is all a given!Even if she couldn't be friends with Jin Lian'er, she didn't want to be her enemy.
Just as she was about to speak to lighten the atmosphere, she heard Jin Lian'er rebuke again: "Look at you, you have a sharp-mouthed monkey and a charming face. In order to marry the prince, he did not hesitate to use your family's warm jade as bait. Do you think you will marry into the prince's palace? Did your conspiracy succeed? I tell you, you are just making wedding clothes for others. The prince is not marrying you Yin Xiaoxiao, but the warm jade of your Yin family, with the purpose of giving it to him who is afraid of the cold. Concubine's body protection!"
Jin Lian'er doesn't need to say this, Yin Xiaoxiao also knows it!So she hears with her left ear and hears with her right ear!
"I have never seen such a shameless woman like you. Are all the men in the world dead? Why do you have to marry the prince? Why do you think you are so mean..." Jin Lianer spat. , facing Yin Xiaoxiao were endless scoldings.
A bitch, a slut, a shameless, a fox, all kinds of ugly words were brought out, and they were bombarded at Yin Xiaoxiao, just like the water of the Yellow River overflowing, it was endless!
Yin Xiaoxiao stood there dully, looking at Jin Lian'er with bright and sad eyes at 45 degrees, silently counting in her heart how many times she had scolded her for being shameless, and how many times she had spit on his face.
She said she admired her endurance.In fact, she really wanted to punch her away and make Jin Lian'er, who was uttering obscene words, have eyes as good as the American treasure panda.But she held back!This Jin Lian'er was forced to marry by Jun Mo Yin, and he was not favored to begin with, so he felt the same pain as her.Why is she, a woman, so troublesome to that woman, Jin Lian'er?
If she's not tired...then keep scolding, well, keep scolding!
(End of this chapter)

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