
Chapter 160 Lei Jingting Extra

Chapter 160 Lei Jingting Extra (Full Complete)
Lei Jingting never thought that he would be plotted by Ouyang Mingxuan, drugged and thrown into Yihongyuan.What does this damn stinky man think of him?
He, Lei Jingting, had said it long ago that he only had Yin Xiaoxiao in his heart.It's not Ouyang Mingxuan's wife Yin Xiaoxiao, but the soul of the deceased Yin Xiaoxiao who was engaged to Lei Jingting.
The reason why he went to Prince Lian's Mansion from time to time was simply because Yin Xiaoxiao's face belonged to the Yin Xiaoxiao that Lei Jingting had loved, so he wanted to see it, as a way of seeing things and thinking about people.
But how did this infringe on Ouyang Mingxuan's interests?How dare he throw him into a dirty place like Yihongyuan and give him medicine?
No!He wants to leave here.
Relying on his only sanity, Lei Jingting stumbled towards the door.
As soon as he reached the door, the door was pushed open, and a flirtatious woman in scantily clad clothes walked in followed by a pretty little maid.
"Uncle, I'm here to serve you!" The voluptuous woman hugged Lei Jingting as soon as she entered the door. The pungent scent of her body disgusted Lei Jingting.
The little maid behind her strolled to the bed and laid out a quilt, and said to the seductive woman in a warm voice: "Master, the bed is ready!"
The charming woman responded and signaled the little maid to leave.
Lei Jingting was so disgusted with the coquettish woman at this moment that he struck hard at the coquettish woman who threw herself into his arms.
"Uh!" Hearing a muffled groan, the charming woman fainted.
"Ah! Master!" The little maid had already reached the door. When she heard the sound, she immediately turned around and saw her master lying on the ground. She immediately screamed and rushed forward.From beginning to end, I never glanced at Lei Jingting!
Lei Jingting saw the little maid squatting on the ground calling the seductive woman, her voice was soft and small, and because the blood all over her body was boiling, so...
Finally unable to bear it any longer, Lei Jingting strode forward, picked up the little maid, and carried her to the bed without any explanation.
After an unknown amount of time, the little maid's tears dried up and she fainted from the torture. The medicine on Lei Jingting's body gradually dissipated, and he fell heavily on the big bed and fell asleep.
In a daze, I seemed to hear someone whispering in my ear, "Jingting, I'm glad, I'm clean this time!"
Lei Jingting was too tired to delve into the meaning of those words.He didn't know, so he missed his best marriage!
In the blink of an eye, it is already four years later.During this period, Lei Jingting fought on the battlefield and put down wars, so he spent very little time in the capital.
This time I came back to the capital to prepare to settle down!He is 31, it’s time to start a family and leave a heir for the Lei family!
Ouyang Mingxuan and Yin Xiaoxiao gave birth to a pair of cute twins, and Jun Moyin also had a son.Lei Jingting looked at the three children and felt itchy in his heart. They were so cute and he loved them!He is the only one who is still alone at such an old age.
I knew clearly in my heart that I had the same mentality as Jun Moyin, and I felt like... I would never fall in love again!However, seeing the close father-son relationship between Jun Moyin and Jun Feili, Lei Jingting still hoped that he could have a child of his own.
After having this idea, Lei Jingting was crazy anxious to get married and have children.Then he would no longer be alone!It doesn't matter who marries him or has children with him.
As soon as the news came out that Lei Jingting wanted to get married and have children, countless matchmakers came to visit and introduce beautiful girls to Lei Jingting.Some are daughters from official families, and some are ladies from merchant families.But after looking at four or five of them, Lei Jingting didn't take notice of any of them.
Either the other person is too artificial or too arrogant. No one is as gentle as his Xiaoxiao!
On this day, a colleague in the officialdom wanted to act as a matchmaker for Lei Jingting.The woman is very demanding and hopes to find someone who is not bothersome.The colleague invited Lei Jingting to Yihong Courtyard to test whether Lei Jingting was greedy for beauty.
Because of this unexpected trip, Lei Jingting met the love of his life, the love that has never changed—Yin Xiaoxiao!
Originally Lei Jingting didn't want to come, but his colleagues warmly invited him, and Lei Jingting couldn't resist, so he followed.
After entering the door, the colleague looked like he was enjoying himself.But Lei Jingting had a cold face and drank alone, turning a blind eye to those beauties.
When the colleague saw this, he was very satisfied, so he paid the money and left with Lei Jingting, preparing to take people directly to meet his rumored gentle and virtuous little cousin.Lei Jingting had some impression of the little cousin mentioned by his colleagues. Rumor has it that she is a talented woman with a gentle personality and a sweet heart.
Lei Jingting thought that if he married such a woman, he would give birth to a smart and cute baby, right?Moreover, the other party has a docile temperament and just wants to find a good man who doesn't spend too much time and alcohol.And he is determined not to take in concubines and raise concubines.When they are together, there will be no passion, but their days will definitely be as dull as water.
This is exactly what Lei Jingting hopes!
He and his colleague walked out of the private room of Yihongyuan and walked downstairs to the lobby on the first floor. Because they were walking too fast, they bumped into a little girl.
"Ouch! Mother, it hurts!" The child, who looked about three or four years old, cried loudly after being knocked to the ground.
Lei Jingting likes children, no matter whose family they are.Seeing that the child was knocked down, he bent over and picked up the child and coaxed: "Good baby, stop crying! It's uncle's fault. Uncle didn't bump into you on purpose!"
Unexpectedly, after the child saw Lei Jingting's handsome face, he really stopped crying. Instead, he stretched out his arms and hugged his neck tightly and shouted: "Dad, where have you been? Miaomiao misses you so much!"
At that moment, not only Lei Jingting felt that he had been struck by lightning, but even his colleagues around him widened their eyes in shock.
He looked at Lei Jingting in surprise and shouted angrily: "Lei Jingting, do you have a daughter?"
Lei Jingting hurriedly explained: "No, this is not my daughter!"
As soon as the words fell, the little girl started to cry, "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Dad, don’t deny Miaomiao, Miaomiao will be very good and obedient! You are my dad, you are my dad!"
No matter how Lei Jingting explained it, the little girl believed that Lei Jingting was her father.In desperation, Lei Jingting asked his colleagues to leave first and took the little girl to find her mother.
He had to see what kind of mother this girl named Miaomiao had, and how to educate the child to call everyone daddy when meeting people?
Miaomiao happily pulled Lei Jingting and walked familiarly through the various places in Yihong Courtyard, making Lei Jingting click his tongue in surprise.
"Miaomiao, did you grow up in Yihongyuan?" Lei Jingting asked.
Miaomiao nodded and said, "Yes! Mom and I have been waiting for daddy."
Lei Jingting had a big head, "Are you so sure that I am your father? Do you know who I am?"
Miaomiao still nodded, "I know! You are my father, your name is Lei Jingting, and my name is Lei Miaomiao. I grew up looking at my father's portrait since I was a child. My mother said that my father was a general who went to the border to fight in the war to protect the people. The family defends the country.”
Lei Jingting frowned, "You said you grew up looking at my portrait? Where did you get the portrait?"
Miaomiao smiled, "Of course it was my mother who drew it! My mother draws a lot of daddy every day. Her paintings look like Miaomiao can recognize daddy at a glance!"
Lei Jingting was speechless!
When Miaomiao brought Lei Jingting to a small wing in the backyard of Yihongyuan, Lei Jingting was even more speechless!In the small wing room, the only most treasured thing is Lei Jingting's portrait, there are so many of them.
"Dad, look, mom's paintings are very similar, don't they?" Miaomiao took out many paintings to show to Lei Jingting.
Lei Jingting looked at each one, his heart becoming more and more tangled and trembling.So many portraits, all of him!There are some smiling, serious and sullen, distressed, melancholy, standing, sitting, and next to the portrait...
"This!" Lei Jingting looked at the words next to the portrait in shock. Without exception, the words 'Lei Jingting' were written on them, his name.
But that's not the point. The point is that the characters are so graceful, so familiar, and so similar to...Yin Xiaoxiao's handwriting!
But, this is impossible?Xiaoxiao is dead, and the one who is alive is Ouyang Mingxuan's wife, a soul from a thousand years in the future!
"Miaomiao, you...what's your mother's name?" Lei Jingting couldn't help but asked curiously.
Miaomiao tilted her head and responded quickly: "Yu'er! The aunts in Yihong Courtyard all call mother Yu'er!"
Yu'er?Lei Jingting's eyes dimmed.Let’s just say, how could it be his Xiaoxiao?
In the midst of sadness, I suddenly heard a gentle call from outside the door. It was very soft and the voice was very soft, "Miao Miao! Miao Miao?"
Lei Jingting trembled all over. This voice... was damn familiar, as if he had heard it more than once!
Miaomiao, who was sitting next to Lei Jingting, heard her mother's call and happily responded: "Mom, I'm in the room! Daddy is back!"
"Bang!" The sound of a copper basin falling to the ground came from outside the door.
Lei Jingting frowned, stood up and strode towards the door.
When he opened the door, he saw a beautiful woman standing outside.The woman was in her 20s and looked very unfamiliar.
She looked at Lei Jingting without blinking, her eyes full of deep infatuation, as if she had known and fallen in love with Lei Jingting for many, many years.That look made Lei Jingting's throat feel clogged.
Once upon a time, a woman looked at him like this!
"Jingting, you're finally back! I've been waiting for you for a long time!" The woman's eyes were red and she murmured in a low voice, then she rushed forward regardless and hugged Lei Jingting tightly. .
Lei Jingting looked at the petite woman in his arms in astonishment, feeling dazed for a while.This woman called his name and said such affectionate words.The strange thing is that he doesn't hate it, but it sounds... weirdly comfortable?
"You..." Lei Jingting pursed his lips and took a long time to say a word.
The woman looked up at Lei Jingting with tears streaming down her face, "Jingting, I am Xiaoxiao! I am Xiaoxiao!"
Lei Jingting's eyes tightened, and he felt as if his heart was being grabbed tightly by a big invisible hand.
He swallowed his saliva and asked with great difficulty: "You...say it again!"
The woman cried and repeated: "I am Xiaoxiao, I am your Xiaoxiao, Jingting!"
If he hadn't seen the portrait in the room and seen the writing next to the portrait, Lei Jingting probably wouldn't believe what this woman named Yu'er said.However, he had seen it and suspected it, and coupled with the deep love in Yu'er's eyes, it couldn't be faked!
"Xiao Xiao? Are you really Xiao Xiao?" Lei Jingting asked, but his hands were already hugging Yu'er tightly.I don’t know why, but I just believe what Yu’er said and believe that she is his Xiaoxiao.
Besides his little one, who else would look at him with such affectionate eyes?Besides his Xiaoxiao, who else would call him 'Jingting' so gently?
After hearing that Yu'er talked about her past when she was still a small child, Lei Jingting felt very sorry for Yu'er.At that time, Yin Xiaoxiao, with endless love for Lei Jingting and guilt, sat on the sedan chair and entered the door of Prince Lian's Mansion.
Because Yin's father used Mo Yu to force her, Jun Moyin didn't listen to Yin Xiaoxiao's begging words and raped her alive.Because he was not interested in Yin Xiaoxiao's body, which was like a dead fish, Jun Moyin had to take such medicine.Yin Xiaoxiao clung to Jun Mo's body in pain and despair. Until the moment she closed her eyes and died, all she thought about was Lei Jingting!
When she woke up again, Yin Xiaoxiao was no longer Yin Xiaoxiao, but a maid from Yihongyuan.
Gently holding Lei Jingting's hand back into the house, she sat on the bed, holding Lei Jingting in one hand and Lei Miaomiao in the other. Yu'er burst into tears of joy.
"Jingting, you must not believe that there is such a coincidence in the world, right? Do you still remember four years ago, when you were tricked by King Zhongnan into giving you medicine and thrown into Yihongyuan?" Yu'er raised her face and asked Lei Jing Ting.
Lei Jingting looked a little embarrassed. How could he not remember?
Yu'er asked again, "Then do you remember who you slept with that night?"
Lei Jingting shook his head, then glanced at the faces of Yu'er and Miaomiao, and exclaimed in disbelief: "Uh! Xiaoxiao, don't tell me, you were the one I slept with that night, and Miaomiao was My daughter?"
Yu'er smiled coyly, "Nonsense, otherwise where did others get the child? Could it be that he gave birth to it himself?"
Lei Jingting was burnt on the outside and tender on the inside, "You! You woman, did you want me to die on purpose? Since you were reborn and remembered me and everything about us, why didn't you come to me? I slept with you, You gave birth to my child and you still don’t come to me? You..."
Seeing that Lei Jingting was very excited and angry, Yu'er shrank her neck and responded softly: "When I woke up, I found myself working as a maid in Yihongyuan with a low status. How could I dare to go to you openly? ? I feel sorry for what happened in my previous life! And...and..."
"And what?" Lei Jingting asked without curiosity, as if Yu'er would not give up until she gave him a reasonable explanation.
Yu'er bit her lip and said unspeakably: "At that time, you seemed to have fallen in love with my body. Although I don't know why I was clearly dead, but the body was still alive and well, but I knew it was not me anymore. She brought you and Prince Zhongnan and Prince Xiaoyao to Yihongyuan once. I saw it from a distance. I know that she has an outgoing and cheerful personality. If you like her, you will be even more afraid to look for you!"
Lei Jingting was so angry that Yu'er vomited blood, "Then I wanted you later. Why didn't you go to me after you gave birth to my child?"
Yu'er continued to shrink her neck, "I looked for it, but you Shenlong never came back, and you were away from the capital for almost the whole year! When I heard that you were back in the capital, Dian Dian'er went to look for you and found that you were gone. Helplessly Come on, I can only wait and wait until now!"
Lei Jingting pulled Yu'er over and kissed her hard on the lips, "You stupid woman, can't you write a letter to the military camp? You have suffered a lot with your children these years, haven't you?"
Yu'er shook her head lightly, "Fortunately, I am unmarried and have a child. The girls in Yihong Courtyard are very good to me and Miaomiao. They all like Miaomiao, so they are pretty good to me!"
What Yu'er said was true. From pregnancy to giving birth to raising the child, everyone wanted to experience the feeling of being a mother. They all loved Miaomiao as if they were their own daughters.
Lei Jingting held Yu'er and Miaomiao's hands tightly, and said like an oath: "Xiaoxiao, I will marry you, and we will get married! From now on, our family will live happily together. I want to give you mother and daughter I love you so much and I want you to be the happiest people in the world!"
Yu'er and Miaomiao nodded, with tears in their eyes.This was the day that their mother and daughter had been looking forward to for so many days and nights, and finally the joy came to an end!
Yes, their mother and daughter have gone through all the hardships, and Lei Jingting has also come through all the hardships, and found his own happiness that has never changed from beginning to end...
(End of this chapter)

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