
Chapter 29

Chapter 29
Seeing the two men changing cups and chatting happily, Yin Xiaoxin cursed Ouyang Mingxuan across from him a hundred and eighty times.
Damn stinky man, ruined my good deeds.Drink it, drink it to death, you will both be drunk in a while, I will never care if I fuck you both!
Yin Xiaoxin's eyes suddenly lit up after this thought flashed through his mind.
Although Ouyang Mingxuan lingers around Hua Cong and is romantic, he is still a handsome man like a monster.Why doesn't she take advantage of these two handsome men today?
After having this wretched and slutty thought, Yin Xiaoxiao's depression was instantly wiped away, and even the eyes he looked at the two men opposite were full of thief!
Wine is a good thing and can be intoxicating.I was so drunk that Mao'er didn't even remember it when I woke up!
After Yin Xiaoxiao had the idea of ​​​​taking in the two men opposite him, he took the initiative to call the waiter and ordered a few more bottles of wine, and then stood behind Ouyang Mingxuan and Jun Moshao to help pour the wine. .She was going to get these two men drunk!
Cup after cup, jar after jar.Finally, under Yin Xiaoxiao's ardent expectant gaze, Jun Moshao and Ouyang Mingxuan fell unconscious on the table one after another.
"Yeah, done!" Yin Xiaoxiao put down the wine jar in her hand happily, opened the door of the elegant room and disappeared like a fly.
After Yin Xiaoxiao left, Ouyang Mingxuan sat up at the table in the private room, with no trace of drunkenness on his face.
Thinking of Ouyang Mingxuan lingering among flowers, the outside world commented on his romantic nature.Can a person like him get drunk with just a few jars of wine?
The reason why he pretended to be drunk was because when he was having a drink with Jun Moshao, he noticed that Yin Xiaoxiao was depressed with his head hanging down, but then suddenly his eyes flashed, looking at him like a fox seeing a chicken.He was suspicious, secretly wondering if Jun Moshao had made friends by mistake, and suspected that Yin Xiaoxiao wanted to get them drunk on purpose and take the opportunity to steal their money!
So at the moment, he would definitely follow Jun Moshao, who was really drunk, and pretend to be drunk to see what tricks this woman was playing.
However, what he didn't expect was that this woman would slip away!Escaped?Really slipped away?Not stealing money?How can it be?
When doubts filled my mind, there were rapid footsteps outside the door.Ouyang Mingxuan immediately lay down on the table and continued to pretend to be drunk.
After a while, the door to the private room opened, then closed again, followed by the sound of the door being bolted.
Yes, Yin Xiaoxiao is back!
"Hehehe!" Yin Xiaoxiao approached the table step by step, smiling extremely...
For a moment, all the words that could describe that smile flashed through Ouyang Mingxuan's mind as follows - 'Ghastly!Weird!Creepy!Despicable silver slut! '
He just felt like goosebumps all over his body were falling to the ground!
But I heard Yin Xiaoxiao laugh slyly and say: "Hey, you two handsome guys, let me have a good time eating meat, have fun, hahaha!"
Ouyang Mingxuan was stunned. What did this mean?Could it be...
He hangs around flowers all day long and is particularly sensitive to the word "open meat".Could it be that this woman doesn't want to rob money, but... robs sex?
God, is it true or false?A girl who is not only tall but absolutely beautiful, wants to make love to the dignified King Xiaoyao and Marquis Zhongnan?One woman, two men?
If Yin Xiaoxiao wants to rob Sejun Moshao, Ouyang Mingxuan understands.Maybe if the girl wants to marry Jun Moshao, she should cook the rice and let him take responsibility!However, it was puzzling to him that it also wanted to rob him of his sex.
I have so many questions in my mind, but I can only stand still and wait and see what happens next!
There are beds in the private rooms for drunken guests to rest.Yin Xiaoxiao took the lead in helping Jun Moshao up and swaying towards the bed.
In front of the wine table, Ouyang Mingxuan kept lying on the table, but his head was slightly tilted, and his bright eyes opened to look at Yin Xiaoxiao.But it was really ridiculous to see that petite woman holding the drunken and unconscious Jun Moshao in her arms as she walked toward the bed, swaying one step at a time.
Haha, he still doesn't believe it. Does this woman really dare to commit suicide to two men?
After Yin Xiaoxiao threw Jun Moshao onto the bed at the speed of a turtle, he took a deep breath and turned around.
Ouyang Mingxuan immediately closed his eyes and pretended to be drunk.He wanted to see what tricks this woman was going to play!
Yin Xiaoxiao strode forward, reached out and took Ouyang Mingxuan's arm, put it on his shoulder, then put his arm around his waist and helped him up.
Ouyang Mingxuan deliberately pressed Yin Xiaoxiao's thin shoulders, causing Yin Xiaoxiao to almost kneel on the ground.
"Well, it's so heavy!" Yin Xiaoxiao sighed and moved towards the bed with difficulty.
One step, two steps, three steps...
Finally, Yin Xiaoxiao moved to the bedside with Ouyang Mingxuan in his arms.Just as he was about to let go and throw Ouyang Mingxuan onto the bed, Ouyang Mingxuan deliberately tilted his feet and fell onto the bed while hugging Yin Xiaoxiao.
With the warm and fragrant soft jade in his arms, bursts of pleasant body fragrance invaded his nasal cavity. Ouyang Mingxuan felt his whole body tighten inexplicably, but his face was as dead as if there was no reaction at all. This shows the depth of this man's concentration!
"Holy shit, I'm crushed to death! Ahem!" Yin Xiaoxiao was completely crushed by Ouyang Mingxuan, and almost couldn't breathe.She pushed Ouyang Mingxuan away vigorously, sat on the edge of the bed and took a deep breath.
Ouyang Mingxuan suppressed his laughter, this woman is so interesting!
After Yin Xiaoxiao took a few breaths, he turned around.She looked around at Jun Moshao and Ouyang Mingxuan, and said to herself in embarrassment: "Well, which one should I attack first?"
Ouyang Mingxuan sighed in his heart, well, this woman really wants to rob her, there really is something out there, and someone out there!Strong, he likes it.
After a while, Yin Xiaoxiao clapped her hands and said with a smile: "Oh, I'm so stupid! Why don't we two do it together? That will be enough. Hahaha, I'm really a genius!"
Ouyang Mingxuan began to feel suspicious, the two of them together?How to get there?
Yin Xiaoxiao didn't give him much time to think. She first pounced on Jun Moshao and roughly took off his clothes and then his pants.He quickly peeled off the other person's skin, not forgetting to praise and praise: "Wow, it's not bad, it's a little white, but it's tender enough."
He reached out and touched Jun Moshao's chest, and sighed to himself: "It's so smooth!"
Ouyang Mingxuan almost laughed out loud.In his 22 years of life, this was the first time he met such a wonderful woman.Shamelessly taking off a man's clothes, then looking at them unscrupulously, and even touching them makes him happy.
This woman is definitely a strange being!
Yin Xiaojun looked at Jun Moshao from head to toe more than ten times. Finally, he raised his hands and turned the opponent over into a head-first posture.
After that, she threw herself into Ouyang Mingxuan's arms with a sly smile. She pulled Ouyang Mingxuan's belt with her fingertips and muttered something in her mouth: "Evil man, be good and let me inspect the goods first to see what's on your body." How many pounds of meat!"
Ouyang Mingxuan closed his eyes tightly and allowed Yin Xiaoxiao to ride on him in an indecent manner and cause trouble.
Yin Xiaoxiao sang Du Dewei's trendy song - "Take Off" while taking off her clothes!
"Take off the coat, take off the coat, take off the coat! Take off the top, take off the top, take off the top! Take off the mask, take off! Take off the fur, take off, take it all off, take it off! Take it off! Take it off!" Take it off! Take it off!”
Yin Xiaoxiao shook his head and sang, and as the words "take off" fell to the ground one by one, Ouyang Mingxuan wore less and less clothes until he was completely naked!
"Hey, this monster has taken good care of himself! These muscles, these abdominal muscles, tsk tsk, I didn't realize that he is still a trainer!" Yin Xiaoxiao's slender hands covered Ouyang Mingxuan Chiguo's chest and strong abdomen.While he couldn't stop admiring, he was drooling.
When Ouyang Mingxuan was praised, he couldn't help but feel proud.Although he stripped naked in front of a strange woman and was seen naked, he felt balanced when he thought that he would be able to see her beautiful body next.
Yin Xiaoxiao stepped forward and turned him over, causing him to face forward.
Ouyang Mingxuan frowned, what's going on?How did you turn him over?How would he see this woman's body like this?To take a step back, it doesn't matter that he can't see the other person's body, but how can the other person fall in love with him?
Qianqian opened his eyes, squinting a little and looked to the side. Jun Moshao was also in a head-down posture.In this way, Ouyang Mingxuan was relieved and continued to watch the changes!
After Yin Xiaoxiao stripped the two men naked and put them in a head-first position, she half-knelt on the edge of the bed, spread their legs one after another, and then laughed so hard that she was so happy!
"Hehehehe, hahaha, beautiful men, I'm here to love you. Be good, I will be very gentle!" Yin Xiaoxiao reached into his arms with both hands, took out two fresh green cucumbers, and then The toothless thief laughed out loud.
Ouyang Mingxuan's back was turned to Yin Xiaoxiao, so naturally he couldn't see the sinister smile on Yin Xiaoxiao's face that would make him shiver, let alone the two small crisp cucumbers in her hands!
He was thinking in his mind, Yin Xiaoxiao was going to take off her clothes, she was going to take off all her clothes!Because she said she would love them, and she would be very gentle!
Swallowing his saliva, Ouyang Mingxuan was looking forward to it. He was looking forward to Yin Xiaoxiao's warm and soft jade body covering his strong and strong body after she stripped naked, and then the two of them became one!
There was no reason for him to refuse the fat meat delivered to his door, right?
Ouyang Mingxuan longed for Yin Xiaoxiao to strip naked and sacrifice himself, and countless erotic and obscene thoughts flashed through his mind.
At that time, Yin Xiaoxiao held a small cucumber in his left hand and right hand, and approached the two men little by little, then with a sudden heart, he poked them mercilessly!
Women, be tougher on men!Uh-huh!
Jun Moshao was very drunk, so he just grunted and continued lying on the bed like a dead pig.
Ouyang Mingxuan's eyes widened in shock, and his eyeballs almost popped out.He grabbed the sheets under him with both hands, almost breaking a silver tooth.
pain!Heart-breaking pain, excruciating pain, heart-breaking pain, and thunder-blasting pain!It hurts so much, it hurts as if someone had torn it apart alive.
At this moment, he admired himself for being able to remain silent despite such indescribable pain. It was amazing!
"Wow, I actually destroyed these two beautiful men, it's so cool!" Yin Xiaoxiao exclaimed, extremely happy.
(End of this chapter)

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