
Chapter 31 The Swordsman

Chapter 31 The Swordsman
The two people looked at each other, their swords at war with each other, and they were full of gunpowder.Jun Moyin stared at Yin Xiaoxiao, and Yin Xiaoxiao also stared at Jun Moyin, neither of them looking favorably on the other.
"Tell me, what's going on between you and Lei Jingting? When did you hook up with him?" Jun Moyin asked Yin Xiaoxiao sharply, as if he was questioning his own wife who had cheated on her.
Such thoughts flashed through Yin Xiaoxiao's mind, and she burst into laughter.wife?Oh, in Jun Moyin's eyes, she is just a despicable concubine, far from being worthy of the word 'wife'!
"Jun Moyin, you have no right to question me like this, take your hands away!" Yin Xiaoxiao sounded unhappy. She didn't like sitting on the cold ground with someone holding her collar.
Jun Moyin frowned and stared at Yin Xiaoxiao with sharp eyes.After a long time, he loosened his hands and pushed Yin Xiaoxiao away hard.
"Oh!" Yin Xiaoxiao fell to the ground again, hit his forehead heavily on the corner of the table, and cried out in pain.
"Yin Xiaoxiao, I really didn't see that you are such a self-degrading woman. You have a life-long private contract with a man at a young age. You are really debauched and shameless. You..." The voice of yelling cursed, but because of Yin Xiaoxiao, When he turned his head, his expression suddenly stopped.
But when he saw Yin Xiao's forehead was bleeding from being hit by the hard corner of the table, the dazzling blood red made Jun Moyin gasp.
He didn't expect that he just missed a push and it would lead to such terrible consequences!
After a while, Yin Xiaoxiao sat at the table in a high profile.Jun Moyin took the cotton and medicinal wine and carefully applied medicine to Yin Xiaoxiao's forehead.
"Hiss!" Yin Xiaoxiao cried out in pain, avoiding Jun Mo's hand that applied the medicine.
Jun Moyin felt a little sorry in his heart, and his tone of voice was sarcastic, "Don't move, or I will use force!"
Yin Xiaoxiao pouted, her little fists were polished, and she waved at Jun Moyin, "You are strong, are you going to force me? Bastard, what's the point of beating a woman? I will go to the street and shout in a while, saying that you are heroic and courageous." The hero king is actually a stinky man who beats women!"
"You!" Jun Moyin was speechless.
Well, he had nothing to say.He was given the title of 'King of Chivalry' by the people because of his chivalry and righteousness. This was Jun Moyin's pride and pride.I have to admit that if people knew that he hit a woman and hit her so hard, it would really damage his image as a knight-errant.
Yin Xiaoxiao raised his head and answered angrily: "Me? What am I? Are you afraid?"
Jun Mo was so angry that he laughed, "Hehehe, I really don't know what 'fear' means?"
Yin Xiaoxiao curled her lips and exposed it without giving any face, "Oh, just blow it, I don't know who was so frightened that he fainted with a 'Oh my God' when he saw the ghost I summoned!"
Looking back now, I still find it funny.
While thinking about it, Yin Xiaoxiao laughed heartily, "Hehe! Hehehe!"
Yin Xiaoxiao only focused on laughing at Jun Moyin, and even forgot about the pain on his forehead.
Jun Moyin felt angry when he heard Yin Xiaoxiao's old story brought up again.The incident of being frightened and fainting by a ghost was indeed beneath the majesty of his prince.
He was about to get angry and wanted to say which pot this woman would not open or lift.But when his eyes touched Yin Xiaoxiao's forehead, which was still bleeding, he forcibly suppressed the resentment in his heart.
He twisted the cotton soaked in medicinal wine and applied it vigorously on Yin Xiaoxiao's injured area. While wiping it, he said in a displeased tone: "You little wild cat with sharp teeth and sharp mouth, I will tame you sooner or later!"
Yin Xiaoxiao exclaimed in pain, and subconsciously yelled: "It's still unclear who will be tamed, you big ruffian wolf!"
After the two people finished speaking, they all realized the ambiguity in their words. 'Little wild cat', 'big ruffian wolf', 'tame', these words all have a kind of ambiguity that is unclear!
They both looked at each other, and after their eyes met, they immediately turned their heads at the same time.Jun Mo turned his gaze away, annoyed that he would say such a thing.Yin Xiaoxiao was so angry that she wanted to bite off her tongue and use it as a shoe mat.
For a moment, the room was silent, and even the sound of breathing could be heard.
For a long time, when Yin Xiaoxiao felt that the air was oppressive and it was difficult for her to breathe, Jun Moyin reached out and twisted new cotton, dipped it in medicinal wine and brought it over.
Yin Xiaoxiao stiffened and allowed Jun Moyin to apply it on her sore forehead.
"Hoo~ho~~ho~~~" Jun Moyin applied the medicinal wine and blew air on the affected area of ​​Yin's small injury to reduce the pain.
Yin Xiaoxiao pursed her lips, feeling extremely embarrassed.She thought that Jun Moyin was definitely doing this out of habit. He must have been blowing and blowing like this when applying the hand medicine to Zhen Yuyan, right?
"Okay!" Not long after, Jun Moyin put down the cotton, said softly, and then started to pack the medicinal wine.
Yin Xiaoxiao said 'hmm', not knowing what to say.Say thank you. The injury on her head was caused by Jun Moyin. How can I thank you?She said you should leave, but she didn't seem to have such a position.Because although the north wing belongs to Yin Xiaoxiao in name, it is actually Jun Moyin's territory!
In the end, Yin Xiaoxiao lowered his head and said nothing at all.
But just because she didn't say it didn't mean Jun Moyin didn't ask.
"Yin Xiaoxiao, what's going on between you and Lei Jingting? I want to hear the truth. You don't want me to send someone to investigate your privacy, right?" Jun Moyin sat at the table and asked in a nonchalant manner. Make a sound.
The implication is that it's okay for Yin Xiaoxiao not to say anything. He can get the answers he wants by sending someone to investigate carefully.
Yin Xiaoxiao wanted to say, "Go and check, check and check," but she opened her lips but did not dare to say it.She was afraid that Jun Moyin would discover her secret that she was not Yin Xiaoxiao!
She is now carrying Yin Xiaoxiao's identity, and Jun Moyin takes into account the gentleman's agreement with Yin's father that he will not embarrass her or hurt her.But what if Jun Moyin finds out that she is not Yin Xiaoxiao?Will he ask Jun Moshao for help and treat her like a monster?
After weighing it again and again, Yin Xiaoxiao gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, okay, don't use coercion or inducement. That's all I say!"
Yin Xiaoxiao narrowed his eyes slightly and sighed before he spoke.
I heard her say quietly: "Lei Jingting and I met in September last year. At that time, the previous emperor passed away and the new emperor had just ascended the throne for more than a month. It was the autumn of troubled times. Thieves were rampant in the capital, especially a man named Hei Spider is the most famous flower-picking thief. Presumably, the prince has an impression of this matter, right?"
Jun Moyin frowned slightly, and then understood, "It's a bit of an impression! I still remember that the black spider was so good at lightness. In just a few days, he robbed and raped many merchants and their daughters in the capital, which made people panic. The emperor's brother ordered Brother Lei investigates this matter and asks him to arrest Black Spider."
Yin Xiaoxiao nodded, "That's right! After Lei Jingting took over the matter, he ambushed a large number of soldiers at the merchant's house where Black Spider might go, and smeared the soul-chasing incense on the merchant's daughter. I was one of them. And unfortunately, I happened to be the one that the black spider snatched away that night."
Jun Moyin frowned even more, as if he had guessed something. He raised his voice and asked, "What then? Brother Lei saved you?"
Yin Xiaoxiao pursed her lips, but nodded, "Well, I was taken to a ruined temple in the mountains by Black Spider, and he took off all my clothes. When I was about to do something wrong, Lei Jingting came with his men looking for Soul Chasing Incense. . He used clothes to cover my shame, but he also saw all of my body. At that time, I was... seeking death and living, shouting that I would commit suicide. Lei Jingting said that after seeing my body, he would be responsible for me and marry me. As my wife. I am grateful to Lei Jingting, and I feel that if he doesn’t dislike me, it would be a good idea for me to agree with him, so we hit it off immediately and made a private commitment for life!"
Yin Xiaoxiao calmly stated that it was a fact, but it was not a fact!This past is true, but it happened to the dead Yin Xiaoxiao and Lei Jingting. It has nothing to do with her, Yin Xiaoxiao, who traveled from modern times.
Jun Moyin took a deep breath and asked after a long while: "Since you are privately committed for life, and you are interested in having a concubine, why do you go to all the trouble to marry into Prince Lian's palace?"
Yin Xiaoxiao smiled bitterly, "Your Majesty, do you think I worked hard to marry into the palace, or was my father forcing me to marry into the palace? Or should I ask, Your Majesty, which of your eyes saw that I worked hard to marry into the palace?" Is your thought going to marry you?"
"This?" Jun Moyin was obviously stunned for a moment, and actually became speechless.In fact, it was indeed Father Yin who came forward to negotiate with him about the Yin family's Nuanyu and Yin Xiaoxiao becoming concubines.And after he married Yin Xiaoxiao, he did know that she did not want to have a bridal chamber, and he forced himself to have sex with her in exchange for the Yin family's love.
He looked away awkwardly, not wanting to face Yin Xiaoxiao's accusing face.
After a while, he asked again: "Then...then since you and Brother Lei have made a secret love, why hasn't he married you?"
Jun Moyin didn't think Lei Jingting was someone who talked the talk, and soldiers didn't make promises easily.Once you say something, you will never go back on it.But he left Yin Xiaoxiao, with whom he was privately committed for life, to go to Mobei to quell the war?This doesn’t make sense, does it?
Or is there some hidden secret that he doesn't know about?
Yin Xiaoxiao fell into deep thought because of Jun Moyin's question.
After a while, she sighed, with a hint of helplessness in her tone, "After Lei Jingting and I made a private decision, an urgent official letter from Mobei came from eight hundred miles away, saying that the barbarians were attacking and causing heavy casualties. The emperor immediately sealed Gang. Lei Jingting, who had made a meritorious service in catching the black spider, was appointed as the Major General of Dingbei. He was assigned to lead troops to Mobei to quell the war. Before Lei Jingting left, he made an appointment with me and asked me to wait for him to marry me when he came back."
After a pause, Yin Xiaoxiao sighed again.Because of the stubborn father Yin, because of the dead Yin Xiaoxiao, and even more because of the relationship between Yin Xiaoxiao and Lei Jingting that died before it blossomed.
She said in a low voice: "After Lei Jingting left, my father started to make arrangements for my marriage. He knew that Lei Jingting and I were privately engaged for life, and he didn't think highly of us. He believed that soldiers fight on the battlefield all day long, and their swords have no eyes. Maybe I will become a dead soul at some point, not worthy of my life. After much tossing and turning, my father got involved with you, Prince, because of the warmth of the Yin family, and finally sent me to Prince Lian's palace as a concubine! This is Is the prince satisfied with the story between me and Lei Jingting?"
At the end, Yin Xiaoxiao raised his head and asked Jun Moyin, with tears already welling up in his eyes.
No one knows the past between the deceased Yin Xiaoxiao and Lei Jingting better than her, and she did not fully tell Jun Moyin.The story between the deceased Yin Xiaoxiao and Lei Jingting is actually far more delicate, more touching, more tangled, and more heartbreaking than what she told.
Jun Moyin patiently listened to the story told by Yin Xiaoxiao, and his eyebrows furrowed more and more tightly.
He took a long breath and asked in a deep voice: "Why didn't you tell me all this on the wedding day? Maybe, I..."
(End of this chapter)

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